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Stuff You Just Can't Take Seriously

Castle Bleck

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I was rewatching G Gundam a while back and one emotional moment was hurt when


When Chibodee Crocket is going trauma from painful memories from his childhood which involved his mother's death, Rain sings his favorite song(which his mother would always sing to him as a kid) to help him calm down, which sounds sweet and all.....

Until you find out said song was "America the Beautiful"

G Gundam isn't very subtle with it's stereotypes...like, at all, but it somehow manages to make me love it more

8 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:



You're tripping man. These games were a blast

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13 minutes ago, The Undefeated of the Weast said:

You're tripping man. These games were a blast

There's a joke to be made about Alice and shrooms.

I'm going to have to say that I couldn't take Jack Marston seriously at all. I loved that John went down in a fitting way for his character, but that entire epilogue was just plain silly to me. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Gaming industry PR of recent years.

It is always the same empty promises. Innovative gameplay. Amazing story. You'll faint from excitement upon playing. Our game will cure Your cancer and turn You into a demigod irl.

Come on, nobody even believes it anymore. Not after most of games with aggressive marketing ended up being really bad or simply unfinished and in dire need of patching. Look at how big failure Andromeda turned out to be. People just aren't buying all the PR nonsense anymore. And also all the petty excuses for... interesting ideas like putting DLC on a CD with a game. Perhaps the most shiny example of that is recent addition of in-game microtransactions to 6-year old RPG game Two Worlds II. Game is basically dead by now with barely anyone playing it. And now, 6 years after release it got microtransactions, where You can buy stuff like resources, skills. Funny thing is, in order to make people pay for it, command console for cheats got removed (otherwise it is obvious people would just cheat instead of paying). But here - game is glitched and has game breaking bugs. Bugs only console could fix. There's no console now. Need I say anything more?

And what did TopWare said about this amazing decision? "Because why not". 


Gaming companies need some real PR experts out there, because this is becoming embarassing to watch lol. And that's pretty much why it's a joke to me.

  • Brohoof 1


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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Jack and Ashi's romance from Samurai Jack.  It was just so forced and awkward.  Doesn't help that it is made entirety out of cliches to cop out of developing a believable relationship.

  • Brohoof 2


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Video Game Reviews that can be summarized as saying anything like this: "We all knew X would be a great game and sell millions of copies, but I didn't expect it to shame pretty much every other game I've played this generation."


Nothing could possibly shame absolutely EVERYTHING in a console generation. I wouldn't even say my favorite game of all time shames a whole console's title pool, let alone an ENTIRE GAMING GENERATION. It's totally silly to say that about any game that ever existed.  I can't help but feel like laughing and punching the reviewer in the face at the same time when I read reviews like that. Doesn't help that this is a review for a game I can't enjoy.


Edited by Barik the Luigineer
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This FIMFic.



This version of Red Hood, despite learning one thug only does his s*** because the bad guys are extorting him for his innocent brother's life, abruptly kills him anyway -- thus not only being a hypocrite after RH's talk with Spike at Twilight's funeral earlier, but also potentially making an enemy out of said brother and sending him down a similar road of revenge and vigilantism.


Despite the canon RH explicitly understanding issues like family and grayness.


Yet another OOC-fest, and one that just got a thumbs-down from me.

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On 6/22/2017 at 10:12 PM, K.Rool Addict said:



It's pretty much impossible to trust "professional" game reviewers these days due how heavily biased they are nowadays. THESE are great examples, still in the nostalgia barrier, they still think everything Nintendo does is gold. Mario Galaxy, while it's evident flaws that the critics "CONVENIENTLY" ignore, it's still a beautiful game, but not over 8.5/10 material. Mario Galaxy 2 was even lower, as you can feel it was just a cash-in. Same thing happened earlier with Twilight Princess, and from what I've read, Skyward Sword (because I didn't bothered to play that last one) trying to revive the OOT glory :dry: as a quick cash-in. 

Another thing I can't take seriously are many japanese habits in media, like story-telling heavily on exposition and symbolism (seriously, I don't wanna watch a show or play a game to make homework later :dry: , THAT WHAT SCHOOL IS FOR :D). Oh, another thing, is that many wanna hide badly written plots with lots of lights and flashy visuals, and it shows. Not to mention the fights, much of the same trying to go more over the top than DBZ


Comic book character deaths..... I don't think that needs explanation >_>


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4 minutes ago, A.V. said:

Dragon Ball Super might as well be renamed Dragon Ball Quahog.

I don't understand what you mean by that, but going by the topic, I can understand what you're saying.

The fact of the matter for me is that in order to actually enjoy Dragon Ball Z to begin with, I had to turn my brain off. Especially beyond the Freeza saga. So I've applied the same thing going forth with Super.

The only things that have seriously irritated me was Vegeta not getting to kill Freeza, but that was in the movie. Also Trunks being able to destroy an immortal being that Goku and Vegeta could not touch while in SSGSS form was ridiculous. Most recently, the female Broly thing is very strange.

...But FINALLY Saiyan women becoming Super Saiyan. You have no idea how happy I was to see that. I have been waiting to see that since I was in my early teens when I got into Z.

So I'll continue to keep my brain turned off and enjoy.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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VR or virtual reality gaming. Looks ridiculous, looks boring, and it looks extremely niche and limited in capability.

The headset looks ridiculous, and I can't imagine anybody choosing that goofy looking method of gaming over classic controls and gameplay on a monitor or television screen. I'm surprised it hasn't died yet. People have been trying to make it work for years, and I don't think it'll reach the popularity amassed by consoles and PCs.

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2 hours ago, Envy said:

I don't understand what you mean by that,


1. First two arcs = literally just Battle Of Gods and Resurrection 'F' all over again.


2. Infamous animation errors.


3. Entire universe/multiverse/whatever = run by compete @$$holes.


4. Goku Black = just Aizen's Zamasu's b***h all along.


5. Xehanort Zamasu in general ("YOU DO NOT MAKE SENSE!" -- Linkara).


6. Future Trunks returning... just to be screwed over even-worse than before.


7. Flanderized Goku (TFW the one from DEATH BATTLE! turns out accurate after all).

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3 hours ago, A.V. said:

Dragon Ball Super might as well be renamed Dragon Ball Quahog.

3 hours ago, Envy said:

I don't understand what you mean by that, but going by the topic, I can understand what you're saying.

The fact of the matter for me is that in order to actually enjoy Dragon Ball Z to begin with, I had to turn my brain off. Especially beyond the Freeza saga. So I've applied the same thing going forth with Super.

  Reveal hidden contents

The only things that have seriously irritated me was Vegeta not getting to kill Freeza, but that was in the movie. Also Trunks being able to destroy an immortal being that Goku and Vegeta could not touch while in SSGSS form was ridiculous. Most recently, the female Broly thing is very strange.

...But FINALLY Saiyan women becoming Super Saiyan. You have no idea how happy I was to see that. I have been waiting to see that since I was in my early teens when I got into Z.

So I'll continue to keep my brain turned off and enjoy.


23 minutes ago, A.V. said:
  Reveal hidden contents

1. First two arcs = literally just Battle Of Gods and Resurrection 'F' all over again.


2. Infamous animation errors.


3. Entire universe/multiverse/whatever = run by compete @$$holes.


4. Goku Black = just Aizen's Zamasu's b***h all along.


5. Xehanort Zamasu in general ("YOU DO NOT MAKE SENSE!" -- Linkara).


6. Future Trunks returning... just to be screwed over even-worse than before.


7. Flanderized Goku (TFW the one from DEATH BATTLE! turns out accurate after all).



Dragon Ball Super is a literal slap in the face to any true Dragon Ball fan. Fans of the original DB or DBZ series used to use the GT spin-off as their old whipping boy... but to be honest, GT makes Super look like complete garbage. At least with GT there was effort by the animators and creativity with the transformations. I would greatly prefer something actually "badass" like SSJ4 with all its awe-inspiring wonder as opposed to DeviantArt- esque recolors any day of the week.

Another thing I feel obligated to mention. While the Dragon Ball franchise has always been known for its humor since the manga's very inception, Dragon Ball Super shows a reluctance to go without humor for more than a few seconds at a time. It's like, everything is a gag in that show; next to nothing is taken 100% seriously. This is in stark contrast to DBZ as the very tangible threats posed by the villains created such a feeling of tension and the characters only helped cement the illusion that "everything could indeed be on the line". Of course, as viewers, we are fully aware that Goku & co. have plot armor and will likely come out on top no matter the opposition. However, the suspension of disbelief associated with the older more serious tone of DBZ helped perpetuate the illusion that the Z-Fighters could lose at pretty much any moment. In Super, pretty much all this tension is gone, and it makes the watching experience feel extremely boring, at least for me and many of my fellow detractors of DBS.



Edited by Vermilion
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The N64. The most overrated piece of gaming garbage that I have ever witnessed. The controller makes my hands want to vomit, the games on the system itself have horribly with many of them featuring mechanics that are down right archaic by today's standards and the most unlikeable snivelling fanboys that swarm around it and act like it still stands up as the best video game console of all time and denounce anything that came later as "a step down" while completely ing orient the many, MANY glaring issues that plague this piece of putrid human productivity. Now THAT is a joke.

Edited by Rarity the Supreme
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People who use the term "PC master race" unironically or think it's anything other than a joke.

Edited by Celli
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2 hours ago, Rarity the Supreme said:

The N64. The most overrated piece of gaming garbage that I have ever witnessed. The controller makes my hands want to vomit, the games on the system itself have horribly with many of them featuring mechanics that are down right archaic by today's standards and the most unlikeable snivelling fanboys that swarm around it and act like it still stands up as the best video game console of all time and denounce anything that came later as "a step down" while completely ing orient the many, MANY glaring issues that plague this piece of putrid human productivity. Now THAT is a joke.


Wow, that is quite excessive levels of hate toward the system that laid down the groundwork for all 3D platforming games thereafter. The analogue stick was quite a gaming revolution, albeit not the first place to implement such control mechanisms (looking at you p.c.). I am not attempting to tell you that your views on the N64 are wrong, but please lend me your ear for a moment.

There were quite a few gems on the N64: Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros., and F- Zero X to name just a few that come to mind. Granted, the controller was pretty awful, but, come on, it isn't anywhere in the vicinity of terribleness as the original Wiimote & Nunchuk. Merely thinking back to my early days with the Wii gives me shivers down my spine at the horrendously dodgy motion controls. At least Nintendo eventually mollified the design shortcomings of the Wiimote with the Wii Motion Plus enabled controllers several years later.

But regardless, back to the N64. The system certainly was revolutionary, but it is by no means the "best video game console of all time". Anyone who truly believes that must be delusional. The Ps2, Gamecube, SNES, Dreamcast, Genesis, Xbox 360, and Ps4 are all far superior in my humble opinion. I do believe that Diddy Kong Racing is by far the best single player campaign in a racing game to date (dare I say even better than Forza Horizon 3). The same goes for Mario Kart 64 and its incredible Battle mode.

While I wouldn't say everything made by Nintendo since the N64 was a "step down", I would have to concede everything from the Gamecube and on was most assuredly an objective step down in quality. The Wii U was a step up from the abysmal Wii, of course, but not by enough, if you ask me. Obviously the Wii was better for soccer moms, and the like, but I am talking about the gamers who actually care about quality titles, not merely waving their arms in the air like they just don't care.

Keep in mind, the following graph is merely my own opinion:



            SNES\                        /          \  

           /              \                /                 \

NES/                     \         /                        \                                           

                                N64                              \                                Switch

                                                                        \                  Wii U/

                                                                            \           /


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2 hours ago, Vermilion said:


Dragon Ball Super is a literal slap in the face to any true Dragon Ball fan. Fans of the original DB or DBZ series used to use the GT spin-off as their old whipping boy... but to be honest, GT makes Super look like complete garbage. At least with GT there was effort by the animators and creativity with the transformations. I would greatly prefer something actually "badass" like SSJ4 with all its awe-inspiring wonder as opposed to DeviantArt- esque recolors any day of the week.

Another thing I feel obligated to mention. While the Dragon Ball franchise has always been known for its humor since the manga's very inception, Dragon Ball Super shows a reluctance to go without humor for more than a few seconds at a time. It's like, everything is a gag in that show; next to nothing is taken 100% seriously. This is in stark contrast to DBZ as the very tangible threats posed by the villains created such a feeling of tension and the characters only helped cement the illusion that "everything could indeed be on the line". Of course, as viewers, we are fully aware that Goku & co. have plot armor and will likely come out on top no matter the opposition. However, the suspension of disbelief associated with the older more serious tone of DBZ helped perpetuate the illusion that the Z-Fighters could lose at pretty much any moment. In Super, pretty much all this tension is gone, and it makes the watching experience feel extremely boring, at least for me and many of my fellow detractors of DBS.



There are a few things I can't take seriously about Dragon Ball either.  OK, I can get beings having power levels over a million.  But when it reaches the billions and trillions, then my brain just shuts down.  I mean, come on.  There was a time when IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND meant something. And any time Beerus says he wants to blow up the earth Whis never believes it nor do I.  He enjoys earth food too much to ever do that. :P 

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Virtually anything gaming or music related. Everyone has an opinion, and it seems just about everyone loves to throw them around like an anchor on the dinner table to promote them as fact, followed up by complete bafflement how anyone else can think differently. Also just about any online debate on any subject.


1 hour ago, Celli said:

People who use the term "PC master race" unironically or think it's anything other than a joke.

But.. but... think of the epeens! The humanity!

  • Brohoof 6


~No profound statement needed~

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Just now, Wingnut said:

There are a few things I can't take seriously about Dragon Ball either.  OK, I can get beings having power levels over a million.  But when it reaches the billions and trillions, then my brain just shuts down.  I mean, come on.  There was a time when IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND meant something. And any time Beerus says he wants to blow up the earth Whis never believes it nor do I.  He enjoys earth food too much to ever do that. :P 

Beerus should be at the level of power that merely blinking his eyes would destroy the entire solar system. Power scaling in later episodes of DBZ, and throughout the entirety of both GT and Super are an utter joke.

Remember, someone with a power level as low as Raditz (around 1,500 iirc) could easily destroy the Earth. Little Kid Goku at the beginning of the series who could barely lift a car was around a power level of 20-40. Tao Pai Pai who could do THIS and THIS  has a mere power level of approximately 150-300. 

The insane jump in power between such low numbers insinuates that someone with a power level in the trillions is a near God-like entity that can destroy galaxies with a flick of their finger. Any time a single Z-Fighter throws a punch at an enemy, the entire planet (at bare least) should explode. 

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Rotten Tomatos, honesty most movie they heavily criticized turns out to be 8-10/10 for me. While movies that is "fresh" to them are 1-5/10 for me. It's rare for me to agree on their rating.  



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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On 6/23/2017 at 7:07 AM, cmarston1 said:

Jack and Ashi's romance from Samurai Jack.  It was just so forced and awkward.  Doesn't help that it is made entirety out of cliches to cop out of developing a believable relationship.


On 6/24/2017 at 6:15 PM, GrimGrimoire said:

Virtually anything gaming or music related. Everyone has an opinion, and it seems just about everyone loves to throw them around like an anchor on the dinner table to promote them as fact, followed up by complete bafflement how anyone else can think differently. Also just about any online debate on any subject.


But.. but... think of the epeens! The humanity!

*high hoof* Took the words right out of my mouth. 

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Stuff that I can't take seriously?

That's going to be hard on my end since I take most of everything seriously but I'll try:

- The color pink. Such an unnatural color to me. Pink is the color of flowers, but its also the color of your insides :P. Blame corporations for ruining the beauty of pink for me.

- People getting way too excited or angry on anything to the point of being aroused e.g. A new season to a cartoon series, console wars, and sports fanatics.


That's all I got. :scots:


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