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movies/tv Worst Cartoon shows?


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I'd also say total drama island or whatever it's called on cartoon network is derp. I don't really remember the names of some shows but sometimes I'd see my sisters watching them and ask if they were losing IQ points as they watched the shows.


yeah, TDI and it's spinoff's were just poor excuses for Survivor really...though that's going OT here, so I'll stop and move on. in regards to movies, I'd say Ice Age and it's 4 parts were terrible. i mean, the ice age wiped out the dinosaurs, not the other way around. The Simpsons Movie was nothing short, than a glorified episode.





I think Chowder is probably one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.


that was another show, that was just bad...that and Flapjack. but I'm even starting to notice, that Spongebob is slowly starting to go down that route as well...kinda sucks, cause it was a fairly decent show...for a few cheap laughs.

Edited by Avalionis

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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There is not really an animated show of mentioned before I can really say I dislike.


Except for Pokemon after Series 1.


And I love Phineas and Ferb Rugrats and Gravity Falls too.

Edited by Ulrik Raben


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Rugrats was another I didn't care for...All Grown Up wasn't too bad...showing the characters, in their high school years, wasn't too bad. there are a few others, from back in the 80's that were pretty bad by today's standards. Kid Verses Kat is another that I never did like.


edit: just remembered another...think it was called "What's Up With Andy", but the gist of it, was this kid would play pranks on anyone, and everyone, in a 5 mile radius, causing problems for all. the animation was pretty bad, and the story was too...course it was a canadian made program, so I guess that explains it. XD (I'm from Canada, so forgive me for offending you, my fellow canucks eh?)

Edited by Avalionis

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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TBH the new MLP aside, most things done in the flash doll animation style has been pretty badly animated, poorly written, or just terrible in all regards.

But then again i don't have regular TV, cable, or sat, and haven't in nearly 10 years..

But of the stuff i have seen.. hmm


Worst.. hmm.. worst...

does 90% of modern anime count with its pointless fan service constantly filling in where once action and story had been?

The total drama series there is horrid on many regard, at least drawn together was funny.

TD is just... stupid...

Chowder is (was?) terrible and sickening in so many ways that it makes ren and stimpy seem so much better.\

Dora the Explorer and its kind of late...


oh so many to actually list, but not sure what to decide is worst.. been to long since i've actually watched most..

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I absolutely hated Johnny Test, Fanboy and Chum Chum, the new spongebob and fairly odd parents, iCarly(but Jerry Trainor is quite funny in my opinion), and Hero 108. I know some of these shows because I used to babysit some kids, and they watched it. I literally got cancer when I watched them

I think Chowder is probably one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.


When I was younger, I never got the appeal of Johnny Bravo. It was, like, a show about absolutely nothing. That's not entertaining; it's stupid.


I've never liked Scooby Doo. I can't really pin down why. I just think it's stupid.


Captain Planet was so lame. I'm sorry, but there's no way to make environmentalism cool.


Guess that's all I can think of for the moment. I'll edit if I think of something else.

Captain Planet's portrayal in Robot Chicken killed me. It was just plain hilarious. Well I'm a 15 yr old dude so my sense of humor is always childish

  • Brohoof 1
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Secret Mountain Fort Awesome: Cannot find a plot, nor logical meaning, whatsoever.


OFFTOPIC: iCarly isn't a cartoon. Fred the Show isn't a cartoon.



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Pokemon is just overkill now. i remember seeing a vidcats(?) comic strip done for Pokemon, where Ash finally told off Jessie and James of Team Rocket...Ash would've earned massive respect points if he did that for real...it also bothers me, how the show's been on for over 10 years, and he's still the same age, as he was, when he started his quest.

That VGCats comic is from 2008.  The Pokémon anime has been on for actually something like 16 years at this point.  And yes, Ash is still 10, and no, he still hasn't won a league (one canon to the games anyway); specifically to maintain the status quo of the series.

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Yes, Johnny Test is a terrible cartoon. The main character is the most stereotypical children show advertised one. Hey I got spiked hair, ride a skateboard and have a talking dog and most definitely he can't be the nerd his sisters have to be the nerds because we all know nerds can't be the heroes. I wouldn't be surprised if they used Johnny Test as a "say no to drugs" campaign.


Then there's the dialogue. It makes me puke and just bang my head somewhere. It sounds so generic and gives you that... ugh Saturday morning cartoon feel. You know like how they talk to the audience (us)?


As for Japanese cartoons go... I know I'm going to get hate mail for this but I don't like Bleach.

Edited by poniesforfun


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There are a couple I dislike -

  • Detentionaire (ogodwhy)
  • Fairly Odd Parents (wut)
  • Johnny Test (turn the volume down!)
  • Teletubies (dipsy, lala.. SHUT UP!)
  • Barney (Well, I don't even...)
  • Bob The Builder (who doesn't fix anything)
  • Handy Mandy (sure, let's rip off Bob The Builder!)
  • Bakugan (flamee throwerrr)
  • Beyblade (because a toy can really destroy mountains)
  • Beyblade Metal Fusion (just because they're metal, doesn't make them undefeatable)
  • Lego Ninjago (Is that a snake or a human?)
  • Totally Spies (What, spies, who only care about makeup, wut?)

Oops, went a little over 10, but there are even more shows that I dislike very much, they are just no really for kids, in my opinion. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Edited by Spectator
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Handy Mandy (sure, let's rip off Bob The Builder!)


not sure, what disney was thinking when they did this one really.



Beyblade (because a toy can really destroy mountains)


that's another, that I thought...wait, which version is that? cause there was one, from back in early 2000's that was on. i know, YTV had this "awesome tournament" going on a few years back, and it ended up being a "Beyblade Tourny" and I thought "Seriously guys...? THAT'S the 'awesome tourny' you guys are touting about? ¬.¬" here I thought it was something like a Pokemon Black/White game battle between fans or something.

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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Total Drama Island tried WAAAAY too hard to be trendy, I was young when it was released in the US and I don't remember laughing once. South Park has done the same thing lately, it's more topical than funny...Like for example: OMG gangnam style just came out! Let's reference it without making the reference funny, the kids will all be like "Oh wow that exists and it's recent!".


Jimmy Neutron never made me laugh either, but the animation was nice.


Johnny Test was bland, I'm surprised it's still on the network...

Edited by Dark Fox
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I never did like Johnny Test at all, as well as Total Drama Island and it's crappy spin offs. Pretty much almost every single series based off of a toy, are cool to watch when you're around the age of 5-11 then after that they all get boring and hard to sit through. But yeah other than that, I don't really know what else to say.

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Dragon Ball GT.


There's a reason why Dragon Ball fans pretend it doesn't exist most of the time whenever it's brought up.




.........What was I talking about again?



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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Ugh... Sid the Science Kid...
Oh lawd is it a piece of garbage. I know It's aimed at little kids, but it has a very repetitive plot-line, It's so boring, and it has terrible characters and voice acting... 





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Dragon Ball GT. There's a reason why Dragon Ball fans pretend it doesn't exist most of the time whenever it's brought up.


yeah, I've watched it here and there...never really caught on to it...but I'm still unfamillar as to why, it's so hated...sure it wasn't that great...but was it really that bad? o_o (sorry for being ignorant there.)



Ugh... Sid the Science Kid...
Oh lawd is it a piece of garbage. I know It's aimed at little kids, but it has a very repetitive plot-line, It's so boring, and it has terrible characters and voice acting... 






green skinned kid, obessed with science...why does that remind me of Ner'zul...? but there's another few I just remembered. Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar, and that new one...the Croods(?), I mean, what prehistoric person, is gonna worry, about "what they're wearing" anyway?


that's more or less, teaching kids, that if they're not wearing "designer" clothing, then they're not worth the time of day.

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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yeah, I've watched it here and there...never really caught on to it...but I'm still unfamillar as to why, it's so hated...sure it wasn't that great...but was it really that bad? o_o (sorry for being ignorant there.)


Anything past the classic DB series pretty much has a basic formula to follow.


Guy A is super strong


Guy B wants to be strongest and fancies himself so.


big battle and tons of meaningless chatter ensues, Guy A dies now leaving his buddies to fight Guy B for awhile and get kicked around doing so.


Guy A magically comes back to life again and suddenly beats Guy B's tail harder than Guy B was kicking Guy A's friends around.


now throw in about 40 or so episodes of random chat for no purpose other than to have filler, and you have a DBZ and thereafter!


No real substance, no purpose, little story, and the dubs get new voice overs every other episode for the main characters.... pretty sad tbh.


oh and i suppose somewhere in there some of Guy B's bad guys join with Guy A and become disgruntled good guys from time to time.


but in the end its been pretty repetitively the same as story goes for years now.

Edited by GrimCW
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Anything past the classic DB series pretty much has a basic formula to follow.


Guy A is super strong


Guy B wants to be strongest and fancies himself so.


big battle and tons of meaningless chatter ensues, Guy A dies now leaving his buddies to fight Guy B for awhile and get kicked around doing so.


Guy A magically comes back to life again and suddenly beats Guy B's tail harder than Guy B was kicking Guy A's friends around.


now throw in about 40 or so episodes of random chat for no purpose other than to have filler, and you have a DBZ and thereafter!


No real substance, no purpose, little story, and the dubs get new voice overs every other episode for the main characters.... pretty sad tbh.


oh and i suppose somewhere in there some of Guy B's bad guys join with Guy A and become disgruntled good guys from time to time.


but in the end its been pretty repetitively the same as story goes for years now.


Ahh...that explains it. I do remember GT having meaningless chat episodes from time to time too, and thought, "are they deliberately wasting 30 minutes here?" yeah, I can't say I blame people for not liking it too much.

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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Anything past the classic DB series pretty much has a basic formula to follow.


Guy A is super strong


Guy B wants to be strongest and fancies himself so.


big battle and tons of meaningless chatter ensues, Guy A dies now leaving his buddies to fight Guy B for awhile and get kicked around doing so.


Guy A magically comes back to life again and suddenly beats Guy B's tail harder than Guy B was kicking Guy A's friends around.


now throw in about 40 or so episodes of random chat for no purpose other than to have filler, and you have a DBZ and thereafter!


No real substance, no purpose, little story, and the dubs get new voice overs every other episode for the main characters.... pretty sad tbh.


oh and i suppose somewhere in there some of Guy B's bad guys join with Guy A and become disgruntled good guys from time to time.


but in the end its been pretty repetitively the same as story goes for years now.

I don't really feel that way about DBZ. IMO, it had plenty of differences in each saga that set them apart from each other, each having both substance, purpose, and story. And DBZ Kai gets rid of the filler.

Edited by Bardock



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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There's a lot of cartoons I absolutely hate, but the main ones have to be Phineas and Ferb (SO overrated), and Family Guy,
I can't stand the humour in Family Guy. I'm all for controversial and edgy humour, but that show is just cutaway gag after cutaway gag with no real writing. 

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I can't stand the humour in Family Guy. I'm all for controversial and edgy humour, but that show is just cutaway gag after cutaway gag with no real writing.


i thought it was pretty good back then...then when it came back, it was pretty funny...though now, it just seems...I dunno, stale...maybe it's because as I've mentioned before, the gags are getting old now. you can only use Meg as the punchline for jokes so much, before it stops being funny, and just gets boring.


Simpsons is another example, but it seems, the producers are now, putting all their resources and efforts, into making the show look better, rather than coming up with decent story lines. But there's another TV show I remembered. That's So Raven...I think she's a decent actress...heck, the cast was all pretty good...but maybe it was the humor in it...just seemed like really poor slapstick comedy...I didn't like how Raven's friend was a bit of an airhead, but then again, any show that uses 'canned laughter' tends to be somewhat poor in quality.


I watched G.I. Joe on teletoon retro the other night...this was the 80's version...can't believe I watched that...but it brought back fond memories. Again, the animation was pretty bad, compared to today's standards, but the story line was top quality...if the shows put more effort into making better scripts, then they wouldn't be so terrible.


Look at Napoleon Dynamite...it was made into an animated series, that aired on Fox, usually before Simpsons and Family Guy. Think it lasted 6 episodes before it was yanked off the air, due to low ratings. Another show, that's just beyond terrible, is Bob's Burgers. it's only had a few million viewers over the last two seasons, but if it gets any lower, I'd be surprised if it continues past it's coming forth season.

  • Brohoof 1

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic- They made Twilight an Alicorn! (just kidding)


Fish Hooks: This show is incredibly shallow and is not visually appealing in any way.


Johnny Test: This is the worst cartoon I've ever seen. It's a blatant Dexter's Laboratory rip-off, the character designs are ugly, every episode is practically the same, the characters are terribly written, Johnny is the worst protagonist I've ever seen in anything ever. And I'm sure that there are plenty of other reasons to hate this show.


Scooby-Doo: Okay, so maybe this isn't the worst cartoon ever, but it's so overrated. It's like it's designed to be predictable. And don't even get me started on shaggy.



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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I don't really feel that way about DBZ. IMO, it had plenty of differences in each saga that set them apart from each other, each having both substance, purpose, and story. And DBZ Kai gets rid of the filler.


For the most part it really stayed as i said, with SOME differences.

Mostly (key word used before also) it remains as such sadly.


The reason i don't like it though isn't so much for the bland story. Its because when i was getting into it the North American Publishers (Fu*&imation) went and assaulted the daylights out of the fans online.

They sent C&D orders to TONS of fan sites, projects, and artists.

They even attacked sites that used the OFFICIALLY RELEASED fan site kit.. a FREE download for anyone to use and they were threatening to sue over its use?!


Eventually my hate began to subside, but then the same company began to flood the market with anything and everything Anime related, eventually bringing ruin to the once secluded fandom by over exposure to the masses.

I'd rather it remained a thing that people hid their like in and were given crap over than see it having degraded into the mass of rubbish it is now :/

I mean its got some nice shows, but when 2/3 of them don't work as dubs or for those that know little or nothing of japan outside of the anime they watch (Losing such decent jokes as the pig noises Ui made in K-On! when the group was talking about their club budget and why she was making that sound... or the many cultural jokes most won't understand in Lucky Star and as a result it gets flak for making)

I lived there for several months back in '06 so i picked up a few things (including a PS2 and DVD's/Games smile.png The Macross and A.C.E games alone were worth it! Heaven forbid the Gundam Climax U.C. with nearly all units in it spanning from the original till just before the Wing series! !)

So i get a few, but still lack knowledge of many.. But hate it when someone who knows the land only through anime slander an actually funny series over "flat" jokes... oh, and pun not intended but just noticed tongue.png

Worse off is the horrendous excess of under age fan service shows...

Strike Witches had potential, interesting characters, and a decent back drop it ditched in favor of cheap fan service of characters 12 to 16 (only 3 of them noted as 17+ out of the line up. FYI the most popular char, Francessca Lucchini, is 12..... umm yep...) and it never actually progressed the story, just ended it flat out without actually doing anything but a few random battles....

Even the old Bubblegum Crisis wrapped all its seemingly random episodes at the end, tieing them in to make one big story you'd go "oh i get it now!" once you see how it all came together...

I'll give Dog Days some credit in having a decent story it progressed, but it still didn't need the below 17 character ages for ALL characters in it (maybe 1 exception that i can think of) Just one thing, and a couple lines of dialogue changed and it'd have been A-OK, so why have it so low? They don't look those ages to begin with, so a simple change...


okay 2200+ characters.. i better stop now..

Edited by GrimCW
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For the most part it really stayed as i said, with SOME differences.

Mostly (key word used before also) it remains as such sadly.

Eh, I just don't see it. I can't really think of a single saga that went exactly like you listed them to be. But you know what, that's just me. It's obvious we see the series differently, so it's probably for the best if we just agree to disagree.

  • Brohoof 1



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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