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spoiler Twilight is a horrible princess of friendship


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After the "What about Discord?" Episode, I just really, really, really, really, REALLY dislike her a lot more, and think that she's a pretty crummy princess of Friendship.
Maybe she should just stick to being plain ol princess of Magic that isn't tied to friendship.

I feel like this episode drove any miniscule redeeming aspects of Twi right into the ground (though they were low to begin with). What, with her insisting that as the Princess of Friendship she can't get jealous, insisting that her friends and Discord's jokes weren't funny because she knows what's funny, as if she wrote the book on it, and so that therefore proved it was mind control, on top of having everyone recreate the weekend they missed out on the excuse that it will help advance the field of Friendship studies rather than her honest need to find out what she missed out on, and ultimately being insultingly condescending to her friends in explaning that they shouldn't be embarrassed to all have been mentally controlled into thinking they had fun.

"What about Discord" (having her friends recreate this long weekend for her, down to the detail, only to turn around, basically calling them liars, due to her own insecurities with "Amending Fences" (bribing friendship. And not considering the effect her choices may have on others, who wanted to believe in friendship), "Twilight's kingdom (still condescending and untrusting to Discord, after he helped highlight the journal, gave her her own key, taught her a lesson in "three's a crowd")

Are there others who think Twi makes for a lousy friend, let alone Princess of friendship?

  • Brohoof 1

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Mmm.....I feel as though Twilight is worthy of her title as the Princess of Friendship simply because she's the one who struggled with it THE MOST. Overcoming your greatest struggle can sometimes gives you an ironic connection to it.


But what I love most about her being the "Princess of Friendship" is that she isn't perfect with it. They continue execute her as a flawed character. What I hated most was how people would expect for the Mane 6 to literally "be" the element they represent. The momesnt Applejack lies about something, people will throw a hissy fit saying "I THOUGHT SHE WAS THE ELEMENT OF HONESTY?" or how Rarity haves a moment of vanity "OH WOW THAT'S NOT GENEROUS AT ALL"......the same goes for Twilight. But she does well to live up to her title and I admire her for it.


She is worthy of being the Princess of Friendship.....but not MORE worthy than the others. But you don't need to have wings, a horn, and a title to be considered "the princess" of something. Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie...the princess of making everyone happy or whatever...it's up to the fans to decide.

Quoted this since it's similar to the topic.


Is Twilight the perfect friend? H*ll no she isn't. Who is though? It's things like this that forces me to remind people that perfection exists no where especially when it comes to being a great friend all the time.


Let's not forget how sh*tty her friends were to her at other times....Lesson Zero being the first come to mind.


I agree, Twilight's flawed moments or execution can clash into her titlw of being the Princess of Friendship....but it shouldn't count her out in remaining one. she hasnt been a princess of friendship for very long....and has a lot.more to learn. Which is the whole point of a lot of her episodes in the first place: she's still learning.


Go forbid, as soon as she became the Princess of Friendships and magically became a more reasonable and sensible friend near perfection, she would turn into a Cadence (perfect princess executed with little development an is literally based off her title and nothing more)....one Cadence is enough.



Besides, she has good reason to have doubt towards Discord. True....everyone deserves second chances and to be honest, TWILIGHT (aside from FLuttershy) was the one who gave him a second chance despite being the main one to doubt him in the first place. She forced Tirek to free him as well which led to her success. There will be moments of doubt towards a friends.....shoot....Family even doubt family at times. Doesn't make them any less worthy of what they are entitled to

Edited by Princess Sunset
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Well they were controlled before and and treated Twilight like crap when in their "grey" state. Isn't Twilight allowed to have a little doubt  about her friends when it comes to Discord?

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Twilight isn't perfect and she still has a ton to learn. Oh sure we may have seen a bit of her bad side on this episode, but what would the show be without showing the bad side of characters?

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You fail to see the reasoning behind Twilight's actions. Sometimes admitting that your jealous can be really hard. Also this is DISCORD we're talking about...How could anyone not be suspicious of him? Also I can't remember if you're that same guy who made that "Am I the only one who doesn't like Twilight?" thread or not but regarding Lesson Zero desperation can cause someone to do crazy and irrational things. You've probably never been in her shoes.

Edited by Asbel Lhant
  • Brohoof 9

The White Shinigami

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After the "What about Discord?" Episode, I just really, really, really, really, REALLY dislike her a lot more, and think that she's a pretty crummy princess of Friendship.

Maybe she should just stick to being plain ol princess of Magic that isn't tied to friendship.



I feel like this episode drove any miniscule redeeming aspects of Twi right into the ground (though they were low to begin with). What, with her insisting that as the Princess of Friendship she can't get jealous, insisting that her friends and Discord's jokes weren't funny because she knows what's funny, as if she wrote the book on it, and so that therefore proved it was mind control, on top of having everyone recreate the weekend they missed out on the excuse that it will help advance the field of Friendship studies rather than her honest need to find out what she missed out on, and ultimately being insultingly condescending to her friends in explaning that they shouldn't be embarrassed to all have been mentally controlled into thinking they had fun.


"What about Discord" (having her friends recreate this long weekend for her, down to the detail, only to turn around, basically calling them liars, due to her own insecurities with "Amending Fences" (bribing friendship. And not considering the effect her choices may have on others, who wanted to believe in friendship), "Twilight's kingdom (still condescending and untrusting to Discord, after he helped highlight the journal, gave her her own key, taught her a lesson in "three's a crowd")


Are there others who think Twi makes for a lousy friend, let alone Princess of friendship?


The whole point of the episode was that anyone is prone to emotions like jealousy or the occasional outburst.


It's not like Twilight, or anyone else, reviews every life lesson they've ever learned before making a decision. They have emotions in that moment, and are largely influenced by the events surrounding them. A synthesis of knowledge exists, but it acts as a general guide that easily overlooks specifcs. For example: Twilight views herself as a better person from all the lessons she's learned, she's not thinking about every isolated lesson; thus, she held herself to an unrealistic standard of living/feeling/acting...which is pretty much what you're expecting of her. It's completely unrealistic to apply that type of standard to any corporeal, sentient being.


Her remarks about the humor show how she's slowly unraveling by trying to uphold an unhealthy standard. She takes a stance so far out in left field that she rambles on about the most roundabout explanation to justify her belief; she has no problem laughing about it at the end because she never really believed that. That was her functioning under stress. Closest thing to a relapse of Lesson Zero's mindset, and it's been a while since that aired.


The episode makes perfect sense, and it works just fine.

Edited by Starlight Sky
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She's not bad, she's still learning.

  • Brohoof 2

I'm not a medical expert, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher or love doctor. Take my words with a pinch of salt, yeah?


I am an experienced cook, musician and care worker though, so that's something.

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Umm no. Twilight is not a lousy friend, nor is she a bad princess. Everyone has flaws and makes mistakes, even princesses. I see nothing wrong with her getting jealous, plus Discord was basically intentionally trolling her to make her upset. :umad:


I'm glad Twilight is not a complete mary sue.

  • Brohoof 3

Fluttershy Fan Club


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I'd have to agree with everypony here in say that, no Twilight is not the perfect friend nor princess, but the question is "Is anypony perfect?" I know my ponysona is a tough stallion who is quick to anger but would give up his life to protect those he cares for. Does that sound like a perfect friend? Not really no.

  • Brohoof 2

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She's not bad, she's still learning.




A lot of people assume that just because Twilight was dubbed the Princess of Friendship that she's all of a sudden become the perfect friend to everypony in Equestria.  That's not the case though; Twilight is still learning what it means to be a good friend and empathize with others, even herself as was illustrated in today's episode. 


And I think that that's the point.  Twilight's ascension as an Alicorn princess has been more about the journey to reach that point than actually reaching it.  And that journey is far from over.  Twilight still has a long way to go before she can truly live up to her title.  

Edited by J. Brony
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I actually love Twilight even more after this episode. Yes, she may not be the perfect princess, but would you be if you were suddenly crowned and given so much responsibility (damn you Larson!! :P). I think the emotions she showed today and admitting how she felt in the end only made her stronger as a character. Not annoying in anyway. In fact, I understand the way she felt, being left out by your friends (my daily struggles). Anyway, just because she was named the princess of friendship, doesn't mean she has to be perfect. This episode showed that she still has a lot to learn. (I actually think the whole season has been about learning who you are and to see that no pony is perfect.)

Edited by Pucksterv
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No character in the show is perfect. In fact their flaws are part of what make them good characters. And if the characters were all just cookie cutters of each other the show wouldn't be interesting and probably no one would even watch it.

  • Brohoof 2

The White Shinigami

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Aye. I swear since Twilight Sparkle sprouted wings, some people have been looking for excuses to hate her. One mistake and suddenly she's King Joffery.

Indeed dearie. I don't see why there had to be so many complaints. It would be the exact opposite if a character like Sunset Shimmer became an alicorn :confused: Then again, they're gonna complain no matter what :P
  • Brohoof 2


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Quoted this since it's similar to the topic.

Is Twilight the perfect friend? H*ll no she isn't. Who is though? It's things like this that forces me to remind people that perfection exists no where especially when it comes to being a great friend all the time.

Let's not forget how sh*tty her friends were to her at other times....Lesson Zero being the first come to mind.

I agree, Twilight's flawed moments or execution can clash into her titlw of being the Princess of Friendship....but it shouldn't count her out in remaining one. she hasnt been a princess of friendship for very long....and has a lot.more to learn. Which is the whole point of a lot of her episodes in the first place: she's still learning.

Go forbid, as soon as she became the Princess of Friendships and magically became a more reasonable and sensible friend near perfection, she would turn into a Cadence (perfect princess executed with little development an is literally based off her title and nothing more)....one Cadence is enough.



Besides, she has good reason to have doubt towards Discord. True....everyone deserves second chances and to be honest, TWILIGHT (aside from FLuttershy) was the one who gave him a second chance despite being the main one to doubt him in the first place. She forced Tirek to free him as well which led to her success. There will be moments of doubt towards a friends.....shoot....Family even doubt family at times. Doesn't make them any less worthy of what they are entitled to

all I have to say is- would you give a degree and title of "Doctor", to a student still taking courses?

I certainly wouldn't


Twi, in every sense, is still a student. She most certainy shouldn't be running her own practice and diagnosing othes.

Umm no. Twilight is not a lousy friend, nor is she a bad princess. Everyone has flaws and makes mistakes, even princesses. I see nothing wrong with her getting jealous, plus Discord was basically intentionally trolling her to make her upset. :umad:


I'm glad Twilight is not a complete mary sue.

she doesn't have to be a Mary Sue. I just expect better flippin judgement and I dunno, not freaking calling all 5 of her friends liars to their faces, because she can't possibly believe they had a good time with someone other than her, of their own accord!

She's hardly deserving of being called the Princess of Friendship, when she's being a condescending so and so, and calling her friends liars.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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all I have to say is- would you give a degree and title of "Doctor", to a student still taking courses?

I certainly wouldn't


Twi, in every sense, is still a student. She most certainy shouldn't be running her own practice and diagnosing othes.

she doesn't have to be a Mary Sue. I just expect better flippin judgement and I dunno, not freaking calling all 5 of her friends liars to their faces, because she can't possibly believe they had a good time with someone other than her, of their own accord!

She's hardly deserving of being called the Princess of Friendship, when she's being a condescending so and so, and calling her friends liars.

And I wouldn't trust a doctor who didn't keep learning more about medicine even after they got their qualification. 


Rewatch the episode. She didn't call them liars at all. She thought they were under a spell cast by Discord. 


I think it's great to show Twilight still making mistakes. Otherwise, people just complain she's too perfect now.

  • Brohoof 7

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You know, even though the title of Princess of Friendship was made up by Celestia, its derived from the goal that Twilight gave herself: she feels that the role she has is to spread friendship across Equestria. Her title and her duties are ultimately things that came from Twilight's own desire to help others. There honestly is no actual standard to base her on, besides is she helping others and spreading friendship (which she does with map missions, helping with events like the peace meeting with the Yaks and the Grand Equestrian Pony Summit, and she answers letters on friendship problems). Its not like she also has to be absolutely perfect in order to still help spread friendship. The other five have shown weaknesses before with living up to their Elements, but that didn't disqualify them from being the bearers or how they could still teach others when they had to get keys. Twilight's the only one who seems to have some expectation on what she needs to be like, and as we saw in the last episode, it may be she has too harsh expectations on herself. She feels that with her title, it's not that she can't get jealous because she's now incapable, but seems more like she feels she's not allowed to feel those things, and trying to hold in your emotions is not only hard but unhealthy. Her own friends ended up teaching her that she can be allowed to feel those things, and they wouldn't ever be against her for that.

Edited by Marimo
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The problem in this episode came as a direct result of how she interprets her responsibilities. Twilight took what happened so personally to herself because she genuinely felt like she was replaced from a situation which, had she been a part of, felt as if she would have learned something that would have benefited her. Even though a little "inside joke" is too little in the grand scheme of things to be of consequence overall, it's very much in character for Twilight to make mountains out of molehills where her responsibilities are involved ("Lesson Zero"). I don't think her title precludes her from having such a character flaw.


In addition, Twilight still doesn't trust Discord, and there's no way she can fully trust him considering how her devotion to her responsibilities intersects with Discord's deference back to evil (endangering her friends) as recently as "Twilight's Kingdom", and continued penchant for creating annoying, awkward, and/or dangerous situations just to test Twilight's character running through "Princess Twilight Sparkle", "Three's a Crowd", and "What About Discord?". She's not calling her friends liars as much as she is continually operating on suspicion and precedent.


Long story short, if Twilight feels as if any part of her role is remotely threatened, she will not react like a pushover, given her responsibilities.

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all I have to say is- would you give a degree and title of "Doctor", to a student still taking courses?

I certainly wouldn't

Twi, in every sense, is still a student. She most certainy shouldn't be running her own practice and diagnosing othes.she doesn't have to be a Mary Sue. I just expect better flippin judgement and I dunno, not freaking calling all 5 of her friends liars to their faces, because she can't possibly believe they had a good time with someone other than her, of their own accord!

She's hardly deserving of being called the Princess of Friendship, when she's being a condescending so and so, and calling her friends liars.

No dearie no. Twilight's reaction was pretty realistic. I can really emphasize how she felt as I know so much what it's like to be left out :( And it doesn't help when your friends rub it in your face..
  • Brohoof 6


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I really don't get this fandom sometimes. They freak if they think a character is too perfect, the freak if they think they aren't perfect enough, and they freak when they randomly sprout appendages, they freak about everything and anything. Twilight was acting like anyone has acted before; i know I've had my bouts of jealousy. Just because she has a title doesn't mean she is absolved from having emotions, in fact, that was the flipping MORAL.


Y'all fillies need Celestia


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