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Do you lick your cat/pets clean?


Pet cleaning  

27 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you lick your pet clean?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Do you ever wash your cat?

    • Yes
    • No

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I don’t, that’s a lot of hair on my mouth but maybe some of y’all do :sealed: ?

Just to make the thread a little less weird and more versatile I added a question :ooh: .



Only washed my cat once, gosh her claws were deep.

Edited by WWolf
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Of course I lick my cats clean, and I can't believe what I'm seeing in this thread. Your cats are all perfectly happy to wash you with their tongues and yet you can't even return the favor? It's an important part of your cat's culture and you can't even honor it? What, you think your cat is gross or something? Cause you're probably dirtier than them I bet. :yeahno:





Don't take this seriously, I don't actually lick my pets.

Edited by BastementSparkle
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5 minutes ago, SparklingSwirls said:

I lick my snake clean :P. They are nice and smooth on the tongue.

You have a pet snake :wacko: ?

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There is a way to wash them without them scratching you. It's hard and long but possible. 


also the closest to "licking" them I have ever done was actually just wetting my hand and petting them in a specific way that resembles they way I've seen my dogs lick each other's heads.

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Sorry, don't lick my pet, it's a texture thing.  Though no, I don't lick my cat :laugh:

Since my cat is perfectly capable of cleaning herself, I don't bathe her.  Maybe a spot treatment if something gets on her.

Edited by Thuja
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