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Pokemon Sword and Shield Discussion Thread

Dynamo Pad

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Hey everyone! So, it looks like we got a new trailer for the Sword and Shield game. 



The new Pokémon that were introduced look pretty cool and are pretty interesting. I’m surprised to see Yamper in the trailer as I think we’ve seen him during E3.

I like how each version has different gym leaders. Which can give players a diverse challenge. It makes me wonder if all the types will be included from this feature.

I’m surprised to see the ability to Gigatamaxing, instead of Dynamaxing. I can imagine that z-moves are like Dynamax. As every Pokémon can use the ability. While Gigantamaxing is like mega evolution as certain species of Pokémon can use that ability. So, while we won’t have old mechanics return. It feels as if the machankcs Aden being remade and redefined through the new game titles. What are your thoughts on the new trailer, Pokémon and new mehanic? :) 

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So... Gigantmaxing is like Mega Evolution, except only while Dynamaxed and for more common Pokemon?

Bea is my new favorite Gym Leader of the bunch, and all the Pokemon introduced look pretty adorable.


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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Apparently people are saying Gigantamaxed Alcremie is the largest Pokemon known to this day. I’m not sure if this will stand when the game is released, but it’s been told


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Chairman Rose is a silver fox. He’s probably a bad guy, and I’m okay with this. Remember The Hunger Games? I’m just saying.

I think the legendaries for this game are lazy as hell. They’re silly looking mutated dogs. There’s some cool looking Pokémon upcoming, particularly Corviknight (don’t @ me, ravens are rad), but the mutts aren’t legends.

  • Brohoof 1


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Corviknight's design is god tier, I absolutely adore corvids so I know which Pokemon I'm gonna use the most so far :please:

  • Brohoof 1


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On 7/8/2019 at 7:43 PM, Bakugou Is My Man ❤ said:

adore Yamper’s design. It is so cute! I cannot wait to see if it gets an evolution.

Yeah...he's really cute and so is Scorbunny (starters usually are). :darling:

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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I feel like Game Freak is dropping the ball on this one. I am sure it will still be a pretty fun Pokemon game, but for this being a core Pokemon game on by far the most powerful hardware it has ever been on, it feels like they are barely trying. The graphics don't look impressive in the slightest, the animations are laughable at this point, they are omitting the National Dex and putting in that stupid giant Pokemon gimmick, I just don't have any excitement for it. It doesn't really feel like a step up. Everything else seems to be the standard stuff that we expect from Pokemon with nothing revolutionary. I don't think I will get these entries.



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On 7/13/2019 at 8:14 AM, Kyoshi said:

Game Freak is dropping the ball on this one

You make it sound like GF hasn't been doing this for the last 2-3 generations :P 

But really, all post-Gen 6 games had this problem of pandering too hard to Gen 1 and being underwhelming followups to Gen 5, specially now that they are looked at with the power of retrospective. For X/Y it was kind of excusable as the first proper 3d Pokémon(even though it could have played it wayyyy less safe, but whatevs), but as it went on and it showed little to no change, it started to really stink harder and harder, and now it is the culmination of all the laziness catching up to them, and even hardcore fans having enough of this. I'm even surprised it took this long for a proper backlash movement against their philosophy of design.

I got my own Switch not long ago, but unless something really changes between now and release, there is a null chance I'll even buy any of the games, which is a shame, because I kind of like some of the Pokémon designs :maud:

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, everyone! It looks like a new trailer has dropped for the Sword and Shield games today. 

So, it looks like we'll be getting some Galarian forms for past Pokemon. Just like what we got for certain Pokemon for Sun and Moon. I like this as it gives a spin on certain Pokemon to make them more competitive in battle. I also like that we'll be getting regional forms again as it was interesting to see Pokemon with different forms and/or typings. Galarian Weezing looks pretty cool and I like how he has a top hat. Even the typing is pretty cool with Weezing being a Poison/Fairy type. I might give this Pokemon a chance when playing the games.

When I first saw Galarian Zigzagoon and Linoone, I wasn't really sold. It felt like a copy and paste from the whole Alolan Rattatta and Raticate from Sun and Moon. However, it all changed when I saw that we're getting a new evolution for this Pokemon. Obstagoon looks pretty cool, in my opinion. I actually wonder what it's stat distributions are because of it's abilities in Guts and Reckless. It seems like Obstagoon might be a head hitting and fast Pokemon in battle, but I guess we'll see in due time. I might definitely have this on my team as I have some newfound respect for the Zigzagoon line. 

Morepeko seems to be the Pikachu clone of the Galar region, but it's typing and ability seem pretty interesting. I like how it's design looks as it gives off the typing it has being Electric and Dark. It's also interesting to see that it's a form change Pokemon like Aegislash. I'm not too sure if it's ability or the move, Aura Wheel changes this Pokemon into its other form. I do like how the move, Aura Wheel, changes from Electric to Dark type. Meaning it would switch up the flow of battle to strategize against your opponent.

For the rivals, Bede and Marnie seem pretty interesting. It's a shame that we don't know that much about them from the trailer, but I guess we'll get more information later on. Either that, or we'll discover what's going on once the games are released. For the possible evil team...I'm not sure, to be honest. It's interesting that they are Marnie's fans, but I wonder why they are a team. I can imagine they are like the Team Skull for the Sword and Shield games, while we'll see the true evil team and/or boss for said evil team later on. It's a shame that we didn't get to see any other evolutions, or the evolution for the starter Pokemon, but I guess it's better than nothing. All in all, I like what we got in the trailer and I look forward to seeing what else we'll be getting in upcoming trailers for the game. 

What are your thoughts on what we got in the trailer?

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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Here's hoping Obstagoon is actually good. Now that HMs are gone, the Zigzagoon line's role as HM slaves are completely out the window.

  • Brohoof 1

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34 minutes ago, ggg-2 said:

Here's hoping Obstagoon is actually good. Now that HMs are gone, the Zigzagoon line's role as HM slaves are completely out the window.

That’s true and I’d like to see that. Given that it could learn certain HM’s in past games. It makes me wonder if it can still learn certain move types or just the moves of its new typing. 

With its moves being Guts and Reckless, I’m hoping for Obstagoon to have a decent to high attack stat. Given that Guts boosts the attacking stat if you have are burned, paralyzed or poisoned. Along with Rckless, which boosts the power and recoil damage of recoil moves. It makes me think that Obstagoon will be decently strong with the abilities giving it a major power up.

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I'm happy to see Galarian forms! Wasn't happy when the first one shown was a Gen I Pokemon, though. I'm serious, GF needs to stop it with giving Gen I Pokemon so much prominence. Especially in this game, which is already a dumpster fire due to the fact that a lot of Pokemon straight-up will never be available in it. If Gen I Pokemon are given prominence here, then they are chosen over the very presence of other Pokemon and that's irritating.

With that said, Galarian Weezing is super amusing. The top hat/smoke stack design is very appealing, and very region appropriate. And it is nice that we finally got one that isn't Gen I. I hope the vast majority of the rest are not Gen I.

I don't usually put much stake in the "teams", so don't take my complaints here too hard. I don't really care much for Team Yell. Despite the first sentence here, I actually loved Team Skull and thought they were hilarious, and perhaps the best thing to come out of Gen VII. This team does not look so much amusing. They're practically a bunch of clowns. I like Marnie's design... But tying that in with Team Yell who is apparently obsessed with her, rubs me in the wrong way. Are they a bunch of creeps, or are they legitimately fans/followers of her for some serious reason?

Everything needs more woodwind!

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  • 2 months later...

With Galarian Ponyta becoming available in Pokemon Shield with a design that reminds me of Princess Celestia, I'm more determined to go with the Shield version.


  • Brohoof 1


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On 10/9/2019 at 4:25 PM, Wolf Guide said:

With Galarian Ponyta becoming available in Pokemon Shield with a design that reminds me of Princess Celestia, I'm more determined to go with the Shield version.


I actually forgot to add Ponyta and Sirfetched into the discussion thread. That's my bad. :laugh:

Thanks for adding Ponyta, my friend!

I also like Ponyta's design for a Galarian form. Even having the Psychic type is pretty interesting. Given it's appearance, I would have honestly expected Galarian Ponyta to be a Fairy type. However, I can't complain as being a Psychic type makes it feel like a unicorn from the MLP series.

I do wonder if it'll still be a Psychic type as it evolves into Alolan Rapidash, or if it'll get a dual typing. I would like to see it become a Psychic/Flying type as it has the move Bounce. If it did gain the Flying type, then I would love to see Rapidash have wings, while still having the unicorn horn. Then it would definitely look exactly like Princess Celestia.

I honestly wasn't sure which game version I was planning to pick up. After seeing Galarian Ponyta, I know I definitely want to pick up Pokemon Shield Version. :) 

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The new Ponyta is adorable. It will be on my team for sure. Glad I'm not the only one who immediately though of Celestia when seeing it!


I pick up every  main Pokemon games day one and I can't wait to play this one. November can't come fast enough. I think I'll go with Scorbunny for starter.

  • Brohoof 1
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And here I thought that Gigantamaxed Drednaw was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever seen in a Pokemon Game.  And then Gigantamaxed Meowth comes along.  And it looks ABSOLUTELY ridiculous!  Dynamax as a whole, honestly, is ridiculous, we didn't need both Dynamax and Gigantamax in the game!  Gigantamax actually gives us new forms and new moves and it's not every single Pokemon, while Dynamax is so much worse than Megas.  And there are some Megas who already have models for the Switch(Gen 1), so I don't get why the Pokemon in the Galar region who can Mega Evolve didn't get their Megas.

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Hey, everyone! I forgot to post my thoughts about the newest Gigantimax forms after the new trailer was released.

After seeing this trailer, I'm surprised on how many more Gigantamax forms we'll be getting. Going in order, we'll start with Pikachu. I definitely love Pikachu's new form as I believe it's a callback to Pikachu's original design in both the anime and the original games. I especially love the effects it's GMax move is capable of. Being able to paralyze all of your opponents, even when they are ground types, is pretty game changing in battle. Eevee's form, while it seems somewhat plain, is still really adorable. I think the white tuft around it's neck gets turned upward and covers most of Eevee's body, but I'm not entirely sure. It's move is pretty unique in being able to make the opposite gender to be infatuated. I do like Charizard's new form as it looks to be taking it's X and Y mega forms and mix them both into one form. It has that menacing look to it, as well as having an interesting move. I remember hearing someone wonder if the effects will last if the Pokemon is recalled by the trainer.

Butterfree was one that I wasn't expecting, but it's interesting to see it get a Gigantamax form. The moment I saw the new form, I immediately thought of Mothra from Godzilla. I would have thought Volcarona would have gotten the Gigantamax treatment, but I didn't take Butterfree into account. I do like how it's Gmax move will give the opponent an effect status. While the effects may be random, I still think it's interesting how it can possibly tip the scales in battle. Finally, we get to see Meowth is getting a Gigantamax form. While I do think it's form is kind of silly, I still think it's rather interesting. I'm beginning to wonder what the reference behind that form is truly all about. Even the symbol that's on the charm upon it's forehead is rather interesting. I wonder if that symbol has any sort of meaning or relevance towards Meowth, or to the Galar region, as a whole. I do like how it's Gmax move is able to confused it's opponents, but I wonder if you'll be able to receive money at the end of an online competitive battle.

I do like that Meowth is a preorder bonus to the game, so it's neat to have a Pokemon, who can Gigantamax at the start of the game. I especially like the idea to get these particular Pikachu and Eevee. It's sort of having other players, who haven't played the Let's Go series, to have a sort of reason to pick up the game. It makes me wonder if you get that particular Pikachu and Eevee transferred from the Let's Go games into Sword and Shield. 

What are your thoughts on what we were given from this trailer?

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  • 8 months later...

I just got pokemon sword and yeah it's pretty fun to play. From what people said I thought the graphics were gonna be terrible but wow they are pretty decent with all the background effects. I think they really put effort into making this game sure they could have put more features and mixed it up a bit but I think they were scared to change up the formula too much. And I think the 3d pokemon models are fine like having more cartoony characters in a nicer background makes sense to me. 

The wild area is a little boring though I can't really see the point of it, isn't that fun to roam. I'm not sure if u can cycle in the game either but I've only just started playing lol 

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