Kevin 160 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 And thus we have concluded Amy Keating Rogers' final episode and did she and Lena Hall deliver! First regarding Rara (for some reason, I love that name), it's obvious she's a parody of Lady Gaga. I was worried about her character at first, but as soon as it was revealed that she was a nice pony and not a snob, I instantly loved her character! Spin Gallop! Oh, Spin Gallop! My only complaint about this episode was the overbearing manager cliche since it's been done many times before. But on the other hand, to see how Applejack outsmarting him and Rara finally standing up to him was so sweet to see! That second to last song was simply amazing! I know we saw a preview of it at Comic Con, but to see it in its final form made it even better! It's one of my favorite songs of the season! This is one of the best Applejack episodes to date! Despite that she and Rara's friendship appeared to have been severed at first, I love that she didn't give up on it and made every effort to get her back! It shows how very dedicated she can be and I love that about her character! Thank you, Amy for your amazing writing on the show. I'm going to miss you and I wish you all the best of luck at Disney. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
4april 374 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 This episode just completely fired all cylinders from start to finish. This episode was very deep, probably one of the deepest episodes in the entire show series. Knowing who you really are is very important, and letting fame and popularity get in the way completely puts you behind a veil. Rara, was being used by her manager because he was selfish and uncaring about others. During Rara's first shown performance, her singing was not true to her heart. It was all stale and artificial, all because the manager thought she needed all of the glamour and bells and whistles. I agree. This episode was very emotional. It was like real life. I loved the moral. The humor was brilliant. I loved the way Pinkie, the CMCs and AJ behaved throughout. Also, the songs were great. But the real highlight of the episode was Rara and her interaction with AJ. I think we will see her in future episodes, consiering that it will not be as easy for her now. And guess what, Equestria has technology! Yay! They have digital cameras. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,364 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Goodbye Ms. Rogers, it's been a blast! What was meh: CMC not have a larger role: Okay this one's on me completely, I saw the animatic and thought the CMC would play a bigger role in this episode. Turns out I was wrong. So a decent and awesome but not that spectacular finale outing for Ms Rogers. Here's to her new future with Disney. (Please come back if they're anything like this manager!) I too was wrong about the CMC getting a bigger role, but at least things stay consistent with my head fanon for now. I sure hope the executives or whoever's in charge of Rogers' new job at Disney will never be like the manager of Lena Hall's character. Walt Disney himself would roll in his grave if they treated her like that! Walt Disney would be very proud of Rogers if she could bring the same level of writing to the Walt Disney Company! I mean, Walt Disney was the same guy who said: "You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway." That quote best represent "Periphery Demographic" a trope that means "Fans of a work that are outside its primary target demographic" No bigger example of that than this very fanbase of Bronies watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! 1 A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glike 487 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Also, introducing Rarajack, not to be confused with Rarijack! Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VinylWubs 1,257 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Ms. Rogers will be missed, 2010-2015. The whole episode was so hearts warming and funny at the same time. Although I didn't really like the shape of her.. Limo thing? I'm not quite sure of the whole design and making ponies carry the whole thing was really unnecessary. Anyway, this episode is definitely a relationship I have with one of my best friends, back when we were young. We used to play with each other, laugh, hug, talk Etc, and it was one of my best memories i ever had. Unfortunately, this friend of mine had to move houses and schools at the same time. I was really bummed that she had to move away but.. Very often we get in touch. Back to the episode, the flashback was so cute! "Camp Friendship" I think? It was really adorable seeing young Apple jack with Rara at camp. Especially that encouragement, that shocked the brains out of me. I loved the song and learned another cool fact... Applejack plays guitar!! But what was so.. Eye tearing was the little ding from the triangle. Both from the flashback AND the reprise. Overall, it was a beautiful episode and I bet Amy Rogers won't forget about this amazing episode.. And also.. Two more things.. 1. That Manager pony can take a hike! He was the worst pony in the episode! Being all demanding, bratty and not encouraging the same way Apple jack did. Seriously, writers why did you make him so mean to Pinkie Pie? Worst. manager. Ever. And number 2. Rara sounds like Lady Gaga but Rara could face her off in a contest, and Lady Gaga will be taking a hike with that.. Manager. (I ship Rara and Applejack) My OCS: Console: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Makazi 317 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 And guess what, Equestria has technology! Yay! They have digital cameras. Well we already knew they had technology; not just trains and stuff, but we see Twilight Sparkle's science machine as early as season 1, and Vinyl Scratch had always worn those headphones. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,861 November 21, 2015 Author Share November 21, 2015 Overall I enjoyed the hell out of this episode. It was simplistic and yes I've heard some say the resolution was predicable (for me that is most of FiM so I rarely hold that against the show). I'm glad they didn't go straight out and make RaRa unlikeable at first. A performer actually builds a strong relationship of trust with agents and managers, so seeing that on display was realistic. I would have been disappointed if she didn't defend Svengallop. I do wish the animators used more of the cues from the storyboards. A few of those close up shots were more dramatic than the final product. That said, the song was great to see completed and it did live up to the expectations I had. Magic Inside is in my top 10 songs moments from the show, and taking by itself is likely a top three song. A decent AJ episode and a great outing. 9/10. If not for Amending Fences, Rarity Investigates, and and Lost Mark it would be my favorite episode this season. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scion of Arcadia 69 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I sure hope the executives or whoever's in charge of Rogers' new job at Disney will never be like the manager of Lena Hall's character. Walt Disney himself would roll in his grave if they treated her like that! I don't know, Walt Disney wasn't exactly a stunning example of humanity. From what I understand, he was a taskmaster. Less cruel towards the staff, more pushing Rara til she was exhausted then pushing her some more. A decent AJ episode and a great outing. 9/10. If not for Amending Fences, Rarity Investigates, and and Lost Mark it would be my favorite episode this season. Yeah, Season 5 has really been pumping out some great episodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,364 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I can appreciate a light show like that Razzle Dazzle song, but not when it keeps a beautiful voice like Rara's from being heard! Vinyl Scratch should have been the one leading that light show. Because she doesn't talk, the performance of a light show would be on the light show! A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dekutree64 713 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Hmm, I'll have to rewatch this one with my expectations adjusted. I was so hyped that it sort of fell flat. I thought it was going to be the crusaders helping her, so it would ride the wave of feels from Crusaders of the Lost Mark, but instead it was Applejack, and though the songs were good, it just didn't get me going like CotLM did. It feels like it's out of balance... like the songs were meant to go with a more epic story than we got here. That manager was such a blatant jerk, it hardly felt like an accomplishment to get rid of him. Just something that should have happened long ago. And the Twilight Ex Machina video recording felt weird... like it shouldn't have been necessary, and Rara should have been suspicious that it was edited footage to sway her opinion, since the real event happened just seconds before and right nearby, so why would Applejack want her to watch a video rather than position her to see it happen live? Manager's reaction confirmed it as truth right away, but it still felt weird. Hopefully it will seem more exciting on second viewing. What are the bottom 5 episodes this season? 1. What About Discord 2. Tanks for the Memories 3. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows 4. Appleloosa's Most Wanted 5. Princess Spike 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gamecubeguy214 2,512 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 (edited) The second song I'm sure it was, the techno song, I think is the best song in the series. I understand that that kind of music isn't what RaRa likes to sing but it still sounds amazing. My kind of music. The third song, RaRa's piano solo, was excellent as well. My new favorite episode. Edited November 21, 2015 by gamecubeguy214 Pennutoh has a gun Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
melody5697 195 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 It was good, but not fantastic, in my opinion. Why was Rara's cutie mark glowing? I'm surprised nobody else has brought that up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gamecubeguy214 2,512 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Well we already knew they had technology; not just trains and stuff, but we see Twilight Sparkle's science machine as early as season 1, and Vinyl Scratch had always worn those headphones. And Button playing an arcade game when Sweetie said ''This one's too young'' in that song on Hearts & Hooves Day. It was good, but not fantastic, in my opinion. Why was Rara's cutie mark glowing? I'm surprised nobody else has brought that up. Probably something new in the series. I think that it happens when somepony does their talent so hard that their cutie mark is having an org***. Is that even a bad word? Pennutoh has a gun Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scion of Arcadia 69 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 It was good, but not fantastic, in my opinion. Why was Rara's cutie mark glowing? I'm surprised nobody else has brought that up. You know, that's a good point. I remember wondering about that myself. Exactly why does she get to get a glowing cutie mark? This doesn't seem to be a universal thing, not all the butts can glow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Alright, alright, alright, good morning everypony, and welcome once again to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! Second to last "Batbrony Reviews" of Season 5 right here ya'll, and my oh my was this a memorable episode. "The Mane Attraction," first teased at SDCC this past summer, is an episode that pretty much all of bronydom has been looking forward to since then, and for very good reason. The last episode written by Amy Keating Rogers before she left working on the show, this episode delivered in pretty much every way it could, despite being a very old and familiar story trope. Without further ado, let's dive into "The Mane Attraction"! So first and foremost, Applejack, lovable farm pony and Element of Honesty that she is, really shined in this episode. She's consistently one of the strongest characters in the show, and this episode really highlighted why. Put simply, AJ is very consistent and straightforward in her behavior. She has a very limited set of things she truly values in life above all else, namely the basics and essentials for a happy existence. She doesn't particularly care if somepony else lives differently from her (even if she doesn't always get it), but does care that they're living a fulfilling life that makes them happy. Nopony else in the entire show is as straightforward in what they think is necessary to live a good and meaningful life, and this trait often serves AJ well in helping to ground her other friends and keep them focused on what really matters. It's why she's the ultimate helping hoof in all of Ponyville and probably the closest thing to a #2 that Twilight has, at least among the Mane 6 (not counting how Spike himself assists her in her personal business). These traits were on full display in this episode. The problem was quickly identified and pretty simple and straightforward, but that's not unusual considering it was AJ who identified. She's a pony who gets down to business and like to keep things simple, so this felt suitable for her. What I admired was that she was the only pony who even knew there was a problem since she was the only one who previously knew Countess "Ra Ra" Coloratura, but unsurprisingly, even though her friends thought she was making much ado about nothing, AJ stuck to her guns (as a quick aside, let's keep in mind that she must have befriended Ra Ra fairly soon after her parent's deaths, probably very shortly after getting her cutie mark, yet another highlight of how quickly AJ had to grow up and mature as a filly and how much inner-strength she's developed over the years as a result). This is another strength of AJ's; when she feels strongly enough about something and cares enough about someone, she will very stubbornly and doggedly work towards whatever end she wishes to. Even when Pinkie Pie of all ponies was telling her to just let it drop, she refused to. Sometimes her stubbornness doesn't always work to her advantage ("The Last Roundup" is a very good example of this), but here it served her very, very well. Finally, the last strength of AJ's that was on full display here was the faith that she has in those whom she knows are her friends or good ponies (both in this case). She knew that Ra Ra was a good and decent pony, she never lost faith in her and only once got mad with her when there was a misunderstanding between the two. Through and through, she was honest and loyal to the pony she knew was still there inside Ra Ra, and never gave up hope and faith in her friend that she would do the right thing if only she were nudged in the right direction. Her solution, while predictable in many respects, was also smart and allowed Applejack to illustrate the truth of what she'd been telling her friend to her. She knew that if Ra Ra only knew the truth, she'd take it from there and do the right thing. Her faith in friend was rewarded, and in the end, after just being the best pony she could be and one we've come to know and love, honest, loyal, and true through and through, she got her friend back, helped make her life better, and all of Ponyville (and presumably any ponies Ra Ra entertains or comes to know from now on) reaped the reward for AJ's efforts as well. And the best part is helping Ra Ra and getting her back as a friend was reward enough for AJ; she didn't want anything else, and I'd expect nothing less from her. That's just who Applejack is, and I love her for it. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Our new character, Countess "Ra Ra" Coloratura, was pretty solid as well. Lena Hall, primarily a theater actress and singer, did a decent job in the role. I'm not gonna pretend that it was the most amazing vocal performance ever, at least not so much in the VA department, but she has a very pleasant voice, it's very pleasing to the ears and very nice to listen to, even if she didn't come across as a natural voice actress. Her singing, as expected, was amazing; the only time it was a bit odd was when we heard it coming from her as a filly, it just sounded a bit too adult for a filly that age, but it was always lovely to listen to and she did some truly phenomenal singing here, even when she sang her gaudy and over-the-top Countess Coloratura dress rehearsal song. And that's really what we came to hear anyways, they brought her on clearly for her singing talents, and it was a well-made casting choice as far as I'm concerned. Her character was well-written, and even if we've seen this type of character in many different properties before, she was well-executed here. She was clearly still herself for the most part, she still wanted to be a good pony and use her talents to entertain others, please others, and help others, but she was just being misused and led astray by a greedy and self-centered manager. I'm not entirely sure how she wasn't aware of what he was up to considering he wasn't exactly subtle in his behavior, but to be fair she seemed like she was kept fairly busy, was very devoted to her work, and he also came off as a bit of a "yes man" who I'm sure said all the right things around her. But thankfully, despite an initial spat, as soon as AJ showed her exactly what was up and how her name and image, and what she wanted to do for others, were being sullied by that little turd, she set things straight and is now on the path to leading a career more fulfilling to herself and everypony else. She learned a solid lesson, was enjoyable to watch, and sang some lovely musical numbers; all in all, this was a solid choice for a celebrity guest appearance, and it was all the more enjoyable to watch considering Lena Hall is a fan of the show. Would love to see her return at some point in the future, if only for a cameo appearance or another musical number (but hey, I'd take another episode focused on her as well for all I care). She had a lovely appearance and character design, a lovely voice and performance, and had a very nice debut episode. What more could you ask for? When they're able to make her likable even when she looked like THAT, that's pretty impressive Aside from these elements, there's not a whole lot more to talk about. Pinkie Pie was where most of the humor in this episode came from, and she was very fun to watch in her typical over-the-top behavior (though I did feel a bit bad for her as she was getting run-ragged by that awful manager). Speaking of which, Ra Ra's manager, he sucked. Super petty little turd, that one, and definitely worthy of a swift kick to the balls (though I suppose his getting fired was reward enough, just desserts indeed ). Rarity had a few good scenes with AJ, Twilight did her part to help Applejack make her point at the end, and Flutters and Rainbow were just kinda there and didn't really feature all to much. The animation was lovely, it was nice that they kept the setting fairly contained to just a few locales (really helped make it a solid Slice-of-Life episode in its feel), and it was kinda nice that there wasn't too much in the humor department. It's not like it was the most emotional episode (though the emotion and feels-factor was definitely elevated by the fact that this was Amy Keating Rogers' last episode she wrote on the show), but since it was fairly low-key in the humor, it felt like it was treated as seriously as it should have been. The pacing was solid, Applejack genuinely cared about Ra Ra and you could easily tell and accept this (the flashback was an especially nice touch, filly AJ was cute as she always is, and filly Ra Ra was pretty adorable too), and this made it very easy to connect with this episode and become emotionally invested in what was going on. This was even more impressive in many ways than "Amending Fences" considering the focus was not on Twilight but one of the supporting Mane 6, and the pacing was honestly better as well (remember, Twilight reconnected with four friends in that episode, not just Moondancer, and that additional subplot made the pacing a bit trickier). Fernando is most fabulous bendy straw Overall, this was just about as good as one could ever want an MLP Slice of Life episode to get. We were invested in the problem, all of Applejack's strongest traits were on full display, we genuinely cared about the new character right along with AJ, had some lovely musical numbers thrown in there, and this all in all made for an episode that delivered in every respect and one in which I really have no complaints. Amy couldn't really have asked for a better final episode to work on, this was about as good as a penultimate episode in any season gets (and trust me, we've had bad ones, remember, my least favorite episode to date is "MMMystery on the Friendship Express," and that came in Season 2, which probably remains my favorite season of MLP), and it was just a pleasure through and through to watch. This is definitely an episode I look forward to returning to and rewatching in the future, most likely one of my top 5 favorite episodes on the season, and most certainly Applejack's finest episode this season. What more could you really ask for? We've got two episodes left to go everypony, the two-part season finale next week. I may be a bit late getting my review up since I may be busy with family when the episode debuts, but rest assured I will have my usual review uploaded at some point that weekend. Have a Happy Thanksgiving next week everypony to all my fellow American forum members, safe travels if you are traveling, and I'll see you all at the finish line. I've no doubt the return of Starlight Glimmer is going to be delicious, so get hype everypony!!! Until next time, this is Batbrony signing off. I'm off!!! *cue dramatic exit* 7 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,457 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Why was Rara's cutie mark glowing? I'm surprised nobody else has brought that up. It was never explicitly stated why, but there are clues. Apparently, her CM glows when she not only sings at her very best, but can also emotionally connect to the song. Immediately after it glows, everyone and especially her begin to feel very emotional. 3 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StitchandMLPlover 930 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 (edited) I just saw "The Mane Attraction" and I thought it was probably the most touching episode of the season. I thought for sure it would end up being a CMC helps pony find their identity episode but it was actually Applejack who helps "ra,ra" which fits really well with her element of honesty. I thought the flashback of Applejack with Ra Ra was totally adorable! The "speckle" song totally reminded me of how cheap and flashy music and other forms of art have become these days. Sad. Even more sad is that it is obvious Ra Ra was convinced by that awful manger that she had absolutely no talent except for the flashy effects. Reminded me of my actor friends telling me how managers and producers are "evil" and "have no feelings". I seriously wanted to punch that snooty manager. I loved how they were able to catch him red handed. That begs the question, unicorns can take film of events using magic???? And my other question is why did Ra Ra's cutie mark glow twice? My personal theory is that whenever a pony gets closer and closer to their true self the cutie mark glows to reflect that. I ADORED the 2 songs at the end! Amazing singing and musical work there! So impressed! I loved all of the CMC scenes and was thrilled when they sang with Ra Ra for AJ. The "Equestria" song sounds like an anthem a bit. I don't really see any flaws with this one. You can see this same review here on my DA page So sad to see Amy Keating Rogers leaving. This episode is on youtube now in case anybody missed it btw. Just youtube search it.. Spoiler alert!!!:There was a preview for the MLP season 5 finale shown during this episode and looks like it does involve a time loop!! Edited November 21, 2015 by StitchandMLPlover My short independent films about physical disability! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foliha 395 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I don't know, Walt Disney wasn't exactly a stunning example of humanity. From what I understand, he was a taskmaster. Less cruel towards the staff, more pushing Rara til she was exhausted then pushing her some more. Yeah, Season 5 has really been pumping out some great episodes. Not to mention a flaming racist... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Not to mention a flaming racist... That remark about a "dirty farm pony" was likely motivated more by class than race but it was incredibly disrespectful and condescending either way. 4 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
melody5697 195 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I just saw "The Mane Attraction" and I thought it was probably the most touching episode of the season. I thought for sure it would end up being a CMC helps pony find their identity episode but it was actually Applejack who helps "ra,ra" which fits really well with her element of honesty. I thought the flashback of Applejack with Ra Ra was totally adorable! The "speckle" song totally reminded me of how cheap and flashy music and other forms of art have become these days. Sad. Even more sad is that it is obvious Ra Ra was convinced by that awful manger that she had absolutely no talent except for the flashy effects. Reminded me of my actor friends telling me how managers and producers are "evil" and "have no feelings". I seriously wanted to punch that snooty manager. I loved how they were able to catch him red handed. That begs the question, unicorns can take film of events using magic???? And my other question is why did Ra Ra's cutie mark glow twice? My personal theory is that whenever a pony gets closer and closer to their true self the cutie mark glows to reflect that. I ADORED the 2 songs at the end! Amazing singing and musical work there! So impressed! I loved all of the CMC scenes and was thrilled when they sang with Ra Ra for AJ. The "Equestria" song sounds like an anthem a bit. I don't really see any flaws with this one. You can see this same review here on my DA page So sad to see Amy Keating Rogers leaving. This episode is on youtube now in case anybody missed it btw. Just youtube search it..[/size] Spoiler alert!!!:There was a preview for the MLP season 5 finale shown during this episode and looks like it does involve a time loop!![/size] Do you have another example to support your theory about why Rara's cutie mark was glowing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wind Chaser 4,768 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 First things first, I could handle getting Jossed on the theory that this episode would have been about an adult blank flank, but there is still something about the fact that they'll be sitting on that idea for at least another whole season that rubs me the wrong way. :okiedokielokie: Not focusing on cutie marks didn't preclude this episode from making some good self-identity talk and giving us another good story about how integral of a part friendship is to self-identity, even ones from the past that may seem forgotten. Svengallop's portrayal in the episode was the only thing I could really hold against it, but on the other side, there is a really good question raised by it as well. They could have made his aggression more subtle; the obviousness of his aggression does make me question how wise Coloratura is to continue to follow him despite his constant insistence on his own work. However, the episode does go out of its way to show the sacrifice Coloratura made by turning on him. While she was able to preserve her moral integrity by doing so, she lost a valuable asset to her success. It really raises the question of how much respect are you actually entitled to when you do put hard work into things. There's no doubt Svengallop put his heart and soul into the work (obviously for his own ends), but where is the middle ground between demanding that others be grateful and respect your work and using it to justify being spoiled and entitled? What's great about this is that it shows that even those who work to earn their success can be spoiled by it as well, and there is a right time for them to be called out on it lest they be stifling a productive work environment. I like that Coloratura was so much under his influence that she, at one point, defended him to Applejack. In some sense, it seems derivative of "Canterlot Boutique", where Sassy Saddles influenced Rarity the same way, but it is different in that the Mane 6 are preventing it from happening to someone else instead of witnessing that happen to one of their own. Lena Hall did very well as this character, although this character seemed more tailored to the story than Hall herself. Cheese Sandwich and Discord seemed more tailored to the guest stars that played them than Coloratura was to Hall. It doesn't diminish from her performance in any way. The songs, however, seemed more for her and she did a great job on them. Overall, it was a solid episode. It wasn't top-tier (if Svengallop had been more uniquely entertaining than stereotypical, it would have been better), but it was great for this series, follows well on this season's themes, and I cannot wait for the finale. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LunaLover92 339 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 This episode really brought a tear to my eye not just the song at the end but that fact that Amy keating rogers is leaving mlp after this, it makes me so sad *pouty pinkie face* (Oh and Sven Gallop, he got what he deserved, jerk face!) 3DS friend code5043-2024-3251 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeonCobalt 256 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I absolutely loved this episode. It was a great swan song for Amy Keating Rogers. I throught it was great to see Applejack stand up for her friend, even when it seemed like she didn't want to even BE stood up for. All the songs were excellent, even that one techno song (a little too techno for me, not that I have anything against techno music, it was just a little bit much, but it worked for the context of the scene). Also, Svengallop was a wonderfully snobbish villain, seriously, I wanted to reach though the screen and hit him half the time. All in all a great episode, and a wonderful one for Amy Keating Rogers to go out on. I'd rate it 10/10. 2 Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Sprinkles 48 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Well, this episode was aired today, so I'm gonna watch it tomorrow. Or maybe on the 29th, the day after episodes 25 and 26 are aired. But I assume the episode is good, and worth watching. WHO EXACTLY IS THIS OLD FRIEND OF APPLEJACK? parentsparents Just kidding. In Crusaders of the Lost Mark, the parents were almost confirmed dead. WHAZ UP! I'm Sugar Sprinkles, or Ticklefeather. Just cause. Well, no. Because, Vampire! ~Friendship is Witchcraft- Lunar Slander Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StitchandMLPlover 930 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Do you have another example to support your theory about why Rara's cutie mark was glowing? The only other time I have seen a cutie mark glow was when it happened to Diamond Tiara when she sang about her future being bright and the cutie mark setting her free. My short independent films about physical disability! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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