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gaming The Very Bestest Bosses (Of the Final variety)


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Emperor Devligus Devotindos from Rocket Knight Adventures. Only made it to him once and I had to use save states.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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Lich King (Arthas Menethil) from World of Warcraft. Granted WoW has no "final boss", this was the iconic final boss of the expansion for Wrath of the Lich King. It took months of grinding and countless hours of wipes before my guild actually took him down, and the feeling we had when we did was like nothing you can experience on a normal console game.
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*looks at name*

This guy:

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Also the Final Hazard from Sonic Adventure 2.


Super Sonic + Super Shadow + SPAAACE + Live and Learn = BRAINGASM



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Borderlands final boss... >_>


I found the final boss in Dungeon Defenders (last mission of the story, without DLC) fairly fun. GLaDOS was also good. I know there's a lot more I enjoyed, I'm just having trouble thinking of them at the moment, so I'll probably edit this and add more later :(


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Darth Malak from Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic.


As well as Satan from Binding of Issac




"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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not sure,

I'd say Alister Azimuth from RCF:ACiT


Valkyrie Dimension from DDR II





If ANY of you can beat that, Luna will give you a kiss on the cheek

its gotta be on pad though

Edited by dominatorstrangeman8


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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Ballos, from cave story. Not only is it a great boss fight, but if you don't know what your doing, you're screwed.

And it has a had as bollocks leadup to it, without any restores.






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If were just talking bosses as a whole

MGS1 on PS1, every boss fight in that game is memorable and great.

That game has been one of the few that had bosses right through the whole game, rather than just a few.

Not even the later bosses in the sequels had the perfection the first had.


As for a final boss, I recently beat nier and while the last boss isn't anything special.

The emotion they give you to fight him certainly was some cool stuff.


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The best boss I've ever faced would probably be Yami from Okami. (it's Japanese) The game is rich in folklore, and Yami is darkness. It's literally just a sphere of hate and violence. . . it's amazing. And frightening. :angry:

Love and tolerate, and live by it.

No, this is not a Hallmark card. I'm just incredibly sappy. ^o^


The best revenge is happiness.

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Nyx Avatar (Persona 3). I just love how he goes through the entire arcana story. "The arcana is the means by which all is revealed", gets me every time. Then there was the social link with Ryoji tying in and whatnot. And don't even get me started on that boss theme.

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Ganon is definitely one of the longest standing bosses in gaming history like Bowser. 

Wheatley made a great boss at the end of Portal 2 and I just loved GLaDOS throughout the whole game.

Defeating Alduin in Skyrim was just plain awesome.

It felt great to either get rid of Dmitri Rascalov or Jimmy Pegorino in GTA IV. That game was amazing overall and both endings were equally sad.


My favorite boss of all was Ganondorf in Wind Waker. I can't believe so many people hated that game just based on its graphics. When I played that game the first time back in 2003, I loved the art style. Anyway, when I finally beat the game a couple years ago, I loved the fight with Ganondorf in this game. He's quick. He'll block your attacks. I never took time to find a bunch of hearts so it was always tough for me because i'd go in with, like 10 hearts. And let's just say that Tetra's aim leaves much to be desired...




Plus all dem acrobatics. Yeah, this boss fight was pretty cool to me :)

Edited by Space Woona

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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Henry Cooldown from No More Heroes, he was actually more fun than Jean and was sure as hell more fun than Jasper Batt Jr.


Most MGS final bosses are also pretty sweet

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