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S05:E24 - The Mane Attraction


S05:E24 - The Mane Attraction  

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I don't think you guys understand the relationship of an owner and their manager. Svengallop is RaRa's employee. He works for HER, as a she is a client. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship you have with your client, what kind of things they've done for you, it doesn't even matter if they slept with you. If your client is not acting in your best interest, you can and should let them go as a client. If the relationship is not a healthy one, then it should not be continued. Svengallop believed he was acting in RaRa's best interest, but was actually hindering her personal image. Had she caved to more of Svengallp's demands than she did, she likely would not have gone as far in the business. You get further in life with sugar than vinegar. Had RaRa succumbed to being the cold, heartless, bitch that Svengallop wanted her to be, then she would have been treated like a cold heartless bitch. And nobody wants to host a cold heartless bitch as their entertainment. 

Edited by Dinos4Ever
  • Brohoof 5


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My sweet Celestia that was a great high note to end on before the season finale! As always see my latest review here:

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The story felt light (I mean in terms of intricate internal conflict for a plot), and that's alright for this episode because I don't I have to re-state what was probably the biggest attraction with this episode and why it was still enjoyable. But that's just my thoughts.


SvenGallop was an easy antagonist to hate, but it wasn't a bad episode at all.  And it was actually really nice to also see AJ have friends outside of the main group and outside of her family.  That I actually found to be very nice, a nice change of pace for AJ, for once! I can probably forgive not introducing the character before, cause its a friendship that moved towards the back of her life as they got more distant from each other.  


About the songs: The 'spectacle' was well crafted for what it was supposed to be (the overly techno-electronic annoyingly catchy single).  And of course, the 'Magic Inside' stole the real show, very nicely done here I would say with the musical arrangements. the 'Equestria the land I love' was also good, but I couldn't really tell if this was actually the anthem of Equestria sneakily sneaked in or if it was actual campy song made up by them. Still pretty good.


Sure the compliant about AJ ruined Countess Coloratura's pop star image, and we don't know if she has any managerial or other support post this charity gig, but I'm just going to assume she does get help after this.  Cause, ponies and friendships and special connections yo (I'm pretty sure a certain purple alicorn would be more than willing to offer some help to a friend of a friend if needed). And because I liked her a lot better without the make-up, glitz and glam and overproduced mechanical facade and what she really was underneath all that, but that's just me and AJ  :smug:   

Edited by pony.colin
  • Brohoof 2
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If at the beginning of today, you'da told me that The Mane Attraction would edge out Maud Pie for number 3 on my list of best episodes in the series...I'da said "you're crazy."


Sweet Mother of Celestia, this one was incredible.  Huh?  What?  Oh, Celestia?  Yeah, she's a character on the show.  No, really!  Well, she was, anyway.  No, I'm serious.  She used to pop in to Ponyville quite often, sometimes just to say hi or to enjoy the beautiful fall colors.  And she'd chat with the mane six and everything.  Seriously!  *chuckles*, I'm not kidding.  Look it up.  She was white and had a flowing mane like her sister Luna, and a sun cutie mark.  YES, Luna has a sister!


Okay, enough horsing around.    But holy buckets of imported organic oats, this episode was a paragon of pony perfection.  I was in that stupidly giddy phase like when I first discovered the show.


I just love Coloratura.  Coloratura?  Collaratura?  Color-a-Churro?  Count Ist Color-a-Churro.  Whatever.  Ra-ra is a better name anyway.  It's adorable.  I was just gah-gah over her.   :lol:   Great story, but the best part of it was that they wrapped up the necessary manager story in a timely manner, leaving plenty of time to do the concert properly.  From the beginning, my prediction was that they were going to drag out the story for too long, and not have Ra-Ra realize the true nature of Svengallop until the very last minute, leaving only a brief moment for an AJ reunion, and then a cheap, few-second glimpse of the concert as an afterthought.  (Equestria Games, anypony?)  Instead, they did it right.  They didn't need any more time to tell the manager story than what they used.  It was wrapped up nicely, and we got to see a chill-inducing, beautiful concert.  That concert was one of the best scenes in the whole show, imo.  Absolutely incredible.


I also loved how Ra-Ra wasn't really the demanding diva that everypony thought.  The moment she first appeared, I predicted that she was going to be a jerk, pretend to not recognize AJ, and basically act like a b*tch for whole episode, until finally coming around at the very end.  You know, typical stardom changed the person story.  But she really hadn't changed.  Not that much.  Obviously, it was just her manager molding her to this image, which, as I understand it, is actually quite common in the entertainment world.  But Ra-Ra was still that down to earth, beautiful mare.  I figured that she was going to dismiss the school meet-n-greet as a waste of time, but it was so important to her!  She was devoted to her fans and to charity, and she was thrilled to see AJ again as well.  She never thought that "that farmpony" was beneath her or anything.  She was just being pressured by Sven.  I was just so glad that Ra-Ra wasn't vilified.  The closest it got was that little spat that she and AJ had, but it didn't go too far, and it was resolved quickly.  All in all, the whole story surprised me, and felt unpredictable (at least to me), and it was all so satisfying.


I really liked Rarity's costume for Ra-Ra as well.  Too bad nopony got to see it.  But Ra-Ra's more down to earth outfit for the actual show was definitely the best.  Perhaps Rarity can use that outfit for something.  Speaking of Rarity, the fact that she's the winner of Manehattan fashion week, the owner of a upscale, highly successful Canterlot dress shop, and the designer of Sapphire Shores' costumes, you'd think that she'd be the most respected, prestigious, and hard-to-get designer in the entire world.  I'm surprised she wasn't already Ra-Ra's designer.  But then again, Mr. D*ckface probably thought that anypony from Ponyville would be too common and lowbrow for their image.


The wacky electric techno light show number was fun, even if it was kind of ridiculous and over-the-top, which was the point.  I liked that her backup ponies were all male.  I've always loved that FIM is female dominated, because it's so hard to find genuinely good, female dominated casts in...well, anything, really.  But at the same time, you don't want it to seem too unrealistic, like Equestria is 90% female.  So, that was a good balance.


Incredible, unbelievable episode.  Oh yes, and the moment that Twilight revealed Sven's private conversation, I immediately thought of this:




OmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigosh, next week's the finale!  I'm so nervous.  Please be good!  Hooves crossed.  I don't know anything about it, and I don't want to know.  I'm sure Starlight will be a big part of it.  But I do have this dreadful feeling that one certain white pony, Luna's sister, whose name probably escapes everypony at the moment, is not going to show up at all, in which case I will have to rip my face off, then rip it in half, then in half again, and again, and again until I have a handful of face confetti.

  • Brohoof 2


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The mane attraction. What words would I use to describe how awesome this episode was???


Rara gave me that lady gaga feel tbh.


First of all, I'm glad applejack made rara realise that she was being misleaded by her corrupt and disrespectful manager.


Second of all, it was cute when they showed the flashback ofnwhen they were at the friendship camp together (aj and rara) Applejack really had fun with rara a lot! Also rara impressed me with that voice!!!


Third of all, pinkie pie and her straw Fernando :lol:


At the end, I got the feels and my eyes were watery, rara and the cmc almost made me cry, everything about this episode was beautiful! (Except the manager)


My rating 11/10 :)


Next week is the finale. I'm hyped and I wanna see it NOW!!!! Damn equestria daily for showing me the season finale promo!! Aaaaahhhh!! (Jk sorry equestria daily, but you just got me soo hyped!!! :yay:) Starlight figured out the time travel spell! It kinda reminds me of the episode 'Its About Time' when twilight got all crazy trying to figure out why she looked like if she just survived a war, and she went to the canterlot archives and found the time travel spell in the star swirled bearding wing, it was creepy tbh :ooh:


Anyways, awesome episode today!! :yay: and KEEP ON HYPEING EVERYPONY, 7 MORE DAYS TILL THE FINALE WOO HOO :yay::yay:

Edited by RlikesRainbowdash
  • Brohoof 2


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This episode is pretty great IMHO. If there is just one criticism I have it's that the mane conflict was over way too quickly and felt a tad rushed. Still, since Lena Hall was only booked for one episode, perhaps the idea was to give her more time to sing. I was skepticial that she would live up to Weird Al's cameo, but I think she pulled it off, and I think this episode is better writing-wise.


Oh, bonus points for an actual direct reference to Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party! That has to be the first time a piece of spinoff media has been directly acknowledged in the show! Does that make it A canon then? Either way, I'm infinitely fascinated by it. Granted, that does call Limestone Pie's personality shift into question...and, I'm getting off topic.


I'm going to have a hard time getting the songs in this episode out of my head. That might be problematic for someone who's supposed to start writing a paper tomorrow. I'll probably be quietly humming RaRa's Equestria song while I'm on parking lot duty at my church in the late morning.

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Watched this twice now. One of my favorite episodes for sure, easily in the top 10.


Coloratura was fabulous. Her songs, filly-ness, designs, redemption (sorta), recognition of what's important. That's how you make a good character.


Her boss was a jerk, no doubt. He admitted that he made her a countess, but is that really a good thing? She wanted to be her real self, as Rara, not some popularized too-good-for-schoolponies celebrity. He even called them brats...that's pretty low, especially for a show like this. He doesn't deserve to be her manager.


I liked AJ: traditional and collected as usual. Pinkie was also great in this episode with her quirky and lovable moments. The flashy special effects were cool to watch.


And the music. I'm obsessed with am Just a Pony right now, that song just really impressed me. Shed a tear or two over it even. And the Equestria song as well as Razzle Dazzle...wow, they put a lot of effort into this show.


Yeah, I'm impressed. Proud to be a member of this fandom after watching this. Really hope season 6 brings some great stuff too :)

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I must say I thought I would hate it. Especially after seeing the beginning of the first song.

However, the execution of the plot was nice. Sure, there wasn't anything super innovative about it, but I think we can all agree after reading synopsis no one was expecting anything spectacular. There were some feels (and I am not a person to experience "feels" easily). But most importantly, the best song I've heard in the series so far, Just a Pony. GODS, I love that song! The music, the vocals, the subtle yet not minimalistic visuals!

The Equestria song was kind of meh, in my opinion, but it fit into the moment well enough.


All in all, I liked it. 8/10


Also, I CALLED IT. kinda.

Oh? You mean it's meant to be taken seriously? Oops.

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Ok I didn't like the songs in the episode

*la gasp* .

Manily because well I refuse to listen to anything from that voice actress after the song that shouldnt be metioned made her voice mind grainy annoying. I swear one note from that voice makes bang my head against the wall. So yea I listened to Metallica during the singing bits.

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Wow, already at episode 24, and only the finale left...it's been one hay of a ride so far, heh. Anyhow, really liked this episode as well, it was nice that Rara wasn't stuck-up have some superiority complex. Too bad the manager was 1-dimensionial. :P Also, wow that is one good singing voice :o Great episode, looking forward to the finale~


And goodbye Amy Keating Rogers! Thank you for all that you've done~ :)

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I loved the new Episode, its my Favorite Episode so far overall !  :love:


I found the Songs to be great, i found the Lesson and the Story great and the Emotions were also great.


I think that the songs could hit the charts, if they were like real life songs. I also liked her Style by the Song Razzle Dazzle, because she reminded me of Lady Gaga. I wish she would have kept her old Style, because i like her Lady Gaga Style.

It was just a little unrealistic that she could sing that good as a Kid...she sounded like an adult, they should have made that differently, maybe use another actor for this first song, so that is sounds more, like she would sing it in her childhood.

I also like all the performances by the song Razzle Dazzle, it looked very cool !  :pinkie:

The only nitpick i have, was at the first appearence of the singer, because some ponys took photos...even though i didnt saw any ponys with cameras.  :blink:

But thats it  :lol:

I also found it funny, how they uses their horns as Lighters, that was a clever idea.  :)

  • Brohoof 1


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Loved this episode, so much feels at the last part and effing loved Rara's singing there and the the one were the CMC joined in singing alongside her. Wish we could get to see more of her in the future. Good job for Lena Hall! Oh yeah, forgot to mention, Twilight 'recording' the manager's demands to Pinkie, she reminds me of Laserbeak. Lol.


EDIT: Almost forgot, yey! Super Filly is back even though it's just a short appearance.


Edited by PONinja4


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Gaga the Pony

liked the episode, but it wasn't amongst the best of the season. I liked how Apple Jack is totally ignorant to popular culture.
   I actually prefered Rara's original costume and music style to how she ended up in the end, The theatrical pop track was a lot better than the generic Piano song she changed to.
   I suppose you would class this as a musical episode but I think I would have rather had a mane six singing episode to be honest.
   Finally a lot of people are saying they didn't like how Rara's manger didn't get his comeuppance but I have to disagree, to many times in mlp the villains are reformed or defeated so its a nice change that they let one get away with it, but to be honest his career is most likely ruined after the broadcast of his conversation with Rara and Equestrias biggest music stars off his books.

Edited by Wonderbolt
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It was okay.


There's no denying the songs in this episode were great. My problem with the episode is that nobody actually grew. AJ was just right, she had no conflict to overcome, she just had to prove that the manager was bad. Not a hard task, particularly when you've got magical surveillance footage. Rara was just generically nice, she didn't have any negative qualities she had to improve on, other than a touch of naivety where her manager was concerned. Even the manager himself never had any kind of realization that his behaviour was wrong. No one learned anything.


Maybe I'm missing something, but generally, I want to see an AJ episode actually develop AJ, not just have her be proven right all along.

  • Brohoof 2

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This was another good episode! The writers have really been doing a good job with Applejack this season (she and Rarity have both had a very strong season!) But while "Made in Manehatten" and "Hearthbreakers" both gave AJ's character flaws some much needed focus, this one highlighted her positive qualities extremely well. Ra-Ra was also a really likable character and I loved how they fleshed out her history with Applejack.


Somewhat like "Canterlot Boutique," this episode focused on the idea of "selling out" as an artist and not being true to one's talent. As a writer/artist myself, I definitely relate to this concept. If you re-watch the first song, you'll notice Ra-Ra wasn't really utilizing her talent/passion that she had always had. I love how Applejack helped her find her true calling again!


And anyone else think Applejack has/had a crush on Ra-Ra?

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AJ was just right, she had no conflict to overcome, she just had to prove that the manager was bad. Not a hard task, particularly when you've got magical surveillance footage.

In an episode like this, Applejack having to develop wouldn't work. Like how the first four seasons were about learning lessons, season five is partially about spreading those lessons to others in need. Coloratura needed to be told and learn to live as herself because Svengallop manipulated her into living a façade. This episode plays into AJ's strengths.

Edited by Dark Qiviut

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While I said earlier that I loved this episode, I have to say there are a few other things that it brought to mind, and here's part of it... to quote, altered somewhat for Equestria 'What does it profit a pony if they should gain the whole world in exchange for their soul?  For what can a pony offer for their soul?"


Now, the meaning of that is different, but it still makes the point that they were making in this episode, and part of why this one gets my love.  Great songs, full of feeling, great theme, great moral.. what is fame worth if you give up everything that makes you yourself in order to get it?  


Sadly, many people fail to realize this until it's too late, and they no longer know who they are, we got hints of this in Ra Ra's panic attack after she dismissed her horrible manager.  Of course, even dependable Applejack was able to get her friend back on track with some honest faith in and affection for her friend.


As to a new manager, maybe Amethyst Star could organize things for her now, since Twilight's more or less filled the rolls Amethyst used to provide in the town before Twilight showed up..    

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