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Had one of the best nites ever last night and bit flushed in the face from it .///.

And as predicted I got a interview this monday :3

Edited by Gone Airbourne
  • Brohoof 2
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I just woke up not long ago, and I am tired, Got work soon, but I feel a lot better than yesterday. Still cloudy outside though.

  • Brohoof 2


I'm a COLT/STALLION, not a filly/mare. Just because I have a round muzzle does not mean I'm female. Remember that. =3

Signature made by me, vectors in signature and avatar also made by me.

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I feel like I need to go back to bed. Didn't sleep well last night.

  • Brohoof 2


                                                    Made by: @Pucksterv


Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer are best ponies.

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I've gotten a few things done today. Took a drive for a little while but that song pretty much sums up how I feel. "Nothing to do nowhere to go. I want to be sedated"

Edited by Gone Airbourne
  • Brohoof 2
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Doing slightly better than earlier and also feeling very hungry.

Edited by Shimmer Sparkle
  • Brohoof 3


                                                    Made by: @Pucksterv


Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer are best ponies.

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Don't try... Don't try now to understand for this is a ballad of a lonely man. Through the ups and downs or the inbetweens sometimes for no reason misery takes a hold of you sometimes.


  • Brohoof 2
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I'm pretty tired. All those midterms wore me out this week. At least I can come here more often now.


I'm also excited for the Dodgers making it into the NLCS against the Cubs. I REALLY hope this is the year.

  • Brohoof 3
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Feeling a wave of uneasiness tonight, cannot pinpoint why. Could be me woryying about things too much. Worrying about my life, about my friends, different things. So I am trying to keep a positive mindset as much as possible.

  • Brohoof 3


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Exhausted and happy. Had a long but fun day today and now it's off to bed I go.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                    Made by: @Pucksterv


Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer are best ponies.

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Somewhat nostalgic (a feeling that I've also been having a lot recently, probably because I've recently turned 18), mostly because I'm trying to write my graduation speech, and it helps to look back while doing that. Kind of making me realise that, although I've never really liked high school, I am definitely going to miss a lot, including my friends, and, outside of writing my graduation speech, I guess I just feel like I miss when the times were simpler and when I was just a young, naive kid.

  • Brohoof 2

Aspiring animator/illustrator, founder of MLPF's Lighthoof and Shimmy Shake fan club!

"The magic of friendship grows"

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Damn it.. another night I wake up randomly... I feel so guilty, like a fool The only thing I'm good at is ruining friendships and pushing good people who were great friends with. I took all my medications and they are supposed to knock me out cold..


Don't be a fool like I am...

Edited by Gone Airbourne
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Anxious. I suspect I may have offended someone deeply entirely by accident within my first few days on this account. Go me.

Edited by PonyMage
  • Brohoof 5

This isn't pretty but it's what I am tonight.

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kinda worried


i have a friend back from secondary school and we chat like almost everyday if we were on. and lately she (not my GF im not in a relatonship atm) hasnt been on for about 5 to 6 months now most of the time i just thought it was family problems or college but i dunno i have a strong feeling that it will be alright but i care too much plus i break emotionally very easy.


but i'll be ok i got Ben Phillips pranks to watch if i need a bit of a giggle and i got my buds on DA to chat to


if you gals and guys have any tips to help me if i get world-ly worried that would be a great help but im not world-ly worried yet or wont be for some time it usally happens when i remember a key moment


any way have a happy nightmare night

  • Brohoof 6
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