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Why do you like your favorite pony?


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Who's your favorite pony?

There´s a bunch of ponies I really really really like, but the most bestest of them is Rainbow Dash. (who else?)


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Even before watching the show. I mean, the internet is FULL of ponies. Including FB & Cheezburger.com, which I´m visiting pretty often. I love rainbows and colours, so her looks made me fall in love. But it´s not all.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

The 1st episode. I was so much looking forward to see her, what´s she´s actually like, her personality.. and she didn´t disappoint me. The cloud & 10 sec flat scene, to be exact.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

Because she annoyed Twilight at first, and then, when Twilight said she´s lazy, she showed her how amazing she actually is *challenge accepted mood*. I know it´s been said several times but! Because I realized she´s a LOT like me (not everything, but yeah..), and who do you love more than yourself? The more is someone like you, the more you like him (I don´t want you to think I´m an egoist, but it´s a psychology fact). Her bragging (which I have a tendency to do - only in front of my closest friends but still), apparent lazyness (everybody thinks I´m lazy, but "I´d never leave Ponyville hanging!"), her competitiveness (which sometimes makes everyone think I´m crazy, saying "Hey, calm down, it´s just a game!"), her mischievousness, the fear of defeat which comes with disappointment... later her love for reading - everything leads to me. But there are still things making me quiet different - I have no sport talents (but my competitiveness makes me try my best, no matter what), I´m not as brave as her (I´m actually pretty paranoid), I´m a child of science and I´m kinda shy in front of unknown people... Also, the loyalty.. I consider myself an overly-loyal person, so maybe that´s why.


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(dat face :wub: )

Edited by Suntouched Coco
  • Brohoof 1

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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Who's your favorite pony?

Do I have to say, or is it too obvious? Pinkie Pie! :)

When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Well from the first episode! She's so awesome! :)

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

As i kept watching the series, every one of her appearances reminded me of myself! and i mean EVERY ONE! IT'S FREEKY, IS SHE MY ANIMATED PONY TWIN FROM A PARALLEL UNIVERSE?...I'm getting of topic (sorry)

Why did you like him/her because of that?

Because it makes me feel proud to be unique, and she inspires me to make more people Smile! She makes me proud to be...Well Nadia! :)


  • Brohoof 1


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Who's your favorite pony? Fluttershy


When did you start having that pony as your favorite? Since the first episode.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite? When Fluttershy sings, I just die from her cuteness, sweetness, awesomeness, and amazing talent.


Why did you like him/her because of that? Because she has such a soft voice...and she's a lot like me.

What is this place, filled with so many wonders? Casting its spell, that I am now under. Squirrels in the trees and the cute little bunnies. Birds flying free and bees with their honey, HONEY! Oh, what a magical place! And I owe it all to the pegasus race! If I knew the ground had so much up its sleeve, I'd have come here sooner, and never leave! Yes, I love EVERYTHING!

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Who's your favorite pony?

Pinkie Pie

When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Not too long after becoming a brony.

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

Technically Cupcakes. I'd rather explain how it happened. Before I became a brony, my brony friends got me to read Cupcakes. I read it with mild disgust, since I detest Grimdark. As I began to learn about the fandom on the internet, I felt like Pinkie Pie was forever ruined for me. Anytime I saw her, I was reminded of Cupcakes. But as I started to watch the show, I realised it was just an awful fan fiction.

Why did you like him/her because of that?

Originally, it was just to be in defiance of Cupcakes. I thought Pinkie Pie needed my love and support. But I learned the evil murderer Pinkie Pie wasn't that big of a problem. I knew in my heart Pinkie Pie was a happy, sweet, party loving friend to all. Everyone is her friend, and she loves to make her friends smile. She goes out of her way to cheer anyone up. Though she is zany and a little crazy, I still want to be her fan. She's really adorable and fun. She is like the opposite of the real me. I'd love to have a friend like her in real life. If there was a real Pinkie Pie out there, my days wouldn't dark and lonely sometimes. I could smile and have a friend who genuinely cared about me.

  • Brohoof 2


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Who's your favorite pony?


it would have to be Rarity :wub:


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?


not that long ago, actually. Though, Flutter shy used to be my favorite for a while, but i changed my mind ^^


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?


not entirely sure, actually.


Why did you like him/her because of that?


welll, i dont know, I love her mane and tail, and her love for fashion.

"It needs to be about 20% cooler

"I'd like to be a tree!

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

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Who's your favorite pony?

I am going to have to say Princess Luna


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Probably about a month ago, but there is a constant clash between her, derpy and twilight for the top spot.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

Luna's one episode in season 2 was enough to quickly push her through the rankings.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

I really like her mane! Ok, seriously, I simply find everything about her character to be either undeniably awesome or just plain adorable. I also like the story behind her character, especially considering Nightmare Moon was what kept me interested throughout my first episode.

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Who's your favorite pony?


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Before I even started watching the show

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

The episode Putting your hoof down

Why did you like him/her because of that?

I identify with the dilemma of "pushover vs bully" as I kinda struggle with it myself, I tend to relate the most to shy characters, on another note, in my opinion kindness is the most important quality a person can have.

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Who's your favorite pony?

Pinkie Pie/Rarity and Sweetie Belle. They're all equally my faves.


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Pinkie...as soon as I saw her. I mean, she's PINK. My favourite colour. :) Rarity...recently. She's trendy and melodramatic. Sweetie Belle, the Sister Hooves Social?


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

Pinkie Pie I liked from the begining. Rarity is just so trendy with her outfits and her vanity is awesome. Her mane is really pretty too. Sweetie Belle just made me go "Dawwww" in the episode I mentioned.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

Pinkie is just really social and friendly and loves to party. SHE'S ALSO PINK ASDF. Rarity is fashionable and vain, which I like as a trait even if she is a protagonist. Sweetie Belle likes to sing and her mane is pretty cool haha. I Guess I see myself in those three ponies which makes me like them more than the others.

  • Brohoof 1


I like dollies.

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Well, In the Mane 6, Rainbow Dash; Because she is just like me. (..Or i'm just like her? =D) I'm Cocky, I Fly (Royal Air Force XD) and Love Speed. I act like her and vice versa.


But in all, GLAZE.

Who is glaze?

Look at my avatar.



  • Brohoof 1


Brony Guards - Apply now!


Nos Castor Auferet - 155 Squadron's motto

Contrary to popular belief by strange people, Rainbow Dash is the best pony in the entire universe.

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Who's your favorite pony?

Vinyl Scratch


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Since I saw her


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

Her appearence in "Suited for Success" and all the music, fanart, fanfic she's been in.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

I really like listening to music so that's one of the main reason.


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Who's your favorite pony?

If my avatar wasn't already a dead giveaway, that would be Fluttershy


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Around the time I watched Dragonshy


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

I could say the entire episode, but that would probably be the scene where she stares down the dragon and makes him openly weep while at the same time still trying to be nice about it.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

Basically, Fluttershy is very much like me: quiet, shy, easily frightened and with a tendency to apologize for everything. I relate to her the most, so to see her actually stare down something hundreds of times her size yet still retain her kind demeanor was awesome on so many levels. I hold no shame is saying I still can't help but cheer whenever I see that scene or any of the other times Fluttershy proves she can stand up for herself.

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Who's your favorite pony?

Pinkie Pie!


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

I'd say that probably started somewhere around... April 19th 2012 at 10:44pm.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

It wasn't so much a particular scene as her over all personality. Pinkie Pie is by far the most... Unique personality.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

Well one of my favorite things about her is her role as comic relief. Every show needs something in case stuff starts to get a bit too serious (Chocolate rain you guys!). Another thing, which sorta works off of that is her spontaneity. I've always been a bit non-sequitur, so her random antics fit in nicely. And further more, she almost always has a positive outlook, seeing on the bright side.(Again, chocolate rain?)


I can see the appeal in the other ponies, but it is my opinion that Pinkie is the most fun, and so it is she who I took in as my favorite. Plus, who doesn't love a good party?

  • Brohoof 1

"Hater's hate did create, that which they all feared. It is they we have to thank, for it is us they engineered."~ Me
"Eventually!"~ Also Me

"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being 'grown up', to admire the 'grown up' because it is 'grown up', to blush at the suspicion of being childish; These are the marks of childhood and adolescence. When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be 'Very Grown Up'."~ C.S. Lewis

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Who's your favorite pony?


*Fluttershy* (couldnt help it...)


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Season 1, episode 1, when Twilight first met her.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?


I really cant narrow it down to a single scene/thing she did. Its her overall shy, innocent and cute character and dual personality (flutterbitch) that really makes her awesome.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

She reminds me of a girl that i had a crush on few years back :blush:

Edited by Tol'Satha



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Rainbow Dash. As soon as I saw her I knew she was my favorite. The first episode she was my favorite was the first episode. I have a few reasons. 1) Rainbow is my favorite color! 2) 20% cooler. 3) because she's Rainbow Dash!!!!

Things just got 20% cooler.

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Who's your favorite pony?

It's a tie between Luna and Rarity but I shall speak of Luna.

When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

I started to like Luna after I realized that she did not have that big of a part in the show. I tend to notice the characters that aren't really maine characters or are lesser side characters. I also like her because of her background story and her voice when she's Luna and not Nightmare Moon.

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

The second part of the first episode, when she apologizes to Celestia. But the episode "Luna Eclipsed" made me love her even more.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

I just loved her awkwardness! I'm awkward and she's awkward we both have slightly deep voices! It's awesome. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Who's your favorite pony?


Pinkie Pie


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?


Episode 1


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?


In the end when she throws that party for Twilight Sparkle.


Why did you like him/her because of that?


Her randomness. Her joyous heart and sweet lovable personality. She is so kind and wants people to smile...just like me

  • Brohoof 1

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My favorite pony is by far Rainbow Dash. She kind of reminds me of myself, she motivates me when I feel down or lazy or any time I really am not doing something productive but should. I have always put my friends before myself, and would never let one of them down if I can help it.


She's been my favorite from episode 1. Just her entrance alone entitles her to the title of goofball but good, and she is just a great pony all together. That's why I have her on my shoulder ^_^

  • Brohoof 2


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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Who's your favorite pony?

Well, I think it's a tie between Applejack and Rainbow Dash but Applejack might be ahead by a hair.


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Rainbow Dash has been my favorite for a long time, but I started liking Applejack when I came out as her the 5th time out of eight times taking the personality quiz.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

Rainbow Dash: Episode 1

Applejack: Episode 4


Why did you like him/her because of that?

Rainbow Dash: She's awesome. Need I say anything else?

Applejack: I can relate very closely to her "I'll do this by myself or not at all, so quit trying to help me!" attitude, and I hate asking for help even though I might need just a little. I have a strong desire to prove that I can work just as hard as any guy even though I'm a girl (I know that's not a part of Applejack, but what the hay?) Although I can be a huge procrastinator like Rainbow Dash.

  • Brohoof 1
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Who's your favorite pony?


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

after show stoppers

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

Apple Bloom in the first episode where she says "Aren't cah gonna stay for brunch"

also she is freaking hilarious in friendship is witchcraft

Why did you like him/her because of that?

Idk something about her voice and her accent and the way she talks is absolutely adorable i can't get enough of her and she is super funny in friendship is witchcraft. If you haven't seen it watch episode 4 cute from the hip

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Who's your favorite pony?

Rainbow Dash


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

The moment i heard her voice in the first episode, so cute (:


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

"Read it and Weep". Her fangirl squeal was cute, and how she went so far with the addiction of a good book. Her attitude of always being the best makes her charming cause i guess that's a confidence i've always lacked and compare too myself.



I also love speed, i love driving cars fast and i also enjoy certain extreme sports like skateboard or snowboard (:.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

Hehe, i pretty much explained it all in the previous question.

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Well my favorite of the mane 6 is fluttershy. I just like her because shes so adorable! And I can relate to her kinda because I'm pretty shy IRL myself. I also love her singing even if shes not my favorite of the mane 6 singing wise but shes certainly up there.

And her voice is so peaceful and she has some really funny moments. Not to mention her alter ego can be quite entertaining. :P

Yeah thats pretty much all I can think of. I've just always since I can remember liked her best. But Its not by some crazy stretch or anything I like all the ponies. Just shes proably the highest one up there because I can relate to her.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Who's your favorite pony?

Fluttershy... Obviously cause of my username and avatar (:

When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

After episode "Hurricane Fluttershy"

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

"Hurricane Fluttershy"

Why did you like him/her because of that?

Why? Cause she is she was exactly like me when i was younger, and she's shy, like me, shes friendly, like me

I have alot of things in common with Fluttershy.. Plus shes so adorable, also, shes a animal lover, like me! :wub: :wub:

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

"Enough Chitchat time is candy!".- Pinkie Pie.

"Storm Chasing is a commitment. Not a choice". -Me "Never stop chasing!"- Reed Timmer

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I might as well do a better version of what I did earlier.


Who's your favorite pony?

Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Since I've first heard her voice in the first episode ever.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her your official favorite?

I knew I liked her after the first episode and after watching more and more I started to find her the best character.


Why did you like her because of that?

She is so timid and shy! It's so cute!!! She loves animals just like me. I also like her pink hair and her personality. She's such a angel. Much more cute than the others and when she has her own episodes it's the best thing ever.



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Who's your favorite pony? Luna


When did you start having that pony as your favorite? Last October


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite? S2E4: Luna Eclipsed


Why did you like him/her because of that? We have a lot in common...

- She is something of a "black sheep" because of her past

- She tries to reach out, but gets annoyed by those around her, and ends up dismissing them or lashing out

- Her manner of speaking tends to put people off, if they're not used to it

- She eventually embraced the role of "villain", even if it was only for play



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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