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The Legend of Zelda Disscusion Thread


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I'm really not a big fan of zelda.

I have OOT on my 3DS and that game can honestly put me to sleep everytime I play it.



I do love me some LTTP that games is awesome.

I feel that much like Metroid, I prefer the 2D games over the 3D ones.


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Link and The Faces of Evil. If anyone denies this it's obvious their taste in games are the lowest of the low, this game is the pure definition of beauty, art and grace. Like a divine creation not meant for us mere mortals.


You win the thread. Here you go.

*Hands you the thread*

But it's unarguable that Wand Of Gamelon is the best game ever made.

Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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Instead of arguing about the implication that Zelda is the best franchise without debate.... :lol:


Twilight Princess is definitely my favorite. It has the absolute best story and story-telling (though it kinda drops off in the story-telling after Midna's Lament, if you know the game you know what I'm talking about) and though I haven't played Skyward Sword yet I really loved the addition of the sword skills. Using that one move that you had to sheathe your sword to use but took twice as much damage as a jumping slash was always badass.

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My top 3 would be


Majora's Mask

Skyward Sword

Link's Awakening


Link's awakening has a special place in my heart since it's the first Zelda game I've ever played. It's also a pretty damn good game. Skyward Sword is a near perfect game imo. The controls are fantastic, the story is captivating and there's so much content. It took me about 50 hours just to beat the game. And there's still a ton of stuff to do after this. Majora's Mask took the first spot because it's really original and different from every other Zelda game. It's kind of like Ocarina of Time on LSD. And it's awesome! It's also pretty nostalgic for me since it was one of my favorite games when I was a kid (it still is though :P)

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My Favorite Zelda game is Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword is my second, i

honestly don't have that many Zelda games, i am in the process of getting more

of them.

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Either Majora's mask or skyward sword. I did like twilight princess but at some parts it was extremely tedious so it is not one of my favorites. And while I do love OAT, I have overplayed it so much and know where everything is that I can beat it in a couple of hours or so, so it quickly became one of my least favorites.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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My favorites have to be Majoras Mask, WindWaker, OoT, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.


I played Spirit Tracks, but it wasent as good as I thought it was.


Four Swords Adventures was a bit boring for me.

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Majoras Mask wins it for me, I'm not sure why, but the dark and creepy nature of the game is what I loved the most about it, as well as some genius designs for the temple, heavy emphasis on sidequests, and of course the emotional impact it left on me. Of course all zelda games (except cdi) are AWESOMENESS

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Ocarina of Time would have to be my most favorite Legend of Zelda game of all time. Heck it was the first Legend of Zelda game I've ever played.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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100% Ocarina of Time (I love Saria). But thinking about it, I can´t judge it because I didn´t play all the games so..

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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  • 2 months later...

The Legend of ZELDA.. Lets all just take a moment to reflect on our past experiences with these Zelda games... Go ahead, i will wait...


I am sure that many of you grew up playing Zelda, like me. My Family [played zelda a lot, my grandmother still plays it, she's a pretty big fan.


Anyway, We all know and love them, but what are your favorites?

-Favorite Game

-Favorite Boss

-Favorite Characters

-Favorite moments

-Favorite Items

-Favorite music


All such great questions!


Also... what are your least favorite of the above...


For me, my favorite Game is Ocarina of Time.

My least favorite is.. well... I want to say Skyward sword but... I think the Wii version of Twilight princess was even worse.. Im not sure.. TIE


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I'm a hardcore Zelda fan. It is my favorite videogame saga.


-Favorite Game

Twilight Princess


-Favorite Boss



-Favorite Characters

Tatl, Midna


-Favorite moments

Many moments in Skyward Sword, and many in Wind Waker, and many in Twilight Princess, and Majora's Mask, etc...


-Favorite Items

Bow, Spinner, Wind Waker, Magic Leaf, Bomb Arrow


-Favorite music

Wind Waker opening, Ballad of the Goddess, Great Sea, Midna's Lament, Twilight Princess opening... pretty much the 25th anniversary CD soundtrack.


If I had a rating, I'd say:









You know, maybe you should join Zelda Universe. Is a great Zelda community.

In fact, it was thanks to that site that I got into ponies.


This is my (physical) Zelda collection:


Posted Image


Add Phantom Hourglass, because I got it after I took that picture.

Edited by DeiStar
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Favorite Game:


Favorite Boss:

I always loved Twinrova as a kid <3

Favorite Characters:

I loved ALL of the Sages from OoT, especially Nabooru, Ruto, and Impa. Ghirahim is pretty cool too. There's too many others to count :P AND MIDNA. I LOOOOOOOVED MIDNA. <3

Favorite Moments:

I cry during the endings of every game. On one hand, I'm like "I BEAT THE GAME!" but on the other I'm like "I beat the game...D:" *laughs* Then I know I have to wait years for the next one D:

Favorite Items:

EASILY the Hero's Bow. Best item.

Favorite Music:

Er...no idea. It's all really, really good.


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Favorite Game- A Link to The Past


Favorite Boss- Koloktos


Favorite Characters- Ghirahim, Shiek/Zelda


Favorite Moments- Too many to choose from


Favorite Items- Gale Boomerang, Hookshot, Holy Arrows, Hover Boots


Favorite Music- It all good, my favorite sountrack is a tie between Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword though




A Link to The Past

Skyward Sword

Ocarina of Time/Majoras Mask

Wind Waker


Zelda II

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The Legend of ZELDA.. Lets all just take a moment to reflect on our past experiences with these Zelda games... Go ahead, i will wait...


I am sure that many of you grew up playing Zelda, like me. My Family [played zelda a lot, my grandmother still plays it, she's a pretty big fan.


Anyway, We all know and love them, but what are your favorites?

-Favorite Game

-Favorite Boss

-Favorite Characters

-Favorite moments

-Favorite Items

-Favorite music


All such great questions!


Also... what are your least favorite of the above...


For me, my favorite Game is Ocarina of Time.

My least favorite is.. well... I want to say Skyward sword but... I think the Wii version of Twilight princess was even worse.. Im not sure.. TIE


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I quite liked Skyward Sword, to be honest. Now there was the atrocity of the Wii controls, which was deffo a bit of a turnoff, but I really enjoyed it. Not my favourite, but up there.

However, it wasn't quite what I was expecting...I disliked the fact that there was only really three main places and you had to go over and over. And the goddamn Silent Realms, god -__- MUCH torn out hair *laughs*


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I quite liked Skyward Sword, to be honest. Now there was the atrocity of the Wii controls, which was deffo a bit of a turnoff, but I really enjoyed it. Not my favourite, but up there.

However, it wasn't quite what I was expecting...I disliked the fact that there was only really three main places and you had to go over and over. And the goddamn Silent Realms, god -__- MUCH torn out hair *laughs*


I actually havn't beaten Skyward sword... I got to the first temple and by that time I was just sick of it... the controls are oweful, the combat is terrible, and the music.. dear lord... I just disliked the majority of it. Not to mention the cartoony characters like the Kwiis.... -_-


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I actually havn't beaten Skyward sword... I got to the first temple and by that time I was just sick of it... the controls are oweful, the combat is terrible, and the music.. dear lord... I just disliked the majority of it. Not to mention the cartoony characters like the Kwiis.... -_-


I didn't finish the whole thing either :P My brother beat about half for me cuz I was also not the biggest fan of the controls.

The music is pretty good, though, but it gets really irritating after a little while :S

LOVED the combat, though, I must admit. I liked the fact that it was more difficult than just mashing buttons-they anticipated your moves and stuff :D

Only time that got really annoying was Ghirahim, though, ARGH.

And with the giant thing you had to murder a whole bunch of times that I forget the name of XD

Edited by Dug


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I actually havn't beaten Skyward sword... I got to the first temple and by that time I was just sick of it... the controls are oweful, the combat is terrible, and the music.. dear lord... I just disliked the majority of it. Not to mention the cartoony characters like the Kwiis.... -_-


Aww, you're missing out. I agree with you - the game starts a little slow (although I think that most of the Zelda games start at a crawl), but some of the later bosses are a joy to play against.


-Favorite Game:

Skyward Sword


-Favorite Boss:

Girahim. A demon lord who can fight on par with Link using just his first two fingers to catch his sword is beyond cool.


-Miniboss: I think for the sheer fun factor, the first Darknut battle of Twilight Princess had me smiling the entire time. I don't really know why, but I just...was. It was a great challenge for first-timers (too easy the second time through).


-Favorite Characters:

Nobody really sticks out other than Link himself.


-Favorite moments:

Ganon's execution at the Mirror of Twilight was pretty cool.


-Favorite Items:

Hero's Bow + Hawkeye combo from TP. That or the Silver Chu Jelly/Great Fairy Tears.


-Favorite music:

I couldn't pick one. I'd say it's between the Girahim fight, or the Ganon battles in either Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess.


I love the Legend of Zelda series...

Edited by CloudFyre
  • Brohoof 1
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Really you didn't like Skyward Sword? It's my favorite after Ocarina of Time. Well... Maybe it's tied with Majoras Mask, and Oracle of Ages/Seasons, and Link to the Past...


And I really liked the controls of Skyward Sword too... First motion game that really made me think motion controls were superior than regular controls


-Favorite Game - Ocarina of Time

-Favorite Boss - Hard to choose, probably Ganon from ages/seasons and Ganon in OoT

-Favorite Characters - Happy Mask Salesman (lol), Zelda (OoT/SS), Link (OoT)... And Princess Ruto and Darunia lolll. AND RICKY The Kangaroo in Ages/season

-Favorite moments -Killing Ganon/Demise in OoT/SS. Finding Zelda in the dark world of SS, the cutscene with Zelda in OoT when you first meet her, Getting the master sword and triforce in Alttp... Too many to list really

-Favorite Items - Roc's Feather, Mirror Shield, and Master Sword. And the Cape that turns you invisible in alttp

-Favorite music - Too many to list, but a few would be Stone Tower Temple (MM), Lost Woods theme (in many games), and... Dragon Roost Island in Windwaker

Edited by Hollowshield
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I quite liked Skyward Sword, to be honest. Now there was the atrocity of the Wii controls, which was deffo a bit of a turnoff, but I really enjoyed it. Not my favourite, but up there.

However, it wasn't quite what I was expecting...I disliked the fact that there was only really three main places and you had to go over and over. And the goddamn Silent Realms, god -__- MUCH torn out hair *laughs*


I am not too much of a fan of motion controls either but despite that fact the controls with the occasional exception worked well for me, the Wii has come a long way with its controls. The launch title games controls were just atrocious, but if you ask me the Zelda game with the worst controls is Zelda Spirit Tracks I could barely get passed the beginning simply because I had to time the touch screen just right to play this one song and blow into the microphone at the right time. Since I am a musician rhythm is no problem for me but even this was a huge pain in the ass, so much so that I gave up and traded the game into gamestop.

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*sigh* so many people seem to be having a hard time with the fact that I think Skyward sword is the least enjoyable game...


i am not trying to say that I think it is a bad game! I am just trying to say that there are many annoyances to it that I have found so far... the most obnoxious one being the motion controls...


I actually plan on taking some time and setting it aside to actually play and beat the game, regardless of how I feel about it.


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Favourite Game

Ocarina of Time, 2nd- Skyward Sword


-Favourite Boss

Ganon from Oot and Koloktos from Skyward Sword


-Favourite Characters

Adult Link from Oot, Epona(TP, Oot), Groose


-Favourite moments

Beating Ganon in Oot, escaping from Lon Lon ranch with Epona, scene after getting 3 spiritual stones, WARNING SPOILER(about skyward sword)

Getting the Triforce from Sky Keep, fighting Demise

, going into random homes and destroying their pots and rolling into walls knocking stuff down in Skyward Sword XD.


-Favourite Items

Biggoron Sword, Fairy Bow, Bombs, Megaton Hammer, Master Sword


-Favourite music

Zelda 1 NES Overworld, Skyward Sword Final Battle, Lon Lon Ranch, Zelda 2 palace theme, original Fire Temple Theme from Oot V1.0(Gold Cart), Oot Mini Boss, Volvagia Battle, and so much more honestly Zelda has lots of awesome music XD.


About Skyward Sword, i really enjoyed it and it's one of my favourite Wii Games, as for the controls they grow on you over time, at first it's hard trust me i actually died a lot but with practice and the occasional recalibration of the Wii Motion Plus(Seriously makes a big difference in accuracy) it can be really fun and immersive, you have to give them a chance (and not just slash the Wii remote all over the place which gets you killed). I have finished the Game twice, both normal and Hero Mode (double damage, no hearts appear from defeated enemies).

Edited by superponylinux
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