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web What youtubers have you stopped watching?


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Mat Pat tried exploiting Etika's death not long after he died, trying to blame his suicide on cancel culture rather than the fact that he suffered from depression and mental illness

Fuck Matpat with a cactus

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2 hours ago, Gaines said:

Tobuscus, Markiplier, Cryaotic, Jacksepticeye, Lost Pause, Game Grumps, RTGame, Good Mythical Morning.

Markiplier (sellout)

Game Grumps (sellout)

Team Four Star (sellout)

When your beloved YouTuber found a way to make money without putting content that first made them into what they are supposed to be, is when I say goodbye

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13 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

I'm sorry but after meeting so many game theory fans who have been treating his theories like they're facts, I can't really trust a website and guy who acts smug, does poor research that is easily debunked by people like MangaKamen, and breed fans who take ridiculous stories so serious.

I stated my opinion on the matter and will no longer respond to people who try to forcibly change it. No one changes my opinion but me

You're not alone, I was a fan of Game Theory too before they lost all credibility. ;) I know there are people who still enjoy their videos, as well as people who still enjoy the Nostalgia Critic, but I can't watch them anymore as someone who tunes out any source I can see is not giving me the facts, even if it just entertainment at the end of the day.  

Besides those obvious two, I have also outgrown any clickbait commentary channels, rant channels, and biased game review channels. That means no ReviewTechUSA, I Hate Everything, and Jim Sterling. Clickbait commentary tends to age horribly, even good rants, which IHE had some of, remind me of my distaste for complaining in general, and biased game reviews remind me of my distaste for hypocrites and sellouts. :maud:


Comet's still best boi. <3

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I stopped following a number of Brony analysts and video game players due to simply not watching their content for a couple of years. I've come to realize that I can only watch so much content in the time given and it reached a point where I was too overwhelmed.

  • Brohoof 2


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Epic Meal Time, Wheezy Waiter, Captain Sparkles, and several more. I usually stopped either because I'd have to cut something out of my giant watch schedule that's only worsened as Youtubers made their videos much longer, or I'd have to take a break after being grounded and just start anew.

The two I've watch the longest and still do is Cody'slab which I watch everything of, and Neebsgaming, but I specifically watch their Minecraft, Ark, and 7DAYS, series and nothing else.

I stopped watching Extra Credits because it's lost my interest for the internal workings of game development and design, but I keep up on their offbranch of Extra History.

Most recent youtube I've been watching is some YLYL and minecraft bids from Wilbur Soot, but I don't think I'll watch him for much longer.

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Back when New Horizons had just come out I watched TheBitBlock, I also think he did some dream suite town visits back in the New Leaf days. But then I was made aware that he was a Trump supporter and unsurprisingly after that fact has said many bigoted things. He doesn't deserve views from me or anyone, so bye bye.

Does The Atheist Experience count? I adored them. I'd listen to their shows all of the time while doing mindless tasks like laundry, taking out the trash, etc. And then there was GB 2.0 which was an excellent show about intersectional feminism and was very informative. But then certain members of the community that ran all of the shows made a big mistake by having a transphobic bigot on... And well... Long story, short. They came out and apologized and that was nice BUT then they turned around revoked the apology and showed their true colors. They care more about hosting big names on their show than they do about their diverse members and audience. Many fantastic hosts and pretty much all of GB 2.0's hosts left and that was that. I miss GB 2.0 more than anything else. =(

Everything needs more woodwind!

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1 hour ago, Denim&Venöm said:

Also for the most part I've stopped watching WhatCulture Wrestling because the core team of Adam Pacitti, Jack, Sam and Ross who made the channel such a hit would split off to form their own channel, Cultaholic, while old team figurehead Adam Blampied would later join WrestleTalk, so I just watch those instead. The only member of the original team left is Simon Miller and while he's good, he isn't good enough to carry that channel on his own. I still read WC's articles though.


I watch WhatCulture Wrestling & Wrestling With Wregret out of habit more than anything nowadays, TBH.

I've also been watching a channel called "Wrestlelamia" for a few years but I've losing interest in their content lately.

Edited by Sparklefan1234


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2 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

I watch WhatCulture Wrestling & Wrestling With Wregret out of habit more than anything nowadays, TBH.

I've also been watching a channel called "Wrestlelamia" for a few years but I've losing interest in their content lately.

WWW is coming close to falling off my radar as are Lamia. I don't need four sources for wrestling news. I only tune in for their top # lists and their retrospective series. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Just now, Denim&Venöm said:

WWW is coming close to falling off my radar as are Lamia. I don't need four sources for wrestling news. I only tune in for their top # lists and their retrospective series. 


Once Wrestelamia started becoming a wrestling news channel my interest in them went *way* down.


At least I still have "Wrestling Bios" & hopefully he won't become a "wrestling news and rumors" channel anytime soon. 


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On WrestleTube, I agree with WhatCulture Wrestling, they try admittedly, but apart from Simon Miller, no one has the same charm and charisma as Adam Blampied and the Cultaholic guys. Heck I gave Wrestletalk when Blampied showed up and I ended up loving most of the guys there.

As for the others, I agree with Wrestlelamia, I've been losing a lot of interest in that channel, WWW is still good imo though

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A few come to mind.

Game theory: Started coming off as really egotistical. A lot of his "research" was garbage. 

H3H3: Another YouTuber lost in the world of streaming. Really started showing off a dickish attitude and treats a lot of people who don't deserve it with disrespect. Finally unsubscribed after he responded to Projared's explanation video where he couldn't come up with sound arguments and resorted to insulting his appearance and trying to dictate how people should live their sex lives. A shame. As someone with Tourettes I used to admire him.

JonTron: He said some terrible and misguided things a while back, but I was willing to try and at least enjoy his content. Sadly even that has gone downhill. Over reliance on prop shock humor and topics I don't care about. 

Ganegrumps: Jon left.

Probably a lot of others. I forget to go back and watch them and then I just never see them again.


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4 hours ago, Bakugou is my Man said:

I recently unsubscribed from Saberspark. I did this because his movie reviews became less funny and much too serious.


I like Saberspark's "What Ruined" series but the rest of his non-MLP stuff doesn't really interest me. 

  • Brohoof 1


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A Youtuber I watched a lot back when he reviewed Wii games was the wiiviewr (apparently he still makes videos on Switch games). There are some others like MysteryGuitarMan, Dave Days and Tobuscus to name a few.


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I stopped watching GameXplain and Arlo, since I'm not a Nintendo fan anymore. I used to like their trailer analyzes. And Arlo has a nice personality. :) I also stopped watching H0llyLP, because Twitch is all he does now. TheTrueBlacky deleted his channel, he was the first one I discovered when I got my internet back then. :fluttershy:ALPhaubber9 didn't create new videos since at least 4 years, but I hope he will return at some point, I love the humor. :wub: Ebucemag became also inactive and recently deleted all of his videos...

When I made videos myself, I used to have some friends and I would watch their videos as well. But all of them quit and most stuff is deleted.

Hm... I guess I see a pattern here. :D The people I like to watch disappear or delete their stuff eventually. The things I return the most to are music and animations. If they choose to delete it, someone else would reupload it at least. But still, it's a shame so many people leave or delete their things and all the memories that come with it. All the comments etc.

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12 hours ago, Will Guide said:

I'm sorry but after meeting so many game theory fans who have been treating his theories like they're facts, I can't really trust a website and guy who acts smug, does poor research that is easily debunked by people like MangaKamen, and breed fans who take ridiculous stories so serious.

The "poor research/easily debunked" thing, I would agree with as a minus for the Youtuber, but the rest is just scapegoating. Don't blame the Youtuber for the antics of their fans, unless the Youtuber in question is deliberately inciting the objectionable behaviour.

12 hours ago, Will Guide said:

I stated my opinion on the matter and will no longer respond to people who try to forcibly change it. No one changes my opinion but me

How melodramatic! No one is trying to "forcibly" change your opinion. However, other people can argue that your opinion is wrong. How you respond to such arguments is your own life, of course, but simply stating your opinion and then never questioning it further, is not admirable behaviour. 

To the topic of the thread: I used to like Cinema Sins, but I began to see how often they deliberately edit their videos to manufacture "sins" that the movie in questions either never had in the first place, or were later (or earlier!) explained, until it became apparent they were either morons or being deliberately dishonest. So I don't watch them anymore.

  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

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I stop watching MLP reviewers have been spoiling the episode plot simply because of their thumbnails giving away plot details. 

There's an entire dethroning page on Web Originals on TVTropes that can be used as examples of YouTubers who people stopped watching


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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well hmm for starters any Mlp toy channel (the ones that made like series with pony toys n stuff) 

I got hooked on MerkMusic's videos but after a while he became...boring??? It's probably bcs he doesn't do videos with his friends anymore :^/

Pewdiepie, his stuff is very...repetitive??? His meme review is boring imo, the whole reddit thing is boring too. His content is just very very boring to me :^( I think he is an awesome guy but his stuff isn't for me

Commentary channels like Memeulous, WillNe and also Sidemen. I guess Memeulous and WillNe aren't funny anymore to me and Sidemen is just,,,,idk but I dont follow their stuff like I used to.

Im pretty sure i stopped watching a lot of youtubers but these are a couple that i can think of right now :yeahno:


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Looking back on it, I believe somewhere in the early to mid 2010's, I had to do a purge of MANY YouTubers I was following.
Between college, a girlfriend, and MANY other responsibilities; I just couldn't keep up with the various YouTubers I was following. Not to mention, many of them were providing similar content at the time, so I felt like scaling it down to the ones I like the best.

I can't remember all of the ones I stopped following. I think PewDiePie was one. I fell in love with his classic antics from his younger YouTube days, but at some point he showed desire to stop being as silly and take his channel in a new focus, perhaps something less game-focused as well. I stopped following him after that. Funny how that worked out. He still does funny stuff, he still does gaming videos, etc. But I'm still not interested in going back. If he ever trends or something, if he makes a video that REALLY appeals to me, I might watch it. But that's few and far in between.

I stopped following Tobuscus when certain allegations dropped against him. From what I understand, someone on social media brought up a LOT of evidence clearing his name and debunking the people making claims against him. But by that point, the damage was done. People who previously called him a friend had turned against him. No one wanted to collab with him anymore. I think he might have lost a girlfriend because of all this? Lots of things. As for me, I feel bad for him, but I was mostly done anyways. His humor had run its course with me. I just didn't feel like he had any content I cared about anymore.

And the most recent person I stopped following was Markiplier. I liked him and his content, and I still think he is mostly a good guy. However, lately, he's been pushing his own beliefs and philosophies a bit too hard on his audience. It became apparent with his Unus Annus project. He would often talk about how fleeting life is, nothing is promised, etc. Nothing to balance or counterpoint his beliefs. But the thing that became the final straw for me was when Markiplier started making threats. I can respect that Unus Annus is his material, and he doesn't want anyone reposting or reuploading those videos. I get that and I respect it. I just don't think it's fair to threaten to delete other people's YouTube channels if they ignore Markiplier's warnings, flags, and strikes. I just feel like, as a YouTuber, he should know how not cool that is. Not to mention, I am not sure Mark can stop it from being reposted. He might be able to keep it off YouTube once Unus Annus is over, but that won't stop people from making copies and sharing it elsewhere. He has a massive fanbase, and as soon as he said Unnus Annus was temporary, you KNOW fans started making copies of his videos immediately! There's also a big argument to be had about the importance of sharing and preserving information and media, but my point is that threatening people just seemed a little too far for me. So I stopped following him and never looked back.

These days, I have a bit more time for YouTube, but I'm happy with the few channels I am currently following. Some may fall in and out of popularity, but I am keeping a pretty good balance that I can manage. :)


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Davie504, I'm close to stopping watching his vids because he uses way too many memes. Before that, he was just all about pushing himself when it came to playing bass. 

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