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1 hour ago, Soaring Symphony said:


Sorry bro but that ship is bull crap.  Quibble Pants is an @$$hole.  I don't think he would be a good influence on Dash.  Besides, judging by what we see in the show, the only thing he and Dash seem to have in common is that they're both fans of Daring Do.  I get that there's some value in the idea of a couple having shared interests, but said interests should be genuine passions that they build their lives around (aka, they'd have similar cutie marks), not just some hobby or amusing entertainment.  Claiming that Dash and Quibble make for a good couple based solely on the fact that they're both Daring Do fans; that's about as ridiculous an idea as Brony dating websites . . . . . .


Oh wait. 

First of all, I strongly disagree with your assessment of Quibble as an "***hole".

Second, when dealing with one shot characters, some reading between the lines is required.  Quibble seems to share RDs love of adventure; he's definitely enjoying things when he's not screaming in terror.  He doesn't share her competence at dealing with obstacles (physical ones at least), which makes for good comedy.  Any anyways, his defining character trait is getting excited about things, and we all know Rainbow loves to be told how awesome she is.  Their personalities just fit, in my opinion.  But you can ship who you want and I'll ship who I want.

Finally, I don't think posts that serve no other purpose than to disparage other people's ships is very constructive to the thread.

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  • 3 years later...

for me? i like dem gay ships but i also have no problem with straight ones. i don't do incest and stuff like twilight x celestia

my favs:
RARIJACK OTP 100% this ship is best ship THEY HAVE SO MUCH CHEMISTRY AND JUST YESSSS :toldya::proud:

SCISET OTP 100% this ship is SO CUTE AND I JUST CANT- THEY'RE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER :twismile::awwthanks:

Flutterdash ;):wub:

Appledash :sneer::bedeyes:

Startrix (because yes) :glimmer::wau:

Sundagio (it's hot)

Lyrabon :arethosehands::secret:


Fluttercord (IT'S SO WHOLESOME) :kindness::umad:

Pinkiedash :mlp_pinkie::dash:

Flutterpie (cute) :mlp_laugh::fluttershy:


Twidash :twismile::dash:

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On 2/21/2016 at 12:29 PM, PiratePony said:

I have a deep desire to sink all ships!


That be the pirate in ya, matey.


I ship Rarity with Applejack (My favorite ship.) 

I also ship Pinkie Pie with Princess Luna due to the odd couple aspect of that particular paring. 

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Only ones I ship are Starlight and Trixie. Also Equestria girls Rarity and Applejack (but then Spring Breakdown messed that up). 

I use to ship Rarity and Applejack (fim) but then of course the ending implied Rainbow Dash and Applejack so whatevs. 

Other than that I don’t ship anyone else and don’t care for much of the canon of the ships especially the ones that happened in the last episode. Discord and Fluttershy is ok cuz they actually built it up.

romance in fim has always been a weak point. Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s development after Hard to Say Anything was pretty good, and Rollercoaster of Friendship’s Rarijack was amazing even if it wasn’t really built up beforehand XD

  • Brohoof 2


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On 7/10/2017 at 9:05 PM, Soaring Symphony said:

First of all, I'm only really focusing on characters who have had their own episodes.  By that, I mean the episode is told entirely from a specific character's point of view and no other characters share the spotlight (so episodes such as "Canterlot Boutique" are good whereas episodes like "Slice of Life" or "Magic Duel" (which were "about" but weren't "starring" a bunch of background ponies and Trixie respectively) kind of miss the mark).  




With that criteria in mind, the only characters that fit the bill are:

The Mane Six




Starlight Glimmer

(surprisingly) Big Mac ("Brotherhooves Social" fits the bill)




When it comes to the Mane Six, my ships are:


Soarin Dash


This ship is mostly founded on the fact that both of them are Wonderbolts.  Aka, they have a shared interest (that's good for any relationship).  Plus, their personalities are complimentary.  Dash is very confident and ambitious but can also be brash and even a little hotheaded sometimes.  On the other hand, Soarin is laid back, calm and collected but tends to somewhat lazy.  In turn, the two would make up for each other's shortcomings.  They're two sides of the same coin.




I figured it made sense to kill two birds with one stone.  Fluttershy and Big Mac have a lot of common ground given they're both fairly shy and reserved individuals.  However, as an apple, Mac values a hard day's work.  As such, I think he could help Flutters to be more confident and assertive.  Also, in the episode "Honest Apple", it showed that Mac used to be a trouble maker.  Even though he's mellowed out a lot since then, I wouldn't be surprised if some of those old tendencies are still buried in his subconscious.  I believe that Fluttershy's kind and compassionate nature could keep him grounded.  She did manage to tame Discord after all.


Caramel Jack


Honestly (see what I did there?), I don't really have much of a justification for this ship other than the fact that Caramel is the only ranch pony I can think of who isn't related to Applejack.  Really, I prefer the AJ x Steelhooves ship in Fallout: Equestria but shipping her with an OC doesn't really make much sense in the long run.


Cheese Pie


The two are Rule 63 versions of each other.  'Nuff said.




If Hasbro ships it, then I'm cool with it.


Rarity Pommel

Related image

This is the only ship I'm kind of on the fence about.  I'm not super fond of LGBT relationships (that's a whole other discussion I'd rather not get into at the moment).  Yet, Coco was only pony I could think of who even kind of made sense as a ship for Rarity.  Like Rarity, Coco is extremely generous, she share's her interest in fashion, and she has the same sort of high society vibe about her.  Plus, Coco's Fluttershy-esque personality could help to balance out Rarities drama queen tendencies.  I did consider shipping Rarity with Fancy Pants . . . but then I remembered he has that stupid trophy wife.




The CMC:





Tender Bloom



Sweetie Mash


I don't have much justification for any of these ships other then the fact that they're the ships everyone seems to go with when it comes to the CMC.  Still though, I think Sweetie Belle and Button Mash are an adorable couple.  This ship is OTP and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.




Other Characters:




I prefer this ship over Spike x Rarity because 1: that ship sank way back in season two and 2: Spike and Ember are the same bucking species.  Plus, unlike with Rarity, Ember's personality is complimentary to Spike's in a similar way to Rainbow Dash and Soarin.  After all, those two could not have won the Gauntlet of Fire were it not for the fact that they helped each other the whole way through.  Not to mention that they seem to be around the same age.




This is (obviously) one of my more oddball ships.  Honestly, I like it more for what it represents then for what it actually is.  Discord is the pure manifestation of chaos, so much so that if there isn't constantly some sort of of crazy crap going on around him, he'd literally disappear entirely.  On the other hand, Celestia is all about order and harmony.  So what would happen if you paired the two together (wink wink).  Still though, even if they are rivals in many ways, rivals can sometimes grow into something more.  After all, there's a reason the Joker is often shipped with Batman . . .

Okay, I admit it.  This is a crack ship.  It's still fun to think about though.


(Finally) Star Burst


Starlight would help Sunburst break out of his shell and be less of a recluse.  Sunburst would reign Starlight in so she's less of a sociopath.  Also, Starlight's raw magical potential would pair pretty well with all the experimental spells Sunburst keeps coming up with that he apparently can't actually test out for himself due to being crap at magic.  Not to mention that the two were childhood friends so it's sort of a Forrest Gump scenario (and the two were literally made for each other). 


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Now, I don't really ship the characters of MLP together much. That being said, there are a few I like. Although, I do not like to ship the mane six with each other. 

The main ship I like is SorinDash. For one, they both share a common interest and fascination. Their personalities have both similarities and differences that balance out to create a great relationship. Third is that their interactions in the show just seems to work. Lastly, the two are just very cute together.:wub:

That's the main one, and I would've actually loved to see that one happen in the show. As for other ships, there is Scootaloo and Rumble, and Thunderlane and Cloudchaser. I have a few more, but overall, not too many. Shipping is just something I'm not really into that much.

"Here we are, don't turn away now, We are the warriors that built this town" - Imagine Dragons

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I am proud to ship TwiDash.


-The ship is super cute

-Twilight and Dashie are my favourite ponies 

-Dash can let out her soft side around Twilight 

-Dash teaches Twilight flying and encourages, supports her

-Twilight sees Dash´s strenghts as you can see in the episode "Read it and Weep". I quote: "She´s a lot like you: adventurous, fierce and undeniably, unquestionably, unstoppable."

-In one of my favourite episodes "Tanks for the memories" Dash starts crying because tank has to hibernate and Twi is very undestanding and caring

All in all TwiDash is the best ship ever


Honorable mentions:

-Vinyl x Ocatvia

-Starlight x Trixie

-Lyra x Bonbon



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On 10/25/2020 at 12:17 AM, starninjacam777 said:

my shipping meme. i made this cuz i was bored

Screenshot 2020-10-25 at 12.33.45 AM.png


On 10/25/2020 at 12:48 AM, Miss said:

Only ones I ship are Starlight and Trixie. Also Equestria girls Rarity and Applejack (but then Spring Breakdown messed that up). 

I use to ship Rarity and Applejack (fim) but then of course the ending implied Rainbow Dash and Applejack so whatevs. 

Other than that I don’t ship anyone else and don’t care for much of the canon of the ships especially the ones that happened in the last episode. Discord and Fluttershy is ok cuz they actually built it up.

romance in fim has always been a weak point. Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s development after Hard to Say Anything was pretty good, and Rollercoaster of Friendship’s Rarijack was amazing even if it wasn’t really built up beforehand XD


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/21/2016 at 7:19 PM, Buck Testa said:

I am into the Omniship, especially when it comes to the mane six. Ultimate open relationship status, they all love and care for each other and they all have their relationships outside of their circle of friends as well. Its the best <3 


The only pairings I have that are somewhat monogamous are

Octiscratch = because those two have to many ship fics NOT to

Lyrabon = Come on hasbro you know you wanna make that canon

Maud x Trixie= There is a certain deviant artist to blame for this ship, I love it in all its crack glory <3 

and some others as well 


So yeah, why pair em off when you can have all the ships at once :D

I ship Sweetiebelle x button mash and they are a very cute couple and Sweetiemash is the best  ship latest?cb=20150413213855&key=db572f339735923135-sweetie_belle_wants_to_see__by_r

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I like the what-ifs and stories fans put out to make these ships work:





Big Mac/Glimmer



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Applejack and Rarity

Applejack and RainbowDash

Trixie and Starlight Glimmer

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia

Twilight and Flash Sentry 

Twilight and Sunset Shimmer

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*On Wednesdays We Wear Pink And Betray The Organization*

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think my OTP is Twilight x Flash since she does have a canon crush on him, but I feel like that's almost a controversial opinion since a lot of people (from what I've seen) seem to dislike Mr."Stealyourwaifu". But I feel like they where extremely cute together. Wish they had more Fan Art together, tbh. 

For other ships, Cadence x Shining Armor. But I also think that Fluttercord and Rarity x Spike is kinda cute. 

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Adult Spike + future Rarity.

I'm a sucker for the original pairings on any series.

Also FlutterCord because Discord is funny AF. He makes me feel uneasy 'cause he seems unhinged and untrustworthy, but she seems to like these traits about him. When he made her that normal tea party and it showed she LIKED him doing all that bizarre insane stuff it made me more okay with it.

Flutters likes herself a project it seems lol.

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  • 2 years later...

The only ones I'm really active about;

Fluttershy x Discord - Because they're meant to be. I swear this ship should be canon

Big Mac x Marble Pie - They're also meant to be... Because... Of because

Twilight x Fluttershy - For Twilight I prefer Flashlight, but I'm more actively interesting in Twishy. Because these are the two most interesting of the mane six. Twilight isn't really all that good, but she's interesting

Edited by FlutterIsBestAlicorn
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not a shipper. Man, if I had a follar every time I said that...

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 3 months later...

Flash Sentry and Moon dancer.

I think she is so Twilight adjacent, and more available for an actual relationship, that he gets with her in a weird passive aggressive flirty way, she unsimps him, and just makes him normal, but it's kind of to emasculate him a little bit so he is more interested in her.  

I think she gets with a guy that compliments the idea that just bc a woman is a plain Jane or isn't the hottest in the world, it doesn't mean she can't have a desirable bf to mark her achievement and high value.

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