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Hopes for Season 8.


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The end of Sparity

The origin of Spike's egg

Rainbow Dash taking a leadership role in the WB

The return of Lightning Dust

The return of Suri Polimare 

More Griffin stuff

Starlight hanging with Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie or AJ

More Grand Pear

Sunset Shimmer cameo

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3 hours ago, VG_Addict said:

Since there are just a few episodes of Season 7 left, let's talk about what you want to see in season 8.

I'd like an episode of Spike, Ember and Thorax just hanging out. Or even better, the three of them solving a friendship problem.

>Check back up on Gilda in Griffonstone

>Lightning dust/WInd rider team up and return episode

>an episode about spike's parents/where he came from

>Tree of harmony lore episode

>Or an alicorn lore episode

>An episode about Celestia having to replace Shining armor with a new captain of the guard (been a while, I know, roll with it :P
>Bat pony episode!

>tartarus lore episode

1 hour ago, Ryanmahaffe said:

A more serious overarching plot, season 4 had one but wasn't serious, season 5 didn't have one,m season 6 kinda had one, season 7 has one but most casual viewers can't tell what it is.

And seconding this.

Edited by Unlikeable Pony
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At this point I'm not sure how much of season 8 I'll actually watch, but:

  • Reformed Lightning Dust
  • Scootaloo's family
  • Names of Fluttershy's parents
  • Giving Cadance more depth and backstory
  • Chance for non-Twilight princesses to be cool
  • Limestone Pie and Marble Pie returning
  • Babs Seed returning
  • Another Rarity+Rainbow Dash episode, maybe about their careers in some way
  • Another rap song
  • Twilight wearing glasses
  • More consistent Starlight development
  • A more endearing role for Zephyr Breeze
  • Another flashback episode
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- Sunset getting some guest episodes in the show
- Rainbow Dash introducing Spitfire to Daring Do
- The royal sisters turning to Zecora for help
- Twilight visiting Minuette and Moondancer again
- More interactions between Thorax and Ember
- Vinyl, Octavia, Derpy, Lyra, Bon Bon and Doc Whooves elevated to secondary-character status

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                                               No questions asked.

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- Chrysalis not becoming Bambi

- Moon Dancer

- Suri Polomare return to mess with Rarity

- Diamond Tiara episode (hello? You guy forgot about her)

- Spoiled Rich as a bad guy

- Wonderbolt episode

- Any underutilized character that i forgot to mention.

- More Villains (seriously, they are running out of bad guy)

- Keep progressing Starlight's character and give her some unique role beside Twilight student.

- Seaponies

- More good eps (plz)

- Less bad ep (plz)

- Decent story arc (if they had any)

- Better comedy episodes (yes?)


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- Queen Chrysalis recurring multiple times, forming a villain arc.

- More breakout for Spike. A resolution to his crush on Rarity. Deeper exploration of his relationship with Twilight.

- Further exploration of secondary main 6 character traits. For example Rarity's taste for mystery novels, or Fulttershy's singing, or Applejack and the rodeo circuit. Rainbow Dash and Quibble Pants

- A little bit more slapstick.

- Exploration of Scootaloo's inability to fly.

- Starlight developing a goal to strive for.

Edited by zaighster
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Shining Armor episode

More Spike than in this season, like an episode where he helps Fluttershy become friends with Ember (since she's afraid of dragons)

Pinkie taking Crusaders to Manehattan on a Filly Guides scouting adventure to meet that city's CMCs

Anything PinkieShy related, like a Gummy and Angel episode, an episode where flowers is the subject, or one featuring their families, or maybe even a threesome with Starlight

Absolutely NO episodes similar to To Change a Changeling (where there's literally no characters at all whatsoever that appeared in at least 3 episodes of all the first four seasons)

I don't know any for the rest of the Mane Six, no joke.

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Things I would like to see :

1. A Follow-up to "Amending Fences"

2. A SpikexRarity Episode that finally answers The Sparity Question (and is like a love letter to fans/supporters of the pairing)

3. An Episode similar to the "Double O' Chipmunk" episode from Disney's Rescue Rangers (with Rainbow Dash in the Role that Gadget was in (the femme fatale) and with Spike in the inspiring Spy Role.

4. An Episode decaited to the "Guardians of Harmony" Line

5. A Cadance Centered Episode

6. Finally, A Follow-up to "Power Ponies"


That's what I would like to see. You bronies and pegasisters agree or not?

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42 minutes ago, M'gann M'orzz said:

A full on Rarity rock song, following up on the hints that Rarity is into hard rock and such in S7.

Not a chance. The Pony Tones haven't been around for at least 3 seasons.

Edited by FirePuppy
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  • A serious and foreboding story arc (of course nothing too scary/serious but rather something that just subverts the show's normally slice-of-life format and light tone)
  • If they're going to do it, a properly executed Queen Chrysalis reformation - at this point I think a villain like her is best reformed if she does it on her own, gradually and not making a full 180° turn due to having been portrayed as having next to no redeemable qualities
  • More Changeling colonies. And not just the ones that resemble ponies, I hope for other types as well (think Changelings that resemble other races like dragons and griffons)
  • Flurry Heart as a filly rather than a baby - I'd kill to see her grown up a little in the show itself
  • Age up the damn little Baby Cakes already. How are they still babies after several seasons worth of episodes? Not that I have much of a problem with it though
  • What I personally wish for the most is a big and genuinely terrifying male villain a lá Gargamel - long story short, a bad guy that attacks our pony heroes not for power, not for a bigger territory, not for amusement and not out of revenge like our previous villains, but simply because he despises their existence with every fiber of his being and wants ponies gone from the face of the planet.
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Series finale

Sootaloo's family

Spike getting over his crush on Rarity

Chyrsalis Not being reformed.

Diamond Tiara getting an actual role

CMC getting called by the map

Spike's origins

Twilight/AJ episode

Twilight/Rarity episode

Return of Lightning Dust

Bat ponies

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I'm really on the verge to not caring anymore. But since season 8 is my final season, I'll just say my hopes one last time:

* Babs Seed and Manehattan CMCs

* Lightning Dust / Wind Rider team-up

* Scootaloo family

* Spike origins and family

* Spike's ambassador role takes more a major role in his life

* Scorpan debut / Tirek's return

* Spike's crush on Rarity reaching a conclusion (wow, alot of people on here really want this, I didn't expect that!)

* Pound and Pumpkin Cake physically growing a bit

* Zecora homeland

* Spike having a ton of episodes this season to make up for season 7 (could be solo episode or combo episode with another character) / have this be his BIGGEST season to date! End my time on the show with a bang! Let this season be what season 6 was to Starlight! It would make everything Spike has been through in past seasons worth while!

* Discord origins / meeting another draconquues

* Ember singing

* Peewee returns

* Suri Polomare opens rival company to Rarity's Manehattan boutique

I ain't gonna hold my breath this season though to avoid disappointment this time.

Edited by MegaSean45
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Here's some more:

  • Some evidence of non-pony minorities in pony cities. 
  • Diamond Tiara trying to be nice. 
  • More Ember and Thorax interactions. Maybe throw other leaders in as well. 
  • My interest in her may be waning, but I sure wouldn't be against Sunset Shimmer making a cameo in the show. 
  • Some harder rock or punk musical numbers. Alternatively, something indie-ish. Just more song experimentation in general. 
1 hour ago, MegaSean45 said:

Discord origins / meeting another draconquues

But Discord's inexplicability is his entire appeal! 

Edited by AlexanderThrond
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-Bat ponies

-Alicorn lore

-Guess appearance of Sunny

-I could mention some pony movie tie-in, but there's confirmation of at least one of such

-Cosmos, the brother of Cellie and Luna. Yeah, I know he used to be an early concept for Tempest Shadow, but I still think it's a too cool of a concept to throw away

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Ah, finally, the opportunity I've been waiting for to be able to ramble about my ideas.

-The royal sisters revisit the ruins of the castle in the Everfree. Seriously, how hasn't that happened already?

-More Alicorn Amulet. Trixie mentions it at some point in season 6, but the episode where it was introduced is the only one where it makes an appearance. Would love to learn more about how and when it was forged, and by who.

-A Spike and Starlight episode. They seem to have a funny dynamic when they do interact with each other.

-Discord interacting with Cadance and Shining (we've never seen that, somehow) Could totally imagine him wearing a Maleficent costume as he's formally introduced to Flurry

-Scorpan. Initially, he was relevant to the movie's plot, and seeing as that's not happening anymore I'd love to learn more about him in the show.

-An episode dedicated to Rarity's parents.

Edited by TheOneGuy0000
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-More expansion into Starlight Glimmer(And yes, I don't mind making her the core woobie of the team)

-While we're at it, maybe a chance of Starlight being a surrogate sister to Diamond Tiara

-More Pinkie/Rarity team ups(I miss that from Season 6)

-More Discord(We all know that the Season 8 premier will use Discord big time)

-Episode Idea:: Spitfire going into revenge mode when Wind Rider and Lightning Dust purposely knock out Rainbow Dash

-Also, the idea of Starlight trying out for the Wonderbolts as a dare from Rainbow Dash

-Give Sapphire Shores her own song.

-Another Starlight/Celestia episode

-Episode Idea: What would happen if one relative of the Mane 6 were to pass away?

-Starlight's Mane 6 team is established(We have Trixie and Maud.  3 more will do it)

And most importantly

-The Return of Tirek(If Chrysalis can become a reoccuring villain, why not let Tirek steal the show in the Season 8 finale?)

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Lamiaponies, that's the only thing i really hope for. :P

Everything else, i just take it as i see it, else i will be dissapointed. :)

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  1. Since Haber will be back next season, there's a chance Spike's role may be increased after being quite absent most of the season. Under his tenure, he had his best episodes and season; the "buttmonkey" status that he was stuck in was all but gone. Hopefully, he'll get back into the fold and develop more.
  2. More polish in the editing. Many episodes this half lack the same polish from the first half, and while none of them other than Fame genuinely get close to being bad, they could've done a little more.
  3. Develop Starlight further. She's a mane character, yet is often written like she's not part of the gang. Fame and Rock Solid give us a bit of insight, but that's not enough. We need more of that. Episodes to show us she's legitimately one of them; have her talk to them and vice-versa. S7 was spectacular in developing her, so that's a start.
  4. Develop Big Mac's relationship w/ Sugar Belle. This little couple didn't start off well at all, but it's official, and it's up to DHX to get it right. If they either forget about it or make them break up, you're telling us, "We give up." No, you don't. Make the audience believe they truly care for each other through their actions. It's harder, but more worth it.
  5. Spoilers for opener:

    Make Chrysalis a credible villain. If I wanna see a credible blockhead for a villain, I'll watch Gumby, not FIM. Chrysalis was completely incompetent in ACW and TWaBA, really hurting her as both a villain and character in the process.

  6. Better characterization for AJ, Dash, and Rarity. S6 was their worst, and they had some of their worst appearances at the time (AJ for PPOV, Dash for Newbie & 28PL, Rarity for SUYL). There was zero understanding from anyone of what makes them memorable last year.
Edited by Dark Qiviut
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"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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12 minutes ago, Dark Qiviut said:
  1. Better characterization for AJ, Dash, and Rarity. S6 was their worst, and they had some of their worst appearances at the time (AJ for PPOV, Dash for Newbie & 28PL, Rarity for SUYL). There was zero understanding from anyone of what makes them memorable last year.

I do not want to see these ponies occupy most of Season 8. If they are to have better characterization, it'll have to (and can) be done within 1-2 episodes for each, but not more.

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1 hour ago, Dark Qiviut said:

Develop Big Mac's relationship w/ Sugar Belle. This little couple didn't start off well at all, but it's official, and it's up to DHX to get it right. If they either forget about it or make them break up, you're telling us, "We give up." No, you don't. Make the audience believe they truly care for each other through their actions. It's harder, but more worth it.

God, what do you people have against Big Mac?

Don't be a nerd. Join the herd!

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Just now, ggg-2 said:

God, what do you people have against Big Mac?

We don't. We have a problem with his terrible characterization in the episode and the episode's poor execution.

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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