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Spike at your service. I didn't get the point of that episode. It seemed like a really bad attempt to fill in time that could have been used to make the finale a two parter. Now I loved the 2 parter since they were given a set time to do it in and did it wonderfully. But I feel people wouldn't be complaining If it was a 2 parter. Finale was very very well done IMO while the spike eps just...lacked and took up space


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The Episode were Rarity got her butterfly wing thingies/......


Most of the hate i have for this episode comes from the fact that Rarity goes completely insane. And selfish at that (Considering she represents the element of Generosity) 

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Boast Busters. It has all of two good things:


1. The awesome designs for the Ursas.

2. Trixie.


Other than that, it is badly written, hypocritical, has a moral that doesn't make sense with the episode, every single Mane 6 member that gets a line is OOC, and it's mean-spirited(oh, how hilarious, the sympathetic, not-really-a-villain gets her home, and all her tools for her job destroyed, and we are supposed to enjoy it. F*** you, Savino). Oh, and the concept itself was dumb.


There are several other bad episodes in the series, but if you claim MMC was factually worse than this... yeah,no

Edited by RWB

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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Ugh, everybody are going to disagree with me on this one: Crystal Empire Part 1 and 2. I can't exactly why is sucked so much but the main reason is the biggest reason why any episode suck: It was so... BOOORING. I could barely stay awake during the episode. But why so boring? The only reasons I could come up with were these:


1. Sombra is the biggest let down in the history let downs, I guess he was supposed to give this "Sauronfeeling" but it failed miserably and he didn't get a single dialogue - In other words: Wasted. Potential.

2. No interesting twists, the whole episode was pretty much a I know what will happen kind of episode. I kinda liked some parts (the thing with the door and Twilights worst fear), but the majority of the episodes were just flat out boring

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I honestly don't want to hate nor love the season finale of season 3 if we're not getting the entire story. Remember - Megan said there is two more parts to it when season 4 comes out. If it is the two missing pieces to the rather incomplete-feeling finale, then I would place my opinion.


Personally, Dragon Quest was my least favorite. Can't say it was the worst, but I personally just didn't like it.

  • Brohoof 1
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My top 5:


5. Magical Mystery Cure. Too many plot elements crammed in so little time, overall underwhelming. I'm still OK with alicorn Twilight, but what happens before that is way too rushed and too easily resolved.

4. Spike At Your Service. Spike was annoying and plain dumb in this one.

3. The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. When watching it at first, I found it funny, but once you get to think about it, the moral is completely off...

2. Over the Barrel. Completely forgetable.

1. Baby Cakes. Kinda unintentionally creepy, boring and forgetable.


Runner up: The Crystal Empire. Forgetable, not much spectacular was going on and it was an underwhelming season pilot.

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Okay, this has nothing really to do with the new episode. Or maybe it does? I don't know. 

But I'm curious, what would be considered the worst episode and why? I don't mean a episode that's bad, just...not as terrific as the others. 

According to some fans, it's Mysterious Mare Do Well. But why? 

I'm curious. 


Your topic, 'Worst Episode Ever?' has been merged with 'Least Favorite Episode?'. There is practically no realistic distinction between 'worst' and 'least favorite' ^^


Ponyville Confidential. Too much Diamond Tiara (Worst Pony).


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I'm not gonna say MMDW gets too much hate, because it's an awful episode, but how come no-one but me mentions Boast Busters? It has almost all of the same flaws, with even more flaws sprinkled on top.

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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I would have to say Mare Do Well and Hearth's Warming Eve.


Mare Do Well just never sat right with me, even though it was the starting point for one of the fanfics that I like most, while Hearth's Warming Eve... even with the Worldbuilding and the fact that it means Celestia and Luna really are unnecessary on a day-to-day basis should all of Ponydom get their heads screwed on right, I just don't like it. Probably because my favorites of the main six are playing the jerk leaders.

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My least favorites:


Dragon Quest: The whole "coming of age" thing felt awfully forced.


Magical Mystery Cure: Rushed to the point that it ceased to make sense.


Spike At Your Service: I have a hard time swallowing that Spike becomes completely inept when trying to fulfill his "code of honor".


Griffon the Brush Off: That griffon has the most annoying voice in the entire show, IMO.

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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There are a handful of episodes that I dislike. Keep in mind that, with the exception of Magical Mystery Cure, when I say "dislike" I mean "based on the show's own standards". On their own, I tend to enjoy every episode, minus the above exception.




MMMystery on the Friendship Express


For one, the movie references didn't do it for me. They just seemed out of place and pointless, even considering the fact that they were in Pinkie's head. But past that, the episode's resolution makes no sense. Pinkie Pie guards the cake fiercely, and the dessert competition means a lot to her. So what do her friends do? Shamelessly eat the cake anyway, then lie about it. And to top it all off, there is nothing to fix this. "I'm sorry for being so selfish, but it tasted good!" "I think the cake is good too, so we're okay now! Hooray for friendship!" No. That's terrible writing. The moral of the episode wasn't even about forgiveness. As far as the writers were concerned, that extreme bit of acting out of character for a whopping 50% of the Mane Six was A-okay.


The Crystal Empire, parts 1 and 2


The team behind Friendship is Magic has convinced me that they are largely incapable of telling a compelling adventure story. Even given two whole episodes to work with, the plot was rushed beyond belief. The episode's jokes fell flat, the songs were mediocre, and any hints of character development were marred by the terrible pacing. Remember this exchange?


Spike: Let me look in the door, Twilight! Oh no! I'm not going to question why I'm suddenly in the library! I'm just going to act like nothing is strange!

Twilight: What did you see?

Spike: My absolute worst fear is you not needing me. Here I am, crying at the trauma I just experienced.

Twilight: Don't be silly! Let's go!

Spike: Okay! :D


Really. That entire conversation was just right there for some amazing character development, but no.4


Spike at Your Service


I actually like this episode, but the amount of plotholes it opens is just inexcusable. Spike has shown proficiency in cooking and cleaning in the past, so why does he such at them now? Where the heck did the Dragon Code come from? Why didn't Spike use his fire against the timberwolves? If Spike sucks at basic tasks, why is able to count individual blades of grass? Why does he fall for the Mane Six's timberwolf charade? That's not funny, him falling for it. That's just stupid.


Over a Barrel


Wild west episode? Yawn. Forgettable plot. Forgettable newcomer characters. Forgettable song. Forgettable everything. Good way to put me to sleep, though.


The Last Roundup


Basically, an episode whose entire conflict comes from arbitrarily making Applejack act utterly and completely out of character. 


Magical Mystery Cure


This is literally the only episode that I actively dislike. The pacing is terrible, the songs are bland, the conflict and resolution leave so many plotholes open, the resolution is stupid and contrived, the ending comes out of nowhere, and none of the characters act in character. They don't react to anything important, although it would be difficult to make them do so when you get the Godawful idea of stuffing the episode so full of forgettable music that there isn't any room for a plot.


Really. Magical Mystery Cure is, by far, the worst episode in the entire series. See more of my thoughts here.

Pretty Pony Analysis

Reviewing, analyzing, and overthinking cartoon horses since 2013.

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Mare Do Well. And yes, this is coming from a Dashie fan.

CD explained it with a comic that I can't find.

Briefly explained: The mane 6 were douches.


From what I've seen, Dash fans (like myself) tend to hate MMDW the most.


I've ranted enough about how bad MMDW and Magical Mystery Cure already, so I'll add a couple of others to my worst list.


It's About Time: It got a lot of hype beforehand, and I was getting excited. But after seeing the first of  Future Twilight's visual differences turn out to be a silly little thing, the end became so predictable it was embarrassing. It was also a little disappointing to hear about how epic Twilight's journey to Tartarus was, but not actually get to see it.


Games Ponies Play: This was the most boring episode yet. The jokes all seemed to fall flat, and the pony mix-up was dragged out for far too long.

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I don't got one I love them all there all soo good and awesome I couldn't choose my favorite ether I mean the shows are just to good and u can't dislike one it just works that way lol nor can I make any your top favorites cuz it's just to hard

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It was Suited for Success, now it's Magical Mystery Cure. Just a dumb, rushed episode.


For me Spike at Your Service is saved by the second half when the Mane 6 get involved and the episode is actually funny.

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The main thing I didn't like about Spike At Your Service was that it really made no sense for Spike to be so painfully loyal to Applejack. Rarity I can understand, but Applejack?


(Though I guess in light of that, he really is the backup bearer of Loyalty)


And yeah, I guess I'm a little sour at the writers passing up the perfect opportunity for a Rarity episode.

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Any episode that centers on Spike. I get he's supposed to be learning and finding his way in the world just like the Mane 6, but the problem I have is he doesn't, he just misses the point of the episode's moral or doesn't care. Plus I just find him boring. Don't get me wrong, every time I've tried to find something to like about Spike he just ends up disappointing me. 

Edited by MMFAN


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Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. I despise that episode. I have never watched it again since it first aired.

But most episodes are amazing of course!!

Really? I thought this episode had one of the best songs of the series in it. What did you hate about it? Perhaps if you gave it a second viewing?

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Really? I thought this episode had one of the best songs of the series in it. What did you hate about it? Perhaps if you gave it a second viewing?

To be honest, I'm not quite sure what I hate so much about it, I just couldn't warm to it when I watched it. Maybe it's because I hated Flim and Flam, and I didn't like the whole 'drinking' idea with the ponies. I felt some of them were out of character too, like Fluttershy, Rainbow and Pinkie.

I actually didn't like the song very much cos I thought it dragged on a bit. But, if you liked it, that's your opinion.

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


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To be honest, I'm not quite sure what I hate so much about it, I just couldn't warm to it when I watched it. Maybe it's because I hated Flim and Flam, and I didn't like the whole 'drinking' idea with the ponies. I felt some of them were out of character too, like Fluttershy, Rainbow and Pinkie.

I actually didn't like the song very much cos I thought it dragged on a bit. But, if you liked it, that's your opinion.

Fair enough. The drinking idea does venture outside of "safe" territory a bit. IMO, Flim and Flam are excellent mini-villains - they're catchy and they really make you want to hate them and see them fail. So when they eventually lose, it's really satisfying.


But yeah, it's a matter of opinion, as you said, and that's what's so great about this show. There's something for everyone. :)

  • Brohoof 1

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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  • 1 month later...

just curious, but does anypony out there have en episode they just cant stand. While i like the majority of the episodes there are two which i cant stand. The two episodes are hearts and hooves day and look before you sleep. Anypony else have episodes they didn't like.

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Well, before I say which episode I like the least, I would like to say something. I like the Mare Do Well episode. I don't get the hate that it receives. 


For my least favorite episode, I pick The Crystal Empire Parts 1 and 2. The pacing is so slow in this episode and it is the only mlp episode I didn't want to finish watching. (I did finish it though.)

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Well, before I say which episode I like the least, I would like to say something. I like the Mare Do Well episode. I don't get the hate that it receives. 


For my least favorite episode, I pick The Crystal Empire Parts 1 and 2. The pacing is so slow in this episode and it is the only mlp episode I didn't want to finish watching. (I did finish it though.)

I dont see why the mare do well episode gets so much hate either, its one of my favorites. and i have to agree with you on the crystal empire. while i dont hate the episode i felt it had too much filler and was paced to slowly.

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It's not even the worst episode in the series (Games Ponies Play is followed by The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well), but my most hated is Just for Sidekicks. Spike at Your Service wrote Spike as out-of-character and careless for the sake of a cheap moral within a poor premise.


But Just for Sidekicks wrote Spike as just as bad, if not worse. Spike was selfish, antagonistic, uncharacteristically greedy, and completely unlikeable. He willingly broke the trust of his friends for the sake of making his jewel cake, something he would NEVER do given the current timeline of the series. He learned the consequences of greed in Secret of My Excess and understood the meaning of trust for his family in Dragon Quest. That character development was sacrificed for the sake of developing a moral that was just cheap.


But what made it stung more was the fact that Corey Powell wrote it, and the concept for Just for Sidekicks was great. I was royally disappointed, and I was only able to watch it once because I hated the episode so much. She's a fantastic writer, and the fact she wrote Spike so badly stung given her credentials.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 1

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