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gaming Favorite Generation of Pokemon?


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Mother of Celestia.....So your theory is that they may make one after Black&White2 (or possibly before, but I don't see them doing a secret release)? They also seem to have some sort of 2-3 gen separation before they make a remake. I hope you're right in this theory.


I'm assuming they will, unless of course they believe that the GBA games aren't old enough yet to deserve a remake. If they do remake them, I'll probably be picking one of the versions up eventually.

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My favorite generation is and will forever be 3. In my opinion (which may be somewhat biased considering Ruby was the first game I REALLY got to play if you know what I mean), gen. 3 was the best. I really liked the diversity within the region, from deserts to oceans to mountains to rainforests, it was a fun region to explore. It had memorable locations like Fortree Town, Sootopolis City, and the abandoned cruise ship. It had some of the most memorable Pokemon (except gen. 1, obviously the originals always stand out) AND not only did gen. 3 have Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, it had FireRed and LeafGreen which brought you back to Kanto AND let you go into Johto. Also, to me, it had the PERFECT graphics for a Pokemon game.


The first generation of cartoons was my favorite, they were the most memorable and it had such great movies.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Honestly, I only really like the Kanto generation of Poke'mon. I've haven't played the game in like forever, but I still find the first season of the show and the first two movies enjoyable.


I think I gave up during the Johto generation. It just seemed like a rehash of the previous generation, and I didn't find much of these newer Poke'mon species that interesting.

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I'm probably repeating myself for the umpteenth time, but Gen 3 is to this day my absolute favorite. It had the largest number of awesome Pokemon, the contests and other side-quests were actually fun as opposed to some of the ones now, and Team Magma and Team Aqua were a frankly more interesting group than Team Rocket. Rocket was just made of thugs and crooks, Magma and Aqua inhabited a kind of grey area were they actually had people's best interest at heart, just the way they achieved them and the scale on how these were carried out were often less than ideal or noble.


I'm still waiting in anticipation for the inevitable remakes...just as long as they're not on 3DS like the rumors I've heard have said.

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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I have to say generation 3. It's the generation I played the most to this day. It was the generation that started the good graphics for the pokemon adventure games, but that isn't why I like it so much.


All of the starter pokemon are awesome. It's hard to decide my favorite one.

Like I said earlier, them graphics.

The legendary pokemon are all awesome in their own way.

Basically, everything is awesome. I don't know what else to say.


I do like the other generations as well (excluding the fifth since I haven't played it yet, thus I have no opinion of it), though. I'm not saying anything against them.

Yorick walks into a bar. There is no counter.

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Generation 1 and 2 are the best, the most nostalgic, and the pioneers of many great games to come.


Generation 2 let you go to 2 different regions.


I love the remakes, up until you meet Pokemon in the modern day generations. It kinda kills off the nostalgia feel. :/

  • Brohoof 1

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I remember the fun days of generation one. Those were the days when we knew nothing about the game mechanics and roumers flew everywhere around the internet. The pokegods, the mist stone, the "cheat" to evolve dragonite into yoshi, mew hiding under the truck by the S.S. Anne, those sure were good times.


Generation 1 was very mysterious and it felt like there was more to the game than there really was. Generation 2 was less glitchy, introduced night and day and two regions full of content. It added quite a bit to the series.


Despite my love for these two excellent games, my absolute favourite has to be the third generation. While the third generation broke compatibility with the previous two, it added quite a bit mechanics wise. Natures were added and old pokemon were revamped to become killing machines (aerodactyl, one of my favourites). I was also blown away by the graphical improvements and that THERE IS A REFLECTION OF MY CHARACTER IN THE PUDDLES! :o


I have to give generation 5 a nod though simply because of joltik. I mainly battle with competitive teams, but come on, just look at it! It's freaking adorable, and I don't say that about many pokemon. If I were to start a journey, joltik would be my choice as a starter.

Edited by Celtore
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I have a tough time deciding whether White or Soul Silver is my favourite currently. The second generation was my favourite set of Pokémon growing up (though my one specific favourite design is 1st gen; Nidorino), but Black & White added a lot of really good things. Right down to little tweaks like having separate buttons for closing only the menu you're currently on and closing all menus out entirely with one push.

Soul Silver & Heart Gold were good relief from what I felt was a lot of wasted potential in the other 4th generation games; the remakes used the touch screen thoroughly and efficiently both in and out of combat, meanwhile Diamond, Pearl & Platinum only used it rather sparingly outside of battle. The remakes also had the PokéWalker which is pretty awesome and the feature of having your Pokémon follow you; a feature sadly removed from Black & White.

Black & White absolutely win in visual appeal though. It's nice to finally see the Pokémon in consistent motion on a handheld title.

I think Heart Gold & Soul Silver are the best jumping on point for anybody who is either new to the series or hasn't played in a long time. Plus, I got a Lugia figurine for preordering Soul Silver.


As for the anime, personally I don't think it was ever good. I mean, like just about anybody my age, I loved it to death when it first came on, but I just can't stomach any of the episodes now. Although, I don't mind the movies (even with their ham-handed nonsensical and self-contradicting morals).

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Did you guys see the black and white 2 trailer? Man if the anime was like that I would watch it all the time!

However I really dont like sinnoh, and Unova. They just hold some of my LEAST favorite pokemon.

Bidoof sucks.

Pidove sucks

and most of the starters from those two were TERRIBLE imo. I think nintendo screwed up trying to replicate the Pidgey family with the Pidove, and Starly family. At least Tailow was cute and only had one other evolution.


My favorite game by far is fire red also!! I cant wait til they remake that one like they did with Gold and Silver. Heart gold and Soul silver was EPIC. Once Fire red gets a remake like that I will buy both versions. Also it would be on the 3-ds!! 3-D FIRE RED!!

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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I absolutely love G3. The games, Pokemon, everything was awesome. Even the anime was endurable. I'm definitely not one of these genwunners who rage whenever they see a new Pokemon game come out - you guys gotta realize it's not that easy inventing 150 new Pokemon every two years.

  • Brohoof 1

I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something.


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I own almost every Pokémon game :D My favorite game gen is generation 3. It was the first one I played at the point I learned to read and knew enough English to understand. This generation was the best to me! I also love gen 5. The one I like the least is gen 4. But I like them all. For the show, my favorite is gen 1 without hesitation. I didn't even see the rest since they didn't get translated over here... But, I could try to watch it in English now since I bought YTV.


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I haven't bothered with the anime anymore. I can't stand to watch English dubs (aside from the really, really early Pokemon), and I really don't want to go re-watch everything just to be able to catch up right now . . . SO MANEH EPISOHDES.


I love all the games and Pokemon, though. My heart breaks a little every time someone says they hate a generation or something. Especially when people are being hypocritical and judging the Black and White Pokemon just from a small handful of them, and not even bothering to play the games. . . which I found extraordinary and addicting. They point out Pokemon like Klink and Vanillite and its evolved forms, but if you try to point out Pokemon like Magnemite (look at Klink, Klang, Klinklang, then at Magnemite and Magneton. . .), Grimer/Muk, or even Voltorb (an angry, buttonless Pokeball), they snap on you. Like, what, hypocrisy lol.

  • Brohoof 1


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Hmmm well I don't remember much of the original anime other than the fact Charizard was a badass.


Also this


Why can't we use one of those in the game?


Anyway my favorite gen game wise is 5th gen. It has the best story, cool Pokemon, the best graphics, some of the best characters, [You can guess which one is my favoite] A villain team that had valid points, and great music. My god I love the music in Black and White. BW2 will have remixes off the gym leader and champion themes from each gen so that's a major plus.


Another thing I like about 5th gen is a single game that makes the whole gen that much better. That game is Pokemon Conquest. It seems like a stupid idea for a crossover I mean Japanese warlords that use Pokemon? Wut? But the music is good, it has (over 100) hours of fun gameplay, and each Pokemon gets a nice little piece of art. I mean look at some of this.

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Pretty cool right?


Though as much as I love 5th gen and it's Pokemon a lot of my favorite Pokemon are either in 2nd gen or 3rd gen. In 2nd gen you have things like Typhlosion and Scizor. In 3rd gen you have things like Metagross and Blaziken. Plus 2nd gen lets you fight Red which is a really cool idea because it's like fighting your past self in a way.



My favorite game by far is fire red also!! I cant wait til they remake that one like they did with Gold and Silver. Heart gold and Soul silver was EPIC. Once Fire red gets a remake like that I will buy both versions. Also it would be on the 3-ds!! 3-D FIRE RED!!


Uhhh you do realize that FireRed and LeafGreen were remakes of Red and Blue [or Green for Japan] So your basically asking them to make a remake of a remake. Remakeception? Edited by N-Harmonia
  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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No generation is really bad, they all had their strong and weak points. For some reason I think G3 is my least favorite, but I really love Emerald. It's the first Pokemon game I ever beat without help from my brother.

That being said, my favorite is G2. I LOVED Gold version and SoulSilver has a lot of hours on it from me. I love my team, it was such a fun game and I spent so much time on it. I lost my Pokewalker though ;____;

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I've always loved Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire. I was around for the release of Emerald's gen, and I have tons of memories playing through that. Even playing it now brings back some nice feels. :DDD

Next would have to be Diamond/Pearl. I remember staying up till 2 am when I first got it just so I could beat it. :lol:


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Hmmm well I don't remember much of the original anime other than the fact Charizard was a badass.


Also this


Why can't we use one of those in the game?


Anyway my favorite gen game wise is 5th gen. It has the best story, cool Pokemon, the best graphics, some of the best characters, [You can guess which one is my favoite] A villain team that had valid points, and great music. My god I love the music in Black and White. BW2 will have remixes off the gym leader and champion themes from each gen so that's a major plus.


Another thing I like about 5th gen is a single game that makes the whole gen that much better. That game is Pokemon Conquest. It seems like a stupid idea for a crossover I mean Japanese warlords that use Pokemon? Wut? But the music is good, it has (over 100) hours of fun gameplay, and each Pokemon gets a nice little piece of art. I mean look at some of this.

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Pretty cool right?


Though as much as I love 5th gen and it's Pokemon a lot of my favorite Pokemon are either in 2nd gen or 3rd gen. In 2nd gen you have things like Typhlosion and Scizor. In 3rd gen you have things like Metagross and Blaziken. Plus 2nd gen lets you fight Red which is a really cool idea because it's like fighting your past self in a way.




Uhhh you do realize that FireRed and LeafGreen were remakes of Red and Blue [or Green for Japan] So your basically asking them to make a remake of a remake. Remakeception?


I know its a remake of red and blue. I just want them to make a remake like they did for Silver and Gold. You know weather changes night gameplay Espeon and Umbreon, More pokemons two regions more battles kicking golds ass on top of a mountain, getting Rayquaza, Lugia, Ho-oh, and a crap ton of other legendaries. All in 3-d, WITH Black and white level graphics. (Except for when your battling the pokemon you use looks WAY to pixelated. I would like it much better if your pokemon had a bit better sprite other than looking like a bunch of squares...) That would be a game I would pay 60$ for.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Honestly how could I not say that the I & II generations are not my favorites!! I grew up with these generations. Pokemon Yellow was my first pokemon game and Gold & Sliver are to me the best games in the series.




Good times, good times <3



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I would have to say generation 1 simply because that was what introduced me to pokemon (The ORIGINAL WOOO).... I was raised on pokemon..... The first I ever played was pokemon red... ahhhh happy days... And the other reason is my all time favourite pokemon is gen 1.. (Cubone/Marowak)


Made by C.Discord

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Pokemon Gen 1, Pokemon Gen 2


Pokemon Red, Blue, Silver, Gold, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Heart Gold, Soul Silver.


Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, and White are huge Eyesores to The Name Pokemon

Edited by HauntingHour

I'm back whoope! img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png 

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First generation all the way! Actually, the only generation pokemon's I coudn't stand were those from Gen II. I always felt like those were some of the laziest designs in the series.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Someone is probably going to hate me for this, but I sincerely think that the third generation is the best. I just loved the legendary Pokemon in Hoenn, especially Kyogre and Rayquaza.

  • Brohoof 1



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twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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I haven't seen the anime for ages, and I don't plan in watching it anymore :|


The first generation was awesome, part of my childhood. Now I'm a grumpy grown-up and seeing the anime completely unchanged since the first gen simply disappoints me... But meh, matter of opinions.



As for the games, I, for one, absolutely love the latest generation (Black & White) and I probably like it better than the other ones. In fact, I'm willing to know why everyone hates Gen V so much... Perhaps because the new Pokemon designs? I really want to hear a few opinions. c:

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
  • Brohoof 1
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Well, I'm still playing Pokemon and I'm not one of those people who only likes G1 and G2. I like all Gen's but I can say that G3 is my favorite, Nintendo were at their best with the Pokemon designs. I hope they make a DS remake.


I don't get why people hate G5 so much, it's awesome! [/end of rant]

  • Brohoof 1




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G1 and G2 were great, but G3 was top of the game. I loved the visual design of the menus and text, the graphics, the map design, the music, the pokemon, the plot... honestly, it's probably one of the very few game(s) out there that I would rate near perfect.


G2 is a pretty close second though, those were the games I started on (followed by G1, strangely, than G3) and loved as a kid.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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I found Pokémon during Generation 2, so it's my personal favorite. I love G3 for Hoenn, which was very geographically diverse and brought something new to the table. G4 had pretty cool legends and lore, and G5 brought in animated sprites and a more complex plot. However, G2 will have a special place in my heart.


no rest for the wizardly.

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