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Light saber or Laser Sword?


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I read a couple of star wars books and played some of the games when I was younger. Lightsabers were sometimes referred to as laser swords, sometimes as an insult, sometimes because of a lack of knowledge.

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Well, there is nothing wrong with either, but I use light saber because I think it has a nicer ring to it. If it is called a laser sword, then I will call it that, but if it is not specified...



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If it's a Lightsaber, I call it a Lightsaber. If it's a laser weapon, be it sword, axe, mace, hammer or whatever, I call it a laser weapon. Same for things like energy, plasma, beam, magic weapons, etc.


Though, calling a Lightsaber a laser sword, or a laser sword a Lightsaber, just feels and sounds really weird to me. :huh:

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In the Star Wars universe, theor official name (both in-universe and in the real world) is "lightsaber", but "laser sword" can be used also. In other franchises, these things are just "glowing swords", for example, Frodo's sword in LOTR.

Edited by Space Warrior
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Die hard Star Wars fan so lightsaber is what I think of but I make it a point to NOT refer to any similar weapon in another property simply because a lightsaber isn't just "a laser sword" it's a key part of the Jedi's identity. It's just as much a badge of office as a weapon, even Jedi who favor diplomacy and eschew combat altogether have them. Building one's lightsaber is a key part in becoming a Jedi.


(Skip to 0:56)



It doesn't really matter to me but wasn't Star Wars the first to have made laser swords and everything that came after is more or less inspired by Star Wars?


Well "laser swords" predated Star Wars but you are not entirely wrong. Star Wars was the "trope codifier" if not the "trope maker."

@@Lithophila, believe it or not, they actually call a light saber a laser sword in the dreaded awful Phantom Menace


Well because not everyone in the Galaxy was that intimately familiar with the Jedi even at their height, especially on a backwater like Tatooine. (Side note: ironic that Tatooine could be described in anyway associated with water.) It's like how if you see a Sikh with his dagger hanging from his belt, most would call it a dagger or knife where not as many would know it's actual name is a kirpan.

I can only assume its a better term for it, considering lasers burn. And since there exists some powerful lasers that can have strong enough power to burn. Or in science fiction it slices off with one touch though.


Well keep in mind, both blaster and lightsabers are not "lasers" they both work by superheated plasma. Consider that blaster bolts can be tracked by sight, if they were lasers, they would travel at light speed obviously.



Hell yeah! Light saber of course, cause, well, they are awesome!  B)



Ugh I hate that video.  >_> They aren't Jedi anything, just douchebags with inexplicably powerful connections to the Force. 

Edited by Steel Accord
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