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Answer The Love Question Above You!

Lucky Bolt

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Hey, don't look at me, this was @Hierok's idea. :orly:

This is basically like the Mega Thread "Answer The Question Above You" but with a twist: you're only allowed to post love/romance/shipping questions and answers! ;) Just follow the same rules as the original thread, just make sure your questions are love related...and, try to keep things non-NSFW please, or at least as much as we can in a silly romance/relationship related thread. :laugh:

With that, I'll go first...

Who is your pony crush? 

Edited by Bolty Luck
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Just now, Qrow Branwen said:

No one.


Do you watch The Loud House?

Dude romance questions only. 

Just now, SparklingSwirls said:

Oh my gosh you actually did this?!! xD It was @Hierok's idea though :P 

I don't have a pony crush right now... but I used to say it was Thunderlane :sealed: 

Who do you ship me with?

I still ship you with Hierok hehe.

Who do you ship me with?

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8 minutes ago, Lucky Bolt said:

Dude romance questions only. 

I still ship you with Hierok hehe.

Who do you ship me with?

Jimmie Johnson Obviously!

Who do you ship me with?

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1 minute ago, Wannabrony said:

I think it was from my parents like 14 years ago. I might have gotten the "first kiss" idea wrong though. :P

What do you think of the woman who married a chandelier? Here's an article from The Sun UK

She should be swinging from the chandelier. :D Living like tomorrow doesn't exist.

2 minutes ago, Flutterstep said:

Haven't had one yet :adorkable:

What's your favourite forum ship?

Starlight x Sunset.

Most lovable eye colour?

Edited by Hierok
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5 minutes ago, SparklingSwirls said:

I like all eye colors :ooh:. But if I had to pick one, maybe green.

Have you ever been in love?

Yes but quickly went out of it after a few months, just not really what I need right now. :) 

What's the most romantic beverage other than wine?

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9 minutes ago, Wannabrony said:

Yes but quickly went out of it after a few months, just not really what I need right now. :) 

What's the most romantic beverage other than wine?

Water. One must stay hydrated while on a date. :P Jokes aside, though, probably root beer. It seems weirdly romantic relative to other sodas.

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24 minutes ago, luftschloss said:

Water. One must stay hydrated while on a date. :P Jokes aside, though, probably root beer. It seems weirdly romantic relative to other sodas.


Silence is never a good thing in a relationship. :D

Do you believe in love on first sight?

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Because red velvet cake is sooooo delicious! :wub: Pretty much leaks romance.

Have you ever had a crush on someone, only to find out they have already found someone?

Edited by Flutterstep
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Just now, SparklingSwirls said:

Too many times. :( 

I'm surprised this hasn't been asked yet: Who's your forum crush? :P 

......nopony?? I don’t tend to have crushes XD

Which pony would you be embarresed to admit you had a crush on, if you did?

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1 hour ago, TBD said:

but--but-i dont have any...

Anyone who says they don't have any clearly have one... :bedeyes:

8 minutes ago, Lucky Bolt said:

Ask her: 


What's the most romantic song you've heard?

I haven't heard many, but this is nice:


Again, write down three forum users. At least one of them has to be a forum crush. :orly: If you don't we'll assume the next user who posts is the one ^_^


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