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Equestria needs the death penalty. The Season 6 finale is proof.


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Try telling that to Disney. They make movies for kids, and one way or another, they kill their villains outright. Name one parent who gave the studio flak for killing Scar, Ursula, or Maleficent. You can't do it.


They don't execute them. Every single villain died by their own hand and their own miserable actions or repercussions of those actions.


No one said villains can't possibly die in the show at some point... the topic is "should they be executed?".


Completely different things. If Chrysalis falls off a cliff or gets turned into pudding in a cave in or something you can work in messages of right and wrong to go along with it.


If Celestia throws her in an electric chair and flips the switch after giving a long speech about how this is punishment for her crimes against the ponies of Equestria... it will still be seen as murder by a large majority no matter how you try to justify it or spin the lesson. Or hey, we can do the hanging by gallows scene where they can throw the lever and we see the rope go taught and the shadow of Chrysalis' body as it contorts and twists in it's final moments of life after the broken neck. Don't be evil kids.. it ends badly for you.


Yeah no.


~No profound statement needed~

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That's fine then I get startled easy. Need to pay  attention to what I type out.

You did mention coffee, when poor sleep and caffeine combine for me I tend to get a little paranoid or moody, maybe you have something similar. Probably related to the heart and circulation of oxygen to the brain.


Anyways I don't think Equestria needs the death penalty, it'd be silly if it did and demotivate kids, granted death is indirectly mentioned multiple times, its not the same as friendshipping people to resolve conflict, and if kids say you deserve to die thats a little aggressive and kids pick up on some behaviors easy.

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You did mention coffee, when poor sleep and caffeine combine for me I tend to get a little paranoid or moody, maybe you have something similar. Probably related to the heart and circulation of oxygen to the brain.


Anyways I don't think Equestria needs the death penalty, it'd be silly if it did and demotivate kids, granted death is indirectly mentioned multiple times, its not the same as friendshipping people to resolve conflict, and if kids say you deserve to die thats a little aggressive and kids pick up on some behaviors easy.

I'm not saying there can't be consequences in this show.  I just read Jim Miller's recent twitter post and supported him all the way. Its a show intended for girls age 6-12 and the staff  is happy that their demographic has expanded. The show has only done "death" three times. 


-The dead pony in hearts and hooves day song

-Sombra exploding 

-Nightmare Moon blasting Celestia and Twilight mourning over her.


I don't know what they have planned for Chrysalis in season 7... I really am hoping they don't reform her. But nothing severe will happen to her for what she did.

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I'm not saying there can't be consequences in this show.  I just read Jim Miller's recent twitter post and supported him all the way. Its a show intended for girls age 6-12 and the staff  is happy that their demographic has expanded. The show has only done "death" three times. 


-The dead pony in hearts and hooves day song

-Sombra exploding 

-Nightmare Moon blasting Celestia and Twilight mourning over her.


I don't know what they have planned for Chrysalis in season 7... I really am hoping they don't reform her. But nothing severe will happen to her for what she did.


Wait... When did that happen?? In the alternate universe? I only recall Celestia being banished to the Moon :o


As for Chrysalis, I think she'll make at least one attempt, maybe more, then will be reformed... and jokingly punished. Like, taking friendship lessons from Starlight! Just imagining it is making me smile :-P

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Wait... When did that happen?? In the alternate universe? I only recall Celestia being banished to the Moon :o


As for Chrysalis, I think she'll make at least one attempt, maybe more, then will be reformed... and jokingly punished. Like, taking friendship lessons from Starlight! Just imagining it is making me smile :-P

Remember the season  4 opener when Twilight found out she was in the past? Twilight thinking her mentor died.

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Wait... When did that happen?? In the alternate universe? I only recall Celestia being banished to the Moon :o


As for Chrysalis, I think she'll make at least one attempt, maybe more, then will be reformed... and jokingly punished. Like, taking friendship lessons from Starlight! Just imagining it is making me smile :-P


Princess Twilight Sparkle part 2


~No profound statement needed~

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Aaaaah, right, this! I just never thought Celestia had died there, nor that it had been their intentions to make the viewers think so. I simply figured Twilight was sad because Luna had reverted to NMM and had hurt her sister, then shifted to being happy to see that Celestia was still standing instead of beaten and unconscious.

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While I don't necessarily want the show to go full Earth Queen on one of their villains, if one of them is to be really evil like Chrysalis, than instead of pulling another FIM quality villain reformation, I would rather see either her or any new villain to go the way of King Sombra by killing them off in a manner that doesn't leave a body, and not using the word death in order for Hasbro to keep the TV Y rating and not scar any of the target audience members.


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While I don't necessarily want the show to go full Earth Queen on one of their villains, if one of them is to be really evil like Chrysalis, than instead of pulling another FIM quality villain reformation, I would rather see either her or any new villain to go the way of King Sombra by killing them off in a manner that doesn't leave a body, and not using the word death in order for Hasbro to keep the TV Y rating and not scar any of the target audience members.


It might just be me, but I don't view Chrysalis as being "really evil". To me, she's more desperate for her people than anything. Now sure, her ways are not that friendly, but she never evil like Tirek or Sombra did. Tirek didn't care for others and manipulated as much as he needed to. Chrysalis... did the same, but it's different! Somehow!


Joking aside, she always, always said that her aim was to establish a future for her hive, where they could feed as they wished. She resorted to deception more than manipulation and kidnapping among others, but alway had this noble aim in mind. That's I think she's more of a well-intentioned extremist than a truly evil character thinking only of themselves and trusting no one, like Sombra or Tirek. Heck, Tirek didn't even trust his own brother to showcase this, and was content 'lazor of doom'-ing everything in the alternate timeline!

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I think overthrowing Crhrysalis might've been a very bad mistake that will only get realised some time afterwards. As far as we've seen, regular changelings and changeling queens are different, and a changeling queen is needed for the species' reproduction. Currently, The only changeling queen is Chrysalis. If my assumptions are correct... Then Thorax and the other changelings might've locked themselves in a path to extinction unless they can convince Chrysalis to return to the hive.


Heck, this might be the sole reason Chrysalis might stop and be reformed!


I agreed, overthrowing her just seems redundant and it not going to be any help to make her a huge threat. I was happy to see one of the changeling like Thorex to be good, just to show that not all changeling are mindless servants. However if it possible, they could have thorex be the king of changeling. which I'm thrilled about too. But looking at the facts, I think overruling her is just a huge mistakes, bec now she just a lone villain with no real threat or an army. She a is type of villain who doesn't rule Eq by herself. She need an army and a kingdom to make her more of a threat. and no i hope they not going to reform her. But unless...thorex got corrupted and then becoming a bad guy. PLOT TWIST.

Overall i think they need to re desgin Thorex's new form...https://imgur.com/a/rB8oi


need a little touch of black...ya know?  To avoid looking too lame and less of reindeer look to it. I kinda wished they would added holes for his hooves, it like changing him to be less of a changeling. As we know Changeling is "ugly" species who is unloved due to their appearances.  Having that to change for his looks, by making him more colorful and less abnormal just puts away of "being proud of who you are" i feel his new form should been a bit more dark and a more like changeling. Just the way changelings should be. 

Edited by satrox



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We can't really tell as far as reproduction is concerned. But as for her villain status, I'd say Chrysalis is plenty dangerous on her own. She's managed to fool everypony with the exception of Twilight all by her lonesome. She didn't need no army for that. And if she manages to feed enough, she can even overpower Celestia.


There are 2 possibilities now:

- not all changelings have reformed, meaning Chrysalis still has drones at her command

- Chrysalis is basically alone, losing her former goal of doing everything in her power for her hive. Those who have nothing to lose are the most dangerous, and since she's proven her skills both in battle and in deception, she'll be more than a threat.

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Discord -broke free of his stone prison
Tirek - broke out of his prison

sEe kepeing supervillains alive just results in them coming back over and over. yeah show message is about forgiveness and all that but still drives me nuts in superhero stories "Oh you just killed thousands with your gas bombs or something but we will jsut lock you up forever . even though ou have magic power that could kill more people." logic hello!


- Chrysalis is basically alone, losing her former goal of doing everything in her power for her hive. Those who have nothing to lose are the most dangerous, and since she's proven her skills both in battle and in deception, she'll be more than a threat.

Reminds me of starscream from Transformers Prime almost.. kind of

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We can't really tell as far as reproduction is concerned. But as for her villain status, I'd say Chrysalis is plenty dangerous on her own. She's managed to fool everypony with the exception of Twilight all by her lonesome. She didn't need no army for that. And if she manages to feed enough, she can even overpower Celestia.


There are 2 possibilities now:

- not all changelings have reformed, meaning Chrysalis still has drones at her command

- Chrysalis is basically alone, losing her former goal of doing everything in her power for her hive. Those who have nothing to lose are the most dangerous, and since she's proven her skills both in battle and in deception, she'll be more than a threat.


There has been no word on the drones who had been impersonating the Royal Family and Elements of Harmony at the end of the episode. For all we know, they are the only ones who still follow Chrysalis, so she does still have some followers, but if she is alone, then she is more dangerous than ever, and both the Royal Family and Elements of Harmony know that well if they were willing to let her go and escape after she refused Starlight's hoof in friendship.

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They don't execute them. Every single villain died by their own hand and their own miserable actions or repercussions of those actions.


No one said villains can't possibly die in the show at some point... the topic is "should they be executed?".


Completely different things. If Chrysalis falls off a cliff or gets turned into pudding in a cave in or something you can work in messages of right and wrong to go along with it.


If Celestia throws her in an electric chair and flips the switch after giving a long speech about how this is punishment for her crimes against the ponies of Equestria... it will still be seen as murder by a large majority no matter how you try to justify it or spin the lesson. Or hey, we can do the hanging by gallows scene where they can throw the lever and we see the rope go taught and the shadow of Chrysalis' body as it contorts and twists in it's final moments of life after the broken neck. Don't be evil kids.. it ends badly for you.


Yeah no.

Scar getting killed by his own hyena posse, Ursula getting impaled by a ship that was steered into her, and Maleficent getting an arrow to the heart are not cases where they died by their own actions. Yes, they weren't "executed" in the sense that it was decided through some legal process they should die, but each death was still caused directly by somebody else. Violently. And regardless if it happened for the right reasons, in the context of kid-friendly movie, it can still be argued that those events count as murder.


The only difference with Chrysalis is that executing her wouldn't simply be a punishment, but a safety measure to keep her from doing any more harm if she got loose again. And you know she would, because the finale proves that reforming Chrysalis is hopeless, and Tartarus has proved to be insufficient at keeping even a weak Tirek captive.


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I don't think Disney had the death penalty actually carried out in any of their films to my layman's knowledge. Although, the imagery is used to some effect. Also, Disney characters don't kill, right? They just let their enemies kill themselves. Please correct me if I'm off.


Reformation is used as an alternative to death in MLP. But what happens with characters who won't reform and can't be killed off? I guess they just disappear. I, for one, do not want to see the Queen of the changelings reformed. I don't think that reforming the entire hive was good either. It doesn't sit right with me and not just because they're now like a knock-off Crystal Empire. The ponies should have sent her away for good. They shouldn't have let her get away so easily.

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
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I don't think Disney had the death penalty actually carried out in any of their films to my layman's knowledge. Although, the imagery is used to some effect. Also, Disney characters don't kill, right? They just let their enemies kill themselves. Please correct me if I'm off.


I admittedly have not seen that many Disney films, but off the top of my head, the only villains I can think of who got themselves killed were William Clayton and Bill Sykes. Others like Maleficent and Ursula were killed in a fight. It's not the "death penalty" per se, but still clear cut examples of the good guys brazenly causing villains to die.


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I admittedly have not seen that many Disney films, but off the top of my head, the only villains I can think of who got themselves killed were William Clayton and Bill Sykes. Others like Maleficent and Ursula were killed in a fight. It's not the "death penalty" per se, but still clear cut examples of the good guys brazenly causing villains to die.

I see. I doubt that would occur in MLP though.

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
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I think that's going a little bit extreme. As a children's show, envoking the death penalty would be going against what the show stands for, and besides, the writers must conform to the fact that MLP was written for a specific age group. Sending villains to Tartarus or banishing them from Equestria seems to be the social norm in hopes of having them out of sight and out of mind. Funny thing I've mentioned in Sunset fanfiction is being banished to the desolate wastes beyond Equestria. A place like that for example would definitely break down a villain's motivation to the point of insanity.


Regarding Chrysalis since she's been brought up, the first time she was defeated, she was never given a chance to reform because she and the other Changelings got blasted away by a magical barrier of love.



What happened in the season six finale was technically her first chance being blown



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They were reformed because they were given the chance to. Chrysalis in the show isn't that evil either. She's extremely concerned about her people and, this is her flaw, will go to lengths greater than she should.



The finale had her almost give in to Starlight's speech, only to let... something else (pride? distrust? ...?) get in the way and turn her down. The ponies and changelings did not stop her you could see Starlight's heartfelt sorrow for her, wishing she had not repeated the same mistake she had. So a reformation clearly is possible here.



As for Tirek and Sombra, we don't know enough about them. And misunderstanding is the source of conflict. Tirek considered the ponies to be inferior, but so did the dragons. Establishing a mutual understanding is hard and can take a lot of time, but is what is advocated by the show. It doesn't have to become friendship. You can hate someone, yet respect them enough to not want to kill them, for instance. The show is saying that everyone - even those who DID commit evil deeds with evil intentions - can become better individuals, given the proper guidance


Admittedly though, this goes far beyond the scope of this show, and is quite polarising in our world as well. I can understand not agreeing with this, so I'll respect your opinion.

Not sure how much the comic is in cannon with tv show, but in comic Sombra comes back and is reformed and goes on a quest to undo his worst mistake.

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I admittedly have not seen that many Disney films, but off the top of my head, the only villains I can think of who got themselves killed were William Clayton and Bill Sykes. Others like Maleficent and Ursula were killed in a fight. It's not the "death penalty" per se, but still clear cut examples of the good guys brazenly causing villains to die.


That's what I find a bit sad. Imagine the children cheering loudly as someone gets killed. Yaaaaay, off with the heads!! I for one find this rather savage. Not to mention the characters themselves will have to bear this scar of having caused (directly or indirectly) someone else's death. Ariel did not hate her aunt, and I'm sure that given the choice, she would have chosen to reform her instead. Same goes for Simba and Scar. When he learned of what Scar did, he pounced on him and ordered him to confess his crimes instead of killing him in rage. In his mind, Scar had to atone for his crimes, not die as punishment.


Speaking of Scar, he's one who proves that someone's death, even someone evil, can cause misery to others. Not only in The Lion King 2, but also for the hyenas themselves. Once Scar died, they'd have to go back to the elephant graveyard and live in hunger once more. And there are many examples where an evil character's death can trigger other events in sometimes a never-ending chain. The vendettas can be one example.


And lastly, if a ruler is willing to off someone, then it's in anyone's rights to off someone as well, right? This is what can be perceived by others. It adds another taboo layer criminals would have to break. I'm sure had the ponies killed some changelings, Chrysalis wouldn't have behaved as "mercifully" as she did. And the other changelings would have cheered and demanded that she makes it a spectacle of giving Celestia the death penalty. I can let you imagine how that would have spiraled out of control...

  • Brohoof 1
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I think that's going a little bit extreme. As a children's show, envoking the death penalty would be going against what the show stands for, and besides, the writers must conform to the fact that MLP was written for a specific age group. Sending villains to Tartarus or banishing them from Equestria seems to be the social norm in hopes of having them out of sight and out of mind. Funny thing I've mentioned in Sunset fanfiction is being banished to the desolate wastes beyond Equestria. A place like that for example would definitely break down a villain's motivation to the point of insanity.


Regarding Chrysalis since she's been brought up, the first time she was defeated, she was never given a chance to reform because she and the other Changelings got blasted away by a magical barrier of love.



What happened in the season six finale was technically her first chance being blown


I have a theory of why Chrysalis possibly reached her hoof out. You think its possible when Thorax freely gave his love to Chrysalis... She soaked that in? Meaning that type of love she consumed altered her to a small degree?

  • Brohoof 1
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I have a theory of why Chrysalis possibly reached her hoof out. You think its possible when Thorax freely gave his love to Chrysalis... She soaked that in? Meaning that type of love she consumed altered her to a small degree?


As a changeling herself, she too would like to be freed from this state of constant hunger. She had the opportunity right in front of her, but it was the one who'd just ruined her plans, her castle and turned (part of?) her people against her. She clearly had conflicting emotions and thoughts, and in the end, the negative ones won. For now, at least.


I don't think she soaked in the love Thorax gave her... Gosh is that awkward to say :blush:

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