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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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So many... but in order to accurately state it, I'd have to state my favorite episodes of each season and even then most of these are ties.


Season 1: Friendship is Magic. Aside from introducing us to the characters we've all come to grow and love, it was great to see an example of dark subtext right from the get-go in the form of Nightmare Moon. It gives us a dose of psychology, more than implying that Nightmare Moon was a product of Luna's own deranged mind. It gives us technical attempted genocide as Nightmare Moon wanted to bring eternal night. Even if lack of sunlight doesn't bring extinction to Equestria like it would here on Earth, it probably would cause irreparable damage to the duality of balance that Celestia and Luna represent. It's light-hearted in a lot of places, dark in others. It even pokes fun at itself as Rarity and Twilight basically face-hoof when Pinkie starts singing.


Season 2: A tie. First is Lesson Zero. Twilight going nutty is always funny. But it's also incredibly tragic too. One has to wonder what Twilight's life was like before she came to Ponyville. What could've possessed Twilight to think her relationship with Celestia was so fragile that a single late assignment would ruin it? Again, another example of dark subtext.

Second is A Canterlot Wedding. I like how the first part played Twilight as the antagonist. True, "Cadance" was being a bitch, but she didn't do anything outright evil ((as far as we knew at the time)). It got so bad that even Celestia showed deep disappointment after Shining Armor's vicious "reason-you-suck" speech. Then of course, we were shown that Twilight was right all along. But the thing I like the most about this is that "Cadance" being evil actually didn't come out of left-field. There were subtle hints that could've been easily missed; like her horn glow being acid green when Twilight's flashback showed it to be a soft blue. Not to mention that the actual animation of her horn glowing green was subtly different than any other. Then of course in part two, we get the awesomeness of This Day Aria, which was on a level shared with Frollo's lust-filled tirade of Hellfire in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.


Season 3: Another tie. First is The Crystal Empire. This was the first time we were given a real society outside of Equestria with its own culture and customs. The animation was cranked up a notch and you can see the subtle, appealing aesthetic differences between Equestrian ponies and the Crystal Ponies; even before their coats got all crystal-y. But I really liked King Sombra. Even though he didn't get a lot of appealing screen-time, we know a lot about him in spite of inactivity. He's ruthless, powerful, fiercely intelligent, and a master of psychological warfare. He set up many traps and obstacles, many of which were designed to psychologically destroy whoever got caught in it. Hell, his very presence and memory is enough to cause physical pain to the Crystal Ponies. Not to mention, he was able to launch a successful coup d'atat against the Empire. The lack of Royalty when the Empire returned and Twilight mentioning its first Queen heavily implies that the Crystal Empire was ruled by a traditional mortal monarchy and that Sombra killed them all in his bid for power. Kinda reminds me of the Romanovs.

Second is Magical Mystery Cure. Despite how rushed and musical it was, I thought it was a really good episode. It was the completion of a subtle story arc of Twilight's ascension that began all the way back with Nightmare Moon. It was an episode fraught with the idea of completion, so much so that it easily could've been FiM's series finale. For a time, I feared it was. It also showed great growth for Twilight. Sure, she fucked everything up once again; but after dwelling on it for a little bit, she picked herself up and did what she needed to do without freaking out. It was also really nice to finally hear Celestia sing, Nicole Oliver has a really beautiful singing voice.


Season 4: Yet another tie. First is Princess Twilight Sparkle. Just as Magical Mystery Cure had the theme of completion, this episode had the theme of new beginnings. Twilight having difficulty learning to fly lent itself to some humorous moments. But it didn't stop there. Throughout season 4, Twilight's skill slowly got better in the background. It's a nice and realistic way to show growth. Less noticeably, Twilight's magical skill did the same thing in seasons 1-3. I really liked the come-around of the Summer Sun Celebration, this time with Luna's participation. It was nice to see a more vulnerable side to Celestia, actually seeing her pain as the Celebration was an annual reminder that she had to banish her own sister. Speaking of Luna, gotta love the Nightmare Moon flashback. It showed a side of Nightmare Moon that we hadn't seen before. She not only wanted eternal night, she was actively trying to kill her own sister. Then we saw more of Celestia's pain as we saw the banishment itself. But more, we got a short recap of Discord's imprisonment as well. Then there was the Tree of Harmony... we still don't know the deal on that one. But it was neat to see that the mane six actually had to give up the Elements in order to save the Tree, effectively taking away Equestria's most important means of defense.

Second is Twilight's Kingdom. The thing I like right from the get-go is that we bronies were played like a damn fiddle. We were all less than impressed with how Twilight's title had been handled up to this point, but it was intentional and even our reaction was planned out; that they wanted us to feel exactly how Twilight was feeling at that moment. Then of course there was the song which was very beautiful ((yay! Luna finally got to sing!)). But then we were introduced to Tirek. Unlike a lot of people, I was more impressed with him in part 2 than in part 1. Though he had the traditional villain mindset, he was much more ruthless about it than any other in this show's history. He single-mindedly powerhoused his way into getting what he wanted and for a time, actually succeeded in his goals. I also liked the growth and sides shown of Twilight here. After giving their Alicorn magic to Twilight, Celestia told her not to tell her friends about it. From that moment on, Twilight was acting on her own, which has been shown to be detrimental. While Princess Twilight Sparkle stated that the mane five are lost without Twilight, it was shown here that she's completely useless without them. The fight scene proved that as much, even with the power of four Alicorns on her side, she still failed to defeat Tirek because she was acting alone. Speaking of the fight scene, it showed a dark side to Twilight that had never been seen before. She went all out after the library was destroyed. She said in Trade Ya!, all the books she had accumulated held precious memories of her life when she was reading them. With one fireball, Tirek took that away from her. At that moment she knew that Tirek was trying to end her. She also knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to kill. But she wasn't lost in some kind of violent psychosis; she was calm, cold and calculating. Tirek was screaming and hollering while Twilight was chillingly silent and focused. She even took the offensive role here, constantly hammering Tirek with all she had while he was only able to get a few hits in. It shows that even though Twilight is usually docile and will only take the necessary action; if pushed hard enough she will cut a bitch.


As for season 5... well, I'll reserve judgment until the season is finished airing.

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Hello, my fellow bronies and pegasisters. I would really like to know all you guys favorite episodes and moments from those episodes that makes them so great. My favorite episode was without a doubt Sonic Rainboom. The beginning with Fluttershy's Yay was awesome. Rarity Flying was even more awesome. Rarity's self-satisfied laugh when she flies up to the sun for the first time was EVEN more awesome. And still, while i watch the Sonic Rainboom itself, i still get shivers from the epicness. I still watch that episode atleast every other day. :wub:

has to be "the mare in the moon" (hope i got that right),even though it was the first episode of the first season,it struck me as the best



ready for all yielding to none

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I think that the Cutie Map, the season 5 opener, is the best episode of the series right now. There is really nothing to complain about this episode for me.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Right now, I have a few. 


-Twilight's Kingdom Part 2

-Pinkie Pride

-Slice Of Life

-Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep?

-Magical Mystery Cure

-Swarm Of The Century 


I just can't pick between these at all.


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Lesson Zero & Party of One. Crazy ponies are best ponies.

Sunset Shimmer                         -----*and*-----                        Princess Luna


Signature by Me, myself, and I

                               :wub: Redemption ponies are best ponies :wub:                                                                                        

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Cannot pick just one, but any Luna Episode then Slice of Life. Because I love Luna and she's amazing.  Slice of Life was just fantastic and I loved it because I've never been so proud to be in a fandom.  Slice of Life made me want to become more than a passive observer in the fandom and become more involved.

Awesome Nightmare Night Shirt benefits a Brony http://www.bonfirefunds.com/bummed-bronysig-34863.princess_luna_s2_button_by_pon

^Credit for signature art goes to PonyUniverse on deviantart.

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I have to say that so far my favourite episode is Season 5 Episode 9 Slice of Life. I just love how many of the fan favourite background ponies were included in the episode. Also DERPY was in the episode :pinkie:  :muffins:  :derp:  :muffins:  :derp:

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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Oh god, this is tough. There's 3 that I can't choose between


The first is The Return Of Harmony Pt. 1: Because Discord. Nuff said.

The second is Lesson Zero. It was the episode that got me into the fandom, I guess cuz I saw a lot of myself in Twi, especially the insanity. Yeah.... stress hurts.

The final one I think would be A Canterlot Wedding Pt. 2: Because Changelings, Chrysalis, Mane 6+ Celestia not the deciding factor, plus it's an episode I've watched over and over.



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My Favourite episode is definitely Slice of life. :derp: Cause Derpy's in it. :muffins:

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Slice of Life. Do I really need to say why? So many references, so many fan service, so many shipping and of course, as stated above, DERPY!


I also really like Bats! because of the Halloween-ish theme it was. The episode's song, Stop the Bats, is my favorite song in the series.


(My profile picture originates from a drawing by mirroredsea on DeviantArt)

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My favorite is "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" because Princess Luna got to be the one that assisted the Mane 6 in defeating the villain instead of her older sister!

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Currently, I am stuck between Slice of Life and Do Princesses Dream of Magical Sheep.

This is a WIP.

Why are you still looking at this?

Seriously. You should have looked away by now.

Congratulations. You have read the 4th line.

I can't believe you are still here. *sighs and walks away*

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Probably Maud Pie. I guess I just like dry humor. My favorite moment has to be Rainbow Dash's line when first seeing Maud: "Is she even moving?"

"When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball."



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