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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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For this particular username, I chose Ariel because I learned that it was actually my original middle name. I chose Curlicue because I thought it sounded awesome, and the curly things on the lettering in certain fonts is pretty neat. Also because I was trying to find something similar to a word for a spiraling or curled shape without reusing the word Volute, which is in another username of mine.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well.. I do love Fluttershy. I also adore her as Flutterbat! But I thought JUST Flutterbat was kinda boring. Plus, if I recall correctly, I think I may have been taken. I remembered how Discord would call Fluttershy "Shutterfly." I LOVE Discord! So why not incorporate that with Flutterbat? I realized that would be Blutterfat, which sound awful. lol :lol:  So Shutterbat was born. 

  • Brohoof 2
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My current username comes from my deviantART/Drawception/regular username PacificGreen (PG), and my name on some other sites, NatsuDonkey.


When I was learning Japanese at first, I really liked the word "natsu", meaning summer. Eventually I also felt that donkeys were underrated in the MLPverse, so I decided to stick those words together for whatever reason. "Natsu...Donkey".


So my current name is a combination of those two usernames. I also use this name on Reddit.

  • Brohoof 1
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My original username was RainbowJaxs16. It's a combination of Rainbow Dash and AppleJack. My name was going to be Appledash, but then I realized that was a shipping name. :lol: No, no -- and no! That wasn't going to work. So I thought of how to combine the names without people thinking I ship them. The second draft was born: RainbowJacks. But it's still a shipping name :P Then I had a lightbulb moment and changed "Jacks" to "Jaxs." And Kazzam! -- RainbowJaxs. :P


My current name is a nickname a user named Sir Cal Stonehoof gave me that I really liked; so I decided to changed my name to Jaxsie.

  • Brohoof 1
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From RWBY, Pyrrha Nikos' weapons Milo and Akouo.


First of all, I love RWBY. More specifically, Pyrrha Nikos, and I thought her weapon was absolutely cool. So, I looked on the RWBY wiki in the early days, and saw that the type of weapon they were was a "xiflelin", which was a combination of a xiphos, a rifle, and a javelin. I thought that name was so unique that I just started using it, and it stuck really well.

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Since I just changed my username, I feel like I can repost here :3


I decided to keep the Infernus since some people already know me by that username. Just in case, I chose Infernus because it's inspired in a Black Metal band named Gorgoroth. Also because I knew nobody uses this username in an MLP forum.


I just added Hellspawn, because I've been watching Spawn's movie, an anti-hero character from a comic book. Hellspawns indeed have an interesting story, so I decided to add it to my username :3 I'm starting to get obsessed with this character.

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  • 2 months later...

i got my "username" back when i was just a little kid with computer earlier it was just Dyzio but when i was creating my first account

it was taken so my 8 year old pea brain decided to add suffix mon idk where it came from but hey nobody else haves my username its bit of like trademark of me since then

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I usernames I've been know by have been through multiple iterations..


My first I got when I started playing Minecraft, I wanted to be shadowfox, because I liked foxes and it sounded cool (plus my dog's name was Shadow :P)

but it wasn't available, I tried small variations but it didn't work.. I tried about 6 times but then I got mad and quickly typed a bunch of random numbers, and at the time there was no verification system for MC accounts to check if it was available..

So after I pressed enter I was stuck with "shadowfox9356493" xD


About a year later I got sick of all the numbers, which I had memorized from typing them so much :lol: so i decided to get a new account with a different username, after some careful thinking I ended up with "ALPHAshadowfoxMC" which I liked.. It included my older username, but with ALPHA to make it sound cooler and MC to make it more fitting and stuff.. And this particular username is where my "username using uppercase and lowercase characters to separate words" thing began :P


I stuck to that for about 2 years when I thought it'd be better to have a shorter name and stuff, something that is more unique and recognizable.. So after a lot of thinking I was gonna Choose AURAlupis (as in AURA + lupis (the genus or scientific name for wolf)) but it didn't sound cool enough, and as the previous 2 accounts I had fox in them I though "That's the genus for fox?" and it was "vulpes" and I thought "AURAvulpes.. yeah! that sounds perfect :D" and so AURAvulpes was born, and I still have that username to this day..


When I joined this forum I thought I'd like to vary my name a little to keep the same username but something more fitting for the MLP forums.. I was going to go with AURAequus (Equus being the genus for horse-like animals including Horses, Asses, and Zebras) but It didn't sound that good, but then I thought of "AURAequine" then i was like "PERFECT!" and I also still have this username as I'm typing this comment thingy :lol:


To sum that up:



 \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/


\/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/

AURAvulpes + AURAequine

(Though in either case I am commonly referred to as "AURA" ;))

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The reason why I chose my username is probably pretty self-explanatory. I love Princess Luna, and I have always kind of thought a cool quality to have would be going into other's dreams to help them. 

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I picked my username, because I was trying to figure out a name for my mlp oc, and randomly thought of the Christmas song "Silent Night". I figured that would not be a good name, so I reversed it, and here it is now. :)

Edited by Night Silent
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Well, when I was a kid

I didn't have all that many friends...

but don't get me wrong, I'm actually the kind of person who enjoys solitude.

Anyways I imagined a world of stories and fairy tales 

centred around different worlds,

One of those stories in particular

had a protagonist named Vulcan peace, an Aévean, who sacrificed his life to end a horrid war.

I've liked that name so much that I've used it ever since :)

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I'm not even going to talk about the 10+ usernames I've used in the past.


Back when I first joined the fandom, I wanted a username that could also be used for an OC, so I came up with Storm Lantern. That, of course, was taken, so I added The First, since I dislike xXusernameXx and username[randomnumber]. It doesn't always work (usually because of length), so in various places I am Storm1st, 1stStormLantern, Storm Lantern, Storm the First, and a few others.

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