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And now, the moment you've all been waiting far too long for: Replies!

Wildcard gave the stallion a confused but slightly concerned look.
"Listen, I am afraid you are searching for the wrong mare. Rarity's a fashionista and definately not some kind of secret agent.She dislikes adventures, hates dirt,.." Wildcard makes a short pause, realising that this strange pony might be able to get them out of the train.
"But if you would bring us to Canterlot that'd be great and you will see yourself that you have made a mistake. By the way...uhm...what kind of danger were you talking about?"

The Stallion looks around cautiously. “I’ve said too much already. Just tell her what I said, oh. and give her this.” He passes you a note containing what appears to be a random jumble of numbers, letters and pictograms. “As for the train, It should be moving again in...” He pulls out a watch. “3... 2... 1... Now.”

The train starts moving.

“Go back to her quickly. and consider this. If I’m wrong, then so are they.” And just like that, He’s gone.

Aura watches as Spike roars at Twilight and her friend. As the ran off she temporarily felt sorry for them but that's what they get for being nosy. "Wow is she always like this?" She asks walking over to Spike. "Anyway...... now that they're gone; want to go out and help me dig up some gemstones?" She says smiling."I know this place right by the Everfree Forest that's loaded with gemstones underneath." She said thinking of all the gems she would have after today. Temporarily loosing her train of thought before she snapped back to reality. She smiles nervously. "Or we could just do whatever you want to." (Uh oh better watch out for that greed corruption)

Spike Shrugs. “Twilight does all kinds of weird stuff. You get used to it,” He says. His eyes light up when you mention gems. “Yeah! That sounds great! I help Rarity search for gems all the time, Of course she never lets me eat them...”

(OOC: SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many places that I can use things from the movie and books. Let's see what I can get in there, shall we?)

So many thoughts were swimming through Dox's head at that one moment. Oh my gosh, it's Daring Do! No, wait, it isn't Daring, it's Spitfire dressed up as Daring, so, oh my gosh, it's Spitfire! I should totally ask for her autograph! It took a few minutes for Dox to finally catch up on the most important aspect of the meeting he was now having. "Wait... Evil Ex... Spitfire..." Finally, something snapped into place in his head. "Wait, YOU and HER!?" He shouted, pointing a hoof at Spitfire. "You dated the captain of the Wonderbolts!? You had a SEXY PHASE!?" So much stuff piled up in Dox's head that he wasn't able to think straight for the moment, and wasn't able to make any decisions about fighting clearly. He looks back and forth between Vinyl and Spitfire. Suddenly, he realizes what he's got to do. "Wait, if she's your Evil Ex, then that means I have to fight her! I can't hurt a mare..." He looks embarrassedly at the ground. "They're soft."

(OOC: Does it cut you off when you're trying to type out long paragraphs and make you lose your train of thought? If not, then you have it easier than me.)

Vinyl Sighs. “Yeah, I was A little Bi-Curious. For quite a while actually...”
Spitfire Flies at you. “Who are you calling soft?” When she hits you, it’s quite hard indeed. “But If you aren’t going to fight back, That will just make it easier for me!”She turns to Vinyl. “Hey there. How’s life?” She nods towards you. “He seems nice.” She lifts you up and tosses you into a nearby wall.She approaches you as you stumble to your feet. she grabs you by the collar “You really think you can stand a chance against a wonderbolt, bro?” She reels back and hits you so hard you fly a good four feet. “Some competition you are.”You look up and see her walking away. She’s done with you, or at least she thinks she is...

Sky nods. "Yeah, I'm the one who won." He smiles a bit nervously, realizing how dim-witted he must sound to the mare in front of him. Wait, what does she mean by the 'type of pony' Vinyl would send? He thought as he shook her hoof. When she brought up the fact that she worked at the radio station with Vinyl, he suddenly realized where he had heard her voice before. He blushed red. "Oh, I-I actually didn't notice that, although I should have by your voice. I listen to The Vinyl Scratch all the time, and, personally, I think that if you weren't there, the whole thing would be up in smoke. Seems like you're the one who holds it together for the most part." He gave her a small smile. Suddenly, he jumped at the loud noise of Beauty Brass approaching and flattened his ears to his head a little bit as she spoke so loudly. He chuckled a little at how excited the mare seemed, and how she continuously seemed to want to say something when Octavia spoke. As she brought the volume down and asked him about the solo, he nodded and said, "Of course I heard it. It was beautiful. Now, I wasn't much of one for classical before I came here tonight, but..." He looked over at Octavia. "Your solo seems to have given me an interest in it."

Octavia raised an eyebrow (Figuratively. You know what I mean.). “If my solo is all it takes to pique your interests in actual music, I should find myself wondering about the strength of your mind,” she replies, though it is obvious that she’s flattered, both by your compliment and recognition.


Red Talon, after landing at SAA, couldn't believe how beautiful his marefriend was looking after about 20 minutes of preparation.
"Wow," Red remarked in amazement, "you look amazing tonight."
Red and Applejack then discussed with Meta on how to get on board the airship.

(nothing I can do about this. Meta Doesn’t have Doc Powers anymore, so he’s going to have to reply to this as an independent Post.)

Animae blushes and laughs heartily. "I should have known better than that." he says, guiding her over the dance floor with a mischievous look in his eyes. "Why don't we cause some chaos for this little get together? I reckon that's more your speed" he smiles widely

Gilda puts a talon to her beak. Well, It wouldn’t be very cool to get kicked out... aww what the heck, this party’s lame anyway. What kind of Chaos do you have in mind?”

Sturdy listens intently as they rush through the forest, wind whipping past his ears "Of course that makes sense Dash, everypony wants somepony who appreciates them for who they are, and makes them feel special"

Sturdy banks a heavy left turn and begins to head towards a nearby waterfall "Though I find it hard that somepony as awesome and cool as you has had such a hard time finding a good Stallion" he laughs, playfully punching her shoulder "Regardless I am happy for you.... we really should be focusing though, this place is incredible dangerous" he says gravely
"Maybe we could continue this conversation after we finish?" he says turning to her with a smile.

"Whoah wait!" Sturdies ears perk and he lands to the ground roughly, raising a cloud of dirt ".... Do you hear that?"

“Hear what?”
“Oh. That.”
“I think It’s getting closer...”
Suddenly, A giant Scorpion Comes into view, clearing trees out of it’s path with giant Claws. “Well. That Doesn’t look very friendly.”
The Scorpion monster stops and seems to survey it’s surroundings. then it suddenly turns and charges straight at you, one of it’s massive claws reaching out to grab you by the neck...

((Being Understanding: +1
Post score: +1
Total Score: 5))


Steel smiled and closed the distance between them.

"My dear Daring . . . how could you even think I would take such advantage of you?" He brushed his wing gently through her mane. She began to pull down the straps but Steel put a hoof on her's. "Allow me."

He removed her dress slowly and gently, before removing his own vest. They then stood before each other with nothing but the coats they were born with. "You'll have to trust me for this next part." Steel braced her. He moved both of his wings forward and swept her up into them, cradling her against him. Daring just stared at Steel, in awe of his tender treatment of her. He saw in her eyes . . . wonder. This was far from the few rough and tumble acts of passion she had in the past.

Steel lowered her on to the bed, slid in next to her, and pulled the covers over both of them. He stared into her eyes from the pillow across her's.

"I've been wanting to say this Daring . . . you're so beautiful."

"Steel?" She asked in confusion. "Don't you want to-"

"No." He interrupted. Then reached out with both his forelegs and wings to wrap her in an all encompassing embrace. "This is all I need." He did have to admit, he was tempted to go all the way, but now was not the time for that. He grinned semi-wickedly. "Although . . ." He leaned his head closer to her's. " . . . if I could wish for one thing more." His whisper was almost directly upon her lips.

"Only go this far." His instincts said. "Let her cross that last bit of space." So she did.

It was long and slow and sweet. Daring tentatively reached around him to pull him closer. Steel internally laughed at how Daring Do, who neither feared entombment nor pirates, was hesitant in the arena of affection.

The kiss ended and both parties just closed their eyes and . . . cuddled. Steel didn't know for how long . . . he didn't care.

She wasn't getting off that easy! Steel pulled her in for one more kiss, a brief smooch was all.

"You know you liked it." He quietly quipped before turning for the mess. "I'll see you there." He said back.

Steel had back on his vest and swords, buuuuuuut also before leaving the room, he grabbed a broad rimmed hat with a feather through it. Along with the mustache left over from the unicorn's spell, that Steel nicely trimmed, he really did look the image of a swashbuckler!

Steel rummaged through the pantry for food and water as quietly as he could. Finding anything that would be considered fit for consumption was a challenge, but he managed. Finally he made his way back to the top deck and met the others.

Captain Blue is already there when you find the boat. He helps you to quietly load your supplies onto it. “Where’s Daring?” you whisper to him.
“She said she Had to go find a few other things,” He whispers back.


Daring slowly eased the door open and peeked inside tentatively. Captain Pinkbeard was asleep, face down on his mahogany desk, his voluminous beard spread out over his maps and charts. Daring sighs inwardly. She opens the door the rest of the way and sneaks slowly into the captain’s cabin. Her eyes move quickly, scanning for- There! an open trunk filled with various articles of clothing. she made her way slowly over to it, at one point, she stepped on a board that creaked, and froze in terror when the captain grunted in response.

she stood there for nearly a minute, waiting to make sure the pirate hadn’t woken up. then she resumed her slow crawl to the trunk. when she finally reached it she was relieved to see her vest sitting on the top of the pile. Being very careful not to make too much noise, Daring stripped off her dress and placed it in the trunk, ‘I won’t be needing that anymore,’ she thought. then she picked up her vest and put it on. ‘there we go, I’m starting to feel like my old self again, now where’s my- Ah.’ Her pith helmet was hanging from a rack a little to her left. ste turned slowly towards it and reached out. grabbing it from the hook and dropping it on her head. ‘now to get out of here without getting caught...’ She turned and began walking back the way she had come. as she passed Pinkbeard passed out over his desk, she noticed something. the map she had found in the grotto. She altered her course. afyter a few more tense moments, she found herself next to Pinkbeard’s desk. she quickly scooped up the map and stowed it under one of her wings. she was about to leave, when she noticed a quill sitting next to a blank sheet of parchment. ‘well, as long as I’m here...’ She slid the parchment in front of her and began to write.

“Dear Captain Pinkbeard.

Thank you for your hospitality, but I am afraid that this bird must fly away now. Thank you for the map, and I sincerely hope that we shan’t meet again.

Yours Truly, Daring Do. : )

P.S. Your beard looks stupid.”

When she had finished the letter, she slowly made her way to the door, which she closed silently behind her.
“Where have you been?” Captain Blue grumps when Daring finally appears.

“Well, we’d have a rough time finding the treasure without the map, wouldn’t we?” Daring replies. “Besides, I go nowhere without my pith helmet. Now come on, let’s get this boat in the water.”

Suddenly, a pirate appears on the other side of the deck and spots you. “Hey! What’s going on over there?”

“Aww. Horseapples.” Daring Curses.

"Oh, hello there! I am Fireblaze and I came ask Bon Bon on a date. Since I do live in the mountains, I see her a lot. When I was at the market getting things, I saw her, and she is cute. So is she home? If she isn’t here, may I come in and wait for her?" Fireblaze said as he was looking at a female pony while thinking she must be Bon Bon’s friend.

(I did some basic editing to your post. It’s not really what I’m supposed to do, but it now shows how I interpreted it. Also, it makes sense, the sentences aren’t run-ons, and conveys a sense that the person who typed it is in high school. IE, it isn’t making whatever OCD sense I have with these things go nuts)

Lyra looked you over and giggled, “You’re a cute one, aren’t you. I’m sure Bon Bon’ll be down any minute, probably to stop me from talking too much and disturbing the customers. I’m Lyra!” She holds out a hoof for him to shake.

Crimson grinns confidently, "thanks for the compliments princess, it seems my little adventures really have become famous, but anyways, I accept your offer, what would your first order for me be?" Asked crimson, bowing to them once again, but keeping his eyes on luna, offering her a kind smile, "I'm skilled in all sorts of fighting arts, and battle strategy, and I'm also very capable leader, warrior, spy, bodyguard, and....." he gave luna a flirting smile, "and quite an increadible lover...." said crimson slyly, now rising from his bow, still smiling at luna, "but these are only a few of my increadible skills, but trust me, I'm prepared for anything you throw at me!" Said crimson, who now stood looking at luna hopefully, with a confident smile.

Luna Does not Respond to you. “Guards!” She calls. A pair of Dark coated royal guards Appeared at Her side. “Please Escort Mr. Grin to his chamber.” She turns back to you. “We shall discuss your first assignment in detail shortly. but it must wait until we are done here.

“Um your majesty?” One of the guards speaks up. “Are we supposed to take him to the good chamber or the bad chamber?

“The Newly Refurbished Chamber.” Luna replies.

“... Wait which one are we talking about?” The second guard asks.

“The one that used to be the bad chamber, until the recent refurbishing, that is.” Celestia chimes in. “of course, we’ve been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them...”

Luna Rolls her eyes. “Yes, yes, Sister. Ahem. Take him to the refurbished chamber that was once bad!”

Sole shrugged "whenever you want to hang out is fine dash" he looked at how tired she was and started to worry "you ok dash? If your too tired to hang out, you can just say so. I know you're a really tough mare, but your health is more important then having fun." He said sighing "well, I'll see you tomorrow dash, just please dont overdo it, you look exahusted. Even awsome pegasi like you need a break every once in a while." He said, before flying away at blinding speeds. Hoping to celestia that he wouldn't mess this up.

((You flew away before Dash could respond, so I’m just going to skip to the score. For the next reply, just say ‘So-and-so tme later,’ and try again.
Being a Griffon (she will get over that eventually) -1
Caring about her health +2
Post Score: +1
Total Score: 2))


(OOC I thought I replied to this, mega derp on me I guess.)

'He sure is upset, well we did spy on him and invaded his privacy so I guess he has the right to be.'
"So, are we going to keep spying on them? Or should we leave them alone?" Mal asked Twilight thinking about how he wouldn't want ponies spying on him either.

“We should Probably Leave them alone now.” Twilight says. “Spying on them probably wasn’t my best idea anyway.” She looks at you for a long moment. “Sooo... What now?”

Glitch looked at her with a puzzled look on his face. "Huh?" He began to walk towards Derpy while everyone on the dance floor watched them in awkward silence. "I never said tha-WOAH!" As if on cue, he slipped on a fallen streamer and his behind was now sticking up in the air, hovering over his head.

"I didn't know the dance floor had a sense of irony," he muttered to himself.

You didn’t actually interact with Derpy, so... she’s still wandering away from you. At some point, she stops in front of a window and starts staring at the sky. “Oooh, pretty...”

(OOC: I am just gonna quote it all. tongue.png)

Jesse continued to join his own meal.

Garble and his gang suddenly go into the restaurant and start wrecking the place. Tipping tables over, etc.

Garble sets his eyes on a random stallion. He is ready to punch him but Jesse holds his claws back. Jesse did this at an unnatural speed.

Jesse says, "what do you think you are doing?"

Soarin looks around angrily, “I think he’s cruisin’ for a bruisin’. Nopony walks in and just puts the beat down on ponies, especially the PIE ponies. That’s just... just cruel!”

Garble Glares Back at you. “I’m wrecking the place. What are you gonna do about it Pony? Friend Me to death?”

“I think this one needs a more Hooves-On Approach” Spitfire says.

"Oh ok I'll help with the apples" Luna said a happy that she can help him this much as she walked behind him and pick up the apples that fell from the baskets. "So what are the other chores that you might have that I can help with to" Luna said sounding plite.

He didn’t really drop apples. In fact, it seemed as if when he did drop apples, it was on purpose. “Err... Don’t know...” He was beginning to blush.

(We only quote the section our part of the post is in guys. Please follow this rule, it helps us keep track of who's posted)
(The DSi is more cruel. It'll let you type the whole thing without spellcheck, using buttons smaller than your fingers. Afterwards, it'll tell you it didn't post. And then it'll erase the whole thing.)

Dawn blushed, "Hey Applejack. You know, you could've woken me up... I don't mind." He took a position at a tree and bucked. One apple came down, and that's when he bothered to look at the empty tree. He vaguely recalled last night staying up to write, and Applejack saying something like he should sleep, because when he doesn't he gets silly. "So! Uhhh, Big Mac said more than four words to me today!" he said, attempting to draw attention away from the empty tree.

“Y’all needed your rest.” AJ says. “besides, I tried to wake ya, but y’all were really out of it, So I decided just ta’ let it be.” When you buck the tree she looks at the single apple that fell out. “Oh, Ah missed one! Thanks.” She Picks it up and puts it in one of the buckets. “An’ as fer Big Mac. He’s shy around other ponies, but around family he tends ta open up more.” You think about that for a moment, and realize that it means that Big Macintosh is beginning to think of you as family. “Now, How about helpin’ me load these here buckets onto the cart?”

"Oh! Nice to meet you Flitter!"

"She called me handsome? Nice! Easy there Windy, remember, you're here to hang with Cloudchaser, not hit on her sister..."

"So, ah, when will Cloudchaser be arriving? I had thought maybe we could have some cupcakes here and then maybe go to a movie or something like that. Were you planning on hanging out with us the whole time?"

"Oh Celestia, please say no, please say no!"

“Well, Yeah.” Flitter Says. “Today was supposed to be our day, But then she suddenly wants to hang out with some Colt I’ve never heard of.” She looks you over thoughtfully. “Although now that you’re here I can see why.”

You are about to say something. when Cloudchaser appears. “Alright, I’m here.” She says. Oh. I see you two have already met. “

“Yep!” Flitter replies.

“Sorry I’m late, My roommate needed to talk to me about moving out. Well, I guess that makes him my ex roommate now...”

A small giggle escaped Smiley's lips when Discord made a face. Then, when he leaned in close, her heart started to beat a little faster. She hoped that the dragonequus didn't noticed the change. Somehow, she found herself attracted to him, hence why she wanted to know him better. Trying to slow down her heart, the mare took a few steps to the side to put a bit of distance between her and Discord.

"To be honest, I'm not a fan of libraries neither, but I love to read. Helping the librarian give me a chance to take a peek at books I'm not usually supposed to read... Hehehe! Anyway, it's just a meeting point because it's easier for me, then we can go somewere more interesting. As I said before, I was thinking about skating, since it would be the last time it would be possible before Winter Wrap-Up, but if you have a better idea... You can tell me tomorrow, ok? See ya!"

Smiley started to walk back to her home, hoping that Discord would really show up the next day.

When you exit the library the next day, the first thing you see is Discord dressed in a fancy suit made entirely out of Hay Bacon Strips. He waves when he sees you. “There you are!” He pulls a strip off his coat and offers it to you. “Want some Hay Bacon?”

(OOC: So I can't talk to Dash for a while, so I guess it's time for some exposition. I haven't posted anything in this RP in forever, and I don't want to wait any longer. I'll just take care of some other stuff.)

BIC: Jordo approaches his old apartment complex. It may not look like much, but it's where he called home for the last year and a half. He's had some good memories here, but he honestly isn't going to miss it at all. Moving in with his marefriend Rainbow Dash was going to be amazing! Now he could spend a lot more time with her. He was a little disappointed they couldn't hang out today, but she was out on patrol with that warrior stallion.

He had some business to take care of anyways. He just hoped that she was having fun.

He entered his apartment to see his roommate CloudChaser.

"Hey Cloudchaser? Can we talk? I have some news"

Cloudchaser Looks up at you as you enter. Oh, Hi, Jordo, What’s up? I have to meet my Sister and some guy I met yesterday at sugarcube corner in five minutes. If I’m not on time Flitter’s going to start flirting with him again...”

"Hello, Ms. Aloe and Ms. Lotus. I heard you both run the best spa in ponyville. Even though I think it might even be the best spa in all of equestria! I also heard both of you are really nice and kind. Would it be alright, if I could visit you today in 1 hour? We could talk and you could show me around your spa! I hope you don't mind a male visitor." he asks a little shyly. A faint blush cast across his face.

“It’sa fine,” comes a slight japonyese accent. “You wanta in one hour? Okay, uhwhat is your name?” It would appear to be Lotus who answered, as Aloe was in the back.

"Well... That's surprising..." He said when Pinkie told him she kissed him. "Ummmm yeah guess I'll be headed out now I'll just come over sometime this week, I promise, Pinkie promise!" He left Pinkie his word.


Winter runs to Pinkie's place, "Oh Celestia, I almost forgot about Pinkie!" And he knows what happens when he breaks a promises. He knocks on Pinkie's door, "PINKIE!?" He shouted, "Are you there?!"

The door flies open almost instantly, and a pair of pink hooves pull you into the room. “Yay! You’re here! I was just about to come and find you!” as you are pulled inside you notice a single chair situated right in front of the doorway surrounded by empty cupcake wrappers. you wonder just how long she’s been waiting there. “So now that you’re here whaddya wanna do first?”

I look at Surprrise sleeping peacefully and smile to myself. She looks so beautiful and this is definatly something I wouldn't mind waking up to every day. I had hoped to get in some early morning practice so I could try to get a gig at this wedding that's going on (I think we know which one I'm talking about) but this beats a gig any day. I kiss Surprise on the forhead and lay quietly beside her until she wakes up.

After a while Surprise’s eyes slowly drift open. they find you and she smiles. then suddenly her yeys widen and she releases you from her grip. “Omygosh. I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have told you to keep your hooves to yourself and then not keep my Hooves to myself! Ohmygosh I feel like such a terrible awful Pony!”

Good afternoon Luna. I couldn't help but notice how much you loved carnival games ever since last Nightmare Night. If you're not too busy tomorrow night, would you like to go to the carnival with me? After that, we could go lie down in some open fields and gaze up at the beautiful night you created.

“Fortunately, I believe that I can convince my sister to allow me a break from my royal duties for one day. If so I shall meet you at this fairground. If I am unable to then I shall send word to your place of residence. I hope that I can see you then.”

Chaos Look at his hooves then nervously walk's up to The Great and Powerful Trixie."Good Morning Trixie i wanted to know would you like to Practice Spells together tommorow at 8:00 Am?... then after words we could go to SugerCube Corner and grab some lunch? what do you say?"

(okay,before I reply to this, why are you assuming that Trixie is in Ponyville? why would she be in ponyville? She wouldn’t be. So let’s just spin the wheel of random towns and say that you’re in... Baltimare. I’ll substitute Sugarcube corner for something else, let’s say... Rosemary’s bakery. Why not? okay. with that out of the way...)

Trixie looks at you with calculated disdain. “What makes you think that you could possibly keep up with the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie?” She asks haughtily. “You are quite presumptuous. However, because the Great and Powerful Trixie is Feeling Generous, She shall meet you as requested. Now begone. Trixie needs her rest.”

Stella grinned in delight. "Great! I'm free from 4:00pm tomorrow, any time is fine with me." Stella blushed and crossed her front legs shyly.

(Reply Denied Because you failed to respond to the interest renewal PM last month. Please Re-submit your application if you wish to continue getting replies.)

Edited by Oh So Powerful Pagey
  • Brohoof 3

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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And now, the moment you've all been waiting far too long for: Replies!

The Stallion looks around cautiously. “I’ve said too much already. Just tell her what I said, oh. and give her this.” He passes you a note containing what appears to be a random jumble of numbers, letters and pictograms. “As for the train, It should be moving again in...” He pulls out a watch. “3... 2... 1... Now.”


The train starts moving.


“Go back to her quickly. and consider this. If I’m wrong, then so are they.” And just like that, He’s gone.


Spike Shrugs. “Twilight does all kinds of weird stuff. You get used to it,” He says. His eyes light up when you mention gems. “Yeah! That sounds great! I help Rarity search for gems all the time, Of course she never lets me eat them...”


Vinyl Sighs. “Yeah, I was A little Bi-Curious. For quite a while actually...”

Spitfire Flies at you. “Who are you calling soft?” When she hits you, it’s quite hard indeed. “But If you aren’t going to fight back, That will just make it easier for me!”She turns to Vinyl. “Hey there. How’s life?” She nods towards you. “He seems nice.” She lifts you up and tosses you into a nearby wall.She approaches you as you stumble to your feet. she grabs you by the collar “You really think you can stand a chance against a wonderbolt, bro?” She reels back and hits you so hard you fly a good four feet. “Some competition you are.”You look up and see her walking away. She’s done with you, or at least she thinks she is...


Octavia raised an eyebrow (Figuratively. You know what I mean.). “If my solo is all it takes to pique your interests in actual music, I should find myself wondering about the strength of your mind,” she replies, though it is obvious that she’s flattered, both by your compliment and recognition.



(nothing I can do about this. Meta Doesn’t have Doc Powers anymore, so he’s going to have to reply to this as an independent Post.)



Gilda puts a talon to her beak. Well, It wouldn’t be very cool to get kicked out... aww what the heck, this party’s lame anyway. What kind of Chaos do you have in mind?”


“Hear what?”


“Oh. That.”


“I think It’s getting closer...”

Suddenly, A giant Scorpion Comes into view, clearing trees out of it’s path with giant Claws. “Well. That Doesn’t look very friendly.”

The Scorpion monster stops and seems to survey it’s surroundings. then it suddenly turns and charges straight at you, one of it’s massive claws reaching out to grab you by the neck...


((Being Understanding: +1

Post score: +1

Total Score: 5))


Captain Blue is already there when you find the boat. He helps you to quietly load your supplies onto it. “Where’s Daring?” you whisper to him.

“She said she Had to go find a few other things,” He whispers back.




Daring slowly eased the door open and peeked inside tentatively. Captain Pinkbeard was asleep, face down on his mahogany desk, his voluminous beard spread out over his maps and charts. Daring sighs inwardly. She opens the door the rest of the way and sneaks slowly into the captain’s cabin. Her eyes move quickly, scanning for- There! an open trunk filled with various articles of clothing. she made her way slowly over to it, at one point, she stepped on a board that creaked, and froze in terror when the captain grunted in response.


she stood there for nearly a minute, waiting to make sure the pirate hadn’t woken up. then she resumed her slow crawl to the trunk. when she finally reached it she was relieved to see her vest sitting on the top of the pile. Being very careful not to make too much noise, Daring stripped off her dress and placed it in the trunk, ‘I won’t be needing that anymore,’ she thought. then she picked up her vest and put it on. ‘there we go, I’m starting to feel like my old self again, now where’s my- Ah.’ Her pith helmet was hanging from a rack a little to her left. ste turned slowly towards it and reached out. grabbing it from the hook and dropping it on her head. ‘now to get out of here without getting caught...’ She turned and began walking back the way she had come. as she passed Pinkbeard passed out over his desk, she noticed something. the map she had found in the grotto. She altered her course. afyter a few more tense moments, she found herself next to Pinkbeard’s desk. she quickly scooped up the map and stowed it under one of her wings. she was about to leave, when she noticed a quill sitting next to a blank sheet of parchment. ‘well, as long as I’m here...’ She slid the parchment in front of her and began to write.


“Dear Captain Pinkbeard.


Thank you for your hospitality, but I am afraid that this bird must fly away now. Thank you for the map, and I sincerely hope that we shan’t meet again.


Yours Truly, Daring Do. : )


P.S. Your beard looks stupid.”


When she had finished the letter, she slowly made her way to the door, which she closed silently behind her.


“Where have you been?” Captain Blue grumps when Daring finally appears.


“Well, we’d have a rough time finding the treasure without the map, wouldn’t we?” Daring replies. “Besides, I go nowhere without my pith helmet. Now come on, let’s get this boat in the water.”


Suddenly, a pirate appears on the other side of the deck and spots you. “Hey! What’s going on over there?”


“Aww. Horseapples.” Daring Curses.


(I did some basic editing to your post. It’s not really what I’m supposed to do, but it now shows how I interpreted it. Also, it makes sense, the sentences aren’t run-ons, and conveys a sense that the person who typed it is in high school. IE, it isn’t making whatever OCD sense I have with these things go nuts)


Lyra looked you over and giggled, “You’re a cute one, aren’t you. I’m sure Bon Bon’ll be down any minute, probably to stop me from talking too much and disturbing the customers. I’m Lyra!” She holds out a hoof for him to shake.



Luna Does not Respond to you. “Guards!” She calls. A pair of Dark coated royal guards Appeared at Her side. “Please Escort Mr. Grin to his chamber.” She turns back to you. “We shall discuss your first assignment in detail shortly. but it must wait until we are done here.


“Um your majesty?” One of the guards speaks up. “Are we supposed to take him to the good chamber or the bad chamber?


“The Newly Refurbished Chamber.” Luna replies.


“... Wait which one are we talking about?” The second guard asks.


“The one that used to be the bad chamber, until the recent refurbishing, that is.” Celestia chimes in. “of course, we’ve been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them...”


Luna Rolls her eyes. “Yes, yes, Sister. Ahem. Take him to the refurbished chamber that was once bad!”


((You flew away before Dash could respond, so I’m just going to skip to the score. For the next reply, just say ‘So-and-so tme later,’ and try again.

Being a Griffon (she will get over that eventually) -1

Caring about her health +2

Post Score: +1

Total Score: 2))



“We should Probably Leave them alone now.” Twilight says. “Spying on them probably wasn’t my best idea anyway.” She looks at you for a long moment. “Sooo... What now?”


You didn’t actually interact with Derpy, so... she’s still wandering away from you. At some point, she stops in front of a window and starts staring at the sky. “Oooh, pretty...”


Soarin looks around angrily, “I think he’s cruisin’ for a bruisin’. Nopony walks in and just puts the beat down on ponies, especially the PIE ponies. That’s just... just cruel!”


Garble Glares Back at you. “I’m wrecking the place. What are you gonna do about it Pony? Friend Me to death?”


“I think this one needs a more Hooves-On Approach” Spitfire says.


He didn’t really drop apples. In fact, it seemed as if when he did drop apples, it was on purpose. “Err... Don’t know...” He was beginning to blush.


“Y’all needed your rest.” AJ says. “besides, I tried to wake ya, but y’all were really out of it, So I decided just ta’ let it be.” When you buck the tree she looks at the single apple that fell out. “Oh, Ah missed one! Thanks.” She Picks it up and puts it in one of the buckets. “An’ as fer Big Mac. He’s shy around other ponies, but around family he tends ta open up more.” You think about that for a moment, and realize that it means that Big Macintosh is beginning to think of you as family. “Now, How about helpin’ me load these here buckets onto the cart?”


“Well, Yeah.” Flitter Says. “Today was supposed to be our day, But then she suddenly wants to hang out with some Colt I’ve never heard of.” She looks you over thoughtfully. “Although now that you’re here I can see why.”


You are about to say something. when Cloudchaser appears. “Alright, I’m here.” She says. Oh. I see you two have already met. “


“Yep!” Flitter replies.


“Sorry I’m late, My roommate needed to talk to me about moving out. Well, I guess that makes him my ex roommate now...”


When you exit the library the next day, the first thing you see is Discord dressed in a fancy suit made entirely out of Hay Bacon Strips. He waves when he sees you. “There you are!” He pulls a strip off his coat and offers it to you. “Want some Hay Bacon?”


Cloudchaser Looks up at you as you enter. Oh, Hi, Jordo, What’s up? I have to meet my Sister and some guy I met yesterday at sugarcube corner in five minutes. If I’m not on time Flitter’s going to start flirting with him again...”


“It’sa fine,” comes a slight japonyese accent. “You wanta in one hour? Okay, uhwhat is your name?” It would appear to be Lotus who answered, as Aloe was in the back.


The door flies open almost instantly, and a pair of pink hooves pull you into the room. “Yay! You’re here! I was just about to come and find you!” as you are pulled inside you notice a single chair situated right in front of the doorway surrounded by empty cupcake wrappers. you wonder just how long she’s been waiting there. “So now that you’re here whaddya wanna do first?”


After a while Surprise’s eyes slowly drift open. they find you and she smiles. then suddenly her yeys widen and she releases you from her grip. “Omygosh. I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have told you to keep your hooves to yourself and then not keep my Hooves to myself! Ohmygosh I feel like such a terrible awful Pony!”


“Fortunately, I believe that I can convince my sister to allow me a break from my royal duties for one day. If so I shall meet you at this fairground. If I am unable to then I shall send word to your place of residence. I hope that I can see you then.”


(okay,before I reply to this, why are you assuming that Trixie is in Ponyville? why would she be in ponyville? She wouldn’t be. So let’s just spin the wheel of random towns and say that you’re in... Baltimare. I’ll substitute Sugarcube corner for something else, let’s say... Rosemary’s bakery. Why not? okay. with that out of the way...)


Trixie looks at you with calculated disdain. “What makes you think that you could possibly keep up with the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie?” She asks haughtily. “You are quite presumptuous. However, because the Great and Powerful Trixie is Feeling Generous, She shall meet you as requested. Now begone. Trixie needs her rest.”


(Reply Denied Because you failed to respond to the interest renewal PM last month. Please Re-submit your application if you wish to continue getting replies.)


Jesse smirked. "No, I'm going to kick you out of this place. I'm gonna give you one last chance to leave quietly. Sound good?"


Garble sneered and just punched me in the face. Much to Garble's shock, I wasn't even phased!


Jesse: "Well, I tried."


Before you and Soarin could help, you witness an Earth Pony beating up 3 dragons.


Garble and his friends try to stirke me, but I keep dodging and hitting them with special martial arts techniques. I manage to get them outside of the building. Angrily, Garble fires up his breath. "You're gonna pay kid!"


I take an upright stance and bring y front hooves together. "Ka....me....ha....me......" Energy in the form of a blue ball between m hooves. I shoot it outward. "HAAAAAAAA" the energy hits Garble and his friend, sending them up in the air and sending them far awa without killing them.


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The door flies open almost instantly, and a pair of pink hooves pull you into the room. “Yay! You’re here! I was just about to come and find you!” as you are pulled inside you notice a single chair situated right in front of the doorway surrounded by empty cupcake wrappers. you wonder just how long she’s been waiting there. “So now that you’re here whaddya wanna do first?”

"Woah... How long have you been waiting here for me to come..?" He said surprisingly. "Well, I made this plan for the day for us to do things." He shows her the list of things they will do today. "First up, we go to the zoo, second we go to the park to take a stroll, third we can head over to the lake to take a swim and finally we head back home so we can have a sleepover if you'd like that, or if you're not okay with the final thing we can always cross it out. Alright, Pinkie! Let's go to the zoo!" He grabs one of Pinkie's hooves and drags her along to the zoo.

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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“It’sa fine,” comes a slight japonyese accent. “You wanta in one hour? Okay, uhwhat is your name?” It would appear to be Lotus who answered, as Aloe was in the back.


Nightraxx blushed at the unexpected slight accent in Lotus's voice. He found it to be very adorable and exotic. He then answered in a polite manner. "My name is Nightraxx, it is a delight to meet you. And yes, in one hour would be great. I am glad that there is time."


Nightraxx looked around and admired the neat and relaxing working environment, which was the spa. "I really look forward to the appointment." He looked a little down in shyness. "And to talk to you..."

Edited by Nightraxx
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Vinyl Sighs. “Yeah, I was A little Bi-Curious. For quite a while actually...”

Spitfire Flies at you. “Who are you calling soft?” When she hits you, it’s quite hard indeed. “But If you aren’t going to fight back, That will just make it easier for me!”She turns to Vinyl. “Hey there. How’s life?” She nods towards you. “He seems nice.” She lifts you up and tosses you into a nearby wall.She approaches you as you stumble to your feet. she grabs you by the collar “You really think you can stand a chance against a wonderbolt, bro?” She reels back and hits you so hard you fly a good four feet. “Some competition you are.”You look up and see her walking away. She’s done with you, or at least she thinks she is...


Octavia raised an eyebrow (Figuratively. You know what I mean.). “If my solo is all it takes to pique your interests in actual music, I should find myself wondering about the strength of your mind,” she replies, though it is obvious that she’s flattered, both by your compliment and recognition.

Paradox spits a little blood onto the ground, then proceeds to get up. "Hey, I'm not through here yet!" He starts to follow Spitfire, speedily catching up. "Hey, I said-!" He Grabs her shoulder and turns her around to find... A completely different mare. A confused look spreads across his face.




(OOC: Ouch. That hurt, man. XD)

Another insult? Why is shy being so... Defensive, I wonder? Well, I guess I'll have to try a bit harder... "Well, really, now, it does seem like, after all these years of just listening to the stuff Vinyl plays on the radio, I've become accustomed to it..." He looked up at her. "But I guess winning these tickets and coming here, seeing the Orchestra play, seeing YOU play.... I guess it really opened my ears to a better kind of music. One that takes a lot of skill, by the looks of it. More than just putting in noises on a computer." He smiled again.

  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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“Y’all needed your rest.” AJ says. “besides, I tried to wake ya, but y’all were really out of it, So I decided just ta’ let it be.” When you buck the tree she looks at the single apple that fell out. “Oh, Ah missed one! Thanks.” She Picks it up and puts it in one of the buckets. “An’ as fer Big Mac. He’s shy around other ponies, but around family he tends ta open up more.” You think about that for a moment, and realize that it means that Big Macintosh is beginning to think of you as family. “Now, How about helpin’ me load these here buckets onto the cart?”


Well, I guess I must be stupid family, to have forgotten something as silly as the breaks on a cart. Ugg, wake up Dawn, and try not to stay up past midnight writing! "You got it." He picked up a bucket and flew it to the cart. When all the buckets were placed in the cart, he made sure the break was no longer on, then hitched himself back in it. "Where to, boss?" he grinned playfully.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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And now, the moment you've all been waiting far too long for: Replies!



Animae smiles widely "Now that's the spirit. Hmmmm.. we could sneak into the staff areas.... Get the captain drunk.... Hrmmm We're going to have to improvise, unless you've got anything on you we can use. I came a little unprepared" he laughs, thoroughly loosening up towards her,  though still with a slight awkward air around him.

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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-the next day, 12:00p.m.-

Sole sighed as he flew up to rainbow dash's cloud home "hope she's feeling okay." He mumbled, as he knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He turned to see rainbow dash resting on a nearby cloud, he smiled and flew over "hey dash" he said happily, as he landed lightly on the cloud "are you ready for our... um... race!" He said after a moments hesitation "but you can keep on sleeping if ya want to, either way is fine with me." He said happily.

((Hope that doesn't qualify as godmodding...))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Well if you have anything in mind that you need help with then tell me I will be more then happy to help you with some of your chores" Luna said trying be as helpful as she can. "Well if you don't have any more chores for today then I could help you tomorrow with some chores if you like" Luna said.

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After a while Surprise’s eyes slowly drift open. they find you and she smiles. then suddenly her yeys widen and she releases you from her grip. “Omygosh. I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have told you to keep your hooves to yourself and then not keep my Hooves to myself! Ohmygosh I feel like such a terrible awful Pony!”


I put my hoof to Surprise's mouth and smile. "Don't worry Surprise. Waking up with you this close to me feels.... nice. Now why don't you go take a shower while I make some breakfast," I tell her before sliding out from under the covers and walking to the kit hen and making some hay browns with hay bacon.

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(okay,before I reply to this, why are you assuming that Trixie is in Ponyville? why would she be in ponyville? She wouldn’t be. So let’s just spin the wheel of random towns and say that you’re in... Baltimare. I’ll substitute Sugarcube corner for something else, let’s say... Rosemary’s bakery. Why not? okay. with that out of the way...) Trixie looks at you with calculated disdain. “What makes you think that you could possibly keep up with the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie?” She asks haughtily. “You are quite presumptuous. However, because the Great and Powerful Trixie is Feeling Generous, She shall meet you as requested. Now begone. Trixie needs her rest.”  


Chaos Sighed as he walked away he though to himself"this is gonna be hard to show her my Feelings"Sighing once more Chaos went home to take a break from the day he had... His SIster was not home at the Moment.. Chaos was Glady for this.. he quickly ate dinner. and rushed off to bed.. after pulling up the sheets Chaos though "I Will Show Her How i feel Tommrow and i'll show her im as great as her!!"He fell asleep happy.


Local Rarity Lover.

Massive Equestria Girls Fan.


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You didn’t actually interact with Derpy, so... she’s still wandering away from you. At some point, she stops in front of a window and starts staring at the sky. “Oooh, pretty...”


Straightening himself up, Glitch trotted over to Derpy. "What?" he asked. "Oh, the stars. Yeah, they are quite... beautiful..." Glitch went silent as he stared out the airship windows. He had never seen anything quite as beautiful. They way the twinkled brightly in the sky against the black backdrop of space struck a chord within him. He couldn't quite place his hoof on why they resonated so deeply with him, they just did. As he gazed out, Glitch felt a lump in his throat and warm tears began to stream down his face. He made small noises in the back of his mouth. Glitch tried to shut himself up, but he decided he didn't want to.

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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Windy tried (and failed) to suppress the urge to quirk an eyebrow at Cloudchaser's roommate woes. "Yeah, its no problem that you were late, Flitter and I were just getting acquainted. And, maybe this is a bit... forward, but if you need a new roommate, I might be able to. I mean, my job doesn't exactly have me rolling in the bits, and living on my own, even in a tiny cottage, will always be more expensive then being able to split the cost with a roommate. You can think on it for a while, time isn't of the essence for me. Anyways, let's go have fun!" Windy exclaimed, heading towards the entrance to Sugarcube Corner. 

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Captain Blue is already there when you find the boat. He helps you to quietly load your supplies onto it. “Where’s Daring?” you whisper to him. “She said she Had to go find a few other things,” He whispers back. Meanwhile, Daring slowly eased the door open and peeked inside tentatively. Captain Pinkbeard was asleep, face down on his mahogany desk, his voluminous beard spread out over his maps and charts. Daring sighs inwardly. She opens the door the rest of the way and sneaks slowly into the captain’s cabin. Her eyes move quickly, scanning for- There! an open trunk filled with various articles of clothing. she made her way slowly over to it, at one point, she stepped on a board that creaked, and froze in terror when the captain grunted in response. she stood there for nearly a minute, waiting to make sure the pirate hadn’t woken up. then she resumed her slow crawl to the trunk. when she finally reached it she was relieved to see her vest sitting on the top of the pile. Being very careful not to make too much noise, Daring stripped off her dress and placed it in the trunk, ‘I won’t be needing that anymore,’ she thought. then she picked up her vest and put it on. ‘there we go, I’m starting to feel like my old self again, now where’s my- Ah.’ Her pith helmet was hanging from a rack a little to her left. ste turned slowly towards it and reached out. grabbing it from the hook and dropping it on her head. ‘now to get out of here without getting caught...’ She turned and began walking back the way she had come. as she passed Pinkbeard passed out over his desk, she noticed something. the map she had found in the grotto. She altered her course. afyter a few more tense moments, she found herself next to Pinkbeard’s desk. she quickly scooped up the map and stowed it under one of her wings. she was about to leave, when she noticed a quill sitting next to a blank sheet of parchment. ‘well, as long as I’m here...’ She slid the parchment in front of her and began to write. “Dear Captain Pinkbeard. Thank you for your hospitality, but I am afraid that this bird must fly away now. Thank you for the map, and I sincerely hope that we shan’t meet again. Yours Truly, Daring Do. : ) P.S. Your beard looks stupid.” When she had finished the letter, she slowly made her way to the door, which she closed silently behind her. ---- “Where have you been?” Captain Blue grumps when Daring finally appears. “Well, we’d have a rough time finding the treasure without the map, wouldn’t we?” Daring replies. “Besides, I go nowhere without my pith helmet. Now come on, let’s get this boat in the water.” Suddenly, a pirate appears on the other side of the deck and spots you. “Hey! What’s going on over there?” “Aww. Horseapples.” Daring Curses.  


"What do you think is going on here, sailor?!" Steel immediately addressed the pirate. He blinked and took a step back.


"Uhhhhhh it looks like you are helping with an escape plan!" He said as if he was answering a question in class. Steel rolled his eyes in exasperation. 


"What I'm doing is taking the prisoners out for punishment." He turned back to the crew. "LOAD THAT FASTER! I want that boat to be practically sinking when it hits the water! Give ya extra incentive to make yer rounds around the ship faster!" Steel turned back to the confused pirate. "Meanwhile, I'm sure you have somewhere better to be." He patted his sword with his wing.


When the pirate wasn't looking, Steel winked at Daring.

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(nothing I can do about this. Meta Doesn’t have Doc Powers anymore, so he’s going to have to reply to this as an independent Post.)


(OOC: Doc Powers? In that case, I have to wait for Meta, in other words. But do you know when he'll reply or whatever? It's just I haven't seen a whole lot of him in the Roleplay as much, or maybe he has, but I haven't really checked for his posts in the Roleplay or whatever.)

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Twilight Smiles. “So, you’re ready for the next one? wait there.” Twilight goes upstairs. “Spike!” she calls. “Send it!.” You hear a burst of dragon fire, Followed by a long silence. finally, the sound repeats, and twilight comes back downstairs levitating a slightly scorched scroll in front of her. “Alright She’s ready for you. meet her in the park next to the statue of Smart Cookie.”



Alex waited for a while before Twilight came back for him to tell him of his next mystery pony.  "The statue of Smart Cookie, huh?  Okay, I'll be there."  Alex said to her, trying to sound cheerful.  He hovered over to the door and opened it before he could fly out for the park. He passed by the Sugarcube Corner and the Mayor's office as he found the park at the center of the town.  It was as lively as ever, seeing ponies of various ages at play with one another.  He looked down and saw the bronze statue of a pony.  He descended down to it and looked upon the name of it on the plaque.  Sure enough, it was called by Smart Cookie.  "Okay, I'm here now.  Guess it's just time for me to wait for my mystery mare..."  Alex said to himself as he waited expectantly around the statue for something to happen.



Edited by Sam Avalon

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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(All right, half the replies. Next coming up as soon as they come up. I may or may not have to clean a car soon.)




Windy tried (and failed) to suppress the urge to quirk an eyebrow at Cloudchaser's roommate woes. "Yeah, its no problem that you were late, Flitter and I were just getting acquainted. And, maybe this is a bit... forward, but if you need a new roommate, I might be able to. I mean, my job doesn't exactly have me rolling in the bits, and living on my own, even in a tiny cottage, will always be more expensive then being able to split the cost with a roommate. You can think on it for a while, time isn't of the essence for me. Anyways, let's go have fun!" Windy exclaimed, heading towards the entrance to Sugarcube Corner. 


(Thanks Page. I have a ton to go off here and all. Thanks for leaving me a basic direction and all. You know, writers courtesy. *Sigh*)


Flitter blushes as you mention her, and Cloud gives a slight eyeroll, though you don't think it was directed at you. "After you, Windy." You lead them inside, and now you get to decide what to do next because I am far to lazy to come up with something fun in Sugar Cube Corner with Pinkie out. Good luck mate.


Straightening himself up, Glitch trotted over to Derpy. "What?" he asked. "Oh, the stars. Yeah, they are quite... beautiful..." Glitch went silent as he stared out the airship windows. He had never seen anything quite as beautiful. They way the twinkled brightly in the sky against the black backdrop of space struck a chord within him. He couldn't quite place his hoof on why they resonated so deeply with him, they just did. As he gazed out, Glitch felt a lump in his throat and warm tears began to stream down his face. He made small noises in the back of his mouth. Glitch tried to shut himself up, but he decided he didn't want to.


Derpy looks back at you and tilts her head. The stars manage to compliment her eyes and dress nicely, but she seems to be looking at you weirdly. "Glitch, are you choking?"


Chaos Sighed as he walked away he though to himself"this is gonna be hard to show her my Feelings"Sighing once more Chaos went home to take a break from the day he had... His SIster was not home at the Moment.. Chaos was Glady for this.. he quickly ate dinner. and rushed off to bed.. after pulling up the sheets Chaos though "I Will Show Her How i feel Tommrow and i'll show her im as great as her!!"He fell asleep happy.


(You fell asleep without interaction. Not a ton I can do for you man, sorry)


I put my hoof to Surprise's mouth and smile. "Don't worry Surprise. Waking up with you this close to me feels.... nice. Now why don't you go take a shower while I make some breakfast," I tell her before sliding out from under the covers and walking to the kit hen and making some hay browns with hay bacon.


She blushes, clearly embarressed, "Bad, bad me! He is not Mr. Fuzzles!" She strides quickly into the bathroom and closes the door. You hear it lock, and the shower start running.


(Notes for Page; Fuzzles = Teddy Bear)


"Well if you have anything in mind that you need help with then tell me I will be more then happy to help you with some of your chores" Luna said trying be as helpful as she can. "If you don't have any more chores for today then I could help you tomorrow with some chores if you like" Luna said.

"Okay," he says, non-comitally. He sees some white pegasus struggling with a different cart and goes to help him. You get the impression that this isn't the first time this particular pegasi has had a problem with a cart. You also get the feeling that Big Mac does not expect you to follow him.)


-the next day, 12:00p.m.-
Sole sighed as he flew up to rainbow dash's cloud home "hope she's feeling okay." He mumbled, as he knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He turned to see rainbow dash resting on a nearby cloud, he smiled and flew over "hey dash" he said happily, as he landed lightly on the cloud "are you ready for our... um... race!" He said after a moments hesitation "but you can keep on sleeping if ya want to, either way is fine with me." He said happily.
((Hope that doesn't qualify as godmodding...))


She nods, "Ya, ya, in a minute. I'll be right over." She turns over and stretches in the cloud.


(Being a Griffon: -.5

Showing up: + .5

Giving her a choice: +1

Being Passive: -1

Post Score: 2)




Animae smiles widely "Now that's the spirit. Hmmmm.. we could sneak into the staff areas.... Get the captain drunk.... Hrmmm We're going to have to improvise, unless you've got anything on you we can use. I came a little unprepared" he laughs, thoroughly loosening up towards her,  though still with a slight awkward air around him.

(Ugg, no offense dude but I hate Gilda with a burning passion. That's why I shoved this over to Page as soon as it came up. I know to many people like her in real life.)


Gilda smiles menacingly, "We could steal the records for the DJ Stand. Their lame anyway, nobody'd miss them."


Paradox spits a little blood onto the ground, then proceeds to get up. "Hey, I'm not through here yet!" He starts to follow Spitfire, speedily catching up. "Hey, I said-!" He Grabs her shoulder and turns her around to find... A completely different mare. A confused look spreads across his face.




(OOC: Ouch. That hurt, man. XD)

Another insult? Why is shy being so... Defensive, I wonder? Well, I guess I'll have to try a bit harder... "Well, really, now, it does seem like, after all these years of just listening to the stuff Vinyl plays on the radio, I've become accustomed to it..." He looked up at her. "But I guess winning these tickets and coming here, seeing the Orchestra play, seeing YOU play.... I guess it really opened my ears to a better kind of music. One that takes a lot of skill, by the looks of it. More than just putting in noises on a computer." He smiled again.

The mare looks him up and down, and gives him a look that asks, Are you high? She flies away as Vinyl walks up to you. "Ahh man, tough break. I wouldn't worry about it, she'll be back. Let's get a drink or something." She looks slightly worried, and gives off the impression that she kind of wants to leave.


She smiles, "Even I am not immune to flattery it seems. Did you want an autograph, or were you just here to meet the backstage?" She turns to put her cello away.


Nightraxx blushed at the unexpected slight accent in Lotus's voice. He found it to be very adorable and exotic. He then answered in a polite manner. "My name is Nightraxx, it is a delight to meet you. And yes, in one hour would be great. I am glad that there is time."


Nightraxx looked around and admired the neat and relaxing working environment, which was the spa. "I really look forward to the appointment." He looked a little down in shyness. "And to talk to you..."

She blushes slightly, "You uhfunny guy. See you in hour." She turns back to the counter, seeming to be a tad busy at the moment.


"Woah... How long have you been waiting here for me to come..?" He said surprisingly. "Well, I made this plan for the day for us to do things." He shows her the list of things they will do today. "First up, we go to the zoo, second we go to the park to take a stroll, third we can head over to the lake to take a swim and finally we head back home so we can have a sleepover if you'd like that, or if you're not okay with the final thing we can always cross it out. Alright, Pinkie! Let's go to the zoo!" He grabs one of Pinkie's hooves and drags her along to the zoo.

Well, you start to drag her, but once she knows where you're going she begins to bounce quickly to the spot, dragging you. In no time at all, you find yourself at the entrance of the zoo, where Pinkie is ramboling about the last time she had a zoo party and some crazy conspiricy about a bannana, a monkey, and a toucan.


Jesse smirked. "No, I'm going to kick you out of this place. I'm gonna give you one last chance to leave quietly. Sound good?"


Garble sneered and just punched me in the face. Much to Garble's shock, I wasn't even phased!


Jesse: "Well, I tried."


Before you and Soarin could help, you witness an Earth Pony beating up 3 dragons.


Garble and his friends try to stirke me, but I keep dodging and hitting them with special martial arts techniques. I manage to get them outside of the building. Angrily, Garble fires up his breath. "You're gonna pay kid!"


I take an upright stance and bring y front hooves together. "Ka....me....ha....me......" Energy in the form of a blue ball between m hooves. I shoot it outward. "HAAAAAAAA" the energy hits Garble and his friend, sending them up in the air and sending them far awa without killing them.

(Please don't quote the whole response... It takes up a lot of extra space and tends to have an effect on Page's mood)


Soarin looks upon what just happened as if someone drugged his pie. "Umm, I think I'ma get on home now. See if I can't sleep off... whatever this is." He flies away.


Soarin looks at the nice sized hole in the wall from the blast and gives a faint smile, "Hate to be the stallion in charge of cleaning that mess up... Nice work with those dragons."



Alex waited for a while before Twilight came back for him to tell him of his next mystery pony.  "The statue of Smart Cookie, huh?  Okay, I'll be there."  Alex said to her, trying to sound cheerful.  He hovered over to the door and opened it before he could fly out for the park. He passed by the Sugarcube Corner and the Mayor's office as he found the park at the center of the town.  It was as lively as ever, seeing ponies of various ages at play with one another.  He looked down and saw the bronze statue of a pony.  He descended down to it and looked upon the name of it on the plaque.  Sure enough, it was called by Smart Cookie.  "Okay, I'm here now.  Guess it's just time for me to wait for my mystery mare..."  Alex said to himself as he waited expectantly around the statue for something to happen.



(Forgot who was next, so I'ma send Colgate your way.)

"So, you're the pony who Twilight asked me to talk with," she says, looking you over. She nods and sighs, mumbling, "Well, if anypony knows when you're working too hard, I'd say it's Twi..." She holds out a hoof, "My name is Colgate."

"What do you think is going on here, sailor?!" Steel immediately addressed the pirate. He blinked and took a step back.


"Uhhhhhh it looks like you are helping with an escape plan!" He said as if he was answering a question in class. Steel rolled his eyes in exasperation. 


"What I'm doing is taking the prisoners out for punishment." He turned back to the crew. "LOAD THAT FASTER! I want that boat to be practically sinking when it hits the water! Give ya extra incentive to make yer rounds around the ship faster!" Steel turned back to the confused pirate. "Meanwhile, I'm sure you have somewhere better to be." He patted his sword with his wing.


When the pirate wasn't looking, Steel winked at Daring.

(I'm not replying to you for a number of reasons:
1) I'm afraid to buck it up
2) Bucking it up would tick Page off exponentially
3) Page really likes doing your replies

4) I know Page should be coming back next week some time

5) I need to wash a car

6) I'm kinda hungry, so I'm going to eat first

7) No idea how those are reasons, but I gtg. Bye!)

  • Brohoof 5


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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//That's okay mah friend\\

Animae laughs, "After you then, you're the master at this" he smiles widely which had to be hard with a beak. His wings twitched, begging to be spread out in her presence and his long snake-like tail wagged gently, tickling random ponies

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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She blushes, clearly embarressed, "Bad, bad me! He is not Mr. Fuzzles!" She strides quickly into the bathroom and closes the door. You hear it lock, and the shower start running.


(Notes for Page; Fuzzles = Teddy Bear)


I chuckle at her slight embarrassment and go back to making breakfast. When I finish I lay it on the table and start trying to write a new song for that wedding.


"It started with a kiss

Next came the bliss

Now it's time for her white dress

Getting my suit pressed

Gotta make this move before it's all too late-


GAAAAAHHH, This sucks!" I shout, crumbling up the paper and throwing it on the floor.

Edited by Half-Note
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Alex looked over to his right and he saw a mare walk up to him.  She seemed to look at him with her eyes all up and down of him.  From what Alex could see, she was another unicorn mare just like Lyra.  This time, she had a light blue coat with various streaks of blue and light gray in her mane as well as her tail.  She held a Cutie Mark in the shape of an hourglass and wondered it meant to her.




"So, you're the pony who Twilight asked me to talk with," she says, looking you over. She nods and sighs, mumbling, "Well, if anypony knows when you're working too hard, I'd say it's Twi..." She holds out a hoof, "My name is Colgate."


Alex blinked for one second and reached out for Colgate's hoof to shake too.  "Yeah, I guess you're the one that she told me about.  My name is Alex.  Nice to meet you, Colgate."  Alex said to Colgate kindly.



Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"Hay Big Mac do you think that pony won't mind if I help to or should I just leave and come bsck tomorrow" Luna asked still wanting to help Big Mac with any problems that he has. "So would you like me to help with this pony if you don't mind" Luna asked in a polite voice.

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And now, the moment you've all been waiting far too long for: Replies!

The Stallion looks around cautiously. “I’ve said too much already. Just tell her what I said, oh. and give her this.” He passes you a note containing what appears to be a random jumble of numbers, letters and pictograms. “As for the train, It should be moving again in...” He pulls out a watch. “3... 2... 1... Now.”


The train starts moving.


“Go back to her quickly. and consider this. If I’m wrong, then so are they.” And just like that, He’s gone.


Spike Shrugs. “Twilight does all kinds of weird stuff. You get used to it,” He says. His eyes light up when you mention gems. “Yeah! That sounds great! I help Rarity search for gems all the time, Of course she never lets me eat them...”


Vinyl Sighs. “Yeah, I was A little Bi-Curious. For quite a while actually...”

Spitfire Flies at you. “Who are you calling soft?” When she hits you, it’s quite hard indeed. “But If you aren’t going to fight back, That will just make it easier for me!”She turns to Vinyl. “Hey there. How’s life?” She nods towards you. “He seems nice.” She lifts you up and tosses you into a nearby wall.She approaches you as you stumble to your feet. she grabs you by the collar “You really think you can stand a chance against a wonderbolt, bro?” She reels back and hits you so hard you fly a good four feet. “Some competition you are.”You look up and see her walking away. She’s done with you, or at least she thinks she is...


Octavia raised an eyebrow (Figuratively. You know what I mean.). “If my solo is all it takes to pique your interests in actual music, I should find myself wondering about the strength of your mind,” she replies, though it is obvious that she’s flattered, both by your compliment and recognition.



(nothing I can do about this. Meta Doesn’t have Doc Powers anymore, so he’s going to have to reply to this as an independent Post.)



Gilda puts a talon to her beak. Well, It wouldn’t be very cool to get kicked out... aww what the heck, this party’s lame anyway. What kind of Chaos do you have in mind?”


“Hear what?”


“Oh. That.”


“I think It’s getting closer...”

Suddenly, A giant Scorpion Comes into view, clearing trees out of it’s path with giant Claws. “Well. That Doesn’t look very friendly.”

The Scorpion monster stops and seems to survey it’s surroundings. then it suddenly turns and charges straight at you, one of it’s massive claws reaching out to grab you by the neck...


((Being Understanding: +1

Post score: +1

Total Score: 5))


Captain Blue is already there when you find the boat. He helps you to quietly load your supplies onto it. “Where’s Daring?” you whisper to him.

“She said she Had to go find a few other things,” He whispers back.




Daring slowly eased the door open and peeked inside tentatively. Captain Pinkbeard was asleep, face down on his mahogany desk, his voluminous beard spread out over his maps and charts. Daring sighs inwardly. She opens the door the rest of the way and sneaks slowly into the captain’s cabin. Her eyes move quickly, scanning for- There! an open trunk filled with various articles of clothing. she made her way slowly over to it, at one point, she stepped on a board that creaked, and froze in terror when the captain grunted in response.


she stood there for nearly a minute, waiting to make sure the pirate hadn’t woken up. then she resumed her slow crawl to the trunk. when she finally reached it she was relieved to see her vest sitting on the top of the pile. Being very careful not to make too much noise, Daring stripped off her dress and placed it in the trunk, ‘I won’t be needing that anymore,’ she thought. then she picked up her vest and put it on. ‘there we go, I’m starting to feel like my old self again, now where’s my- Ah.’ Her pith helmet was hanging from a rack a little to her left. ste turned slowly towards it and reached out. grabbing it from the hook and dropping it on her head. ‘now to get out of here without getting caught...’ She turned and began walking back the way she had come. as she passed Pinkbeard passed out over his desk, she noticed something. the map she had found in the grotto. She altered her course. afyter a few more tense moments, she found herself next to Pinkbeard’s desk. she quickly scooped up the map and stowed it under one of her wings. she was about to leave, when she noticed a quill sitting next to a blank sheet of parchment. ‘well, as long as I’m here...’ She slid the parchment in front of her and began to write.


“Dear Captain Pinkbeard.


Thank you for your hospitality, but I am afraid that this bird must fly away now. Thank you for the map, and I sincerely hope that we shan’t meet again.


Yours Truly, Daring Do. : )


P.S. Your beard looks stupid.”


When she had finished the letter, she slowly made her way to the door, which she closed silently behind her.


“Where have you been?” Captain Blue grumps when Daring finally appears.


“Well, we’d have a rough time finding the treasure without the map, wouldn’t we?” Daring replies. “Besides, I go nowhere without my pith helmet. Now come on, let’s get this boat in the water.”


Suddenly, a pirate appears on the other side of the deck and spots you. “Hey! What’s going on over there?”


“Aww. Horseapples.” Daring Curses.


(I did some basic editing to your post. It’s not really what I’m supposed to do, but it now shows how I interpreted it. Also, it makes sense, the sentences aren’t run-ons, and conveys a sense that the person who typed it is in high school. IE, it isn’t making whatever OCD sense I have with these things go nuts)


Lyra looked you over and giggled, “You’re a cute one, aren’t you. I’m sure Bon Bon’ll be down any minute, probably to stop me from talking too much and disturbing the customers. I’m Lyra!” She holds out a hoof for him to shake.



Luna Does not Respond to you. “Guards!” She calls. A pair of Dark coated royal guards Appeared at Her side. “Please Escort Mr. Grin to his chamber.” She turns back to you. “We shall discuss your first assignment in detail shortly. but it must wait until we are done here.


“Um your majesty?” One of the guards speaks up. “Are we supposed to take him to the good chamber or the bad chamber?


“The Newly Refurbished Chamber.” Luna replies.


“... Wait which one are we talking about?” The second guard asks.


“The one that used to be the bad chamber, until the recent refurbishing, that is.” Celestia chimes in. “of course, we’ve been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them...”


Luna Rolls her eyes. “Yes, yes, Sister. Ahem. Take him to the refurbished chamber that was once bad!”


((You flew away before Dash could respond, so I’m just going to skip to the score. For the next reply, just say ‘So-and-so tme later,’ and try again.

Being a Griffon (she will get over that eventually) -1

Caring about her health +2

Post Score: +1

Total Score: 2))



“We should Probably Leave them alone now.” Twilight says. “Spying on them probably wasn’t my best idea anyway.” She looks at you for a long moment. “Sooo... What now?”


You didn’t actually interact with Derpy, so... she’s still wandering away from you. At some point, she stops in front of a window and starts staring at the sky. “Oooh, pretty...”


Soarin looks around angrily, “I think he’s cruisin’ for a bruisin’. Nopony walks in and just puts the beat down on ponies, especially the PIE ponies. That’s just... just cruel!”


Garble Glares Back at you. “I’m wrecking the place. What are you gonna do about it Pony? Friend Me to death?”


“I think this one needs a more Hooves-On Approach” Spitfire says.


He didn’t really drop apples. In fact, it seemed as if when he did drop apples, it was on purpose. “Err... Don’t know...” He was beginning to blush.


“Y’all needed your rest.” AJ says. “besides, I tried to wake ya, but y’all were really out of it, So I decided just ta’ let it be.” When you buck the tree she looks at the single apple that fell out. “Oh, Ah missed one! Thanks.” She Picks it up and puts it in one of the buckets. “An’ as fer Big Mac. He’s shy around other ponies, but around family he tends ta open up more.” You think about that for a moment, and realize that it means that Big Macintosh is beginning to think of you as family. “Now, How about helpin’ me load these here buckets onto the cart?”


“Well, Yeah.” Flitter Says. “Today was supposed to be our day, But then she suddenly wants to hang out with some Colt I’ve never heard of.” She looks you over thoughtfully. “Although now that you’re here I can see why.”


You are about to say something. when Cloudchaser appears. “Alright, I’m here.” She says. Oh. I see you two have already met. “


“Yep!” Flitter replies.


“Sorry I’m late, My roommate needed to talk to me about moving out. Well, I guess that makes him my ex roommate now...”


When you exit the library the next day, the first thing you see is Discord dressed in a fancy suit made entirely out of Hay Bacon Strips. He waves when he sees you. “There you are!” He pulls a strip off his coat and offers it to you. “Want some Hay Bacon?”


Cloudchaser Looks up at you as you enter. Oh, Hi, Jordo, What’s up? I have to meet my Sister and some guy I met yesterday at sugarcube corner in five minutes. If I’m not on time Flitter’s going to start flirting with him again...”


“It’sa fine,” comes a slight japonyese accent. “You wanta in one hour? Okay, uhwhat is your name?” It would appear to be Lotus who answered, as Aloe was in the back.


The door flies open almost instantly, and a pair of pink hooves pull you into the room. “Yay! You’re here! I was just about to come and find you!” as you are pulled inside you notice a single chair situated right in front of the doorway surrounded by empty cupcake wrappers. you wonder just how long she’s been waiting there. “So now that you’re here whaddya wanna do first?”


After a while Surprise’s eyes slowly drift open. they find you and she smiles. then suddenly her yeys widen and she releases you from her grip. “Omygosh. I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have told you to keep your hooves to yourself and then not keep my Hooves to myself! Ohmygosh I feel like such a terrible awful Pony!”


“Fortunately, I believe that I can convince my sister to allow me a break from my royal duties for one day. If so I shall meet you at this fairground. If I am unable to then I shall send word to your place of residence. I hope that I can see you then.”


(okay,before I reply to this, why are you assuming that Trixie is in Ponyville? why would she be in ponyville? She wouldn’t be. So let’s just spin the wheel of random towns and say that you’re in... Baltimare. I’ll substitute Sugarcube corner for something else, let’s say... Rosemary’s bakery. Why not? okay. with that out of the way...)


Trixie looks at you with calculated disdain. “What makes you think that you could possibly keep up with the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie?” She asks haughtily. “You are quite presumptuous. However, because the Great and Powerful Trixie is Feeling Generous, She shall meet you as requested. Now begone. Trixie needs her rest.”


(Reply Denied Because you failed to respond to the interest renewal PM last month. Please Re-submit your application if you wish to continue getting replies.)


“I am Fireblaze, you must be Bon Bon friend and it nice to meet you Lyra.” As Blaze kiss Lyra hoof showing of a gentleman to her while he was looking around and smiles to her. “May I come in and sit down since I have been walking all the way here.”  While he was thinking about something and was smiling too.

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“I am Fireblaze, you must be Bon Bon friend and it nice to meet you Lyra.” As Blaze kiss Lyra hoof showing of a gentleman to her while he was looking around and smiles to her. “May I come in and sit down since I have been walking all the way here.”  While he was thinking about something and was smiling too.

Lyra giggles as you kiss her hoof, "Oh, ya! Sure! Come right in!" She opens the door wider for you and gestures to a door, when Bon Bon walks down the stairs looking like she'd just gotten out of the shower. She stares curiously at the door, "Who's that Lyra?


""His name is Fireblaze. He was asking for you."


"Oh, ya. I think I've seen him around. Hello Fireblaze."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(All right, half the replies. Next coming up as soon as they come up. I may or may not have to clean a car soon.)




(Thanks Page. I have a ton to go off here and all. Thanks for leaving me a basic direction and all. You know, writers courtesy. *Sigh*)


Flitter blushes as you mention her, and Cloud gives a slight eyeroll, though you don't think it was directed at you. "After you, Windy." You lead them inside, and now you get to decide what to do next because I am far to lazy to come up with something fun in Sugar Cube Corner with Pinkie out. Good luck mate.




Derpy looks back at you and tilts her head. The stars manage to compliment her eyes and dress nicely, but she seems to be looking at you weirdly. "Glitch, are you choking?"




(You fell asleep without interaction. Not a ton I can do for you man, sorry)




She blushes, clearly embarressed, "Bad, bad me! He is not Mr. Fuzzles!" She strides quickly into the bathroom and closes the door. You hear it lock, and the shower start running.


(Notes for Page; Fuzzles = Teddy Bear)



"Okay," he says, non-comitally. He sees some white pegasus struggling with a different cart and goes to help him. You get the impression that this isn't the first time this particular pegasi has had a problem with a cart. You also get the feeling that Big Mac does not expect you to follow him.)




She nods, "Ya, ya, in a minute. I'll be right over." She turns over and stretches in the cloud.


(Being a Griffon: -.5

Showing up: + .5

Giving her a choice: +1

Being Passive: -1

Post Score: 2)





(Ugg, no offense dude but I hate Gilda with a burning passion. That's why I shoved this over to Page as soon as it came up. I know to many people like her in real life.)


Gilda smiles menacingly, "We could steal the records for the DJ Stand. Their lame anyway, nobody'd miss them."



The mare looks him up and down, and gives him a look that asks, Are you high? She flies away as Vinyl walks up to you. "Ahh man, tough break. I wouldn't worry about it, she'll be back. Let's get a drink or something." She looks slightly worried, and gives off the impression that she kind of wants to leave.


She smiles, "Even I am not immune to flattery it seems. Did you want an autograph, or were you just here to meet the backstage?" She turns to put her cello away.



She blushes slightly, "You uhfunny guy. See you in hour." She turns back to the counter, seeming to be a tad busy at the moment.



Well, you start to drag her, but once she knows where you're going she begins to bounce quickly to the spot, dragging you. In no time at all, you find yourself at the entrance of the zoo, where Pinkie is ramboling about the last time she had a zoo party and some crazy conspiricy about a bannana, a monkey, and a toucan.



(Please don't quote the whole response... It takes up a lot of extra space and tends to have an effect on Page's mood)


Soarin looks upon what just happened as if someone drugged his pie. "Umm, I think I'ma get on home now. See if I can't sleep off... whatever this is." He flies away.


Soarin looks at the nice sized hole in the wall from the blast and gives a faint smile, "Hate to be the stallion in charge of cleaning that mess up... Nice work with those dragons."


(Forgot who was next, so I'ma send Colgate your way.)

"So, you're the pony who Twilight asked me to talk with," she says, looking you over. She nods and sighs, mumbling, "Well, if anypony knows when you're working too hard, I'd say it's Twi..." She holds out a hoof, "My name is Colgate."

(I'm not replying to you for a number of reasons:

1) I'm afraid to buck it up

2) Bucking it up would tick Page off exponentially

3) Page really likes doing your replies

4) I know Page should be coming back next week some time

5) I need to wash a car

6) I'm kinda hungry, so I'm going to eat first

7) No idea how those are reasons, but I gtg. Bye!)

sole grinned and landed next to her on the cloud "c'mon dash, your the fastest in equestria, don't slow don just to sleep!" He said challengingly "or you'll be second fastest after me of course!" He said with a smirk. "I came to race with the best, and that's what I'm gonna do, now let's go!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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“Hello Bon Bon and you look cute too.” Fireblaze saying as he came in, then sit down on the couch while looking at Bon Bon and Lyra too. “So how you two been? Since I did see you Bon Bon while I was going to the market get some food for my home and I do remember that cute hair style too.” Blaze saying as he was looking around and smiles while he was looking at them. “Nice house you got here and it really cute.”

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