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What's the worst and best thing about you?


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Okay, so I was thinking about this the other day. What's your biggest flaw about yourself, and what's the best thing about yourself? Feel free to make yourself sound as bad or good as you want!


I'll start with bad, as what I'm about to say will make me sound really mean.


At times, I can be sort of manipulative and stubborn. I'm pretty good at lying, and I'm very proud. My brother said I could be a supervillain if I wanted to.


I just summarized the absolute worst things about me, but I promise I'm not that bad!


Now for the good, which sounds completely opposite to the bad, but hey, I have mood swings!


When I'm in a good, or even normal mood, I'm really bubbly. And hyper. And loud. In a good way of course, haha! I think I have a lot of energy, because I bounce a lot when I talk. And I talk a lot :D



So there you have me ;) Manipulative and stubborn at the worst times, and bright and energetic at the best!


What's your main flaw, and your main good trait (What's the opposite of flaw, I can't think of anything!)?



(By the way, I'm not as mean and cruel as I probably made myself sound! I'm happy 75% of the time, so my evil side hardly ever comes out ^_^)

  • Brohoof 2

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Bad: I consider myself quite moody, am usually in some sort of slump, and often feel sorta depressed and quite tired.


Good: I think i do an O.K. job at hiding the bad :P

Edited by LowfatEnvelope


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The best thing about me is that I'm overly ambitious, hopeful, and optimistic


The worst thing about me is my self defeating attitude and tendency to underestimate myself.


They sound a bit contradictory but the way I'm thinking about it in my mind makes sense... I think...

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I can see myself as sort of strong willed with a flaw being that I can be cocky or overconfident.



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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Bad:Low self esteeem while being arrogant, depressive and pessemistic, mildly sadistic, attetion seeking.


Good: Talented, loyal, good at gaming.

but probably the thing i'm most proud of myself is that i can admit some of my character flaws.

  • Brohoof 1
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Good: I'm myself at all times, pretty adventurous, open to alot of things, and I love to make my mates laugh :3


Bad: I'm pretty fucking harsh when arguing with other people ^^;


Excuse my language <3

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Bad: I would say sometimes I can be very stupid and care very little about others and how they live and die and what-not.

Good: I guess I can occasionally have my moments of... Intelligence and wisdom and stuff. None too often though.

  • Brohoof 1
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Bad: I'm very arrogant and I'm very bad with words. I also have a HUGE temper.

Good: I'm a Genius. I'm also a very empathetic. I also try to reason all the time.


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Best: I like to consider myself a reasonable and logical person. I'm also told that I'm humble.


Worst: I don't even know how to ride a bike. I mean, what the hell, man.

  • Brohoof 1
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My in-laws call me lazy because I don't clean everyday, trust is I think cleaning everyday is a waste of time and they're just loco about it. I guess that's a vice of mine, speaking my opinion (no-holds bared type of thing). It gets me in trouble, although not the worst trait to have. I'm sure if you asked my fiancee he could tell you more of my bad traits. hehe


Ask around, I'm sure someone has something nice to say about me. I'm a fairly likeable person, I don't hold grudges and I don't like to spend time fighting over petty things. Most people think I'm judgmental, but I'm the exact opposite. I accept people for how they are and if we can't get a long I don't waste time fretting about it. Easy-going, I think is what it's called.




Worst: I don't even know how to ride a bike. I mean, what the hell, man.


How is that a bad trait?



Best: I like to consider myself a reasonable and logical person. I'm also told that I'm humble.



The hypocrisy of this statement made me laugh x) ~

Edited by Shankveld
  • Brohoof 1

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Best: I'd say I'm a pretty nice guy, and I'm usually pretty open minded, and very easygoing. :) Worst(spoilered to hide my weaknesses, of course):

I can be rather timid about the things I want, wishy-washy if you will, and can get very mad/dissapointed in myself if I don't get what I want(had my fair share of these moments when I was a closet brony at times when my family was around when I wanted to watch MLP on TV). I can also be a world-class procrastinator at times, mostly because I'm rather nonchalant. ;)

Edited by SBB64


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The best about me? I'd have to say loyal and hardworking when given the chance.

The worst about me is that I tend to get demotivated rather quickly if not acknowledged.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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The best thing about me is that I like to make people feel good. Aside from the joking I do with my friends, most of the time I'll make some stupid comment as a compliment. Like once, we were on the ride home from bowling practice, and there was a Twilight discussion going on. Someone compared one of my friends to the vampires in Twilight because her eye makeup was really sparkly that day. I said "She doesn't sparkle, she shines with beauty!" Whenever my friends are worried about not making a team or a test I tell them they're beautiful and smart.

I do bag on myself a lot though, haha. It's a bad thing. :(


The worst thing about me is that I'm unable to socialize with people I don't know well. I hope to change this next year by joining the tech crew. Aside form social awkwardness, I get really into fights and I get angry kinda easily. And I'm very very very very lazy.

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Bad: i sometimes can be really hard on myself, and i think i need to learn to be a little more assertive.


Good: I can do dems arts, and I'm a really kind guy :) maybe even too nice.




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Worst: If I feel like it, uncanny ability to corrupt

Best: I see the best in every person

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Best: I'm a kind person and I always put others first and help out with things.

Worst: I have almost no self confidence and I really dislike myself... I don't even know why!

Edited by Chill Mists (Chilly)


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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You get a brohoof for making this great thread, OP. :D


Anyway, the worst thing about me is probably my temper and extremely low self-esteem bundled with self hatred. As well as the fact that I tend to run away from things I'm supposed to do, and procrastinate intensely. I get really scared of any official real life business and am also really timid around strangers. Lastly, I have a tendency to guilt trip people when I get mad, and kind of shove their mistakes into their faces even after they've apologized.


The best thing about me is my adversity to a lot of stress and other things. Sure, I'll explode a million times over from stress and emotional issues, but somehow I live through it all and eventually continue after the fallout's over. I tend to be really creative too, and am able to make up worlds and stories at the turn of a hat. As well, when I find something important, I become really dedicated to it and don't do a half-assed job. I devote my energy and all to it, working hard to keep it going.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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The worst? Well, there's a long list of those...


I lack self-confidence.

I've practically given up.

I'm weak and can't take the challenges that life has given me (the larger ones, that is).

I am stuck in the past. For real.

I am a procrastinator.

I'm just too negative, in general.

I seem to lack the ability to give others advice. I can't help anybody. I completely fail at it, when it's pretty much all I should be doing.


The best? Now that's a much harder question to answer.


I don't know if this even counts, but I know what I want in life. I have set goals, and I am very passionate about achieving them. And while I feel I'm very negative in general I am not in achieving my dreams. I keep on persisting even if it seems hopeless to me at the time.


I can be very negative about the world in general, but I am optimistic about my ability to achieve my dreams.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Best: If I'm in a good mood (which is rare), apparently I'm the Pinkie of the party :)

Worst: I'm very good at manipulation and lying-I can get people to do whatever I want. I'm also very suicidal and pessimistic most of the time. I'm pretty unfeeling too. So my bad way outweighs my good. :P But there's someone who's helped me a lot so I'm getting a little better.


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Worst: I lie a lot, I can be really obnoxious and pervy and talk weird (really weird. trust me.) stuff every once in a while.. I also sort of enjoy being mean, which could be counted as a sadistic trait.. I try to curb myself every once in a while, but sometimes I can be REALLY really really mean.

I have almost no confidence in myself.. Which is kind of clashing trait with the ones above. Uh, can't choose one <_>


Best: I have a wide imagination and a sharp tongue, which I use to outsmart annoying people or to defend my opinions whenever I need to. Nothing mean, usually, but sometimes sh*t just happens. It can be counted as a bad thing, but I like it and I've used it for "good deeds". Whatever.

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Best: I'm thick-skinned. I never let anything or anyone get to me.

Worst: I'm judgemental. I tend to assume things about people before I've met them.


This amazing signature made by Allie Tsukasa Way!

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