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Member tagging and quoting enhancements


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With Feld0 over in Europe, and Zoop on break from administrative duties, it looks as though I'll be the forum herald for a while - hopefully any announcements I make will be positive ones!

Recently, Ol' Sarge requested a method of tagging other members outside of a given thread. After a bit of digging through the IPS Marketplace, we were able to find and implement a hook which accomplishes exactly that, along with some minor improvements to the existing quoting system.


Some of you may have already noticed the features' existence, but for those who haven't, here's a brief explanation on how to use it:


1st: if you want to quote just a certain part of a post, highlight the text and a balloon will pop up with choices of "Quote", "@Mention" or "X"; choose "Quote" and you will get the standard quote box we are used to seeing, but with just the text you highlighted.


2nd: If you just want to alert someone that you are replying to their post, but without any quotes, then highlight just enough for the above mentioned balloon to open up, then choose "@Mention" and click. This will produce a string that when posted will look like "@@Swoop, " and will be highlighted and clickable. The member will receive a notification like "Swoop has mentioned you in recently added post"

So there you have it! Mentioning members, and quoting selective text is now just that little bit more straightforward. :)

  • Brohoof 22


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This will undoubtedly take some time to get used to, but I'm almost 100% sure this will be one of the best additional features we've introduced in a while.


(Also hoping the drawback compatibility of the desktop version on iOS doesn't screw this up....)


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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@@Swoop, shall we begin the insurrection against Feld0 & Zoop?


I've noticed a problem with this system.

If they change their names the tag will disappear.

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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I do see that as being a problem. And it does ruin the effect. I can also see it being a problem when you are talking to different people, one changes their name, and they can't see it.


(Off topic: Yes I'm a phoenix! :D)

Edited by Bandana RaccoonBLee
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Oooh, fancy.


Ironic that Facebook is looking at this thread, since this feature is pretty much lifted from there. Still, it's a neat thing.


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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You aren't going to tell people how they can mention people out side the thread? It seems like it would be pretty helpful. Also, we need a shortcut to be able to mention people outside a thread also.

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Does this work?


seems pretty cool, I'll use it next time I need to and I can see a lot of use for this!



ebook is looking

and the new addition to the current quote system is pretty cool as well

Edited by Flare
  • Brohoof 1
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So that was what these new buttons do. Good to know what they do, I was actually searching earlier today if someone had made an announcement for this :P.


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@, an "@mention" button on the quick reply format pannel for cross-thread mentioning sounds like quite a practical idea to me. I'll see if we can go about implementing something to that effect.


@@Crispy, It's surprising just how many social networking features can actually be implemented effectively in a forum environment. Looks as though I can thank Facebook for something after all!


@@Tom, Oohohoho, soon my friend. Soon.


@@FLARE It sure does, Flare! ^^


If they change their names the tag will disappear.

Thankfully, by the time a user has altered their name, any existing members tags will have likely already fulfilled their purpose. Considering that the hook was created by a 3rd party, and not custom made, we unfortunately won't be able to directly modify the hook in order to fix any bugs.


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Does this work?


seems pretty cool, I'll use it next time I need to and I can see a lot of use for this!





and the new addition to the current quote system is pretty cool as well


Flare... Flare... FLARE!




And I thought I was being clever and original! :P

Oh well back to weirding people out at 5 AM


@@Colon Leftbracket,Oh don't say that you are awesome!

[New siggy in progress!]

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Awesome suggestions and awesome addition to the site! Comprehensive and easy to use. I may even go so far as to say it's dummy proof! I agree with how to use it to tag on people not in the thread.


"Feel the flow, Happy. Feel it. It's like a carousel. You pay the quarter. You get on the horse. It goes up and down, and around. It's circular. Circle. With the music. The flow. All good things."

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
"Nothing worth having in this life comes easy." - Shadow Chaser
Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
OIF 07-09 Veteran

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@Bandana RaccoonBLee, an "@mention" button on the reply format pannel for cross-thread mentioning sounds like quite a practical idea to me. I'll see if we can go about implementing something to that affect.

...Please simplify. :o I have absolutely no idea if you even answered my question. Though whatever you said sure sounds like a good idea anyway.


Wow, this is awesome. B)

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an "@mention" button on the quick reply pannel for cross-thread purposes sounds like quite a practical idea to me. I'll see if we can go about implementing something to that affect.

It's listed in the special BBCode list, as "member". (the button to the left of the font combo box)

Although having it's own button would be worthwhile.

Edited by Tom

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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A nifty implementation for sure, special thanks to @@Ol' Sarge, who brought up the suggestion in the first place. It's now more straight forward as Swoop mentioned and more flexible is some cases than the standard quote implementation.


Let the overflow of notifications begin... Especially for notable members. x)

  • Brohoof 2

<3 ~Fairy Fairy~ <3



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Can you tell me if we are going to get a shortcut key to mention members who haven't posted in a thread? It gets really tiring typing it out. :(

Edited by Bandana RaccoonBLee
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Can you tell me if we are going to get a shortcut key to mention members who haven't posted in a thread? It gets really tiring typing it out. :(


I can not answer that question, it's something that Feld0 may decide if it's getting implemented to the forum or not. Either way, if there is a way to configure it into the current addon, custom implement or get another addon to do the job etc, i support the idea to do so, less job and complexity for our members are always a good thing. =)

  • Brohoof 1

<3 ~Fairy Fairy~ <3



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A very nifty feature. It's a great idea for a forum like this, where there's ten billion threads across a dozen forums being posted in all day long. A good new way for people to locate threads that may involve them, without needing to have said something in the thread thus far. A nice addition, for sure. Kudos to Sarge for the idea, and you staffies for implementing it :3

  • Brohoof 1


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While I wish to thank everyone for their comments of support, I want to say that I don't believe it can cross threads yet. From what I have seen, it is still post centric. But, it is still promising and a great 1st step towards a forum wide tagging. Thanks again to the whole team for listening to the herd.

  • Brohoof 2


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@@Jonke, @, @@Tom, @@Shadow Chaser, @@Colon Leftbracket, @, @@Swoop, @




By the way Swoop, you should revolt against the Almight One! We shalt support you in your fight against the bourgeois!

Swoop said:
If something does happen to go horribly wrong, please, blame Zoop.

Frenzyhero: Lurking extraordinaire, brony impersonator.

Have a question? Mail me at frenzymlp@hotmail.com! It's just for you guys!

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