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Who's more evil?

Petite Pirouette

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Well Chrysalis hurt others to not only give herself glory, but for the betterment of her people. She was pretty gleeful through it all, but I imagine that a lot of built up hatred for Equestria and the fact that she seemed to be succeeding so easily is to account for a lot of that.


Discord hurt others because he got a laugh out of it. And that's it.

It wasn't going to help him survive. It was just amusing.


Now while I don't think Discord is irredeemable, he's got a LONG way to go.

Discord is pretty much a child in a lot of his actions and attitudes, and it probably has a lot to do with having so much power and having absolutely no one to be accountable too or keep him in check. He cannot relate to the feelings of others, because he's never had to deal with their puny little mortal problems. He'll never go hungry, he'll never be homeless... There's very few times where he's ever been at the mercy of anything or anyone.


Even the most fat-headed, egotistical  person in the world is at the mercy of their physical needs.

But not Discord.

Edited by ShadOBabe
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The ponies could live in the world how he made it, noone was harrased.
Living in a world of misery is worse than not living at all.

Dumbledore-"There are worse things than death."



But at the same time, he was teaching the Mane 6 a lesson,
Not intentionally... and that's the assumption you have mistaken.



Nightmare Moon because she felt rejected and shunned.
True but all in all if you consider it that was a very low reason to turn evil. Why didn't she talk about it with Celestia? Why didn't the elements heal her the first time? Anyways... i agree but still... to be honest Discord had the lowest of low reasons to be evil for. Followed by Luna.
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Whenever i hear "Discord just wants to have fun." i facepalm and imagine Queen Chrysalis like this




At least Chrysalis doesn't hide behind her finger while doing what she does... she's honest with herself. Whereas Discord fools you all by "having fun" but thing is you haven't been in the place ponies have when he was "just having fun". Discord is Chaotic Evil. He is not only evil... he is THE WORST KIND OF EVIL. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticEvil He is the evil that does evil for evil's sake whereas Queen Chrysalis has a purpose albeit a selfish one.

Really have to look at the hard facts, nopony is debating whether or not either one of them were up to no good when it came to the concerns of everypony else, it's about who took evil to the next level, and Discord didn't disguise himself at a Royal wedding and hypnotize Twis brother and throw her into an underground dungeon, yes cauing disharmony is wrong, and you are wrong if you want to cut apart other ponies friendships for your own self interests, however, I am not sure if Chrysalis would have cared if everypony left dead or alive, or in slavery under a hypnotic spell, or hell just start slinging everpony to an underground dungeon.

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I am not sure if Chrysalis would have cared if everypony left dead or alive, or in slavery under a hypnotic spell, or hell just start slinging everpony to an underground dungeon.
Well she'd care if they lived at least cause then she wouldn't be able to feed off them. Discord completely wouldn't care. Discord completely disregards any love for life except his own whereas Chrysalis does have some care about her changelings. This isn't a contest here but imo Discord is evil beyond measure. Simply because he has BECOME it.
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Living in a world of misery is worse than not living at all.

Dumbledore-"There are worse things than death."

Not intentionally... and that's the assumption you have mistaken.

True but all in all if you consider it that was a very low reason to turn evil. Why didn't she talk about it with Celestia? Why didn't the elements heal her the first time? Anyways... i agree but still... to be honest Discord had the lowest of low reasons to be evil for. Followed by Luna.

As much as I like Sombra His motives are lower than Discord's since Discord wants to have some fun while Sombra is just megalomaniac
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Well she'd care if they lived at least cause then she wouldn't be able to feed off them. Discord completely wouldn't care. Discord completely disregards any love for life except his own whereas Chrysalis does have some care about her changelings. This isn't a contest here but imo Discord is evil beyond measure. Simply because he has BECOME it.

Yeah they are both pretty twisted, and as far as caring for her changelings, I highly doubt she does in actuality, she uses them to do her bidding, she is their dictatot, and they are her workers, Discord, is a liar, he is manipulative, but all in all i see him as chaotic neutral, and chrys as chaotic evil, self concerning destructive intent vs self concerning intent.

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Discord is chaotically naughty, not evil.

Chrysalis...now that is eveil. Ever read the comics too? She's horrible! She eats a kitten! THERE'S BLOOD! xD



Although...after seeing what the CMC put her through...I'd say the CMC. x)


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I highly doubt she does in actuality, she uses them to do her bidding, she is their dictatot, and they are her workers


If you see them as an insect hive, then she's probably their mother.

If you see them as a kingdom with a ruler, then she might not care about the loss of a couple, but ultimately her job is to lead them, and thus by extension herself, to a better future.

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It's a matter of perspective, from Discords perspective he's just trying to mix things up, hes a chaotic neutral character that doesn't want his powers or abilities to be maintained, kind of like, the closest thing to the liberator role from a dark perspective MLP comes close to, but you see him cauing disharmony which in end results in him being an antagonist, as characters like, Boba Fett, or Deadpool, or other previous self concerned anti heros, but in end their ultimate concern is not the misfortune of others, but the lengths of ones own abilities. As far as Chrysalis goes, I would say she is a little more twisted, throwing Twi and Caedence in a underground dungeon as opposed to changing the world around them, tricking Shining Armor into marrying her, and god knows what was going to happen to Celestia in that cocoon. Discord wanted disharmony because it is what brings him to his version of harmony.


Chaotic Neutral characters are free-spirited and do not enjoy the unnecessary suffering of others.


A Chaotic Evil character tends to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have any regard for the lives or freedom of other people.


The underlying thing with Discord is that he imposes his chaos on the world disruptuing the natural order and has no regard for the ponies he affects. Plus he forcibly changed the Mane 6 to the way he wants them, makes him Chaotic Evil rather than Chaotic Neutral. As a Chaotic Neutral character is against imposing on others personal freedom.

Edited by Singe
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Discord is chaotically naughty, not evil.

Chrysalis...now that is eveil. Ever read the comics too? She's horrible! She eats a kitten! THERE'S BLOOD! xD



Although...after seeing what the CMC put her through...I'd say the CMC. x)


Guess that is the point I am trying to make, Chrysalis may be honest about how evil she is, but that is becasue she is proud in benevolent, but honestly, how honest is she really, when she pretends to take the form of somepony else to trick everypony, and orchestrate a string of lies to keep everypony fooled. Discord, is kind of a liar and trickster, and often relies on the lack of information of others as opposed to completely handing out misinformation. I would say that Chrysalis is purely evil for the fact that shit had bad intent for everypony, Discord didnt give a flying feather about every pony.

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Chaotic Neutral characters are free-spirited and do not enjoy the unnecessary suffering of others.


A Chaotic Evil character tends to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have any regard for the lives or freedom of other people.


The underlying thing with Discord is that he imposes his chaos on the world and has no regard for the ponies he affects. Plus he forcibly changed the Mane 6 to the way he wants them, makes him Chaotic Evil rather than Chaotic Neutral. As a Chaotic Neutral character is against imposing on others personal freedom.



You shall lie to promote your freedom

You shall break the law whenever convienant

You shall promote unlimited freedom for yourself

You shall not aid enemies of freedom of those who promote the law

You shall honor no authroity above yourself.


It stems down to Discord vs Celestia in a matter of perspective.

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she is their dictatot
Unknown... that would fit Larry or Shadowfright in the Nightmare forces but not Chrysalis.


Chrysalis...now that is eveil. Ever read the comics too? She's horrible! She eats a kitten! THERE'S BLOOD! xD IDW_Comic_Kitten_CMC_Queen_Chrysalis.jpg
If you judge people on how evil they are when they kill adorable little creatures like cats then i am sorry but you have the wrong idea of "evil". I swear on god the times i have heard this arguement is infinite. You know what? I have seen more reactions to this kind of "evil" behavior than the reactions there are on blood scenes on Iraq for example. But i guess that's the world... we love cats more than we do people these days.

The comics were an overly attempt from their writers to define Chrysalis as evil, it was forced, and it was obnoxious at times. WE get it! She is evil! If they weren't so hellbend on it we would have understood it regardless of the comments of the CMC who were just the writers breaking the fourth wall more than Pinkie Pie ever did.


Guess that is the point I am trying to make, Chrysalis may be honest about how evil she is, but that is becasue she is proud in benevolent, but honestly, how honest is she really, when she pretends to take the form of somepony else to trick everypony, and orchestrate a string of lies to keep everypony fooled. Discord, is kind of a liar and trickster, and often relies on the lack of information of others as opposed to completely handing out misinformation. I would say that Chrysalis is purely evil for the fact that shit had bad intent for everypony, Discord didnt give a flying feather about every pony.

I am sorry but that's the exact same reason that Discord is more evil than Chrysalis is.




You shall lie to promote your freedom

You shall break the law whenever convienant

You shall promote unlimited freedom for yourself

You shall not aid enemies of freedom of those who promote the law

You shall honor no authroity above yourself.


It stems down to Discord vs Celestia in a matter of perspective.

Discord doesn't care about freedom. He cares about DISORDER. Do not mistake the fact that he is Chaos with the fact that he promotes freedom. His form of Chaos is that of Disorder... NOT FREEDOM.

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You shall lie to promote your freedom

You shall break the law whenever convienant

You shall promote unlimited freedom for yourself

You shall not aid enemies of freedom of those who promote the law

You shall honor no authroity above yourself.


It stems down to Discord vs Celestia in a matter of perspective.


Chaotic neutral and the chaotic evil characters will disagree on the nature of freedom. Both value their own freedom above that of other beings, but the chaotic neutral character feels all creatures should be free to pursue their goals, for good or ill. They do not feel that others have the right to restrict them of their freedom, but the chaotic neutral character may restrict others. The chaotic neutral character may not be malicious in the liberties he takes. He will generally leave others alone, any evil they suffer because of his actions is incidental. Chaotic evil characters believe that freedom should only exist for those creatures strong enough to keep it. They will go out of their way to corrupt the good and destroy their works. They see no value in any individual's life, other than whatever value it has to gratify that particular chaotic evil character. Chaotic neutral characters are not concerned with life, but do not feel that others exist for their exploitation, necessarily.


Since Discord uses his chaotic powers directly on others to change them to the way he wants them to be, that makes him Chaotic Evil. Otherwise, he would be more Chaotic Neutral.

Edited by Singe
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I'd say Chrysalis. She attacked a peaceful country, impersonated one of their nobility, and attempted to take control of Equestria with the intent to harvest it's love.


Discord I wouldn't exactly call "evil". A Chaotic force that is in need of a padded cell and a psychiatrist, yes, but not evil. He's the kind of antagonist you call a "force". He uses an intangible subject (in this case, Chaos) to spread malevolence through the storyline. Discord himself is not evil because he does not have evil intent. He just wants a bit if fun in the most twisted ways imaginable. 

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I don't really need to post any words, but The limit is 20.


Yeah that's evil and sad for the little kitten people.

But Chrysalis only cares about her people, the changelings, who benefited at the expense of the kitty people.


Discord would screw with those little kitten people too. And the ponies. And the changelings. And the griffons. And EVERYONE ELSE.

Because Discord doesn't have any allegiance to anyone but himself.

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If you judge people on how evil they are when they kill adorable little creatures like cats then i am sorry but you have the wrong idea of "evil". I swear on god the times i have heard this arguement is infinite. You know what? I have seen more reactions to this kind of "evil" behavior than the reactions there are on blood scenes on Iraq for example. But i guess that's the world... we love cats more than we do people these days.



That was a joke.

Your persnicketiness is impressive.

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Unknown... that would fit Larry or Shadowfright in the Nightmare forces but not Chrysalis.



If you judge people on how evil they are when they kill adorable little creatures like cats then i am sorry but you have the wrong idea of "evil". I swear on god the times i have heard this arguement is infinite. You know what? I have seen more reactions to this kind of "evil" behavior than the reactions there are on blood scenes on Iraq for example. But i guess that's the world... we love cats more than we do people these days.


The comics were an overly attempt from their writers to define Chrysalis as evil, it was forced, and it was obnoxious at times. WE get it! She is evil! If they weren't so hellbend on it we would have understood it regardless of the comments of the CMC who were just the writers breaking the fourth wall more than Pinkie Pie ever did.


I am sorry but that's the exact same reason that Discord is more evil than Chrysalis is.



Discord doesn't care about freedom. He cares about DISORDER. Do not mistake the fact that he is Chaos with the fact that he promotes freedom. His form of Chaos is that of Disorder... NOT FREEDOM.


He cares about his FREEDOM, to spred disorder, for he does not honor the authority above him. & Not in my perspective, I see it as, not being directly concerned with everypony is a common thing even in todays world, but having bad intent for every pony directly is a twisted and evil thing, there was nothing to support the fact that Discord wanted to destroy anypony else, he wanted to lie to them, and wrap them up in his lies, but never did he directly threaten lives, he wanted to alter them around his perfect perception of reality.

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He uses an intangible subject (in this case, Chaos) to spread malevolence through the storyline.
I believe that's a reason why Discord is more Evil than Chrysalis. Because simply... he bears no purpose for what he is doing. Chrysalis has a purpose.
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The ponies could live in the world how he made it, noone was harrased.


I would say that emotional torment, forcible brainwashing, forcible mutating of animals, uprooting of homes and lives, and the scrambling of the cycles of nature qualifies as more than "harassment".

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I believe that's a reason why Discord is more Evil than Chrysalis. Because simply... he bears no purpose for what he is doing.

Then technically he isn't evil, he's just a spirit of chaos doing what he knows best: spreading chaos.

He isn't doing with a purposefil inetnt subvert others, he isn't doing it to overthrow a kingdom. One could say he's just doing it for the lawls.


He's just naughty.

Edited by Dattebayo
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That was a joke.

Your persnicketiness is impressive.

It's not your fault... it's just the countless people i've heard quoting that arguement. I could not be sure on your sarcasm.


He cares about his FREEDOM, to spred disorder, for he does not honor the authority above him. & Not in my perspective, I see it as, not being directly concerned with everypony is a common thing even in todays world, but having bad intent for every pony directly is a twisted and evil thing, there was nothing to support the fact that Discord wanted to destroy anypony else, he wanted to lie to them, and wrap them up in his lies, but never did he directly threaten lives, he wanted to alter them around his perfect perception of reality.

If he cared about his freedom there's a place for that. He could very well go to his own place and his own private space to spread HIS OWN freedom! He disrupts other's freedom this way while they cannot do anything about him. What would ponies care if he was having his fun at his own place? They wouldn't... but nooooo he has to spoil other's lives to promote his own freedom. If that ain't evil i don't know what it is. He doesn't abide my the virtues of freedom... he is an attention seeker if you don't like the commnly used term that begins with a w.

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Then technically he isn't evil, he's just a spirit of chaos doing what he knows best: spreading chaos.

He isn't doing with a purposefil inetnt subvert others, he isn't doing it to overthrow a kingdom. One could say he's just doing it for the lawls.


He's just naughty.

I agree with this 100%, Chaos is what Discord knows, I mean for fuck sake his name is DISCORD, lmao.

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Then technically he isn't evil, he's just a spirit of chaos doing what he knows best: spreading chaos.

He isn't doing with a purposefil inetnt subvert others, he isn't doing it to overthrow a kingdom. One could say he's just doing it for the lawls.


He's just naughty.

He's a draconequues or whatever i can't spell it right. Therefore he is a member of a species. He is not an intangible force incarnate he is an individual that doesn't claim of being a force. "Spirit of Chaos" or "Lord of Chaos" are simply tittles he has given himself. He IS overthrowing a kingdom by making chaos in a city that he wouldn't stop to... he would continue to Celestia... and then it would all be over.

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It's not your fault... it's just the countless people i've heard quoting that arguement. I could not be sure on your sarcasm.


If he cared about his freedom there's a place for that. He could very well go to his own place and his own private space to spread HIS OWN freedom! He disrupts other's freedom this way while they cannot do anything about him. What would ponies care if he was having his fun at his own place? They wouldn't... but nooooo he has to spoil other's lives to promote his own freedom. If that ain't evil i don't know what it is. He doesn't abide my the virtues of freedom... he is an attention seeker if you don't like the commnly used term that begins with a w.

Discords purpose is to cause disharmony, I believe that, that is what he believes completley. His moral compass is obvious different, but it would appear he still acknowledges the moral compass of the ponies as he mocks them and tries to play his manipulative games of friendship. However Chrysalis, she knows of their moral compass but decides to destroy it, much rather than manipulate it.

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