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gaming Top Ten Favorite Videogames


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In this thread, post your top ten videogames of all time! \(^o^)/


#1)  Super Mario Sunshine        


#2)  Shadow of the Colossus     


#3)  Xenoblade Chronicles X  


#4)  The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker


#5)  Ristar


#6)  Ico


#7)  Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow


#8)  Kingdom Hearts 2


#9)  Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3



  • Brohoof 1
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1. Banjo Kazooie


2. Banjo Tooie


3. Donkey Kong 64


4. Warioware(well say franchise, because its comprised of mini games)


5. Pokemon( Same deal, but Ruby/Emerald/Sapphire is my favorite, Hoenn is best region)


6. Quake 3 Arena


7. Time Splitters Future Perfect


8. World of Warcraft


9. All Super Smash Bros, (but Melee is where it is)


10. Kingdom Hearts 2


Also... Diddy Kong Racing, Animal Crossing, Kingdom Hearts 1,  Starfox64, Hearthstone, and Sonic Battle Adventure 2. 

  • Brohoof 1
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1. Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door


2. Dark Souls


3. Pokemon Sun


4. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward


5. Darksiders 2


6. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness


7. Megaman Battle Network 5: Team Protoman/Colonel


8. Mass Effect 2


9. Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land


10. Legend of Dragoon

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
Now, count up your sins!
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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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1. Super Mario Galaxy





2. Super Mario Galaxy 2





3. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze





4. Super Mario 3D World





5. Super Smash Bros. For Wii U




6. Pokemon Sun and Moon





7. Kirby's Return to Dreamland





8. Donkey Kong Country Returns





9. Splatoon





10. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker



As you can probably tell, I love all things Nintendo. Except the N64, I goddamn hate that thing......

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1. Super Mario Galaxy





2. Super Mario Galaxy 2





3. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze





4. Super Mario 3D World





5. Super Smash Bros. For Wii U




6. Pokemon Sun and Moon





7. Kirby's Return to Dreamland





8. Donkey Kong Country Returns





9. Splatoon





10. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker



As you can probably tell, I love all things Nintendo. Except the N64, I goddamn hate that thing......

I literally was about to like your post because of some of your games, until I saw the cancer beneath the list

Edited by Rose Coil
  • Brohoof 1
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I literally was about to like your post because of some of your games, until I saw the cancer beneath the list.



Wow, someone on planet Earth ACTUALLY has a difference of opinion to you?! That obviously means that their comment is, and I quote " cancer". Never mind that I may have a perfectly legitimate reason for disliking it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I haven't really been playing much video games recently, but these are my top ten out of the ones I have played.

  1. Metal Gear Solid (PSX)
  2. Undertale
  3. Team Fortress 2
  4. Portal
  5. Pokemon Silver/SoulSilver
  6. Resident Evil 4
  7. Starcraft II
  8. Super Mario Bros. 3
  9. Half-Life 2
  10. Halo 2
  • Brohoof 1
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My top ten (So mainstream... Though, I'll do it) of all time:

01. Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (My new number 1! The soundtrack encouraged me to raise it.)

02. Team Fortress 2 (If only the End of the Line update NEVER HAPPENED...)

03. Borderlands (I demoted it, because I was thinking about the design choices that were made... Lazy ones, specifically. *cough cough* 2nd play through *cough cough*)

04. Super Mario 64 (I prefer the DS remake)

05. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (Almost makes me want to watch Anime...)

06. Kirby Super Star (In my opinion, Ultra is better than the original. May be because the DS was my main console of nostalgia (Though I broke like 3 of them...).)

07. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 (Have yet to play Sky though)

08. Banjo-Kazooie (Rusty Bucket Bay (Weegee has fury!))

09. Super Smash Bros. 4 (Wii U is better, though I think the 3DS version's good too)

10. Halo 3 (Believe it or not, it did help me through a fairly difficult time...)

Edited by Nerdy Luigi
  • Brohoof 1


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My top ten favorite video games are:


1. Kingdom Hearts 2

2. Overwatch

3. Devil May Cry 3

4. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3

5. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

6. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

7. Pokemon Moon

8. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorer's of Darkness

9. Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3

10. Mario Party 2

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My Top ten Favorite Video Games


1. Nascar Thunder 2004

2. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

3. Mario Kart 8

4. Pokemon Sun and Moon

5. Nascar 2005: Chase for the Cup

6. Plants vs. Zombies

7. Super Mario 64

8. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

9. Nascar Thunder 2002

10. Mario Kart Wii

Edited by Zachary
  • Brohoof 1

Rarity SIG 17 Standard Size.png

Thanks Kyoshi for the Signature

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1) Devil May Cry 4


2) Rainbow Six: Vegas II


3) Ragnarok Odyssey Ace


4) Ninja Gaiden 2 (PS3 and Xbox 360)


5) Killzone 3


6) Killzone: Shadowfall


7) Tomb Raider (2013)


8) Resident Evil 6


9) Darksiders 2


10) Splinter Cell




"I'm the Messiah the gnashing of teeth, no one meets death until they see me, I am the Alpha and Omega..." -King 810

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1. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

2. Sonic Adventure

3. Zelda: Ocarina of Time

4. Sonic Adventure 2

5. Banjo-Kazooie 

6. Pokemon G/S/C

7. Super Smash Bros. Wii U

8. Max Payne

9. Animal Crossing New Leaf

10. Earthbound

  • Brohoof 1
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I tend to lean more in being a old school gamer on my favs:


1. Okami

2. FF-X

3.Pokemon Gold

4.Persona 3

5.Persona 4

6. Zelda: OfT

7.Starfox 64


9.Pokemon Go

10.Pokemon Silver

  • Brohoof 1


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I literally was about to like your post because of some of your games, until I saw the cancer beneath the list.



Wow, someone on planet Earth ACTUALLY has a difference of opinion to you?! That obviously means that their comment is, and I quote " cancer". Never mind that I may have a perfectly legitimate reason for disliking it.

Haha not a good one, whats your reason, never playing n64? and you still like some good games, but disliking n64... either you were high or you grew up when Gamecube was brand new... ps1 sucked... n64 was incredible

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I haver played the N64 countless more times then I have played the PS1, yet I can definitely say that the PS1 is the superior console. The N64 has not aged well, you don't need to be high to be able to see that. Also, I only ever got round to having a GameCube at around the same time as I got an N64 as I didn't grow up with either. You want me to prove everything that is wrong with the N64? Okay, well here's a few.


1) The controller sucks. It's awkwardly shaped, too large with lots of unnecessary space, as well as having a control stick with ridges on it for some stupid reason, leading discomfort, blisters in the case of Mario Party 1. Not to mention how frail the damn thing is, with countless controllers breaking for very little reason. And before you say that it's just me, look on YouTube about why the N64 is overrated and you will see many other people experiencing the same problem.


2) ( The big one ) Many games on the system have aged very poorly. While I appreciate that many of these games were phenomenal for their time, many aspects of them have aged badly. This includes controls, broken cameras( looking at you Super Mario 64 ), bland environments, cheap BS that you would never get away with nowadays, such as the rubber banding AI present in many of the system's titles, and features that look downright stupid when compared to those in the present day, such as the entire experience of Goldeneye007. The previously mentioned bad controller doesn't help either. 


3) Overly protective and overly nostalgic fan boys. The true reason why I hate this console. I'm communicating with one right now for crying out loud. Nowhere in your response have you given any sufficient evidence to support your claims, short of, " you're wrong " or " you're high " or my absolute favourite, " your opinion is cancer ". If you are going to defend a console in a biased manner, at least try to back up your claims with actual reasoning. Also, if you grew up with the N64, then you must be at least 17 years old. Yet you are here calling my opinion cancer". Your apparent age and your maturity really do not match. I am a person, right? I'm going to have opinions that differ from yours. Either accept that and move on, or shut up. I never criticized you for preferring SSBM over it's sequels, despite how stupid I think that it is. Just let people freely express their opinion, without criticizing them in a fashion similar to that of a child. If not for me, do it for yourself. You do not make yourself seem mature here. Also, it was good for the time, is NOT a good argument. Because the last time I checked, we are not living in 1998, when it was good for it's time. We are living in 2017, where it is not good for the time we are in.


Defend any of the claims that I just levelled against the N64. I guarantee that I will be able to think up of a counter argument. Or just bite your tongue like everyone else and move along. I don't really care.

Edited by Rarity the Supreme
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I haver played the N64 countless more times then I have played the PS1, yet I can definitely say that the PS1 is the superior console. The N64 has not aged well, you don't need to be high to be able to see that. Also, I only ever got round to having a GameCube at around the same time as I got an N64 as I didn't grow up with either. You want me to prove everything that is wrong with the N64? Okay, well here's a list.


1) T

N64 LITERALLY had superior graphics at that time, more multi player functions, better titles, and N64 are selling for 50-100$ TO THIS DAY.

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Well.... that's tricky because I don't like to create TOP 10.

But I can do a listing with 10 (*coughs* 11 *coughs*) favorite games of mine with no specific order.


- Red Dead Redemption

- Little Big Adventure 2

- Soul Calibur 2

- Jak and Daxter franchise (I cheat, I know !)

- Ratchet and Clank franchise (cheating again, sorry)

- Sly Cooper franchise (sorry again)

- GTA franchise (ha ha, agaiiiin)

- Manhunt

- Silent Hill 2

- Oddworld : Abe's Oddyssey

- Final Fantasy IX

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Well.... that's tricky because I don't like to create TOP 10.

But I can do a listing with 10 (*coughs* 11 *coughs*) favorite games of mine with no specific order.


- Red Dead Redemption

- Little Big Adventure 2

- Soul Calibur 2

- Jak and Daxter franchise (I cheat, I know !)

- Ratchet and Clank franchise (cheating again, sorry)

- Sly Cooper franchise (sorry again)

- GTA franchise (ha ha, agaiiiin)

- Manhunt

- Silent Hill 2

- Oddworld : Abe's Oddyssey

- Final Fantasy IX

A PlayStation1 fan I see. Recently me and my brother purchased one for the first time after failing to get much enjoyment out of our N64. So far, I admit, I'm really impressed, particularly with the Crash and Spyro games, we've had a lot of fun times with them already and I'm quite eager to sink my teeth into a Jak and Daxter game. Which game in the franchise would you say is the one that I should try out first? I'm interested to know.

  • Brohoof 1
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A PlayStation1 fan I see. Recently me and my brother purchased one for the first time after failing to get much enjoyment out of our N64. So far, I admit, I'm really impressed, particularly with the Crash and Spyro games, we've had a lot of fun times with them already and I'm quite eager to sink my teeth into a Jak and Daxter game. Which game in the franchise would you say is the one that I should try out first? I'm interested to know.

Ha ha ha ! Indeed, I have to admit, I'm a Playstation fan.


Oh, well, I'd advice you to try the first one before, The Precursor Legacy. It sets the universe of the games with the basics, some lore and all. And because, personally, when I wanna try a new franchise, I prefer to start with the very first game. But the latter point is just my point of view.

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I have played the N64 countless more times then I have played the PS1, yet I can definitely say that the PS1 is the superior console. The N64 has not aged well, you don't need to be high to be able to see that. Also, I only ever got round to having a GameCube at around the same time as I got an N64 as I didn't grow up with either. You want me to prove everything that is wrong with the N64? Okay, well here's a few.


1) The controller sucks. It's awkwardly shaped, too large with lots of unnecessary space, as well as having a control stick with ridges on it for some stupid reason, leading discomfort, blisters in the case of Mario Party 1. Not to mention how frail the damn thing is, with countless controllers breaking for very little reason. And before you say that it's just me, look on YouTube about why the N64 is overrated and you will see many other people experiencing the same problem.


2) ( The big one ) Many games on the system have aged very poorly. While I appreciate that many of these games were phenomenal for their time, many aspects of them have aged badly. This includes controls, broken cameras( looking at you Super Mario 64 ), bland environments, cheap BS that you would never get away with nowadays, such as the rubber banding AI present in many of the system's titles, and features that look downright stupid when compared to those in the present day, such as the entire experience of Goldeneye007. The previously mentioned bad controller doesn't help either. 


3) Overly protective and overly nostalgic fan boys. The true reason why I hate this console. I'm communicating with one right now for crying out loud. Nowhere in your response have you given any sufficient evidence to support your claims, short of, " you're wrong " or " you're high " or my absolute favourite, " your opinion is cancer ". If you are going to defend a console in a biased manner, at least try to back up your claims with actual reasoning. Also, if you grew up with the N64, then you must be at least 17 years old. Yet you are here calling my opinion cancer". Your apparent age and your maturity really do not match. I am a person, right? I'm going to have opinions that differ from yours. Either accept that and move on, or shut up. I never criticized you for preferring SSBM over it's sequels, despite how stupid I think that it is. Just let people freely express their opinion, without criticizing them in a fashion similar to that of a child. If not for me, do it for yourself. You do not make yourself seem mature here. Also, it was good for the time, is NOT a good argument. Because the last time I checked, we are not living in 1998, when it was good for it's time. We are living in 2017, where it is not good for the time we are in.


Defend any of the claims that I just leveled against the N64. I guarantee that I will be able to think up of a counter argument. Or just bite your tongue like everyone else and move along. I don't really care.


I don't really agree that the PS1 was better. To be honest, there was only one PS1 game that I even cared about (Chrono Cross), and heck I never even got half way through it. The N64 had a pretty good library (unlike the PS1, having only one decent game from what I've played), with games like Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario 64 that were considered among the all-time greats (I personally agree, well... somewhat anyways. (Assault was easily better than Star Fox 64).


I can agree the controller design was absolutely terrible. If they had stuck to something similar to the SNES design it would have been okay, but... why the extra handle? It's just so awkward to hold and actually use as a controller. I mean if they put the Joystick further up and got rid of the third handle, I would have been satisfied, though still unimpressed with the design of it because it would still be awkward, to be honest.


You didn't really back the second point well, and I would actually say they've aged pretty well. Heck, there was still competitive Super Smash Bros. N64 about 5 years or so ago... Also, considering that one of the games you mentioned is pretty much a staple of the speed-running scene, as are other N64 titles... Can't really see it. Actually, most N64 games have actually aged really well, considering they are about 15-20 years old now. (Though I can definitely agree on Goldeneye... That game is really hard to watch let alone play... Even was back then. The remake was way better, in my opinion. )


That I can agree on, somewhat. So many N64 lovers are completely oblivious to the blatant flaws of the console and completely ignore ones that did it way better, and how they did... (*cough cough* GAMECUBE *cough cough*) Heck, I even played the N64, it was one of the first consoles I had as a kid. I really enjoyed a lot it had to offer, but nothing like those fans who say it's the best. Uh no it isn't... (To be frank, the GameCube and PS2 were the best in my personal opinion, though I can see things that were flawed with both consoles, unlike most fans of the N64, like my own brother that tried defending it a bit too hard...).


Firstly, I corrected two spelling errors. Second, you didn't even back your second point very well, and you can't really argue you did if you really thought about it... Third, you're being somewhat of an arrogant hypocrite. You're acting like the N64 fanboys in the way you decide to completely degrade them. Being a stuck-up "opinions equal facts" kind of person completely ruined the argument you even tried to make here, being honest.

  • Brohoof 2


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1.Metal Gear Series

2.All other games(More or less) I played

3.Games I didn't played but sound interesting

4.Games I didn't played or interested in

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


2. Red Dead Redemption


3. Fallout: New Vegas


4. Fallout 3


5. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas


6. Grand Theft Auto 4


7. Grand Theft Auto 3


8. Arma 2


9. Left 4 Dead 1/2


10. Dead Rising 1

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1) Legend of Zelda A Link To the Past

2) Metal Gear Solid 3

3) Final Fantasy Tactics

4) Megaman X

5) Resident Evil 4

6) Metroid Prime

7) Bioshock

8) Medal Of Honor Frontline

9) Persona 4

10) Red Dead Redemption

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