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Them's Fightin' Herds


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I've only recently looked into this because I can be slow on certain things in the fandom.  :P Honestly, though, I see a few problems with it that others have mentioned and/or touched upon. One issue is the cost/quality/dev time. From what I've seen so far of Herds, it's costing too much considering the length of development time and end quality (including character selection). In other words, other fighting games do more faster and with less. Even if you don't think cost is a problem, you still have the other two issues.  :ooh:


I think the biggest issue is actually just the genre though. Fighting games are just not the biggest pull. I know tons of fellow bronies that would love Herds if it was just about any other genre. Yes, there are quite a few that want a fighting game but just look at the polls here on the forums. I've seen at least two and the fighting genre polled at 5% or less. I'm sure we'd get a more accurate rating with a larger polling base, but I have yet to find an outside poll on game genres that ever puts the fighting genre out of the dismal single digit percentages. (6% national share of video game sales was the best I found.)  :wat:


So, having said that, I just don't see this ever becoming a [significant or non-mediocre] success unless they branch out Herds as a series with different mediums like different game genres or a tv show. I'm not hating on Herds here. To the contrary, I love the style and if there were a tv series (or just a web series) I'd throw my wallet at it. Or imagine if there was a Herds game in the genres of Fallout, or Sims, or Age of Empires...I know legions of people way more interested in those sorts of things.  :fluttershy:


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I've only recently looked into this because I can be slow on certain things in the fandom.  :P Honestly, though, I see a few problems with it that others have mentioned and/or touched upon. One issue is the cost/quality/dev time. From what I've seen so far of Herds, it's costing too much considering the length of development time and end quality (including character selection). In other words, other fighting games do more faster and with less. Even if you don't think cost is a problem, you still have the other two issues.  :ooh:


I think the biggest issue is actually just the genre though. Fighting games are just not the biggest pull. I know tons of fellow bronies that would love Herds if it was just about any other genre. Yes, there are quite a few that want a fighting game but just look at the polls here on the forums. I've seen at least two and the fighting genre polled at 5% or less. I'm sure we'd get a more accurate rating with a larger polling base, but I have yet to find an outside poll on game genres that ever puts the fighting genre out of the dismal single digit percentages. (6% national share of video game sales was the best I found.)  :wat:


So, having said that, I just don't see this ever becoming a [significant or non-mediocre] success unless they branch out Herds as a series with different mediums like different game genres or a tv show. I'm not hating on Herds here. To the contrary, I love the style and if there were a tv series (or just a web series) I'd throw my wallet at it. Or imagine if there was a Herds game in the genres of Fallout, or Sims, or Age of Empires...I know legions of people way more interested in those sorts of things.  :fluttershy:

Fighters are pretty popular.

Part of the reason fighting is magic had such a big pull (Well that and there's not any halfway decent mlp games), only reason this game exists is to replace fighting is magic in a non mlp form. So I'm not sure if making it a different genre would really make any sense xD


I mean if thems fighting herds becomes a massive success outside of mlp fans then maybe, but thats not likely,

More of a niche thing


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I just chipped in $15 for the game.  I just really want to support a cool group of bronies who worked so hard on Fighting is Magic.  I don't care about this project nearly as much as FiM because isn't not pony related.  Still, these guys love MLP and are quite talented so I'm glad to be able to show some support.  If the campaign is successful, I think it would be a fun game for the brony community to enjoy together.  It's at 99% now.  I'm sure it'll go though.  :D

Edited by Brony_B



Princess of Friendship

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I don't have much of an interest in TFH, but quite a bit of the backgrounds and characters from Fighting is Magic have survived through the MUGEN engine. If you know how to use MUGEN, you could make a reasonable reproduction of what Fighting is Magic was supposed to be.


In fact, my personal MUGEN has a decent roster of MLP characters, including the Mane Six, Spike, Trixie, and Chrysalis.



  • Brohoof 1
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I don't have much of an interest in TFH, but quite a bit of the backgrounds and characters from Fighting is Magic have survived through the MUGEN engine. If you know how to use MUGEN, you could make a reasonable reproduction of what Fighting is Magic was supposed to be.


In fact, my personal MUGEN has a decent roster of MLP characters, including the Mane Six, Spike, Trixie, and Chrysalis.



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I was really bummed when Fighting is Magic got C&D'd, then a ton of radio silence after Lauren Faust hopped on board with original characters and setting.


Been pushing this through all my social media since the campaign went live.


Pitched $100 towards this game. Hoping that one day, Lauren can autograph my physical copy.


"My past does not define me
'Cause my past is not today."

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 If you know how to use MUGEN, you could make a reasonable reproduction of what Fighting is Magic was supposed to be.


In fact, my personal MUGEN has a decent roster of MLP characters, including the Mane Six, Spike, Trixie, and Chrysalis.




I have no idea how to use that or what it does.  I always heard of it as a fighting game that plays itself with designs that programmers and artists create. 

  • Brohoof 1



Princess of Friendship

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No but I love seeing the ridiculous rosters people come up with in those games


I'm surprised it's not more popular among bronies as it is the only current way to play the "real" Fighting is Magic.

I have no idea how to use that or what it does.  I always heard of it as a fighting game that plays itself with designs that programmers and artists create. 



Pretty much. It's essentially the Marvel vs. Capcom fighting engine with fighters and stages you can add from nearly every other 2D fighting game (with varying degrees of quality, of course).

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I'm surprised it's not more popular among bronies as it is the only current way to play the "real" Fighting is Magic.



Pretty much. It's essentially the Marvel vs. Capcom fighting engine with fighters and stages you can add from nearly every other 2D fighting game (with varying degrees of quality, of course).


That's probably why bronies aren't so interested.  I bet they want pony focused content rather than endless customization. 

  • Brohoof 1



Princess of Friendship

Queen of Our Hearts

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I' am pleased to see that the game has been funded. Congrats are in order:





However, I have several things to note about the game that I'm concerned about.


1. With only 6 (possibly 7) fighting game characters created, they seriously need to go and at least double the roster size if they wish to be considered by fighting game tourneys.


2. Speaking of which, I hope they'll start and try to attract and please their hopefully targeted audience in the fighting game community. Having bronies in your group is a nice thing to have but not alot of bronies are fighting game enthusiasts. If they want to achieve more fame and financial success, they're going to have to look to getting on the fighting game community's good side as they're the ones who are going to make them the most money with player numbers and tourneys. 


3. They need to start getting that console port out asap as again, consoles are considered the platform of choice for fighting games.


While I have other issues about their game development, however, these are I feel the most pressing and easily answered ones that they can do.  Now with their game funded, I hope they'll start working harder to get these things incorporated into their plans for the game. 

Edited by Nuke87654
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Their first tier stretch goal is kind of a waste. Linux/Mac ports are far less desired than another character.

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You've met her all of what? Once? Twice? Did you work with her? Do you call her up for tea on Tuesdays? 1-2 meetings does not mean you suddenly know her. Your "experience" is about the same as everyone else who hears about her online. You met her when? At a convention when she's going to be putting on the best face for the sake of good publicity? Does she call you up on the weekends and discuss her life with you? No.


So please do not assert your experience as if it has any actual value or ability to somehow make you more qualified to talk about her than the rest of us. We're all the same people speculating over the internet.


Truthfully, does it matter what I say here?  Even if I were to say that I was a close friend, a family member, or even her husband, you could still claim that there's a level of understanding about her that I don't have, and you'd be technically right.


I'm not claiming that my impressions are absolutely correct, but I'd say they're certainly more accurate than someone who hasn't met her at all.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm not claiming that my impressions are absolutely correct, but I'd say they're certainly more accurate than someone who hasn't met her at all.


A shark is not readily aggressive to those fish that keep it healthy.


Everyone's theories here are as equally valid. Yours holds no more weight than opinions like Sharkz's. We may never know her motives, and that is that.

Edited by Wubtavia
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Truthfully, does it matter what I say here?  Even if I were to say that I was a close friend, a family member, or even her husband, you could still claim that there's a level of understanding about her that I don't have, and you'd be technically right.


I'm not claiming that my impressions are absolutely correct, but I'd say they're certainly more accurate than someone who hasn't met her at all.

No, they would be about the same. You've met her once probably at a convention and talked to her for 5 minutes. The information we are going on in RELEVANT information. Your personal meeting with her is not relevant because it does not garner enough information to make even a REMOTELY close character assessment. We go off of what makes sense. Consider the things we know:


  • We know Faust had a shaky departure with Hasbro based upon emails around the time of her leaving and her desire to try and get as far away from it as possible. Her demeanor towards the subject shows there is clearly some kind of sour feelings. So it is not far fetched to say she would take a jab at Hasbro, however that's not even really the point being contested here. Whether or not she took a jab at them intentionally is not really the issue, it's that it was unprofessional to help Mane6 REGARDLESS.
  • We know that Faust made some pity party statements at a convention not too long ago about how she feels bronies have completely forgotten about her.
  • We know that Faust CONVENIENTLY responded to that "kid's letter being destroyed by Hasbro" RIGHT when this indiegogo campaign was started despite always remaining relatively silent about Hasbro's actions in the past. Why now all of a sudden does she need to speak up? It's not far fetched to say she saw the opportunity to garner positive publicity which would benefit funding.
  • We know she is getting paid to make this game. No way is she working for free. Money is motivator. It's not far fetched to say that Faust only joined Mane6 from the start because she saw the possibility of a paycheck. This coupled by the fact that the game is going to be sold for a profit. If it was "all about the fans" why not just fund the game and give it away for free? Keep it a labor of love.

It's not far out there to say that this entire ordeal was to collect a paycheck. Considering Cartoon Network turned her latest show down and she is currently without work, a paycheck looks nice right now.

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A shark is not readily aggressive to those that keep it healthy.


Everyone's theories here are as equally valid. Yours holds no more weight than opinions like Sharkz's. We may never know her motives, and that is that.


We may not.  Motives aside, though, there's still no evidence or reason for spite, as I've mentioned before.  My personal impressions play only a small part in this, where for others it appears to be playing the only part, and that's the problem I had with it.


Anyway, I've laid out my observations and spoken my part, and so have nothing more to add at this point that hasn't already been said.

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We may not.  Motives aside, though, there's still no evidence or reason for spite, as I've mentioned before.  My personal impressions play only a small part in this, where for others it appears to be playing the only part, and that's the problem I had with it.


Anyway, I've laid out my observations and spoken my part, and so have nothing more to add at this point that hasn't already been said.

It's a matter of I can not say your point is false as much as you can not assert mine is false.


We both have to accept there is a 50% chance either of us could be correct. I humor the idea that it could all be a series of unfortunate coincidences, but at the same time that many coincidences is a bit suspicious. I am not basing anything off of my "personal" impressions, just over what I know. What I know points to this being a payday for her more than anything else.

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Motives aside, though, there's still no evidence or reason for spite, as I've mentioned before. 


Without a truthful confession from Faust herself or a credible mind-reader there is no real evidence that what anyone involved in this conversation has said is the fact of the matter.


As far as reasons go, yes, I still believe that she has more than enough to hold her former employers in contempt.  And, as has already been said, until such evidence is presented, my opinions are just as viable as any.

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Their first tier stretch goal is kind of a waste. Linux/Mac ports are far less desired than another character.

Less work though. When you are considering setting up stretch goals you need to factor in effort and opportunity cost. The more intensive the element, the higher it needs to be. A port, while not a elementary task, can be simpler than creating a new character.


I am glad this funded. :)



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Okay, now that they got their first goal funded, I guess I might as well talk about this game. 


As a fighting game, it looks okay. I'm not really into this Mortal Kombat style of fighting games (I'm more of a Smash Bros. guy) so I'll probably ultimately not get the game, mostly because I always sucked at these kind of fighting games.


One thing that does bother me though is the fact that all the characters are basically just the mane six if they were other quadrupeds. They have a few tweaks given to them as suggested by their character bios, but personality wise, they are just the mane six. I get it, they can get away with ripping off more due to the fact that Faust is working on this but if you're trying to differentiate yourself from FIM, at least make your characters more different rather than just carbon copies of that show's main characters. 

  • Brohoof 3



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Huzzah! Fully funded! :D



Desiring a paycheck is not wrong nor does it exclude any passion for the project. And there's nothing "unprofessional" about Lauren joining Mane6.


Some people here have a serious chip on their shoulder. :confused:

  • Brohoof 2

Dr. Jinxie Umbra

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Less work though. When you are considering setting up stretch goals you need to factor in effort and opportunity cost. The more intensive the element, the higher it needs to be. A port, while not a elementary task, can be simpler than creating a new character.


I am glad this funded. :)

I get that, but less than 10% of all computer users these days are using Mac and Linux, and less than half will probably get this game. It just seems like it's not worth the effort.

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