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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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When people don't listen or consider anything I say

When I am talking and the person just brings their attention to someone else

How fast my phone dies

Scratching noises (fork to teeth, nails to chalkboard)

Close minded idiots

People who bully others

People who fight about music

People who say dubstep isn't music

People who are outrageously obsessed with shitty boy bands

People who like and share the photos of abused dogs and people ect....

Animal abuse

When people screw up your order at the drive through (do your fucking job correctly)

When you are ordering fast food and the person says "is that it" every time you add something

Swag fags


Waking up early

When my dad wakes me up on weekends and won't let me sleep as long as I want

When my brothers are just being generally annoying

When teachers and parents punish everyone for something one dumb ass did



People who type like this "lol u shld cme over tmr nd we can lay cod"

People who overreact

People who can't take a joke



Double standards

Stupid Feminist


When Vegans attack you for eating meat

"First" comments on anything



General Idiots

The "lol wut 302 views and 1342 likes?" comment.

Bandwagons (Teen suicides)

Weed users who will not shut the hell up about anything but weed

People trying to talk to me every time I put in headphones

When my browser randomly decides to crash

1- 10 word tbh's on Facebook

Idiots who ask Youtube celebrities to add them or play with them or for a shout out

Howard Stern

People who generalize groups based on one to few members (Bronies)

When Funnyjunk is all butt hurt kids

The Funnyjunk vs 9gag war

When my phone has shitty call quality

Having to wait months just to upgrade phones

Attention whores

When nothing is on TV

When people blast their shitty rap really loud in cars

Console and video game wars

Hackers and cheaters

Girls crying about not being able to find a "good" guy

When I forget money for lunch

When I forget to watch a show

When my parents tell me to watch a show or something instead of watching Youtube (IT'S THE SAME THING!)

Little kids who whine and scream in games

People who swear all the time

People who always make sex jokes and they are never funny

People who say "that's what she said"

Stepping on legos or plugs

When my dogs will not stop barking

When my dogs steal my food

When someone does not fully shut my door

When idiots are screaming in the halls and shoving each other even though there is enough traffic

When there is nothing I want to eat

People who don't bother to make their typing just a little bit readable

When I have to write something and I can't type it

Reality TV

Cartoon channels releasing more teen drama shows then cartoons


Team killers

When a game crashes or freezes

When my keyboard decides to go back a page when I am typing something

Old slow computers

Reading class (I know how to read)

Computer class (I learn nothing since I am good at computers already)

People who don't pay attention in class and I am forced to help them even though they didn't try

When I can't be open about being a brony

When I never get to talk to my crush

When I am shy around girls

When stupid jocks think they are the shit

Stupid trends at school (The current one is pink clothing)

Snap backs and people who wear all Monster logo stuff

People who spend 500+ dollars on headphones and act like a bad ass

People who have to drop everything and have the new improved version right away

Teens who smoke and post pictures on Facebook for attention

The self defense rules at school

Kids who instantly threaten to fight you if there is an issue

When people complain about parents not getting them something when they are spoiled enough

When people call you a nerd just because you play video games

People who don't respect old retro gaming

When my stomach always hurts

When there is no ketchup, tea milk stuff, dressing, A1 ect...

When there is no clean dishes

When someone decides they are controlling the TV I am watching

When I don't have enough hours in the day

When people don't knock before walking in the bathroom

Spanish class

When I get hungry before bed (Like right now)

Having to piss when you are dosing off

Waking up in the middle of the morning and you want go back to sleep but you have to pee really bad

When people vacuum while I am sleeping

When people text back one word answers

When people just stop texting back

When people post on Facebook "I AM SO DEPRESSED" and you ask what is wrong and they say "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" then why the fuck are you posting it for everyone too see?

The fact that this much bothers me

When I don't like food and my parents say "EAT IT NOW! BLABLABLA"

When I am not hungry but am forced to eat

When my parents blame all of my problems on the computer

Stuffy noses

Sore throats

When people say "get out of my business" on Facebook or "don't comment" then why did you post it?

Not being able to see

WWE turning into this drama filled crap hole with 99% less fighting and more talking

Shitty unnecessary movie squeals that ruin the movie

Some times prequels are annoying, just go in order please

Steriotypes about music like "you are emo is you like screamo" "you are a gangster if you like rap" "you are a hipster if you like dubstep" "you need to get with the times if you like old stuff"

The majority of pop stars

When people won't give you alone time

When people think you hate them if you don't answer a text

Not knowing what to be for Halloween

Having to drink lactade milk

Not being able to eat as much junk food because of your stomach

When someone calls you and you call back right away and they don't answer

When I can't stop thinking of things to put on this list

When other people make a mess of my room

People making a ton of messes

When parents don't accept you for being a brony

When you can't get pony merchandise because of parents

Not being able to drive

Having to clean hamsters

People who say Twitter sucks and use hashtags on Facebook

People who don't use the edit button on Facebook

When you can't get toothpaste out of the tube




There is probably way more, I am out of them though. I doubt anyone actually read all of those.


Hooooo Leeeeee Craaaaaap...... That is a lot of things that annoy you.... ^_^;) .... you know what annoys me.... The fact that I would never have the patience to type down all the things that annoy me.... (As seen above)..... Like seriously.... That took comitment to put all those things down.... well done..... well done indeed. ;)

Edited by Valureon
  • Brohoof 1


Made by C.Discord

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You know what grinds mah gears? When I have to pee and I have a boner http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png. It's really hard to do so, and I have to, like, bend mah entire body over. I almost fall over everytime I do so.


And to wash that out of your brain, I also hate when people call stuff "overrated", ESPECIALLY when people use it on things they dislike. Many people use it on things that they dislike. Just because you dislike it, doesn't mean it's overrated as an entirity. Now if you like something but you think it's overrated, that's kinda fine to me, but still, the word "overrated" just urks me (Not as much as "meh". God, that word annoys me for no reason >_<)

Edited by spas-ticShotty
  • Brohoof 3



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Not much really annoys me...I guess I just take a lot of things in my stride and just get on with things. though If I had to pick something...


When a person changes a song halfway through. I don't mind if it's at the start or at the end if there's a silent bit, but not halfway through the song.

I don't go full rage mode though, its just...noticeable.




When zombies sneak up behind you

and Being on fire.




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People who share those "Inspirational quotes of the day!" If you do that I WILL CUT YOU :angry: ! That is just... ASDFG I can't stand it, I DON'T GIVE A F***!

  • Brohoof 1

"The oldest and Strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

-H.P. Lovecraft

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Babies in public places, children who aren't silent or near silent in public places, people who can't take a hint and won't stop talking to you, painted on eyebrows, fake tan, people who like a character with certain character traits in a show(like being nerdy and shy), but are displaying a very opposite viewpoint in everyday life, the list can go on.


Chances are there is something about you that annoys me quite a bit. Don't feel too bad though, I can look past that if there is a decent person within.


Hmm, looking at this post I can see that I really have a negative opinion of other people. Oh well, comes from always being excluded I guess :wacko:

I like to do requests. Please, if there is something you want to see me, an amateur, draw for you, just send me a PM with the details and I'll say yay or nay. Most likely yay.

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-That feeling you get when you feel like something is on your face

-Loud gum chewers

-Coming home after a long day and having to clean

-People stepping on my sneakers

  • Brohoof 1



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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I have but one annoyance that drives me to insanity: when people don't respond to emails (or other forms of online messaging).


No response? Seriously? If I ask a question, you don't have to worry about offending me. I don't care whether your answer is a "yes" or a "no", I just need to know so I can plan accordingly.

Edited by CloudFyre
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Well one thing that really ticks me off is people who never ever stop talking, Its probably because I'm a very quiet person and all regardless it kinda annoys me.

I also despise Styraphome (No idea how to spell that..) When people scratch or touch that it makes me get horrible chills and it just UGH I hate it so much >_>


Theres plenty of other things I'm sure I could name, Like the fact that I hate gender roles alot,(Although thats probably pretty common in this community.) And many other things, but I'll spare ya'll the time :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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*Doing,and finishing all of my homework

*Smashing my toes

*brushing my teeth

And a lot more,but I can't think of right now.Oh yea that's a problem.Thinking.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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People who hang up on the phone when things get serious, because they don't want to cry.

It's fucking annoying as shit. As humans, we cry naturally. Don't fucking use it as an excuse to escape anything.


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Pad problems: I don't like the moments when my PC pad suddently stop working for 2 seconds when I play osu!


Being sick: I'm almost never sick but I don't like that at all. That's so boring and unpleasant.


Bugs and spiders: I have got a phobia of bugs so...


Sport lessons: I hate sport. Balloons frightens me...

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The brains of teenagers, they're quite little, and they annoy me.


Was that a clever thing to say? I-I thought it was pretty clever...




Anyway I also don't like when I can't think of anything to write down, like right now.

  • Brohoof 2

Don't Punch!



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The worst thing.... the little thing that annoys me the most.... Is when you make some cereal and you open the fridge and realise that you don't have enough milk.... Especially when the milk carton is still there.... but you can feel as soon as you lift it that it just isn't heavy enough..... This annoys the hell out of me for some reason ;)


Oh my god dude, same thing happens to me like EVERY morning. Having to get more milk...fricken' tedious. And if the milk wasn't in the fridge, it's warm! I HATE WARM MILK! xD

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Notifications, only to find out 90-100% of them are status updates.






People who constantly whine about dubstep


Rap music


Trixie fanboys


My chemistry class


The fact my phone doesn't have a proper headphone plugin and I have to buy one off the internet.

  • Brohoof 3
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When YouTube changes its layout.



But that one was quite a while ago, and now I dread the day when it happens once more.

  • Brohoof 1

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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When people think they are being cute by doing something that annoys you. Example: Rubbing their fingers along plastic wrap making a terrible noise that makes me want to scream!

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Oh my god dude, same thing happens to me like EVERY morning. Having to get more milk...fricken' tedious. And if the milk wasn't in the fridge, it's warm! I HATE WARM MILK! xD


Yeah its the worst thing ever.... Actually no! Its worse when there isnt any milk left at all.... after that tiny little bit left in the carton.... And its like.... What am I supposed to do with that?..... Its... NOT.... ENOUGH.... :(


Made by C.Discord

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My laptop case has this long strap that lets me sling it over my shoulder. Whenever I type with my laptop on my lap (top) the strap comes down and repeatedly taps on my leg, and I find that freaking annoying.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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People who say "that's what she said"



Yeah, that's what she said.

When people text back one word answers



Shitty unnecessary movie squeals that ruin the movie


I think you meant sequels. I started a collection of "movies that should never have had sequels." I have "The Matrix" and "Highlander" already... I think "Pirates of the Caribbean" should be on there too, as well as "Austin Powers".

There is probably way more, I am out of them though. I doubt anyone actually read all of those.


I read them. I wouldn't be surprised if your finger tips were bleeding after all that typing.


I have only one of my own to add:


Threads that are nothing but people complaining about something... Oh, wait...

  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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People suddenly touching me, I. Hate. It. Like, what is their deal? What are they up to? Do I need to hit them or leave them alone? Another thing that really annoys me are people who don't put my stuff back on the place they found it, it's called organized chaos for a reason! Please keep it that way. How would you like it if I were to go into your room and started to randomly place your stuff into different drawers and closets? Not funny now is it? And finally, people I don't know who look at me for a long time, what are they up to? I just don't get it? Do I have something in between my teeth? Is the music I listen to too loud? Please! Enlighten me because it's driving me mad! There are way more, but this my top 3 when it comes down to IRL pet peeves.

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People that wear their pants too low


People that talk as if they were gargling marbles


People who's eyes are too far apart


People that walk too slow (I define normal walking speed as fast enough to just barely feel a slight breeze in your hair)


People that waddle when they walk


People that can't keep their feet straight when they walk


People that drag their feet


Bus drivers


People that lick their lips too much or for too long


People that blink too slowly


People that use a napkin unless it's a fancy restaurant


The entire Spanish language


People that drive a substantial amount under the speed limit


People that swear at everything (if you ever hear me swear, either somepony is dying or going to...)


People that pause in the middle of their sentence because they can't find the right word


People that take forever to answer a simple yes or no question (ex: "Do you want to go to the movies on Friday?" "Idk, I'll have to think about it...")


People that have different political views than me and constantly try to oppress them on me, especially what with this close to the election. If you're still undecided at this point, just don't even bother to go to the ballets on Tuesday.


People that don't use proper grammar. Through voice and in text.


People that can't take a hint.




People that don't use their peripheral vision.


People that don't notice that they are in your way


People that have handshakes other than simply handshakes. Unless it's a super secret unique handshake, in which case I'm super jelly.


People with uncreative usernames (anywhere, not just these forums) such as xXI_Da5hi3IsB3stP0ny_IXx



So if we could just take those people and push them somewhere else...

Edited by Krystal
  • Brohoof 1

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People and life. Wait those are big things hmmmm lets see I get annoyed when people call someone weird because everyone is weird. I get annoyed at those who are intolerant to other peoples belief. I get annoyed at people that walk to slow. I get annoyed at people who do not know how to speak there native language correctly.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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People and life. Wait those are big things hmmmm lets see I get annoyed when people call someone weird because everyone is weird. I get annoyed at those who are intolerant to other peoples belief. I get annoyed at people that walk to slow. I get annoyed at people who do not know how to speak there native language correctly.


You say you don't like it when people cannot speak their native language properly. Does grammar factor into this? Cuz you have a few mistakes in that one post :S


When people whine about not having friends though they are the ones who brought that upon themselves from their attitudes. I know too many people like this.

When people disrespect my atheism or make any attempt to change my religion.

Ooh, here's a biggie: when people type "ect" while it's actually "etc". So annoying.


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