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What was the last thing that made you cry?


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As far as being sad, I honeslty can't remember. I know for a fact I haven't really cried since at least late 2011, early 2012 so I can't really remember the last thing that made me cry in that sense. But the last time I laughed myself to tears was the other day when a conversation about someone hacking Steven Hawkings wheelchair and entering him in the paralympics came up between a few friends. It was just one of those conversations that got funnier the more we thought about it.


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My grandfather dieing two months ago.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

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2 Year ago my grandfather died couple of days for my birthday, witch hit hard when i realized he would never be around any more.

Further maybe once or twice for around 5 seconds but yeah that was nothing really.

  • Brohoof 1
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The last time I cried was after a rough day at work. I was already feeling down about some other things, but the frustrating situation in the office was the icing on the cake. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Most recently, the fact that I will always be alone, depressed, and doomed to live in a world I hate, and that I bring much pain to everyone who knows me, most notably my parents, who would have been better off if they never had me.


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2 days ago, the fact that I will probably lose the job that I just got, the fact that I might stay unfit for a long time and because I feel terrible for myself, like garbage. (I fell off a bridge while drunk and ended up in hospital)


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The last time I cried was about two months ago. I was going through a stressful situation and was having a difficult time coping with it properly. I am doing much better today, however.

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I was on the verge of crying but had an emotional breakdown again yesterday at work from the extreme fatigue I was experiencing again while increasing the dosage of my anti-anxiety medication for the umptheenth time.

I've been battling anxiety and depression for 15 years and have been taking medication for it for 10 of that but 6 years ago I started getting extreme side effects from my medication including insomnia, fatigue, dizziness, balance issues and mood swings. The insomnia and fatigue are so severe that I've commonly went 3 days in a row with no sleep all while working a full time job often with over time. The fatigue makes me only want to sleep but with the insomnia it almost never happens and all medications given to alleviate that end up making it worse.

I havent really been able to "live" for the past 6 years since I never have the energy to do anything and the depression has zapped any motivation I have to get out of bed. But you know...adult responsibilities.

Since its been going on SO long with no relief of course im at the end of my whits and only recently found a medication that wasnt "so" bad at draining me but once that fatigue came back again I sorta lost my composure and had a breakdown from the stress.

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