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In what way do you break brony stereotypes?


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Creepy old man: I'm 18, and as creepy as I may be, I'm no old man.
Paedophile: Wrong again. 
Overweight: Nope. Though, I'm built like a brick wall. 
Neckbeard: I shave every couple of days.
Autistic: I'm pretty sure I'm not autistic... 
Homosexual: I'm attracted to females. Be they pony or Human. 
Lives in parents basement: Though I do live with my parents, its acceptable at 18, and I have a room upstairs, not a basement. 
Has 'no life', or spends all day at home: I may be socially awkward, but I do have friends that I speak to and make an effort to see at least once a week outside of school. 
What are you going to do? Love and tolerate? No. As much as loving and tolerating is a nice concept, I can't really do that. If you're a dick, I'll tell you what I think straight up, and if you try to hit me, you'd better be prepared. I'm a fairly tough guy.
But, I'll happily try to avoid conflict if possible.

Though I break these particular stereotypes, there are others that can be accurately applied to me.

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Everybody keeps mentioning their weight, is it a stereotype that bronies are fat or something?


Well I guess I don't break the weight stereotype then as I could lose a few pounds. I also wear pony merch in public...that's probably not breaking any stereotypes either. I also am pretty darn nerdy and I do live with my parents...then again I am in High School still.


Well I can say that I'm not a 33 year old extremely obese man living in his mothers basement whom just so happens to horde pony toys and then get cheeto dust in their mane by petting them too frequently. Yup!


Yeah, it actually is. There have been two videos by College Humor that poke fun at Bronies, and they're always overweight. I see it a lot on some forums that I browse too, the whole "fat, fedora-wearing, neckbeard" thing seems to be directed a lot at Bronies, although a lot of groups get tagged with that.


I almost feel like you're referencing the first video they did with that last sentence, so you're probably familiar with them.



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Im not fat or 30


I don't have many friends but that's ok. Also I'm a virgin but what's wrong with that?



I don't know why people get singled out for being a virgin anyway. I mean what's the point of you're not comfortable or ready yet?

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Ah, I use simple means to break the stereotypes. Stuff like this, a lot of the time. And I guess also just by being as purely awesome as I really am.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 10 months later...

I realize that it's a bit late, but you can sum up most of the stereotypes by watching College Humor's video on bronies. I know the video was a joke, but it is mainly what inspired me to start running, and lose 30lb's. Now, I couldn't be more happy that I haven't been contributing to that stereotype. We are a group that people feel the most comfortable pre-judging. Use this fact to your advantage. Spread the love, crush the stereotypes, and be healthy. Judge a book by it's pages, not it's cover.

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Creepy old man: I'm 14.
Pedophile: ^  
Overweight: I'm a regular costumer at a gym. 
Neckbeard: Still 14 here!
Autistic: I am actually autistic.
Homosexual: Nope.
Lives in parents basement: It's an apartment. And I'm 14.
Has 'no life', or spends all day at home: What was that about a gym?
What are you going to do? Love and tolerate? Beside tolerating the hate, nope.

Clopper: Jeez. I have no argument there.

Rarity is the best thing in my life.


Where would I be without her? Nowhere I'd like to be, that's for sure.

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I'm female for one thing, and well, I'm a punk kid, too. I'm not one of those scene kids who only likes them for the colour and not the show, I'm more of an early 2000's punk who is in love with the show.

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Fat : I dunno about the term fat here, but I'm 224 at most now with the height of 180 cm (dunno the US metric)

Creepy Old Man : I'm 18 going 19

Living in basement : I live in a sharehouse.

Living with parents : I live in US while my parents are all the way in SEA.

Autistic; Nope. Just had some minor socially traumatic experience.

No Life: I like to play video games. Does that counts?

Clopper: No. I fap to other types, not ponies (guess what)

Fedora-w/e-it-is: I don't even know what a fedora is.

Edited by Metagross



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Well,  I'm not supposedly sexual attractive to any of the ponies, I'm not fat (I'm actually very skinny), I have actual friends, some of whom love the show just as much as I do, and I'm actually pretty attractive.

Second in Command of the Marvel Alliance!!!

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Stereotyping unconventional fans of MLP aren't hard to break as it would not likely be that hard to outsmart those that come up with them. I obviously don't have extreme issues concerning sexuality or any of that related nonsense. All stereotypes are negative in the end. We should embrace the individual and understand that all fans are different and unique.

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
Silver Letter's MLP collection
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I'm textbook definition (perhaps not cultural, but textbook) of fundamentalist religious.


(That is I believe the religious texts as written)

[Not that I don't think science is real, nor believe in hokey intelligent design, just have complex beliefs in science vs. religion]

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Male: I'm a girl


Middle-aged: I'm 16


No Friends: I surprisingly have friends


Neckbeard: Even as a girl I don't get a lot of facial hair nor body hair like some other girls do so def not.


Fat and Lazy: 143lb and 5'1. A teeny bit but I go on occasional, sometimes frequent, walks. I was a little bigger and I could be lazier.


No job: Not yet.


Living in basement: I don't have one.


Living with parents: I'm 16! Of course I do! But I can't stand it.


Autistic: Umm.....Ok! I'm on the spectrum but I'm VERY high functioning and I'm capable of being in reg classes (though I do prefer SpEd lol) and living in a normal adult life.


No Life: Depends on how you define your own life. As for me, I'm working on it.


Clopper: NOOOO


Fedora: No. But honestly I do want one for my small but cool hat collection.


Gay: I'm very unsure about it. I haven't found myself yet but I'm pretty sure I'm straight.


Virgin: Ahem I'm 16!


Shoves ponies down everyones throat: I'm very careful and sensitive about who I bring up ponies to


Love and Tolerate?: I got anger issues at home. What do you think!


Buys pony merch: A lot!!!! I have a big collection!!!!!

My cider brings all the ponies to the yard and they're like its better than yours, damn right it's better than yours. I can teach you, but I have to charge


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Creepy old man: 37 year old man. Not yet.

No Friends: Plenty of Friends

Pedophile: No

Overweight: No

Neckbeard: No

Autistic: No

Homosexual: No

Basement: No Basement in Home I own

Lives with Parents: No

No Life: Life overfloweth. I just multitask all the damn time

Love & Tolerate: I guess. I prefer Understand, but whatever.

Fedora: Baseball Cap

Gay: No

Virgin: Married with kids

Merch: Yes

Pony Recruiter: No



Looking at the above list of stereotypes, there is only one thing on there I would have an issue with being called. The pedophile thing does piss me off. The rest wouldn't annoy me since I'm either supportive or indifferent to those attributes.

Edited by Jeric



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well let's see


gay: no, i'm straight.

autistic: not really

pedophile: f**k no. i'm 14.

virgin: really? i'm 14 and i'm not old enough to have sex

fat: i weight 113 lbs.

no friends: i have friends, both internet and irl. most of my irl friends don't like mlp

fedora: no. but i wear my neff beanie when it's cold outside

unattractive: i guess you haven't know me irl

jacks off to ponies: uhhhhhhhh.......... no.

lives with parents: again, i'm 14.

basement dweller: i don't have a basement.

For lack of a better username

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Perfectly straight, gotta admit, I do spend nearly all my time inside, but as a budding programmer/comp savvy its what I do. No romance, have much stage fright + socially awkward. I do hang onto the love and tolerate thing, unless you break the rules of debate/ the spine of a book in which case I would shove a cactus down your throat.

Virgin? Duh. Am 16 xD

Clopper, nuuuuuuuuuuupe


Oh, and potatoes are the best thing ever. Wait, that's not stereotyped???? Bah, everything else is.


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A lot of people often go around saying that anyone smart enough can't possibly like a kid's show like My Little Pony. People who are bronies cannot possibly be involved with academia, let alone biology! Well guess what? I'm getting ready to start my Master's Program in Biology. And as you can see in my avatar and the website, I'm going to be working with detecting dangerous, pathogenic bacteria. To be more broad, I'm going to be collecting water samples from wells and see if we can find fecal contamination. Then I'll get to extract DNA from bacteria in the contaminated wells in hopes of seeing where it comes from! There's so many possibilities with this! Who dares say we bronies aren't smart?!


Forgot to add that I'm going to be collaborating with Environment Canada for this project! :o

Edited by Sterling Crimson
  • Brohoof 4
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A lot of people often go around saying that anyone smart enough can't possibly like a kid's show like My Little Pony. People who are bronies cannot possibly be involved with academia, let alone biology! Well guess what? I'm getting ready to start my Master's Program in Biology. And as you can see in my avatar and the website, I'm going to be working with detecting dangerous, pathogenic bacteria. To be more broad, I'm going to be collecting water samples from wells and see if we can find fecal contamination. Then I'll get to extract DNA from bacteria in the contaminated wells in hopes of seeing where it comes from! There's so many possibilities with this! Who dares say we bronies aren't smart?!


Forgot to add that I'm going to be collaborating with Environment Canada for this project! :o

Thats amazing, best of luck with it dude!

Far more impressive than my  Masters in Classics which i'm currently doing :lol:

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My view on bronies before I found myself watching MLP myself was that these people were gay 40 years old.living in moms basement jerking off to MLP cartoons and extremely fem people. That's my honest stereotype that I had. Myself I'm 25 married work 3 jobs played all varsity sports in high school and continued football into college I work out 5 days a week I'm 6 foot 2 and jacked.... I would have never seen myself watching a little girls show as I thought it was...now for some reason I love this show the messages it portrays. My wife doesn't know I watch the show. people need to over look these stereotypes and be open to new things I know I wasn't

  • Brohoof 2
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gay, yes but that's not the point

autistic. I hardly call straight honour roll autistic (no offence)

pedophile,I'm 14

virgin ^same answer

no friends, deffinetly not

Fedora, that's a hat right?

unattractive. gotta know before you judge

clopper, HELLLLL NOOOOO but I'm not against it

lives with parents. seeing a trend of the answers being I'm 14

lives in basement once again I'm 14

love and tolerate. that is against human nature we are an aggressive species

shoves ponies up others throats. I recommend once but that's all

  • Brohoof 1
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I keep the fact I'm part of the fandom very subtle when out online, with the exception of my avatar I will not mention or bring it up unless someone addresses me about it first. I force no one to watch the show, and I respect the opinions of those who dislike it if they have a genuine reasoning for it.


Apart from that I try to make sure I have a creative output as strong as possible, creating content for gamers, some artwork and much more.


A samurai pyromancer? That's a bit overpowered.

"Trust me, there is much more out there that's stronger than me, I'm a soldier, not a god"



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Well guess what? I'm getting ready to start my Master's Program in Biology. And as you can see in my avatar and the website, I'm going to be working with detecting dangerous, pathogenic bacteria.

I knew you were studying in Biology, but I didn't know how you intended to apply it. Biology and Public Health for the win

Masters in Classics which i'm currently doing

I would trade places with you in a second ... well ... maybe ten. I do actually enjoy doing what I do. But to study Greek and ancient Iranian cultures (being presumptuous on your specialty)...


Edited by Jeric



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I knew you were studying in Biology, but I didn't know how you intended to apply it. Biology and Public Health for the win

I would trade places with you in a second ... well ... maybe ten. I do actually enjoy doing what I do. But to study Greek and ancient Iranian cultures (being presumptuous on your specialty)...


What do you dude? I do focus on Greek studies mostly :D

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