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gaming Parents playing video games?

Cherry Blossom

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I used to play racing games with my dad, fighting games with my sister and Galaga with my mother.

When my PSX died, my dad didn't take too long in buying a PS2 and we were playing Gran Turismo 4 all the time.

And when my PS2 died, my dad wanted to buy a PS3 so we could play Gran Turismo 5, i rejected.

If i have a chance of playing Gran Turismo with my dad me and him always take it, it's a lot of fun.

My sister stopped playing fighting games when she discovered the survival horror games.

And my mother wishes to play Galaga again.

"We will, we will rock you" - Kurt Cobain (2003)

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My dad only really plays Halo and COD with me and my brother now and then but that's about it. He always makes out like i only just beat him even when the score is like 10/3 which gets annoying haha

Edited by Bucky_McGillycuddy
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My mom used to help me with video games when I was little, and my dad used to fix pinball machines for a living as a teen. Neither of them show any interest today. My brother, on the other hand... He doesn't understand what a game is. He complains if something isn't up to his standards or if he thinks there's a logical error... by then, the controller was ripped out of his hand, and a foot straight up his plot.

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My mom played RuneScape and WoW. She's actually the one that got me into WoW, haha. We both don't play it anymore though sadface.

Sorry for the thing that has been in my sig for like a lot of time, I ragequit because I got a warning and then never bothered to get back to the forums and change my sig xd

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My dad is totally a gamer. He got me into games, starting with old stuff on his computer. When we got our first Nintendo he played it almost as much as my brother and I. And last I heard he was really into World of Warcraft.


My mom, not so much, but she did like a few of the games she tried. Like Xevious, that old shooter for the NES. ^^

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Me and my dad play Super Smash Brothers Brawl everyday. I always win with Kirby. :3 But if he chooses Ike, Link, or Ness I won't stand a chance. o_o

When the remotes need to be charged we just play Super Smash Flash online.

It's fun to play video games with your parents.

Edited by ~Wubs~


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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I was trying to teach my dad to play Resident Evil 4.... I gotta say that's the most laughs I've had in a long time because he finished the game with 343 deaths. He used to play a lot more and he was a lot better than me and my brother at old platforming games like Donkey Kong Country


"In the end it all comes down to just how far we can slide"

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My mom used to play games on the N64, and Playstation with my sister and I. Now the newer games she doesn't get close to because they hurt her eyes. Now she plays tetris online when shes watching tv, or this game on her phone. My dad however, thinks they're a waste of time, and doesn't even care for them.


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My parents are against the idea of video game consoles, sadly, so I have to live without those for the most part(without my trusty battery of emulators, I'd be sunk.) Consequently, I, nor any other member of my family, barely ever plays the newer releases, say, anything released in the past 7-8 years. However, my mom's been looking into getting minecraft for herself recently(direct quote: "This one isn't as trashy as most of the others I've seen. At least you can be creative") and I'm still waiting to see how that will affect the general ban. My dad- well, he's too busy to do much in that area, but very rarely, he links to some games(even though those are all educational) on his facebook.

~Rhain the Semi-Combustible, AKA turiq or turqulis

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As someone who is old enough to be a parent and who plays video games, reading this thread is making me feel old, haha. Anyway, yes, my parents did play a couple games back in the day. There were Tetris tournaments in my house where people were constantly trying to up each other's score, and my mom reigned surpreme. Even now my dad enjoys the occasional point and click adventure game, though attempts to get him into more mainstream games failed utterly. That's alright though - different strokes and all.

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Father plays Medieval Lords sometimes. He's the practical, logical type, and also a bussinessman, so this game was the only one he ever liked - you build your nice medieval kingdom, you have to manage farming sources, upkeep costs to keep your citizens happy and everything like that :D He doesn't play anything else though.


Splendid siggy by Chaotic Dischord, awesome avatar by Suntouched Coco!
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Well, i think i have a pretty cool father who have been playing video games before i was born. He played Diablo I, II and III Though now when he have 3 kids he don't have so much time anymore.


Me and my father have been playing alot of WoW together to.

This Amazing Signature Made By Miss Cloud Chaser. Judge my English and get Hell all brought over ya!

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I played super smash bros. melee with my mom a really long time ago. Let's just say I Pwned her easily in each fight. This was just one time, and no she's not playing any games right now


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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I sometimes wish that my parents, let alone my siblins, would play some of the games that I do. It'd make collect and battle games like pokemon, or loot-based games like Diablo 2 and Torchligh 2 much, much more fun and interesting. Instead, I have to go through the trouble of finding friends online, or something. :lol:

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Have you ever seen one of your parents playing video games, or have you tried to teach them how to play video games? Once I tried teaching my dad how to play KILLZONE 3. It seemed that he wanted to hug the enemies rather than shoot them or brutally melee them.


I used to play sonic and marble madness with my dad. I am a father of a 6 year old and playin games is pretty much all i do other than work or hang with my wife and daughter. My daughter plays minecraft and marble blast ultra. My wife likes the fable games and dragon age games


come play some xbox

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My dad is blind so he can't really play video games...but he's really good at drumming along with his real kit when we kids were playing rock band :3

My mom likes the racing games...that's pretty much it...her favourite is gran torino (I think that's what's it's called....)


I'm a mom too and I like to play video games with my hubby when the baba is asleep and we have some free time :3

We play Skyrim, League of Legends, Minecraft, Dragonage, Left 4 Dead (mostly him) and such :3

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My dad used to play a lot of GoldSrc Valve games, like Half-Life and Day of Defeat. He's actually the guy who started getting me interested in video games to begin with. He doesn't play anything anymore, though, because he kind of had some problems with my mom about them. I can still play video games, as long as I get good grades and don't do anything too stupid.

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My dad always enjoyed the Mario Kart games when he had the time to play with my sister and I. Every once in a while, I could get him to try CoD or a Zelda game, but he never played for more than five minutes at a time.


My mom is pretty much technologically impaired; she can barely check her email, so that's a huge no for her.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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My mother wishes to start to play all kinds of roleplaying games so as to learn how they function, as she wishes to develope games of her own. My uncle is in on the idea, and I truly hope they succeed in their plan, because how awesome would it not be if my mother and uncle designed their very own awesome game! I am so in on that. Especially if they make me their Game Tester :wub:

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The only thing I ever see my mum play is games like Majong or Solitare. My dad occasionally plays Risk online but thats it. They tend to think of computer games as a total waste of time..

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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The only time either one of my parents has played a video game is when my dad would play Doom on the Sega Genesis....that also happens to be when I first heard swear words.

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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