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Are you a cat person or a dog person?


Are you a cat person or a dog person?  

239 users have voted

  1. 1. Cats or dogs?

    • cats
    • dogs

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i cant choose, i love both :C

dog are like, "look, ill be you best friend and will do anything for you! :D"

but cats are like "im not as nice but im furry, fuzzy and super duper mega adorable!"

  • Brohoof 1




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I prefer cats over dogs. Cats are a more calmer and sensible type of creatures. They don't bark as much as dogs and they seem more useful to me for some reason.

  • Brohoof 3


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Cats. Dogs are more loyal and often more affectionate, but cats are loads easier to take care of and are independent. From there, all you have to do is pick out a cat that is still willing to be pet, be affectionate, and that is generally friendly. Unlike dogs, there are only some cats that are truly very friendly and outgoing. It's not like how everyone stereotypes it as 'cats aren't friendly, dogs are'. There's exceptions for both.

  • Brohoof 10


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I don't know why, but I prefer cats over dogs. Maybe it's because they don't make that much of a mess and don't take up so much room. And they're relaxed and just adorable. But when they get mad, it's like a shit storm of little fuzzy hell.

  • Brohoof 1

Just another background cat. Move along.

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I prefer dogs over cats. To be honest, I don't even see the appeal in cats, at all. I really don't even find them to be cute.

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 1

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Prefer dogs over cats but I like both :) Dogs can do so many things and all my cat can do is stand up when I put my finger above her. My dog however, can sit, stand up, give paw and differentiate which one she gives me, wait for my signal to eat, she comes when I call her name and so many more. They're both awesome though :)


Introvert(56%)  iNtuitive(12%)  Thinking(75%)  Judging(1%)

  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)
  • You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)
  • You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (75%)
  • You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)
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dogs for me, they just put such a smile on your face when you come home and are welcomed with such enthusiasm and happiness, also dogs made me more responsible, thinner (dogwalking being a must), and more sensitive.


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Cats. Definitely cats. I find most dogs annoying whether it be begging for food or constantly barking at the wind and pulling me whenever we walk. Go figure, out of dogs, I like big dogs. But cats are great. If ye raise it with respect and good attention, they do end up pretty loyal. My last cat would wait for me at the door when I was walking home from the bus stop after school. They're incredibly cuddly and they don't stink as bad. Because they're independent, they're much easier to take care of. They're also very photogenic x3

  • Brohoof 1
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I love both, but I am most definitely a cat person. I love their quiet, calm, and subtle personalities, the surprising amount of intelligence they display, and appreciate the fact that they make you work for their love in return! Plus, nothing is quite as comfortable as a soft, warm and fuzzy kitty sleeping in your lap!!! :wub:


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  • Brohoof 5


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I am a dog person. I don't have any cats, only two dogs. I don't think we are getting a cat anytime soon because two pets is enough.

Edited by Lolness The Hunt

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Dogs may be really stupid at times but I love dogs. All they want to do is please their master, and dogs are so lovable. I never owned a cat but from what I've seen/heard, they just kinda laze around all day and don't show much affection.


So, in short, dogs are best pony.

  • Brohoof 2



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Dogs are awesome! If this was puppies or kittens, though, kittens. But this is cats or dogs. DOGS FOR ME!


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You know, I would rather have a cat, but whatever sheds the least. Cats are more calm and chill, and most dogs I've had have been nonstop jumping around the house. But, thats sort of a good thing, because I can actually play fetch with them and all. I get really tired of vacuuming the entire house 5 times in one day, so really I don't care. Just don't drop hair.

Edited by Raspberry32


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Cats. A lot less maintenance, especially with outdoor cats. We once had a cat that we could just leave for days at a time, and he would go I to the forest to kill stuff for his food and drink from the stream on our property. They say you can't train cats, but we've trained ours to come when called, and to stay of tables and couches and expensive rugs and stuff.

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cats. dogs are cute, but are overly needy and dependent of you having to pay attention to them. my cat is a lot more easier to take care of and doesn't bother me unless he needs something, like getting food or going outside. plus, when i need to be cheered up, he'll definitely perk me up in such a situation. i've a hard time taking care of myself at some points, so i'd never be able to take care of someone that isn't able to have at least some form of individualism. therefor, cats are the pro-choice pet of mine.




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Cats always strike me as aggressive and overly paranoid. They're lone hunters, and if you ever have more than one cat in the house, you can see their fierce nature at work. If you invade their personal space, they'll claw you up good. If you get angry with them, they'll just get angry back. They can be more tame with effort, but it's hard.


Dogs on the other hand, are more pack animals. When you adopt one, they believe you are a member of the pack. Sure, dogs will compete for dominance over other dogs in the pack, but they usually won't destroy each other or anything. I feel that dogs have a higher chance of getting along with other animals (and humans), as long as the other party isn't violent or aggressive towards the dog or his/her pack.


On the other hand, Dogs require tons of housebreaking. Cats require tons of maintenance. You have to assert yourself as leader to a dog, but you have to assert yourself as super-powerful to a cat. Both are pretty annoying, but dogs seem to be slightly better.

I mean, if that's okay with you...

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Cats, easily. They are more independent, very soft and cuddly and cute. They are also mischievous, which lends to their cute-ness. Plus, I could probably convince Octy to let me get one!

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I prefer dogs as they are more active than cats, and a lot less maintenance then a cat lol. I can teach a dog but not maintain a cat haha.

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  • Brohoof 1


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prefer dog mainly because dogs are useful, they prevent you from getting robbed, they can help you stay in shape, they can tell if you in a good or bad mood, and there more loyal, cats dont give a fuck because the cat isnt loyal to you, your loyal to the cat.

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I prefer cats over dogs. I've always had good luck with cats I get. Dogs always annoy me with constantly having to be walked, and I'm allergic to them so yeah. But cats all you have to do is feed them and change there litter box. They are nice, affectionate, and if they live outside, we all know about there presents. But yeah I prefer cats over dogs for a number of reasons.

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I'm deathly afraid of dogs. Any dogs, not just the more aggressive breeds. This big one tackled me when I was young, and I can't stand them since.


Which makes me a cat person by default, at least according to the rules here. At least I grew out of my allergy to them... and as others have said, they're more independent and take less time out of your life.

Edited by JustFairness

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