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[SPOILER]Princess Skyla?


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I'm betting the canon-shown reason (If Skyla does make it into the show :D ) will be that she is the result of Cadence+Shining Armor, but they're going to hint it was about Luna repeatedly until it becomes a meme. :ph34r::unsure: Either way, the mother is a princess. Just saying.




Oh great, now I have a Trixie-related theory about Skyla stuck in my head. :mellow::angry:

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First, Baby Pinkie Pie, then Baby Spike, then Baby Rainbow Dash, AND NOW THIS?

If this turns out to be canon, then i wouldn't be surprised.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

For something that Hasbro keeps so secret, they sure do let the toys leak out a lot:img-646962-1-69170__safe_toy_official_princess-skyla_so-soft.jpgSome people think this could be the daughter of Cadance and Shining Armor, but her vector is of a filly, not a newborn. Just like how RD and Pinkie have these kinds of dolls. Maybe she's Cadance's sister, another member of the Crystal Empire monarchy? Wonder how this will be in season 3...

It could be the daughter of cadence and shining armor because as soon they have met they could of had intercourse kand protection may have failed

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It could be the daughter of cadence and shining armor because as soon they have met they could of had intercourse kand protection may have failed

is there really a need to? I mean how long has it been since they got married? i mean Ms Cake shown no sign of being pregnant and two babies came out of nowhere. we dont know how long mare have to hold the babies. hell we dont know how babies work in equestria

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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I don't think

its Cadence and Armors

daughter, maybe she

will be season 4 of somekind

of the Sisiters maybe other

family memember or from

some other pony land.

Look at the clothing it is similar to twilight sparkle's and shining armor's father's cutie mark so it could be their daughter
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  • 2 months later...

Not to sound like a Negative Nelly but just how many princesses are we going to have in one country here?! If Equestria gains like three (I'm counting the return of Luna) princesses in one years. Where are they going to be in 20 years? I think they need to update the screening process and make it a little more strict.

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Not to sound like a Negative Nelly but just how many princesses are we going to have in one country here?! If Equestria gains like three (I'm counting the return of Luna) princesses in one years. Where are they going to be in 20 years? I think they need to update the screening process and make it a little more strict.

I agree, Royaltys arent all princesses, why not bring luna and celestias parents in a flashback and have toys of them? why not have Prince Blueblood and Shining Armour have some kind of a relation ship (not what you think) as princes. why not bring more stuff like kings queens princes or even emprerors

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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I agree, Royaltys arent all princesses, why not bring luna and celestias parents in a flashback and have toys of them? why not have Prince Blueblood and Shining Armour have some kind of a relation ship (not what you think) as princes. why not bring more stuff like kings queens princes or even emprerors


On the one hand, I understand the negative connotations the word "Queen" carries with it for children. (Usually queens are associated with evil. That is why we have queen Chrysalis and Princess Celestia) However, now that the show is so well established and kids are comfortable with the characters, children would most likely trust them if there was a queen introduced and they proved she was a good queen.


And I agree, where are the males? Shining Armor is still largely looked at as a soldier, and we've never seen prince Blueblood again. Where are all the males? Even in a matriaracle society, it isn't like males ceise to exist or never do anything... and if so that would be extremely sexist. I'd love to see Shining Armor have more power as a prince, and I'm with you on wanting to at least hear a story about Celestia and Luna's parents/origin. I'd also like to see more leaders from other countries, as we only got a brief glance at the royalty from Saddle Arabia... (lol) was one of them male? Idk but I'd like to know why they are HORSES and not ponies. 

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On the one hand, I understand the negative connotations the word "Queen" carries with it for children. (Usually queens are associated with evil. That is why we have queen Chrysalis and Princess Celestia) However, now that the show is so well established and kids are comfortable with the characters, children would most likely trust them if there was a queen introduced and they proved she was a good queen.


And I agree, where are the males? Shining Armor is still largely looked at as a soldier, and we've never seen prince Blueblood again. Where are all the males? Even in a matriaracle society, it isn't like males ceise to exist or never do anything... and if so that would be extremely sexist. I'd love to see Shining Armor have more power as a prince, and I'm with you on wanting to at least hear a story about Celestia and Luna's parents/origin. I'd also like to see more leaders from other countries, as we only got a brief glance at the royalty from Saddle Arabia... (lol) was one of them male? Idk but I'd like to know why they are HORSES and not ponies.


I blame disney for the Queen think, then again I blame disney for almost everything in life, the only good queens disney made were the biological mothers of the princesses.

as for the males, it seems that in this show that almost the only intresting males are the male antagonists while the male potagonists are often left out blandly, also even though the morden times of equestria is close to the middle ages of our world only King Sombra and Discord actually are badasses and actually have a goal in life. Shining needs more than just cadences husband and twilights brother otherwise he will become the john cena of mlp, and Prince blueblood not reappearing was kinda the fans fault as they overreacted to his small sins.

as for the sisters parents I just hope they dont pull a "Make the female an alicorn and the male a unicorn" Like they did for shining and cadence because that would leave alot of plotholes to the biologicality of the alicorns as both luna and celestia are full alicorns.

also I would like to see the dragon empreror, Griffon leader, zebras clan leader or something

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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I blame disney for the Queen think, then again I blame disney for almost everything in life, the only good queens disney made were the biological mothers of the princesses.

as for the males, it seems that in this show that almost the only intresting males are the male antagonists while the male potagonists are often left out blandly, also even though the morden times of equestria is close to the middle ages of our world only King Sombra and Discord actually are badasses and actually have a goal in life. Shining needs more than just cadences husband and twilights brother otherwise he will become the john cena of mlp, and Prince blueblood not reappearing was kinda the fans fault as they overreacted to his small sins.

as for the sisters parents I just hope they dont pull a "Make the female an alicorn and the male a unicorn" Like they did for shining and cadence because that would leave alot of plotholes to the biologicality of the alicorns as both luna and celestia are full alicorns.

also I would like to see the dragon empreror, Griffon leader, zebras clan leader or something


Well on the Disney thing, that isn't entirely true. The bias comes from fairy tales, which go back waaaay before the reign of Disney. All they did was censor and animate stories. The evil queen stereo type is quite old.


Honestly, this is horrible, but I don't like Blueblood because he looks like Fabio... I'm not the only one that sees that right? Idk it just kind freaks me out lol! 


I'm not sure I'd want the dragons to have a hierarchy sure it would be interesting, but from what we've seen so far, dragons pretty much do what ever they please with little concern for the cares of others. I suppose that doesn't mean they couldn't have a leader... but it'd be tricky to work. But more griffins and their leaders or zebras?! Yes. Especially if Zecora finally tells her story. Since she appears to be the only zebra in Equestria, or close to it, I'd bet that is a fascinating tale.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm actually hoping this is Cadence's little sister or something, because I can't see her being Cadence and Shining Armor's daughter, really. I mean she doesn't look anything like Shining. But if she was introduced as their daughter, we know from experience that Hasbro toys tend to look extremely different from what the actual character does in the show. (I'm looking at you supposed Luna toy that looks like Twilight Sparkle >: )


But anyway if they do introduce her, I'd like to see her following Twilight around and wanting to be just like her Aunt. Maybe even copying her to the point that Twi gets fed up. :P

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, another Alicorn?????!!!!


They add in an alicorn filly, and the rest mane 6 aren't near royalty.

Go on Hasbro.

Just live your life.

Destroy the world Lauren Faust tried to make.

And just don't even bother making another alicorn without us bronies and pegasisters exploding.

And just ruin everything, you messed up group of what used to be a team.

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Hmm, well considering this character wasn't shown in S3, she may just be shown in S4 as far as I know, but the whole Alicorn princess thing is getting kind of redundant. Almost as if we're meant to get a new princess every season.


We already have one controlling the sun, (Season 1)

The moon, (Season 2: Luna's redesign and character.)

The Crystal Empire, (Season 2 again)

And now there's Twilight. (Season 3)


Perhaps this filly could be a relative or sister of Cadence, at least that's what I'm guessing.

Edited by Twi Rubix

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I found out about Princess Skyla on Instagram.. They're all saying that she's Cadance and Shining Armor's daughter, but I'm not too sure.. I guess she's grown up a little and that's why she's a foal.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, she definitely looks most like Cadence. Still, we can't see if she's an alicorn or a pegasus, so I don't know who the husband would be...

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I hope we don't see her in season 4. We already have 4 alicorns do we really need 5? I guess they aren't as powerful as we think if there can be so many at one time.


It wouldn't ruin the show for me but it would bug me.

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  • 2 months later...

I think she is Cadences little sister. She doesnt bear any resemblance to Shining armor in my eyes anyway.

I think we will see her in the show. However that pic on the bottom is sweetie belle... *sigh* How lazy of them...



Nah I think it will be Cadences sister. I mean what kind of message would Hasbro be sending if Cadence and Shining armor have kid THAT quickly? Also that would mean quite a bit of time passed since that Filly is the CMC's age. But the toy is a newborn so you might be right!!

Cadences wasn't always a Alicorn, she was a Pegasus and she does have Shining armor eyes.  It could be a future Episode again like they did with Twilight and her future self.  When have you seen a series that quite a few years have passed since the last time we seen the main characters, a lot. There is many possible aspect to this whole season, but we do know we get to see nightmare moon again.

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