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Anyone dislike Halloween and other holidays?


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I don't see why you'd be bothered by it. Sure the celebrations had a bigger meaning back in the day but nowadays no one really celebrate these holidays for their religious purpose anyway. Most people just do it 'cause it's fun and has become a tradition. There are a couple of countries where religious holidays such as Christmas is celebrated, Sweden, Czech Republic, Japan, China etc even though most people in these countries aren't even religious. I'm not religious myself so I certainly don't care why people started celebrating these things in the first place. I like Halloween, Christmas, Easter and so on since it is fun.

  • Brohoof 1


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I know some people with Christian inclinations who aren't fond of Halloween, and some who also don't care for horror and macabre themes in excess. I personally find Halloween harmless, except for the few people that use it as an excuse to do something stupid. I really see it as only a big day for kids, teens, and people really into partying, cosplay, horror, and macabre and Gothic themes. I'm not terribly into either but I still respect it and enjoy it to an extent.


I used to find Valentine's Day an aberration, but that was my frustrated, single, teenage mind. I only wish there would be more focus on non-romantic love (family, friends, community, etc).


I used to have a bit of a love-hate with Christmas because of the shallow materialism. It seems as if the world slips into a parallel version of itself, one where people finally learned to enjoy life and uplift each other while simultaneously commercially raping it and injecting stupid, meaningless controversies into it. That's really for another post when the time comes.

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Wicca is! 

It isn't. Wicca was created in the 1954, thus making it impossible for the catholic church to "steal" their holidays. 



I'm guessing you're a Catholic? 

I'm not. 


and by Wicca i basically mean Pagan,

But those are two completely different things. Wicca is one specific religion, while Pagan is a term that refers to a variety of different religions. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I kinda fell out of "celebrating" holidays. The past few years we didn't live close enough to family to celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving. So, come any major traditional holiday, we sat around doing nothing.


I used to love Halloween, but back in North Dakota no one in my town celebrated it, cuz it was a mostly Christian area. My brother and I dressed up in spite of them, but there's only so many times you can wear the same costume and do the same things every year without it getting old.


Hopefully that will change, but certainly not this year. We'll still be living with my grandparents, and they're just anti-everything.

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I never liked Halloween, I never liked having to dress up in a costume for school on Halloween.  I don't like the jumpscares either when you walk by someone's house.  The only thing I like about Halloween is walking around at night with my family drinking hot chocolate  >_>


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Halloween is the one holiday I truly like. I like the creepy stories of demons and ghosts and the barriers between this world and the spirit world broken and all that good stuff. It's not even celebrated that much around here, but I still enjoy carving pumpkins. Maybe I'll buy some fake tombstones this year to put around the house.


Christmas, on the other hand, is the bane of my existence. I appreciate the day off from work, but the forced cheerfulness is grating. I like Christmas trees with horribly mismatching balls and colorful lights, but all the trees around here are orderly and boring.

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Not to mention it's steeped in pagan and Satanic elements and everyone- adults, kids, even pets are taking part in it, because FUN! It's like, heck with researching what it is you're really celebrating, and teaching your hellspawn. What fun is there in that?


When I went around my neighbourhood knocking on doors not once did I think as a kid, "Man, I love Satan's holidays."

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I'm very indifferent about most holidays, to be honest. For example with Christmas, I know that it's very commercial and cheesy at times, but I don't mind the whole thing that's considered as "forced love" every so often anymore. It might be the case, but in the end it doesn't hurt me.


Halloween is nothing I actively participate in nowadays, I mostly just go to things like parties on that occasion. Collecting candy isn't really a thing around here anymore ever since all the children of "my generation" had grown up. It's kind of sad, really. I can remember stopping not only because of hitting a certain age, but also because many people in my neighbourhood didn't seem to be "prepared" anymore with the decline of children going around collecting candy. There don't seem to be enough children around here anymore, everyone grew out of the age. Oh wait, I'm trailing off.


tl;dr Holidays are fine to me, even though I don't enjoy them for their intended purposes anymore.

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wasnt halloween made to banish ghosts by wearing costumes? (or something similar)

Thats what I've heard, it was for banishing evil spirits.


I personally like Halloween, but mainly because it signifies (for me at least) the beginning of the run up to Christmas (and we usually have some fun at work with it too). I used to be Christian, but am not any more, so I don't celebrate Christmas forreligious reasons any more but more because it brings the family together and most people are generally in pretty good spirits :)

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If you have time (or are bored enough) to read this, please read it all because I know people tend to stop in the middle of a message (also note: this is totally subjective) : I dislike every holiday that loses its original purpose; Halloween is supposed to be a holiday to remember the dead and martyrs if I'm  correct. I mean, I'm not saying people are stupid for letting their kids take candies from complete stangers (what do you mean it seems ironic?) but don't call it "Halloween" then, call it something else that's appropriate, like "Candy day" or some shit like that. Halloween is just an exemple, a lot of holidays are now excuses for marketing stuff to surf on the holiday. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't bother me that people are enjoying themselves some days in the year; but then do it  in the name of something else; collecting candy is not remembering the dead for exemple... and don't get me wrong; I'm not Catholic , Christian, Pagan or Celtic (Halloween was influenced by all of these), but I really don't like holidays who had some meaning before, even if you're atheist or stuff, and who's only purpose now is to have presents or candy.  I repeat it: go enjoy yourself, you have the right to, hell yeah you can, how you do it, with pumpkins or costumes, doesn't bother me either; but I just dislike the fact that for exemple it's in the name of "Halloween".

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I never really enjoyed Halloween as a kid. As someone with social anxiety, trick-or-treating had always been a weird concept. Hey, I'm at your door- the line between your public and private life- and I want the candy that you, a perfect stranger, bought with your hard-earned cash. It's just weird.


But now that I'm old enough to choose to not go out, I do enjoy staying in and watching horror movies. I love macabre and horror. And even if I don't like trick-or-treating, I can still go out and buy candy and popcorn.


It seems that trick-or-treating and partying may as well be all that Halloween is. I personally admire dia de los muertos for actually being a day to remember dead loved-ones.



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halloween and holidays in general are ok, but they have been turned into holidays to sell people billions of dollars worth of junk that gets hauled to the dump the day after and bought again next year. holidays now are more about making corporations money than actually celebrating

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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I just dislike Halloween simply because I find the idea of dressing up as whatever while asking for candy a little bit silly... but mostly because the candy given out is pretty bad (At least here :P)


hOWEVER, Christmas is absolutely aMAZING! Personally to me, it's not about how the Holiday originally started/what it WAS about; to me it's about what it's celebrated for now (Family time, a new year/beginning, appreciating what you have, and presents! :3). If that was the case, we'd be ACTUALLY celebrating Jesus' birth around summer, and... it wouldn't really be as special, at least to me.

Top Bae.

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Halloween bores me. Too much darkness and candy. Although...the costumes can be cool :)

Aka "LadyPKchu".

I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though.

I'm also a FlutterDash supporter.

I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now :P

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Dogmatic ideas for those which lack the wisdom to be at peace with the notion of unknown.

Once you get rid of limiting ideas, you'll find peace. You'll find the beauty inherent to all life forms.

Yet again, earth is planet in process of development. Given this, some life forms still act within the dualistic form of thought. Naturally you'll trascend fear of division, into a greater comprehension that brings unity as whole, or you'll destroy yourself alone.

It's a natural process throughout creation.

I suggest joyous upliftment and honor to life. So next halloween, make the best costume and show the world your colorful essence.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Nope, I love all holidays but ESPECIALLY love ones that involve lots and LOTS of food! 


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Last year was my first Halloween (here on the forum), and I liked it!


I already have a plan for next Halloween together with a member here at the forum. :squee: It is gonna be great!



So no, I don't dislike holidays.

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