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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare

"Yep, over time, you can get good at using the grappling hook. Oh Dynamo, I forgot to mention, gaming magic just doesn't have to be for the RPG or action games. It could be for any type of game." Thundy said as he gathered some electricity and snapped his talon. He made his Planet Coaster Master Builder uniform appear, plus his master builder staff. He twirled his staff and went into a pose. 

The water version of Pencil made a sort of sound as if it was talking. "Sorry..." It said as it nestled into Pencil's mane again. 


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@Dynamo Pad, @C. Thunder Dash, @ExplosionMare, @PawelS

Hearing Thundy talk about the grappling hook's settings became drowned out when he said the magic word. Finn's eyes go wide with excitement. "A pick axe?! I can do archaeological stuff!!" He practically bounces around with joy. He tries to pull it out, only to pull out and open the umbrella by mistake. "Whoops. My bad..."

@Windy Breeze

"Movies it is! If we're starting this early, we'll have time for two other activities. And I'll be happy to treat you to lunch later." Trilby says just before they make their way to the theater.

The outdoor theater is a lot like a drive-thru theater, except for ponies, so there's no cars. There's just a lot of small speaker posts that ponies can sit next to, once they've paid for a ticket of course. They only have 3 different movie screens, so there's only 3 movies to choose from right now. There's "Mare-Do-Well", the gritty superhero reboot movie. There's romcom movie "Griffons Don't Trot". And finally, there's the heartwarming adventure movie "Crossing the Balk Canyon." Trilby has a sweet tooth, so he gets some candy from the food stand. "Feel free to get whatever you like. Which movie sounds good to you? I don't mind watching either of them, but it looks like Mare-Do-Well has the longest line."

@C. Thunder Dash

The mayor looks up at his visitor and smiles warmly. He removes his oxygen mask. "Well, if it isn't one of my justice knights. Oh, my... I forget, we're not in a video game, are we?" Though his voice is soft and his condition frail, he hasn't lost that optimistic attitude. He reaches up and takes Chelsea's claw into his hoof. "Ms. Chelsea. I have noticed that you seem to command some kind of magic that I don't fully understand. It has given you power over water." The mayor turns his head for a moment to caught. "Do you think you could use your powers to help heal me? I know how I look... To you, I am an elderly man. However, I am not that much older than Mayor Black. My health has betrayed me. ... I take 9 medications ever day. I'm down from my usual 13. The doctors say the wonderful activities you and your friends have been doing for the town... have elevated my spirits and some of my health." Mayor White explains, though he has to occasionally stop to catch his breath.

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@Toshigami Equine

Chelsea said nothing but instead, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She gathered some water energy and created two ying and yang signs from water. She created a ball of pure water energy and let it radiate towards the Mayor. What mayor White would feel was gentle flowing water about his body, healing him slowly yet surely. Chelsea’s locks of hair glowed a water blue as she continued to perform her healing on Mayor White. The ball of water energy disappeared as the last of the energy flowed into Mayor White, fully healing him. The magic disappeared and Chelsea panted lightly. 

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@Windy Breeze

Due to not seeing anything interesting from outside, and not wanting to be seen as a burglar who breaks in to houses, Nopony finally decides to use a more conventional way of doing things, and knocks on the door. He is greeted by a pony who looks like a maid.

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Despite maintaining her smile, the maid looks at Nopony with suspicion before greeting him “Hello, sir, I haven't seen you before. What did you come for here in Lady Delight's house? Complaints or new ice cream ingredients? Hmm?”

@Toshigami Equine

“I think i can go for Mare-do-well” Shadow replied as she stared at the line of ponies.

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@ExplosionMare @Toshigami Equine @Ragland Tiger @PawelS @C. Thunder Dash

As the group arrived at the same field he trained at, Dynamo tilted is head in confusion to Thundy's remark. "I...I hope you can forgive me, Thundy. It's just that...I'm not sure what you're talking about. Are you trying to say that you know what gaming magic is? I thought it was a name I coined it as since it's mostly elemental magic. At the same time, it's something that's unique, or something like that." He raised an eyebrow as the male griffon snapped his talon, while appearing in a suit of builder uniform. He was beginning to think that this training was not beginning to feel like such a good idea, after all. He was brought out of his musings as he heard the sound of an umbrella being opened. He looked over to see that Finn had tried to get his explorer's belt to work. He couldn't help in chuckling at the young colt's enthusiasm. "At least we were out in the open and nobody was hurt." He says, trying to look on the brighter side of things.

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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Toshigami Equine

Thundy chuckled when Finn opened up the umbrella. "It closes like a regular umbrella. He said as he turned back to Dynamo. 

"My definition of what it is. Once you figure out the mechanics of a game, you could use whatever magic you've got to replicate stuff from the say, like calling on weapons like you did in the gaming world. Of course, we were already in the game so we got a boost from that. Outside of a world, you really have to focus on what you want to do with the game, like that one day I summoned Links sword with from that fireball, which I had to use conversion to do it." Thunder explained. "Oh, and conversion is when you change the base of where your magic comes from on the fly. My base is electricity. But, on that same day, I converted my electricity to earth power to create that seismic pulse. Remember that?" Thundy asked. 

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“Mmm, town hall or to her ice cream parlor? I'm not very sure. She did not told me where she went but judging by the solemn expression on her face, I think she had to deal something serious” the maid answered, unsure of her speculation.

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@Dynamo Pad, @C. Thunder Dash, @ExplosionMare, @PawelS

It takes a moment for Finn to close and put the umbrella back. Soon, he finds the pick axe he was looking for, but he stays to see what kind of magic stuff Dynamo and Thundy will be doing. "...Gaming magic? I've never heard'a that before. Does it really have to do with video games?" Finn observes carefully.

@Windy Breeze

His marefriend has spoken. "Mare-Do-Well it is!" Trilby purchases the tickets and they wait in line. For a few minutes anyway. The wait is always boring; isn't it? Makes you want to do something else. But finally, it's their turn. Trilby finds a good place to sit in the open field. As they take their seats, the movie trailers begin to play. "...Do you want a jacket or something? It's going to be a cold day today." Trilby quietly offers, not wanting to disturb the crowd.

@C. Thunder Dash

The effects of Chelsea's magic were instantly visible! His grey mane and tail seemed a little darker and a bit more full. He's a little less skinny. Furthermore, the heart monitor shows that his heartbeat is coming back stronger and faster than before! "Oh... Oh! Oh my!" The mayor's eyes open wider. "I feel amazing!" Even the sound of vibrant life is returning to his voice.

Throwing caution to the wind, Mayor Black sits up and begins to leave his bed. He stumbles a bit and has to grab a crutch to stable himself, but he's doing it! "Ah ha! You've truly done it, Chelsea!" However, the nurse and some other medical staff rush in immediately. "Mr. Mayor, please! You mustn't get up so fast like that! We need to monitor your condition before we can just let you move around freely." The head nurse says. "But I feel as spry as a young adult again!" The mayor argues. "Well, not according to the heart monitor. Your vitals are indeed MUCH stronger than they were before, but they aren't quite at peak performance yet." One of the doctors says, checking the machinery. Indeed, for Chelsea, something just feels off. She did everything right with her powers, but somehow this feels like putting a band-aid on a bigger problem...

Still, the mayor continues to argue with them, saying how much better he feels. At one point, he turns to the one that gave him a health boost. "Ms. Chelsea, with your powers so bright, you really saved my life tonight. And if it weren't for these doctors, I might just go outside and run a lap right now." The mayor jokes with a laugh. He seems fine. So why does this still feel incomplete? "Thank you for your visit, Ms. Chelsea. I am sure you have helped him far beyond our medicine and equine magic. However, we need to monitor him and confirm his stability before we can discharge Mayor White. You may go now. And don't worry about checking up on the mayor. If he needs you again, he'll give you a call. He keeps pretty good tabs on all the citizens in Friendshire." The head nurse takes a moment to explain all this to Chelsea before returning to her duties.

Edited by Toshigami Equine
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@ExplosionMare @Toshigami Equine @Ragland Tiger @PawelS @C. Thunder Dash

The moment Thundy had mentioned that he was talking about a definition on gaming magic. Dynamo soon gave a nod in understanding. "Oh, now I see what you were talking about. For a moment there, I thought you were saying that you knew what gaming magic was." He says, letting out a sigh he didn't know he was holding. "I guess knowing the mechanics of the game could make the magic more understandable. I think it mostly depends on the game as it should have magic as a source. Also, I'm not really sure what actually happened in the gaming world. Remember, I said that I gained the power of the gaming code. I think the game's code allowed me to use any and all abilities, as well as any and all weaponry. So, I'm not entirely sure how this all works." He says, nodding as he sort of remembered the seismic pulse. "I didn't know it was possible to change electricity to earth type of magic. If earth magic is sort of possible. I can imagine earth magic could sort of relate to druid abilities. Considering it's being in tune with the earth and nature." He says, shrugging his shoulders as he wasn't truly sure on the thought. 

The blue unicorn's ears perked as he heard Finn's question. Dynamo tilted his head slightly as he tried to think of how to put his thoughts into words. "It kind of has to do with video games, but in a way, not really. I'm not the best when it comes to using magic. However, I recently discovered that I'm able to use elemental magic. Since I discovered that, I thought I could coin the term gaming magic as my style of magic. Even though the magic is still normal elemental magic. I hope that wasn't confusing as that kind of confused myself." He says, turning his attention back towards Thundy. "Speaking on the mention of conversion, I'm not sure if what I was doing is conversion, as well. Since I'm trying to use different forms of elemental spells. I think it's different in regards to unicorns, griffons and other creatures. Not too sure on that, to be honest." He would say, before looking at the belt that he was holding in a levitation spell. Based on the color design and design of the belt, Dynamo felt this belt looked familiar. Thinking back to the belt he used against Kronos, Dynamo gasped softly in realization. "Wait a minute. Before I had the Build Driver, but this is the Gamer Driver. I wouldn't call that a downgrade, but it makes sense to have this belt as I'm a gamer. The only difference is that I don't have the Rider Gashat to place in the Gashat slot to transform into Ex-Aid."

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@Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash

Pencil nodded along with the conversation, seeing as there was not much else to do. The topic of game magic made her think of her own magical abilities. She wondered, if her magic were to be given a term, what it would be called. Would it be called something simple like tool or material magic or would it be something cooler like transformation magic? She supposed the naming would be up to her if anyone ever asked.

Dynamo had pulled out his belt and noticed it was different than the one he had in the gaming world. Pencil was unsure why it had changed and why Dynamo had just noticed the change. It could have just been modified to prevent anyone from fighting with it, but this had not been proven yet.

“So, uh, Dynamo, did your belt transform or something when you took it with you?” she asked, puzzled.

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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Toshigami Equine

"So, from what I hear, it seems like you have different drivers that make the belt function differently. The rest, about the whole gashat slot, is unfamiliar to me..." Thundy said, twirling his builder staff again. "Anyway, stand back everypony!" Thundy stated as he gathered a load of electricity and focused it on his builder staff. He aimed it at the ground and the staff let out a beam that hit the ground. The ground began to shake and crack. Thundy spread his wings out as he levitated off the ground. The ground continued to tremble. A large steel structure began to emerge from the ground, a large steel roller coaster, 130 feet in height with the drop of 110 feet. It had only one inversion: a vertical loop. It was designed by the company Schwarzkopf. Once the full track of the coaster emerged from the ground. Thundy fired beams from his staff and adventure scenery, similar to ones found in Daring Do books appears all around the caster. Thundy waved his staff around and a building around the station formed. The coaster build was complete. There was a queue path for the entrance as well. The coaster's name was "Escape from The Sphinx's Lair". "Haah! There we go!" Thundy said landing in front of Dynamo and the others. The water version of Pencil had scampered up to the top of the real Pencil's head to get a better view. 

"Careful there Mayor...and you're welcome." Chelsea stated to Mayor White. "Did you need to know anything else?" She asked looking at the two Mayors, who seemed to have gotten in an argument. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Oh nonononono! Pencil internally panicked.

Rollercoasters were not at all appealing to her, despite how cool the adventure aesthetic of the one in front of her was. Pencil quivered, causing water Pencil, who was now on her head again, to vibrate. Real Pencil’s knees buckled as she continued to shake. Before her nerves could do anything else, she slowly backed away and covered her eyes. Once she was a good enough distance away, she stammered,

“I-I-it looks g-great, Thundy, b-b-but I t-think I’ll just s-sit and watch the r-rollercoaster, if that’s o-okay,”



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@Windy Breeze @Toshigami Equine

Nopony thinks about what he heard. I don't think she is in the ice cream parlor, that would be too obvious. The town hall, on the other hoof...

"How does the town hall work, anyway? I'm new in this town, but I know the mayors have some... problems with fulfilling their duties. I don't know about the rest of the local government though."

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The maid frowned “I pretty much don't know about the town hall. The reason why I even mentioned that place is because I made an educated guess” she told him, ”Maybe you should talk to some ponies nearby. Maybe they saw lady Delight”

@Toshigami Equine

Shadow smiled “No, don't worry. I'm used to being cold, you can keep the jacket” she denied Trilby's offer. She looked at the large screen, waiting for the movie to start.

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@Toshigami Equine @Dynamo Pad, @C. Thunder Dash, @ExplosionMare,

Bluebell arrived at the edge of a grassy field where she saw Dynamo and a few others in the distance apparently practicing some magic.  She decided to keep a safe distance, so she found a nearby rock, sat down and just watched.  It was nice to finally be out in the fresh air, relaxing, especially after feeling stressed and exhausted the day before.

"H-h-hey D-d-d-Dynamo,"  she called, and then waved to them.

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@ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Toshigami Equine @Dynamo Pad

"It's okay Pencil. Would you like to ride together? Finn could also join in as well. It's completely..." Thundy looked to the other side and saw another mare that he didn't know. "Well hey there. I don't think I've seen you before. Wait, you know Dynamo? Since when?" Thundy asked the mare. "I'm Thundy by the way." He added. 



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@Windy Breeze

"OK then, I'll be around is case she returns. See you later." Nopony goes to a place outside the house that allows him to clearly see anyone approaching it, and sits there, thinking about the events at the restaurant.

Why did she do that? Maybe she doesn't like that colt for some reason... But what she did didn't do him much harm, only created some disorder... hmm... yes, disorder! That seems to be the reason. It was a distraction. And apparently it worked, because I have no idea what she wanted to draw our attention from... Anyway, I don't know if it has something to do with the return of Nightmare Moon, but it might as well do, as this behavior didn't look natural for Sundae, and making others do what she wants seems to be Nightmare Moon's modus operandi. I hope it's not a false lead, and I'm not wasting my time here...

Edited by PawelS
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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Toshigami Equine @PawelS @C. Thunder Dash

As he heard Pencil's question, Dynamo looked at the belt with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'm not entirely sure. That belt I used in the final boss was indeed different. I believe it was called the Build Driver. It mixes two bottles together to make one mixed form kind of power. The mechanical rabbit that you made had added onto that driver. This?" He points to the new driver. "I think it was the game's way of giving me a parting gift. Since it's called the Game Driver, I think the game wanted to give me something that would enhance my magic or idea of gaming magic." He says, moving his head from side to side as he hear Thundy's response. "Eh, sort of. I mean, each driver has it's different uses. The belt has a gashat, or game cartridge to be placed in the driver. So, imagine it's a Neightendo 64." He says, before Thundy gathered electricity for his builder staff. The gaming unicorn felt his legs begin to tremble and buckle as the ground began to shake. He was about to ask what was going on, but stopped as he was given his answer. A giant steel roller coaster had appeared from the ground. From the looks of the coaster itself, it looked to have been based on one of the Daring Do books. 

Dynamo's jaw dropped as he wasn't expecting to see a roller coaster appear within the field. "Well, now that's something you don't see every day." He chuckled slightly. He wasn't sure if he was going to ride the roller coaster. It wasn't that he wasn't a fan, but more on the fact that he was afraid of going upside down. As he continued to stare at the coaster, Dynamo's ears perked as he heard his name being called. He looked over towards the source of the voice to see that it was Bluebell. "Oh, Bluebell!" He smiled with a wave, making his way over towards the mare, who was sitting on a nearby rock. "It's nice to see you. How are you? It's been a while, huh?" While he had seen her head back to the real world when the group was in the gaming world. However, what he said wasn't exactly untrue.

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@Ragland Tiger @C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo slowed his movement to a walk as Bluebell made her way towards the group. Upon hearing her remark on how they met, Dynamo could only chuckle and nod in agreement. "You can say that again Bluebell and it's true. I remember it was during that derby race event that was going on in town. I think the cart Pastel and I were in had been levitated and I remember you landed in the cart unexpectedly. With all the chaos that was going on, she was able to help get our cart back onto the ground." He explained to the griffon, before turning his attention back towards Bluebell. "I'm not sure if I told you, but thank you for the help back then, Bluebell. I don't think I could have gotten through that without you and the others." He says, giving the mare and kind and thankful smile.

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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Toshigami Equine @Ragland Tiger

It looked as if Dynamo  was nervous about the loop. "Hmm, it seems as if you are intimidated by the loop. Fear not Dynamo, that could be fixed." Thundy stated as he aimed his builder staff at the loop and morphed it into a simple bunny hill. "There! No inversions." He said as he stood by the entrance of the station. "Gah, I still regret to this day not coming earlier. That cart race would've been really fun..." Thundy stated to Bluebell. 

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