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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Teeeew-pah!                   I'm beginning to think that you may have goaded me into researching this topic just so you could do that impersonation repeatedly.

   Awwwtimate! Tuuuuulpaaaaaa!                       You'll have to excuse him folks, he's kind of a representation of my inner child, and as such is a huge muppet essentially.

 Hey now, that meme is a perfect example of our relationship! What?!    Should I do it? :derp:   Dhew eht! :diamondtiara:       Hah...ha.../sigh...




also you said, " you've been inadvertently creating Tulpas all through my life" does that mean you have more than one tulpa?

   Well, to answer your question, yeah, I suppose so. While I don't remember ever having had an imaginary friend (Widdershins could just as likely be my forgotten Imaginary Friend recreated now that I'm on my own and sitting on my hands with nothing to do) I did have more then the adequate amount of imagination to do so. Wasn't hard for me to mentally write myself into pretty much any television show I was even slightly interested in. I did bring up that thing I do where I play MTG by myself as several distinct personalities and sort of play them off each other.

   I suppose an original character that your deeply, emotionally invested in isn't too far removed from being a tulpa. When I've gone so far as to make six theme decks around each of them, guess I can't argue that I'm invested in them! I call my 'sona's my Big Three as far as my OC creating goes, but Ambie is basically just a projection of myself, so I'm content leaving him be as a ponysona. Then there's the great big cluster-Widdy!-buck that is the hydra! Sort of a, uh... Well, they're more roles I'd say then a straight-up Tulpa. I've always been one to psychoanalyze myself to figure out the ins & outs of what a personality actually is, so I'm very well acquainted with disparate parts of my psyche. Like, the first three heads of the hydra are sort of my representation/interpretation of Ego, Superego & Id. Though, I suppose Freud's theories have been largely discredited...

Not to mention how he keeps forgetting the difference between Ego & Superego! But while their distinct, they're still all sort of interconnected and thus, why they're a hydra & not yet as solid as something like Widdershins. Sort of... what's the phrase you use? A Nnnebulous Construct! Sounds pretty, don' it?!!?


    Anyhow, thanks for that reassurement on that question, Naiya. I suppose when it comes down to it, trusting your tulpa is sort of like trusting yourself. Their a product of your mind so they wouldn't do anything you wouldn't do to you... uh, I think...


  Ooh! Do that gag I mentioned!    Ugh, I ain't here to play your straight man...  Dhew eht! :diamondtiara:    Well, if I had to describe Widdershins, roughly, to somebody, I'd say he's sort of like a long, fuzzy, dragon.  Like Flacor! Neverendiiiiing Tewwwwpah!


                  Falcor Punch!!



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   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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   Update: Well, okay, fine. So they are.

      Was real nervous going into town today, so I had Sunny & Slimpsy tagging along behind me.

Now, I'm just looking into this, so I can't rightfully say what is or isn't a Tulpa, but I guess I kind of think of them like Aura projections or a sort of, like, guardian angel. Well, except Solumn, he's sort of the antitheisis to that last bit there. That's what Sunny & Slimpsy were today, sorta like two friends tagging along to provide encouragement or ... their idea of what would be a "safe" thing to do.

  It's twenty degrees out! That probably kills some people! Whattaya want from me?!   Maybe not be such a big party pooper about it?


 So, I guess, if we include that little hydra/family of our OCs... what does that bring us up to then? Uhh, Eight! If we're including Solumn! Yeah, he counts. Even if you don't want him to, boopy! Now I can't say they all happened at once, or how old any of them are... or even If I can give specific examples of a few of them, but... Yeah, guess they count too. I really oughta read that original post sometime soon.

  I suppose when your alone & feeling lonely & I reach back to pet Sunny, while still knowing full well not to try that in public, then that probably counts as a tulpa...heh...                                          Heck, there's like three of us in the room with you now!    Great, now your starting to creep even me out...

 Heh, least I don't have to buy food for you guys!

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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*taps chin with a hoof, cocks head slightly, thinking* Hmm... I can't put my hoof on whether that Widdershins type is cool or totally insane. What's worse, one doesn't exclude the other... Welp, least he's got some company. Thanks to that idiot and his roleplaying addiction, I'm getting lonely in here!


She's jelly of her namesake and her life in my main RP.




Do too.


Shut up...


*shrug* Guess I could think of some company for her, but I'm fresh out of ideas.


Oh I'll give you some then...


Uh huh, I bet you can, but I'm not really sold on this. I know you, after all.


Grrrr... Stupid hosts and their morality codes.


Anyway, back to topic. @@Widdershins, I guess I get what you mean by "creating tuplas by accident". I used to have temporary thought forms, but nothing as solid as miss cool (Well, DUH!). Also, as an avid daydreamer and a loner, plain and simply, I can relate to the need to keep oneself occupied, mentally, by making up narratives and stories, building places in my head, stuff like that. Thinking about something long enough tends to make it stick in the mind, like a trail through the woods. Tulpas are made pretty much the same way, although most of the time it's supposed to be a concious effort rather than a bybroduct of an active imagination.

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Hello you guys! A little update from us also I have a fun activity for tulpas and host, especially for the tulpas so that you can have a more clear understanding about your personality.

So. We are back to our old routine Summer and Nihi duo (eeyup XP) though might switch positions again for the following days, anyway, @@@Raven Rawne, Looks Like you two are enjoying yourself XD.

@@Widdershins, I didn't quite sure about your concern was BUT if it is regarding a separated individual thought form then, Any thought form can be formed as a tulpa as long as you give enough presence to it. If those thought form can sustain themselves without your concerns then they can be considered as a 'Tulpa', as to what i believed

I might further add some information to what nihi said, as long as you give it thought, any memories you have of a thought form/entity/presence can become tulpas (unless you have a system that prevents this). Now if you think they are not then they are not tulpas. It is up to the host & tulpas as well (Yes, Tulpas can create tulpas) to consider them tulpas.

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@@Naiya The Brony, Pssst, you didn't tell what fun activity you had in mind!


I guess we're doing okay, and look forward to moving out to a place where we'll be on our own. (FREEDOOOM!) Maybe that's why Crystal seems to have a better mood these days. I still can't give her as much attention as I'd like to, with being constantly bothered by family members at home and whatnot, I mostly visit her in the wonderland because I find it hard to keep focus if I don't visualise her somewhere. It just feels like I'm thinking to myself  after a while or I drift off into a daydream. It's also good to "be seen", so I can reply with gestures and body language. Sometimes words aren't good enough, or I don't feel like talking. You know, why bother replying when you can facehoof :P Oh, speaking of bodies, I got rid of the wings. I didn't need them anyway in an enclosed space, and it's easier for my incompetent host to visualise me without them.


In general terms, she still needs to be woken up to be active, so that would explain why she's always in her bedroom when I visit her space suite, but hopefully in two weeks time, after we move, she'll get the attention she needs to develop further.  You better keep that promise, you know. One thing that bothers me is the part when you mentioned Tuplas can create tuplas. I bet that if she gets strong enough she'll use that power. Like you have no idea...

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Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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Alright! now with that out of the way, I have some activity for you. Do you know about the myer briggs 16 personality types? (ENFP, INTJ, ESFP etc..) well I would like for you and your tulpas to take it and try to compare your personality with theirs. We, all 4 of us took a test and actually learned something from it. I believed that it will also help tulpas understand who they are because having different personality.

Here is the link to the test : https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

I am an ENFP -A (Assertive) - Extroverted INtuitive Feeling Prospecting I already know mine and i totally agree with it.

Me on the other hand, is ESFJ -A (Assertive) - Extroverted Observant Feeling Judging, or Consults. You know this test really surprises me to a frightful extent, currently i really do not know my core personality as i just adapted through out my development and just stick to what I think fits for me and reading the results left me in awe.

Like, this Description right here, it describes me entirely:

"Consuls are altruists, and they take seriously their responsibility to help and to do the right thing. Unlike their Diplomat relatives however, people with the Consul personality type will base their moral compass on established traditions and laws, upholding authority and rules, rather than drawing their morality from philosophy or mysticism. It’s important for Consuls to remember though, that people come from many backgrounds and perspectives, and what may seem right to them isn’t always an absolute truth."

I can agree with that, she keeps nagging me about the right thing and what i should do morally. Heh >.>

I really am curious and recommend you guys to take this test, not only for self discoveries and for fun as well :)

Cherry is the same as me ENFP (-T) - But the problem is She's more turbulent. I am (-A) meaning i am more assertive, she's more influenced with her emotions which is very surprising because we really do not see her that way but she confessed that she hid her emotions most of the time fearing that we might change our perspective on her.

Yeah, I am really influenced by my emotions, i do not usually portray it because i do not want to be judge and that really stresses me out but little by little I can be more assertive ^.^

And i do see something similar with her, we both are highly emotional and hide our emotions, it is one of our weaknesses as ENFP's

Myrtle on the other hand is ISFP -A - Introvert Observant Feeling Prospecting or adventurers, Which explains a lot about her personality. It explains why she always push herself just to prove something, It is part of the ISFP personality trait, which is surprising  because she is usually quiet.

Trust me, what nihi said myrtle as surprising, she is sometimes unpredictable surprising us 3 for what she can do and what she likes.

Aww shucks, onee-san thank you but i am not surprising, I am just having fun hehe ^.^. I do agree what nihi-kun said i feel like i am an ISFP since ISFP is considered passionate which i believe i am :)

 this description here defines myrtle a lot 

"Adventurers always know just the compliment to soften a heart that’s getting ready to call their risks irresponsible or reckless."

So yeah you guys, you heard it from them. If you want to try it out just click on the link above.

@@@Raven Rawne

@Crystal, oh hahaha i posted it, it is just too long but i guess you already saw it.

Yeah, That's just usual same goes for me when i started with summer i actually didnt stop after she became fully dependent on her own to carry out for herself.

I stopped once the pressure on my head disappeared. Do you still feel head pressure?

Yeah, it's true tulpa can create another tulpa on their own or they can wake up a previous thought form. As a matter of fact Cherry was created by summer, sorta. It wasnt in my attention creating her. Edited by Naiya The Brony
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@@Naiya The Brony,


You should've seen her face when the "funny activity" was revealed as a psychology test, priceless!" *Grumpy Crystal Pony noises* I thought you meant FUN! Not boring, sciency stuff... I know MBTI, and a couple more personality scales too. Maybe when she's stronger, I'll ask her to take the test. For now, she's definately an I and a J. Rest is still debatable. And then I'll turn out an INTJ and outmastermid you! As you probably guessed, I'm INTJ. And I'm A. Awesome!


I get the head pressure occasionally when she's active, yeah, but most of the time I get neither pressure nor emotion packages. I asked and she's just not very interested in doing either. I've read some tupas do this and some don't. But I guess I'll try to active force till I can picture her perfectly and she has a voice of her own, on top of being fully vocal and independent.


Uh huh, that would explain some things. Like, why Crystal Clear stopped trying to convince me to think of a companion for her. Viva la Resisance! You can't stop me from achieving my goals, muahahaha! ...Well buck.

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@@Raven Rawne, Oh sorry crystal, i thought self discovery sounds fun, well to us at least. What kind of fun do you have in mind?


Yeah i can really see that she's an I and a J, N can be agreeable although i feel like she's an F rather than T. It's either INFJ or INTJ but that is just me.

huh, i never gotten an inconsistent head pressure i guess it is all depends on the tulpa as well. Mine was all straight, my head was so heavy for like 2 months XD. But at least she has her own voice now, it is much easier for you to force and for her to annoy to crap out of you because they want to eat some chocolates >.>

What?... I love chocolates :-P

Ehhh, i don't even like them how did you even manage to get obsessed with them?

Humph.. Because i have better taste than you :-P

Yeah, uh huh >.>

uh Oh.. you better watch your back ;)

Edited by Naiya The Brony
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@@Naiya The Brony,


Well... I dunno really. Self discovery sounds okay - not fun, but you know, useful. Stil, Raven knows everything about his "type" and he's no smarter because of it. I'm not sold on those types stuff - I'm me, not some XYZ123, right?


As far as fun goes, I haven't done much yet, but I like music, especially rock. I like to listen to Raven's tunes, especially since he plays something in his head constantly. Other than that... I'm like, a huuuuge cubblebug so I take advantage of my host whevener he shows up in my place. I'd like to have a cute stallion around to have fun with but he won't let me have one. So, yeah, not much of it really. Like I said, I haven't had many opportunities to actually discover what I like...


We'll get there, once I manage to actually force her and learn to keep her awake in the background. She's still very young, after all.


But I like booze. I blame that roleplay character I'm based on. She's a drinking one too. Which is stupid because I have no idea what different spirits taste, my host is a diehard abstinent.

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@Crystal Nice choice of music, really love rock it's my type of music that I grow up with.


@@Raven Rawne, Hmm, i think you can give Crystal more attention that she needs even though you are buys at the moment. Have you tried doing "passive forcing"? Like whenever you just walk around or think about other stuff you include your tulpa in the conversation? I know it is not for everyone, but i heard it is a much faster way for a tulpa to deviate. I honestly admit that I didn't do much Active forcing, Only two times really, and stick to passive forcing instead and it doesn't take much time as active forcing.


Heh, I like it when summer gets drunk..


I do not even like alcohol, i just manage to taste one then poof everything is just tipsy >.<


Anyway, I like to add up a little update to what happened this weekend. Apparently Nihi's friend is Pro Tulpa, i mean he's really Open minded about tulpas. Nihi really was nervous talking about tulpas to his bestfriend but he knows that it's a thing. SOOOOO :D I tried and talk to him, using nihi's body of course, but yeah it didn't end up what i imagined because he didn't recognize it was me,even though nihi's voice is a little bit higher whenever i was talking, i was really nervous and excited at the same time that i forgot to introduce that it was me.


But yeah, Nihi's friend is an artist, an animator and nihi requested that he'll draw my human form. After that i just decided to write him a thank you note and he just smiled :) I say it was a really really great feeling when you manage to talk with someone who is open about tulpas. It is quite refreshing :). More friends <3

Edited by Naiya The Brony
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How many days in a row of tulpaforcing/tulpamancy before any of you got a tulpa, and how vivid and distinct are your tulpa?


When I started tulpaforcing with Ariel, I started experiencing head pressures and emotional responses within a week or two. Within a month, give or take a couple weeks, the emotional responses got stronger and I started "hearing" words and phrases that I definitely recognized as Ariel instead of my own thoughts.


...You shouldn't use me as an example, though, it's been said that Ariel developed rather quickly for a tulpa :adorkable: It really does vary from person to person!


Ariel's "voice" is distinct in my head, and I can always distinguish it from my thoughts now where I used to have difficulty with that.


[Yeah, you'd think so, after three years :P]


I didn't ask for your input, silly :P


[i gave it, anyway~]


Anyway! I can also visualize her very well in my mind's eye and especially when I visit the wonderland, but other than that I can't physically see or hear her... Though to be fair, not much effort as been put into imposition since I started back in November 2013 :wacko:

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How many days in a row of tulpaforcing/tulpamancy before any of you got a tulpa, and how vivid and distinct are your tulpa?

To tell hoestly "Summer" is the only tulpa i actually "forced". Cherry was created by summer and Myrtle is a dream tulpa, she was created or deviated from my dreams, two of them doesnt really need forcing that much.


Answering your question, i only mainly did passive forcing which only took me two and a half weeks, more or less, for summer to be fully aware. On how vivid she was, she was very clear, i was so surprised on oh vivd i saw her because i know how others have a hard time visualizing their tulpas but reducing the activity lessen the clarity a bit.

Edited by Naiya The Brony
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How long did you force each day, and specifically what did you do for forcing, and was it the same time every day or not?


Well, I live with my grandmother, so I waited to do my active forcing at night; every night at bedtime, I'd lay in bed and spend an hour or so. It's been a while, but I still remember what I did when I was first creating Ariel... I was using a technique I read about, silently talking to the imagined form of my tulpa (I knew what she wanted to look like from the beginning), and just sort of telling her who she was, what traits I intended her to have. Of course, she's deviated a lot since then, but this was before Ariel was truly sentient.


Otherwise, I spent as much time as possible with passive forcing, where I just talked to Ariel in my head without really expecting a response. Talking to them, giving the tulpa attention, that helps them grow! And soon enough, I found myself caught by surprise when she started replying to me :D


Nowadays, I don't do much active forcing, but when I do, it's still the same time of day. I spend time with Ariel (and her daughter Blossom too!) in the wonderland, our imagined world that we created together.

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How long did you force each day, and specifically what did you do for forcing, and was it the same time every day or not?

The only time i actively force was day 1 and i read i can parrot summer's reply and i can puppet her movements. I continue with that method until she is capable of replying on her own will then i continued passive forcing her everyday. I include her to any conversation asking her opinion or what not.


For how long, well it started from day 1 I stop the forcing until she is capable of possessing my body without any trouble or in this case until the pressure on my head disappeared. I passive force everyday.

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@@Naiya The Brony,


Nowadays I do 3 things:


- Active force when I imagine her visual form and moves to strengthen the image. (once every few days, when I have the time)

- Visit her in the Wonderland as if we were in the same physical space (at least once per day, but usually it's a short one - I need to focus to get there and I get distracted at home and work)

- Passive force while try to "see" her in my mind's eye, without any background really, so she could include her body language in the replies. (whenever I have spare brain power)


Also, seems she's an INFJ and managedto break my resolve this morning. I gave her a friend but said she'll force him, and she agreed. I am supposed to active force his look, to anchor the thoughtform. Crystal pony puppy eyes are the ultimate weapon.


And how does Summer get drunk? When she co-fronts? I guess I could "make" myself something to eat or drink, but it seems so redundant.


@@Lil Pip,


I'm afraid it's impossible to draw a roadmap on making a tupla like you ask. See, everyone has different level of focus, so ten minutes of active forcing for one person will achieve the same as an hour for another. Do take that into consideration. Also, it appears that the person's mindset and belief (or skepticism) also deeply affects the process. The more skepticism, the less progress.

  • Brohoof 1

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So...little update...still can't see my three girls. It's so hard to force because I'm so busy. As of now, the only way I can see them is through my third eye. I'm hoping I can really buckle down and tulpaforce this year. 

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@@Raven Rawne, Oh wow, she managed to convinced you to create another friend? That's really interesting and something. I wonder who the lucky fellow is, i am surprised that you're ok with this even though you are trying to avoid it, but hey at least someone will keep her company for the mean time. :)


@crystal I actually do not know how to answer that, it is a very weird phenomenon. I'll try and describe on how it happened. I think i know why it happens but i am not entirely sure maybe you two have an idea about it. In a way yeah, it's mostly because she's also in the front alongside with me.


Alright, I am not an alcohol fan, i do not drink that much but only occasionally when offered. It happened when my father decided to just drink our old red wine, this is my first time drinking red wine, sitting in the Bar corner of our house for like 10 , more or less, years. So I decided to take a few (3-4) wine glass. I didn't expect that wine have a much more impact than other alcohol so i am not used to it that much yet.


Since this is my first time, summer cherry and myrtle doesn't know how it taste like so i offered them a drink, all of them refused BUT SINCE summer was also in front so she got a bit curious and decided to grab a taste. It was just came to a surprise, since she was also in front she could easily access my Sense of taste, All i heard while drinking was "EUGH SO BITTER!" . After 2 glasses i kinda feel the effects of the wine, I can tolerate the effects, it's not THAT strong but it's getting there on the other hand I checked upon summer if she was doing well, but as i peeked she's all tipsy and acting so weird in the wonderland, I can see her face all red and very flirtatious and laugh at simple jokes, Even Cherry and Myrtle are weirded out from her. I can recall cherry saying "Nihi, Summer is acting weird" and summer just chuckled. After that night she swore not to drink again XD.


not only that but it also affected Cherry and myrtle as well when my father offered again drinking a Stronger wine than the first, like summer both of them felt the effects of alcohol. I am not really too sure why this happen, even though i don't feel the effects that much but i read about that people do have different reactions when intoxicated.

Edited by Naiya The Brony
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I'm as skeptical as they come(not really, but I take the full psychology approach, skeptical of all non-science basically), thats why I am asking for a roadmap because theres no other way for me.

So...little update...still can't see my three girls. It's so hard to force because I'm so busy. As of now, the only way I can see them is through my third eye. I'm hoping I can really buckle down and tulpaforce this year. 

I would try projecting your third eye visuals onto the surrounding area so it anchors or something.

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I'm as skeptical as they come(not really, but I take the full psychology approach, skeptical of all non-science basically), thats why I am asking for a roadmap because theres no other way for me.

I would try projecting your third eye visuals onto the surrounding area so it anchors or something.

That could probably work...


Gilda: Man...2 more days until Super Bowl 51...

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@@Lil Pip,


Okay then, that sounds reasonable. So, as discused previously, it's hard to put time markers on tulpa development, but there are some broad steps that every tulpa seems to undertake, based on my research.


If you're good at visualising things, you can start from designing the look of your to-be tulpa. Decide on all the tiny details, visualise it till you can see it perfectly every time. Alongside that, you can design things like personality, quirks, pretty much everything. Think of it like very involved design of a fictional character. Go through everything you want the tulpa to have over and over, just with a tiny twist - think as if you were showing it, or explaining it to said tupla. Consider them a separate being from day one. It'll make it easier for you to accept them as separate beings when they start acting on their own.


Now, no one knows for how long you'll have to keep at it until you see some signs of free will. Like Nihi mentioned, there are many ways to force - give directed atttention to your tulpa. Think of it like excercising a muscle, or learning a sleigh of hand trick. At first you concentrate on tiny details, but it gradually becomes more natural until you pull it off without thinking really. Once some invisible treshold of attention is given, the tulpa will start acting on it's own. For example, you're active forcing their look, and they move without your command. Small thing like that. Gradually, they wil do that more often and slowly build their independence.


@@Naiya The Brony,


Okay, so that explains the drunkedness. I guess your own intoxication, even if slight, may have affected them.


Now about the "newcomer"... Crystal Clear is like a stereotypical cat. She thinks I'm here to satisfy her needs and wants, and she wants pony company of the stallion variety. I was reluctant to give in because A - she's not really done and splitting my attention would bog down her growth, B - I don't really feel like gaving another tulpa atm, and C - I know exactly why she wants him. But she wouldn't let go of the issue of how lonely she supposedly is in the Wonderland, and I figured that maybe she'll learn to be more responsible that way.


We had a brainstorm and we came with... rather unoriginal concept, but if she's any indication, he'll deviate in the direction he wants to. We named him Bass Line, a crystal pony stallion with steel grey coat and charcoal, near pitch black mane. Yes, more or less like Octavia. Although he has ruby eyes and a bass cleft CM in the same colour. Now the personality is her handiwork - she wanted a "sweet colt" and had some precise requests. You could say she designed her coltfriend, although she refers to him in a more down to earth terms. Hence my hope she'll learn some responsibility from their interaction.


BTW I kept her out of this post on purpose - Crystal likes the "F's" in her alphabet cereal and if I let her tell the story, I bet I'd get a warning point for language. It's just how she rolls, really.

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@@Raven Rawne,

So you're gonna let Crystal clear do all the personification for your new friend? That's actually is a big responsibility but i am sure she'll be happy with someone in company. But Yeah, i get your point, creating another tulpa while your first is still in the process development will slow it down but it still depends from the host. You may never know this might actually make things easier for you XDI wish you two goodluck ;)

Anyway, another little update from us.

Soo, I was invited by my friends to go to this anime convention, i wasn't really planning to go since i do not do conventions anymore but it is my friend's birthday so I just go for him ,and the free food XD. Anyway, I asked summer if she would like to just roam around at the mall, do whatever she likes, where the convention was being held, she happily agreed so i let her to be in front and in control for

almost the whole day. Hehe :) it was fun thanks nihi :D

It was my pleasure :), Anyway, I just realized how into clothing summer and cherry is until now, I mean i don't have that much Fashion sense in me, i just wear something very comfortable seems comfortable. So, in the mall she and cherry just roam around in the retail store, looking for something to fit me, my body, errr,  well she also looked some clothes to try on for their human form as well. Never knew they are into this kind of stuff, it's fun when you actually discover something new from them, well now cherry has a new look X3

Edited by Naiya The Brony
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