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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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My friend used to call me Sabrinie all the time and it slowly became my username for everything. I'm not really sure why she started calling me it or when, but it just kind of stuck and she's been calling me that ever since. Her daughter even calls me Aunt Sabrinie. It's actually really cute. So I guess that's why I use it all the time. One of the greatest people I've ever met gave it to me as a nickname and her daughter, my beautiful niece, uses it for me. So Sabrinie means a lot to me and it's become who I am.

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I chose Twila Starshimmer for two reasons:


1.) I wanted a name that combined the likeness of both Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna, so I came up with Twila, which means Twilight, and Starshimmer, as it relates to the sky/moon. *shrug*


2.) I was going to join the RP section for the first time, and needed a character name for a pony I created...she was reduced to a Unicorn, since apparently Alicorns are frowned upon.



Edited by Twila Starshimmer
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I picked this name for 2 reasons, 1 being that I love Princess Celestia a great deal, 2 one is because I love my BF FlutterDash and having some of Fluttershys name in my name only seems right... I guess I'm trying to show that I love him a great deal....

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When I joined I couldn't think up of a name. It took me 15 minutes or so. I wanted a username that sounded like a pony's name, and this randomly popped up into my head. I kept it because I like it, and it signifies the journey I've had to make to become who I am today. Its been a rough pathway, but I've made it. My username is kind of important to me in that sense. :)

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I relate greatly to both Twilight Sparkle and Luna.  More Luna though.  Regardless... dark goes with the whole lunar theme, and dawn is the other side of the coin for twilight.  So... yeah.  It's not a name I have used anywhere else... and will likely be taken in most places, but I figured any clever pony would get it.  ^_^ 

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Because I remembered a game I played when I was younger that had one of this dude's songs in it. Don't even know why. I hate his music.


Also, 39 is in honor of my dad. He was 39 when he died. 


...he was born in 69, but there would've been far too many...*misconceptions* about what that meant, especially what this meant to me.

I've grown pretty fond of it, though :D

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