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movies/tv Movies that you hate, but everyone else loves


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I wouldnt say hate, but i really dislike Batman Returns.

Its ( together with the 60 Parody Movie...thingy ) my least favorite Batman Movie.


But everybody seems to praise it to infinity.

Its not the worst batman movie i ever watched though, that goes to Scooby Doo Meets Batman. XD

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I didn't like Titanic almost at all while my classmates seemed to enjoy it quite a lot.  :please:  I didn't exactly like Frozen either. It really wasn't nearly as good as people make it sound like. 

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Well, a lot of films but if I were to pick one I'd be Inception. I can see why people like it but to me it's just boring and way too much of a "the viewer decides what's actually happening" film. The music was great and the visuals were kind of cool I suppose but everything just felt too... empty. I can't describe it but no matter how many times I watch the it (I have seen it 4 times now) I just can't make myself enjoy it. On top of that, Inception is imo a ripoff of the 2006 film Paprika.

I quite disliked Life of Pi and the praise it received. It was said to be a spiritual and life-questioning movie but after having finished watching it I didn't gain any new insight about life or morality. I'd say it was just hyped purely because it's something different from an action movie.

It sounds more like you didn't really understand the the film.


I strongly dislike almost every film directed by Stanely Kubric.

Have you seen every film directed by Stanley Kubric? I find The Shining to be rather boring, Clockwork Orange was highly disappointing in terms of shock value to me, I expected a lot more violence.. and 2001 A Space Odyssey... While I do think it's a well made film and I like it in that regard, I certainly can't say that I enjoy watching it. It's like the only film I've literally fallen asleep to. Films from him that I really enjoy though are Spartacus and Barry Lyndon.

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It sounds more like you didn't really understand the the film.


I must not've, but what was its message? 

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I must not've, but what was its message? 


I'd be quite a long explanation and I'm not really good at explaining either so you'll be better off google-searching for "life of pi explained" or something instead :P

..but it has to do with how you view beliefs, Piscine tells different stories with the same meaning (for example, the animals in the boat scene represent different characters and feelings from the other version of his story) letting people pick which parts that appeals to them in the same way that he pick certain parts from different religions.

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  • 2 years later...

Every last Marvel movie.

I can't stand the generic, cookie-cutter designs of Marvel's heroes. Not to mention the movies themselves have nothing about them that makes them special to me. They all feel the same. Mediocre and very overrated.

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On 6/16/2016 at 8:20 AM, Member Berry said:

I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey a few weeks ago for the first time. I really liked the idea but I thought it was quite boring :|

I literally fell asleep two times before I made it through that movie. People will always think something's deep just because it's overly artsy and makes no sense.

The book's a surprisingly good story though.

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I wasn’t a fan of...

  • Finding Nemo
  • WALL-E
  • Monsters Inc.
  • Coco
  • Inside Out
  • Up
  • Finding Dory
  • Lilo & Stitch
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • The Pursuit of Happyness (Yes, that is how it’s spelled)

Yeah, the most are Disney/Pixar movies.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Coco (2017) 

Every kid in my class was kissing this movie's ass like crazy when it came out.I saw it and thought "meh" didn't see excalty what made it deserve all the attention it got.

ALL of the generic MCU superhero movies.Absolutely hated Spiderman Homecoming.

"The Nightmare Before Christmas" was just a waste of time for me.

Lastly, the one I get a lot of shit for...."The Godfather" it was boring and long.Like peter griffin said "didn't like it" "couldn't get into it."

This skit is soo fucking relatable when it comes to trying to have an unpopular opinion about this movie:


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On 2/10/2019 at 10:58 AM, Fluttershutter said:

I literally fell asleep two times before I made it through that movie. People will always think something's deep just because it's overly artsy and makes no sense.

The book's a surprisingly good story though.

(2001) was visually stunning, but really dull in long stretches. A C Clark's novel is much better. I question anyone who says then understand the movie without reading the book!

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On 2/28/2019 at 5:17 PM, Messy Mane said:

This skit is soo fucking relatable when it comes to trying to have an unpopular opinion about this movie:

Unfortunately this also applies to just about every popular movie ;-; no one likes people that ruin a circlejerk haha

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Top of my head as of now, I will say Justice League: Doom. I can't even get past halfway.

Another will be Batman: Bad Blood. Among the entire DCAOMU, that is one I can't find full enjoyment in. Yeah, it has good bits like the plot, Damian being Damian, Nightwing being cool, Batwing, but it lacks something the other 'Damian movies' has.

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I hate almost everything Quentin Tarantino has ever made. Granted, he has fleeting moments of talent showing through, and would likely make some decent stuff if someone would rein him in a little and edit his movies. But he apparently falls in love with every line of dialog he writes and will not cut them down. He's obsessed with over-the-top violence, gore and rape, and after a while he lets his movies get too bogged down by this stuff to be enjoyable.

I'm also not a fan of most super hero movies these days. They're way too heavy and over-written. No one seems to know how to write a simple story that's entertaining. Instead they make everything two and a half hours long with too many overlapping storylines and it gets confusing, boring and repetitive. I like movies like Iron Man, and the original Superman (1978). They get it right; making good quality movies with crisp dialog and engaging stories that can be long (in Superman's case) while still remaining fun and engrossing. 

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