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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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TheBronyHeart? an allusion to an understanding of a balance that mere understanding cannot comprehend due to an intense nature of care which teases the mind for all it is worth. Words of perhaps a sovereign truth that cannot be defied ever so lightly upon our truth that we will and must percieve to be true. My name is the Brony Heart, for I have a heart that was made for the company of ohers, and my acceptence of all is my key to lock in which gives absolute power in ways once thought inconcievable.

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Wingnut is my user name because I am nuts about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. When I first started watching MLP, I didn't like Fluttershy that much but over time she has really grown on me and is now my favorite pony. She gets the funniest lines and just about everything she says is arguably best quote material! ;)

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Well, lets see. Originally I started my online name with Navymojo22 when I first started out on xbox live. From then on I used Navymojo22 for every username that I had. Eventually I came upon this site. My original name for this site was navymojo22, but I decided that the name wasn't very fitting for this site so I changed it to Navybrony22.

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I generally like to choose a username based on the fandom that it is about. In this case I was going to do Flutterdash but it was already in use. But I kind of liked the sound of Flutterdasher, so I used that instead. Its because two of my favorite ponies are Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. I thought about trying to find a way to fit Big Macintosh in my name too but I thought that would be a little over complicated.

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Many moons ago (Like ALOT of moons ago, real old times, yo) I made an email because emails are like that activate thingy for stuff y'know. So my email is the_nicster And I was thinking one day that it'd be cool if I added an x or something because x's are for cool dudes, anyway, Nixter was born.


(Later in life I found out that my username is also for a night life app, so I sorta look like a man-whore/douche) :P

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well my Nickname is echo, and i'm on a forum about ponies, thus ponyecho, and the reason i didn't go for BronyEcho is because i'm not exactly a fan of bronies


also my other username i used , Elusive, i chose because i was bored and picked the name of the r63 version of Rarity

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I choosed it cause of my OC though i'm thinking of changing my name do "Dr.Icy" Cause that is the name i have been using for almost 2 years now.


The reason i changed it cause off my OC was cause i though my OC was really cool and i was proud off it. But well that's not such a big deal anymore. ^^

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I got mine when I was like 16 and started playing online games. I liked it better than the one I got when I was 14 (supergurl :P)...I got Leogal because I'm a leo and I'm a gal, which apparently was rare to see at the time :P

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I have a love of luxury cars, and it's always been my dream to own a Rolls Royce. It all started when I drove my grandpa's '09 Caddy DTS. I've loved luxury cars ever since.

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I like technology, my initials spell out TEC, I'm a male, and I like the number 27. Sometimes I just shorten my name to TECh.

...The "The" was added when I found out that "techguy27" was already taken on YouTube when I tried creating an account there. :mellow:


I also used 5tim29 and SuperNintendoBros27 when I was younger, but I haven't used them for years.

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I really don't care about what kind of name I have on any website. I just pick out a random name that hasn't already been chosen. Luckily, I can always change my name. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll give a brief overview of my recent usernames.


Grey: From Grey Wolf. My last name means wolf in Hungarian or something, and the Grey is the most common wolf, no?


Atlas: This name was from when I made a lot of maps. You could say it originated from the legendary Greek Titan, who held up the world, or a world atlas, a collection of maps. It was a little bit from both.


Farallon: This is still my XBL gamertag. I came across the term in Discover Magazine, refering to an ancient underwater tectonic plate that has been swallowed by the Pacific Plate since the days of the Supercontinent Pangaea and the Superocean Panthalassa. I liked the way it sounded. The way I pronounced it, (either Far-Al-On or Fair-All-On) it sounded like a fairly elvicized version of my last name (I've always been a big fantasy book fan, and Elves are by far my favorite race, from Dobby to Legolas). Little did I know that it was a Spanish word (therefor e pronounced Fah-rah-yon) for a group of barren islands off the coast of San Francisco. I tend to pretend that those islands don't exist, and discourage that pronunciation of the name. (Disclamer, I live nowhere near San Fran at all. Other side of the country in fact.)


Descant: Descant is an obscure musical term for the counterpoint or counter-melody often found in tenor parts of a song. I sometimes sing the lower tenor parts in chorus, and I play the French Horn, so I am very familiar indeed with playing counterpoint.

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Why I picked Lando? Many reasons! Here are some of the factors that came into play when I was deciding my username: Lando Calrissian, Gabriel Landeskog, Lando Griffin, It sounds ridiculously hype, and finally because It was 2:00 a.m. and I am couldn't think of anything better.

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I always use the same name in every forum i'm a part of.  I first thought if it way back when I joined my very first community board and that was my senior year of high school.  It was a Buffy the Vampire Slayer board created by warner brothers.  I was looking for a board name  and at the time my favorite character was a vampire  by the name of "Angel"  and since i'm female I decided on Angel's Gal.  but I can't always use spaces and apostrophe's so for the times i can't it becomes "angels_gal"

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