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Do the antagonists represent "Elements of Disharmony"?


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It occurred to me that each of the season premiere/finale villains (not counting "Princess Twilight Sparkle or "The Crystalling", which don't have active villains in the same way) can be defined more or less as an opponent to one of the Elements of Harmony:

  • Nightmare Moon: Selfishness, opposing Generosity
  • Discord: Divisiveness, opposing Loyalty
  • Chrysalis: Deception, opposing Honesty
  • Sombra: Cruelty, opposing Kindness
  • Tirek: Powerlessness, opposing Magic
  • Starlight Glimmer: Insincerity, opposing Laughter.

Obviously, some of these are stretches (e.g. what are the opposites of magic and laughter?), but is there any validity to this view of the world? Could having to deal with each of the antagonists be connected to a different aspect of their friendship?

  • Brohoof 3
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Good point. I guess one could also have:


  • Flim and Flam represent Manipulation as opposed to Honesty
  • Gilda represent Grouchiness and/or Nastiness as opposed to Laughter and/or Kindness
  • Lightning Dust represent Betrayal as opposed to Loyalty
  • Suri Polomare represent Greed as opposed to Generosity

Magic I'm not sure of, but those sound like traits that could oppose the elements.

  • Brohoof 1
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Always saw Sombra as the Greed to Rarity's Generosity:


"My Crystal slaves..."



Both also excessively use gems to glitter-fy everything in sight. We saw in "Inspiration Manifestation" what Rarity REALLY wanted...  :o 



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Sombra seems more like the opposite of Pinkie Pie. His name is Sombra after all as in somber or sadness. He left a "black cloud" of depression on the ponies of the Crystal Empire never letting them relax and stay in a state of sadness which is the opposite of laughter. 


Discord would likely be more like the opposite of Honesty and Applejack. Applejack prefers to be straight out while Discord likes to cut corners and play games. Applejack also seems to have a strong sense of order and a conservative nature disliking strange weird things while Discord introduces chaos into the stage. 


Nightmare Moon does seem to be the opposite of Generosity which would be jealousy. Instead of supporting her sister, she becomes hateful and angry. 


Starlight Glimmer seems to be more like Twilight's opposite while still having many similarities. Twilight makes friends not in a calculating and planned out way that's why friendship is magic, it's spontaneous and it happens when you let it happen not when you scheme it. Starlight Glimmer create an entire system and order on what it means to be the best friend that can't ever stop being your friend with her Equality Town even if it means snuffing out all their talents.


Iron Will was Fluttershy's opposite as rudeness against kindness. 



  • Brohoof 1


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I've been thinking about this for years, and have long said that I want to villains to join forces to be the Legion of Disharmony.


...unfortunately, it looks like it's not happening :(

  • Brohoof 1

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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Discord would likely be more like the opposite of Honesty and Applejack. Applejack prefers to be straight out while Discord likes to cut corners and play games. Applejack also seems to have a strong sense of order and a conservative nature disliking strange weird things while Discord introduces chaos into the stage. 

Agreed. Discord against honesty is a stronger case than Discord against loyalty. But I thought Chrysalis against honesty was stronger still, which leaves loyalty as the clearest counter to Discord. 

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  • 1 month later...

   Firstly, to answer your questions, yeah, you do bring up a valid point. Testing the morals of the main characters is the best (and easiest) way to create conflict & foster growth in said characters. Though as many brony reviewers have undoubtedly brought up, rely on this too much & you make them look weak & wishy-washy.


Generosity I have a hard time placing, as I find it hard to separate from loyalty & kindness. Judging by the examples given in the show however, it seems to carry a connotation of self-sacrifice. Something Nightmare Moon clearly balked at when she refused to share time with her sister & enforced her will upon the populace at large. Agree whole-heartedly with you on that point!


Loyalty, as I see it, is somewhat like honor. Wanting for the greater good & thinking of others. The opposite of this would be taking from others & considering yourself the greater good. When Tirek showed up broken & clearly hating the world it became apparent that he viewed himself as the only being worthy of wielding any power at all. I cast my vote for Tirek as the Element of Avarice!


I agree to deception opposing honesty. The entire basis to Chrysalis's species is looking like other ponies, about as far from being true to yourself as can be! Maybe if Chryssy was honest & walked up to the front gates with a "Hey, my hive is going hungry, can we borrow a cup of love? We promise it'll likely not hurt much." we could've avoided the whole hullabaloo, but hey, wouldn't have had an episode then!


Kindness is a bit much like generosity. Willing to give & not expecting a reward, but more of a focus on trusting in others. Sombra was cruel, yes, there's no denying that, but that was when he was alive. The crystal ponies knew very well what he was capable of and when he came back as a...uh, smoke monster there was no way of stopping him. Sombra used those around him & only saw them as objects to take from. Sombra wasn't just an example of it, but an embodiment of fear. Going so far as to have a magical doorway to paralyze you with your worst fear; odd how he'd keep that under his throne where only he could get to it...


As for the opposite of magic, well...I sort of see magic as a tool. Sure magic can be used for good or for ill, but it's meant to help. You could use that hammer to build homes for the homeless...or bash someone's skull in with. But the point is to HELP.

When Starlight Glimmer showed up in her episode, it was her town, her way of thinking. There was one side to be on, and that side was hers. We still see this a bit in her personality, as she's the pony more reluctant to try new experiences and the first to offer criticism or get in the way when things aren't going a way she's comfortable with. As the opposite of magic & the Element of (for lack of a better word) Order, my vote is for Starlight Glimmer!


                                         *cough* Mayadere pony is best pony *cough*


And lastly, Laughter! Way I see it, laughter is sort of its own opposite. If we use Pinkie Pie as an example, the show means laughter as a means to spread happiness, yet still being responsible to know that sometimes, you don't have to be at 100% full-bore ecstatic joy to be happy. The opposite isn't so much as being unhappy, but happy for the wrong reasons. Laughing at the EXPENSE of others, rather then with them. That is what we get in Discord. When he separated the girls in his debut episode, he did so because they would have ruined his plans, and his fun. As we saw in Starlight's parade of alternate timelines, if Discord had his way, everypony would be his puppets & playthings. I vote Discord as the Element of Manipulation!

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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The last time they tried to do a nega-mane six (the shadowbolts in FG) it ended up going nowhere and being a horrible let down.
I wouldn't mind an elements of disharmony thing going on, but at the same time I think it might be difficult for them to do without going into a full serialized series style. Its easier to do disconnected villains.

That being said, if we DID do an "Elements of disharmony" thing for villains, maybe ONCE, just freaking ONCE one of the other 5 could get a focus two parter and save the day instead of twilight.


He was probably like, "Better safe than sorry. Also, crystals..."

Followed by "STAIRS"


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