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“Oh yes, I love Daring Do” Fluttershy says. “She’s Bold, She’s Beautiful, she’s adventurous, She’s not afraid of anything.” Fluttershy looks at the ground “She’s Everything I wish I could be...”


Jordo felt really bad for Fluttershy. He hardly knew her, but it was blatantly obvious that she had major confidence issues. Jordo didn't know why, she had no real reason to. She was very likable, and was quite gorgeous. Don't get him wrong, it was just an observation; Jordo only has eyes for Dash.


Maybe she was picked on? Jordo remembered a group of stallions would always hassle her in flight camp. He hated those guys growing up, they tried picking on him once, until Jordo knocked one of them out cold. Needless to say they didn't bother him anymore.


He was about to say something to comfort her when Shy beat him to the punch. He seemed very enthusiastic.


Jordo turns to Dash and whispers


"Jeez, well he's sure.... Passionate I guess."


They got to the concession stand and bought popcorn for him and Dash to share.


"Dash and I will head into the theater and save you two a spot."

Edited by Eljordo
  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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“Oh, I didn’t tell you? I’m putting together a party for Static Arc and Cheerilee tonight! there’s going to be Dancing, and games, Scratchy’s gonna do her DJ thing, It’s going to be super fun! And I need youuu,” she puts a hoof to your chest. “To help me make the Cupcakes for the party! It’s so great seeing two ponies in love isn’t it? I can’t think of anything more fun than being in love with somepony, can you?” she looks at you expectantly, awaiting your response.

(OOC : My character's gonna be tired as hell after this party XD)


He touches his chest and blushes a little but saying, "You want me to bake cupcakes with you?"


"Honestly speaking Pinkie, I'm terrible at baking" *looks down at the ground* "I might just mess everything up, if I help you bake your wonderful cupcakes for the party, but I'll go to the party."


He waits for a response, while taking small nibbles on the cupcakes he bought for the both of them to eat.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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Mal watched as Twilight talked to the new pony about borrowing a book. Mal the heard a knock at the door. "Don't worry, I'll get it." He said as he stood up. He was tired, each step took effort but he arrived at the door. 'Still light-headed, focus Mal, it's just the door.'

As he opened it he recognized the pony standing outside. "Well well well, if it isn't . How has it been? Here to borrow a book?" He said smiling at his old friend.

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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He dashes around Mal and pushes the door shut, quickly, "I swear, you tell Applebloom ONE TIME you're getting married to her sister and the whole town knows! Hey Mal, I see college dreams can come true. Do you have a minute?" Dawnpath rubs his head, looking around. He zips to a shelf, and stares straight at it; it was his book. "Are you kidding me? It's here, and everypony wants to stalk me anyways? I mean, if you let her go, Lyra will monologue for a full thirty minutes! Of course, I'm glad she actually read my book, but thirty minutes is a long time, especially when you find holes in her argument every now and then. Unimportant~ Mal, I gotta ask you something."


(The person you know as Mal told me to post this bit and then went to bed)


Mal sits him down, "Yeah, sure, what's on your mind."


Dawnpath looks over his shoulder, "Hey Twilight, you got a minute? This involves you too."

Edited by Dawnpath


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Vinyl Grins “Sure thing pinkie, We’ll both be there.”

“Hooray!” Pinkie Clops her Hooves together in excitement. “Oh, and before I forget, Didja Hear that Dawn and AJ got engaged? It’s so romantic! seeya later.”

“My, Ponies come and go so quickly here.” Vinyl notes. she looks at you. “Looks like we’ve got a party to get ready for.”


Wel, mostly it's Pinkie who speeds off like that, always trying to find somepony to cheer up. But, yea, I guess we should go start getting ready for it. There's not much to do to get ready though, right? I mean, all we really have to do is get cleaned up and find something nice to wear. Which reminds me, heh... I, uh, I should probably go to the Boutique to find something to wear. I don't actually have anything nice...


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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An engagement? Interesting. It's been over... 200 years since I've last been to a wedding? Hm. Maybe more. Anyways, I think I might make an appearance, if only to help me learn more... modern customs. I can see already that the world has changed it's culture, so we might as well see what it's done to one of the oldest ceremonies in existence.


Meta decided to keep reading for now. This was something to be thought about later.

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“Oh, It’s quite exhausting really, I love my friends dearly and of course I would never leave them hanging, but I must say that all of the running around and saving the world does wear on a lady such as myself.” She remains silent for a while. “It’s... an awful thing to say, but sometimes I wish I could just...give it up.”


"I can understand this. I am a colt who is quite fit and enjoys action, and still I can hardly imagine putting my life to risk on so many occasions. I am really impressed by your bravery and determination, Miss. You know yourself that you can't give up, but at least we can hope that better, more peaceful times lay ahead. And I will try and support you as good as possible, even if I might not be able to save Equestria like you." Wildcard answers smiling slightly and putting one hoof on Rarity's shoulder.


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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(OOC:I Have Put up an announcement on the OOC thread concerning quotes. if you have not seen it already please have a look now.)


((I didn't think she'd be Neighsian, but whatever works for you. Also, the accent that Vinyl has isn't as thick as AJ's, but it's how I talk.))


"Great. Also, I think there's a weddin' comin' up fer Applejack and Dawnpath. Would y'all wanna go to that too?" Vinyl laid down on the massage table and Lotus started massaging her. "Oh, it's great to get all this tension in my neck out."

“We only know Applejack-san through Rarity-sama, So I not know if we invited, but if we are invited, I would love go.” Lotus’s hooves move across you with practiced ease. “Oh my, You should come see me more, you get so much tension, always feels like first time.” She says. “What you do to get this way Blade-sama?”


(OOC: I can’t believe I forgot the honorifics in the previous reply. :( I am bad at otaku.)


(OOC: I find your reply hilarious. :lol:



"What the... aren´t them western ponies supposed to be able to whistle?" said Coco to herself, watching Braeburn from a near cloud. She was confused. But then she realised she got the reply, took a deep breath and landed on the ground. She couldn´t see very well with her glasses lying somewhere around, so it was easier for her to look at Braeburn.

"Uhm.. thank you. So..?"

“Hey there! ya’ll have any place in mind for where ya’ll want ta go? mah cousin Applejack makes the finest Cider in Equestria, I suppose we should head on over to the Salt Block and have some. After that I can give you the tour of AAAAAAAAAAAAPPLEOOSA!” Braeburn rears up on hids back hooves as he shouts the name.


"Don't say that, Fluttershy! your bold, beautiful, and even if your not adventurous, you make up for that by being kind, caring, sweet, and lovable! Daring Doo WISHES she could be you!"


After you get though the line, you go to the consession stand. "Fluttershy, is there anything you want? I'd buy you anything your heart desires."

Fluttershy squeaks and hides behind her hair at your passionate outburst. “Eep!” After a moment she finally gathers up the courage to look at you again. “You... you think I’m Beautiful?”


Jordo felt really bad for Fluttershy. He hardly knew her, but it was blatantly obvious that she had major confidence issues. Jordo didn't know why, she had no real reason to. She was very likable, and was quite gorgeous. Don't get him wrong, it was just an observation; Jordo only has eyes for Dash.


Maybe she was picked on? Jordo remembered a group of stallions would always hassle her in flight camp. He hated those guys growing up, they tried picking on him once, until Jordo knocked one of them out cold. Needless to say they didn't bother him anymore.


He was about to say something to comfort her when Shy beat him to the punch. He seemed very enthusiastic.


Jordo turns to Dash and whispers


"Jeez, well he's sure.... Passionate I guess."


They got to the concession stand and bought popcorn for him and Dash to share.


"Dash and I will head into the theater and save you two a spot."

“Yeah, See you guys inside!”

The two of you enter the theater, as luck would have it, there doesn’t seem to be four empty seats all together anywhere, after a while of searching, you finally find a row near the back that has four empty seats spread out along it’s length.

“Hey!” Rainbow says. “You guys need to move down! I’ve got four Ponies who need seats!”

The other ponies groan, but one doesn’t say no to Rainbow dash. the two of you take your seats and wait for Shy and Fluttershy.


"Wha-uh, really?" Glitch stammered. "That's great!" Glitch smiled as he began to follow the bubbly pegasus to Ponyville Park.


"How did that work?" he thought to himself.


"Don't question it!" he mentally countered himself. "The prettiest pony this side of Sapphire Shores just said yes to your offer of a date, and you're gonna wonder how you did it? Just focus on the girl!"


"All right, all right," he conceded. "Ya don't need to yell."

While you are having your inner dialogue, Derpy has wandered quite a ways ahead of you and you have to rush to catch up. “and then she said ‘You always Derp up everything you touch! they should call you Derpy Hooves!’ And I was like ‘that’s mean Rainbow Dash!’ But she kept calling me derpy anyway, and then other people started using it, and i learned to accept it. And that’s how I got my nickname!” She rattles.


(OOC: Yes, I’m going with the interpretation that her name is Ditzy Doo and ‘Derpy Hooves’ is her nickname.)


"Oh, uh yeah," I say as I take it off and tuck it away. "Sorry, It's sort of my signature thing when I preform, so I'm not used to going out without it on," I say while I rub the back of my head. "Well, now that that's done where do you want to go? I can get us into most of these resturants for free, or I hear there's a party going on, It's not lunch but it might be fun, plus you can see me sing if they let me," I ask with a serious blush on my face.

Trixie looks uncomfortable.“Well, Trixie is not exactly the most popular in Ponyville, Trixie is not sure she should be going to a place with so many other ponies who will only mock Trixie...” she says, pawing at the ground with her hoof. she quickly straightens up, attempting to cover the momentary lapse in her facade. “What Trixie means is, Trixie has no desire to be around ignorant foals who do not appreciate Trixie!”


Red Talon looked at Applejack in the eyes, moved by her words. Rather disturbed by her "you don't need me" comment, he spoke:

"Applejack," he said softly, "what do you mean that I won't need you? Ever since I met you, you've always been there for me no matter what. The truth is, I need you. You've been a better friend than anyone I've ever had, even better than my friends from high school (as they never kept in touch with Red Talon). I'm just like you, a pony that stays true to his words. I mean everything I say. And just promise me one thing: promise me that you'll never think more or less of me, even if the results Sunday don't please the teams and sponsors."

“Well, That’s mighty sweet of Ya’ll ta say. But when Ah said that Ah jus’ meant that ya’ll won’t be needin’ me ta bail ya out because yer gonna win!” She moves a bit closer to you. “An as fer that promise, There ain’t no way Ah Can think any more highly of ya than Ah already do.”


Morning star smiles, he go's to his room and begins to wait for Celestia but he understands perfectly that she has her duties and he has his which is waiting on the mare that he liked, once inside he beings to think to himself."What shall i say"? Morning star was worried that he'll say the wrong thing to her.

Nothing Happens.


Bob begins to wait on there meal but to get things off on the right hoof he speaks to the Queen."So my queen tell me about yourself". Bob wanted to get to know her which would turn the situation in his favor.

Chrysalis Groans and rolls her eyes. “You really don’t give up. You Don’t need to know me, you only need to do as you are told! and I am telling you to-” Suddenly. The door bursts open and a dozen Royal Unicorn Guardsponies file into the room and surround the two of you. “-Get Down.”

You hit the deck as The queen charges up her horn and blasts a handful of guards, who retaliate with magical blasts of their own. It is clear that your Queen is at a disadvantage, even with her supirior ability, The guards are going to overpower her! you must save your Queen!


(OOC : My character's gonna be tired as hell after this party XD)


He touches his chest and blushes a little but saying, "You want me to bake cupcakes with you?"


"Honestly speaking Pinkie, I'm terrible at baking" *looks down at the ground* "I might just mess everything up, if I help you bake your wonderful cupcakes for the party, but I'll go to the party."


He waits for a response, while taking small nibbles on the cupcakes he bought for the both of them to eat.

“Oh don’t worry about that, I only need you to help make them, I’ll be doing most of the actual work.” She gives you a mixing bowl. “All you have to do is follow my instructions.”


(OOC: I am so sorry, but you made that reference so easy! It won’t happen again.)

(OOC: It better not Pagey! that was awful!)

(OOC: Gah! Pinkie! Don’t break character like that!)

(OOC: I’ll do what I want! I’m Pinkie Pie!)


Wel, mostly it's Pinkie who speeds off like that, always trying to find somepony to cheer up. But, yea, I guess we should go start getting ready for it. There's not much to do to get ready though, right? I mean, all we really have to do is get cleaned up and find something nice to wear. Which reminds me, heh... I, uh, I should probably go to the Boutique to find something to wear. I don't actually have anything nice...

Vinyl Scoffs. “Please, that may be all you have to do, but I’m the DJ, I have to Figure out my playlist and get me equipment moved and set up. It’s not as easy as it looks.” She explains. “You run along and get ready, and remember, It’s a Pinkie Pie party, there’s no need to be formal.”


"I can understand this. I am a colt who is quite fit and enjoys action, and still I can hardly imagine putting my life to risk on so many occasions. I am really impressed by your bravery and determination, Miss. You know yourself that you can't give up, but at least we can hope that better, more peaceful times lay ahead. And I will try and support you as good as possible, even if I might not be able to save Equestria like you." Wildcard answers smiling slightly and putting one hoof on Rarity's shoulder.

“I’m glad you understand, I’m afraid most ponies would be quick to judge me, they say that I don’t deserve to be the element of generosity. they say that I’m self obsessed. do they not realize how much I sacrifice? Before Twilight Sparkle came to town I was preparing to move to Canterlot. but now I can’t, because I have a responsibility to my friends!” She takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go off like that, we are supposed to be enjoying ourselves are we not?”



I salute, smiling loosely, "Yes ma'am!" Trotting out of the house, I slide my bags on. The thing about going into town is that ponies tend to see through me. Actually, I like that, but it's difficult when your last novel comes out, and nopony recognizes you. It'll be different this time, this time I won't think myself all the way- Did that one just say wedding? Does this sort of thing really spread this- Applebloom! Cutie Mark Crusader Town Announcer isn't your calling! Gah! I run, giving town square a wide berth. When I can fly straight from my position to Twilight's house, without crossing town square, I take off. Okay, Mal has to be here. He only talked about Twilight Sparkle every night,how fabulous she was, how perfect- I should write about him sometime. I might even include that year we were room mates, and instead of going out, he decided he would try illusion spells on me. He never could get my wings off. I wonder if I still have that picture of me as a purple alicorn. Hmmm. Here we are! Oh crud, is that Lyra? No, for the last time, I'm not a human! But thank you for reading my book... No, best to get inside Twilight's house before she notices I'm here.*Knocks on Twilight's door with urgency*


Meta smiles. "Thank you, miss." He plopped down on a chair. He kept reading...


Page three. They made it to page three without making any mistakes. No, the Delta Sword was not a single artifact. It was five artifacts, screwed and welded together. He had actually used it once. But the moment Equestria was free from darkness, it splintered back into the five artifacts, which then scattered itself around the world. He said out loud, without realizing it, "Heh... page three without mistakes. A new record. Of course, these ponies never know what true history is... it's always garbled by whoever is in charge at the time." He sighed, and kept reading, keeping half an eye on the other two ponies.


Then, there was a loud knocking on the door. He watched him from behind his book. A new object of interest.

Mal watched as Twilight talked to the new pony about borrowing a book. Mal the heard a knock at the door. "Don't worry, I'll get it." He said as he stood up. He was tired, each step took effort but he arrived at the door. 'Still light-headed, focus Mal, it's just the door.'

As he opened it he recognized the pony standing outside. "Well well well, if it isn't . How has it been? Here to borrow a book?" He said smiling at his old friend.

He dashes around Mal and pushes the door shut, quickly, "I swear, you tell Applebloom ONE TIME you're getting married to her sister and the whole town knows! Hey Mal, I see college dreams can come true. Do you have a minute?" Dawnpath rubs his head, looking around. He zips to a shelf, and stares straight at it; it was his book. "Are you kidding me? It's here, and everypony wants to stalk me anyways? I mean, if you let her go, Lyra will monologue for a full thirty minutes! Of course, I'm glad she actually read my book, but thirty minutes is a long time, especially when you find holes in her argument every now and then. Unimportant~ Mal, I gotta ask you something."


(The person you know as Mal told me to post this bit and then went to bed)


Mal sits him down, "Yeah, sure, what's on your mind."


Dawnpath looks over his shoulder, "Hey Twilight, you got a minute? This involves you too."

An engagement? Interesting. It's been over... 200 years since I've last been to a wedding? Hm. Maybe more. Anyways, I think I might make an appearance, if only to help me learn more... modern customs. I can see already that the world has changed it's culture, so we might as well see what it's done to one of the oldest ceremonies in existence.


Meta decided to keep reading for now. This was something to be thought about later.

Twilight trots over to the group. “Sure, what’s on your mind?”


(OOC: In Apple Bloom’s defence, Pinkie Pie hasn’t exactly been quiet about it either.)

Edited by Page Turner
  • Brohoof 3

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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"Well, this may or may not come as a shock to you two, but... Applejack and I are getting married. Mal, I'd like you to be my Best Colt. Twilight, I think Applejack has plans for you, but it wouldn't hurt to help her plan it out; numbers and stuff. You know, budgets. I'm not actually all that good with weddings. Probably why I haven't ever written about one... Rambling, anyways, what do you guys think?"


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Morning star begins to wait for Princess Celestia so he calls for room service which he needs he was feeling very hungry at the time, he remembers as long as he is in the Celestia's care the guards have to do has he says or to a point he laughs a bit and begins to wait for room service.


Bob Throws himself in between the two he wouldn't let them hurt his Queen he speaks to his Queen as he is being blasted by Magic."Feed off me"! Bob want to help his queen by making her stronger then the guards.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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“I’m glad you understand, I’m afraid most ponies would be quick to judge me, they say that I don’t deserve to be the element of generosity. they say that I’m self obsessed. do they not realize how much I sacrifice? Before Twilight Sparkle came to town I was preparing to move to Canterlot. but now I can’t, because I have a responsibility to my friends!” She takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go off like that, we are supposed to be enjoying ourselves are we not?”


"It's ok..."Wildcard answers calmly "just because we came here to enjoy ourself doesn't mean we can't talk about more serious things. I am here because I am interested in you as a pony, not just because I want to have fun" ;)

"Don't worry about what others say, Miss. I know it's really awful to be misjudged, but you were chosen as the element of generosity by destiny itself and I am optimistic that the ponies will get a better picture of yourself"

he stops for a moment

"Oh...and because you were talking about Canterlot. I actually lived there until I graduated and I thought it was ok, but I am liking Ponyville better. Surely Canterlot is a really beautiful city, but the ponies here seem to be a lot nicer."


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Fluttershy squeaks and hides behind her hair at your passionate outburst. “Eep!” After a moment she finally gathers up the courage to look at you again. “You... you think I’m Beautiful?”




Of corse! Anypony in there right mind can see it! And if anypony says otherwise, well then, that's their lost for not being able to see how beautiful you are. *puts his hoof on Fluttershy's solder* your the most beautiful mare I ever laid eyes on. And don't let anypony tell you other wise.

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“We only know Applejack-sama through Rarity-sama, so I not know if we invited, but if we are invited, I would love go.” Lotus’s hooves move across you with practiced ease. “Oh my, You should come see me more, you get so much tension, always feels like first time.” She says. “What you do to get this way Blade-sama?”


"Way too much. I feel like I'm doing almost all of the princesses' biddings. Anyway, I'm sure y'all are invited. Even if you're not directly invited, I am, so you'll be fine with me. That reminds me, I need to see Rarity about a dress soon. I should probably also help my sister set up for the party." Vinyl relaxes into the massage for a while, then looks up at Lotus. "If you want, we could see each other more often. Maybe... Outside of the spa." Vinyl gives the blue pony a cute wink and turns back over.

Edited by Feld0's Overlord

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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“Hey there! ya’ll have any place in mind for where ya’ll want ta go? mah cousin Applejack makes the finest Cider in Equestria, I suppose we should head on over to the Salt Block and have some. After that I can give you the tour of AAAAAAAAAAAAPPLEOOSA!” Braeburn rears up on hids back hooves as he shouts the name.


"I guess I don´t have anything in my mind, it was... spontaneous." she said, with all the planning and stalking in her head. She smiles as she hears the way he shouts "Appleloosa". "It sounds like a plan.. I mean, it sounds great. Let´s go then, but I´m blind right now, so... I think I´ll stay here for a while and look for my glasses, you can go forward.. I don´t want to slow you down."

Edited by Suntouched Coco

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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“Well, That’s mighty sweet of Ya’ll ta say. But when Ah said that Ah jus’ meant that ya’ll won’t be needin’ me ta bail ya out because yer gonna win!” She moves a bit closer to you. “An as fer that promise, There ain’t no way Ah Can think any more highly of ya than Ah already do.”


Applejack moved quite close to Red Talon, and seizing the opportunity, Red Talon kisses Applejack. After the two share a passionate kiss, Applejack looks dreamily into Talon's eyes with.


"Oh man, please tell me I didn't screw this up!" Red Talon thought to himself.

Edited by La Li Lu Le Lo

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Trixie looks uncomfortable.“Well, Trixie is not exactly the most popular in Ponyville, Trixie is not sure she should be going to a place with so many other ponies who will only mock Trixie...” she says, pawing at the ground with her hoof. she quickly straightens up, attempting to cover the momentary lapse in her facade. “What Trixie means is, Trixie has no desire to be around ignorant foals who do not appreciate Trixie!”



"It's okay Trixie, we can do anything you want. After all you are my idol, you're so sure of yourself and who you want to be and you don't let anypony change that. You're everything I want to be. Anypony who can be that inspiring while keeping your allure and beauty deserves to have anything I can give," I gush looking into her eyes. "Come on, I know a resturant that we can go to and get all the privacy we need," I tell her before taking her to a high end place that looks almost like a scene frome Canterlot.

Edited by Half-Note
  • Brohoof 1
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(Finally got the chance to post here xD)


Sugar Rush bit her lip nervously, she had heard the news on how the Wonderbolts would be coming to Manehattan, after the show, she had wondered backstage, hoping to meet the Blue Maned Pegasus, *Ohh, Dear Celestia I hope I don't get caught* she thought to herself, as she looked at two large stallions, which she assumed were the Security guards.




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While you are having your inner dialogue, Derpy has wandered quite a ways ahead of you and you have to rush to catch up. “and then she said ‘You always Derp up everything you touch! they should call you Derpy Hooves!’ And I was like ‘that’s mean Rainbow Dash!’ But she kept calling me derpy anyway, and then other people started using it, and i learned to accept it. And that’s how I got my nickname!” She rattles.


(OOC: Yes, I’m going with the interpretation that her name is Ditzy Doo and ‘Derpy Hooves’ is her nickname.)


Glitch broke out of his inner debate and caught up with Derpy, catching the tail end of her story.


"Oh," he said, panting every few seconds, "that's how you got that." Glitch looked out at the duck pond they had just arrived at. The sun shone brightly on the water as the wind whistled in his ears. The sidewalk curved around the pond, where a few ponies were taking a stroll. A bench lay on the bank of the pond. Glitch saw a mother duck cross the water with her chicks.


"Pretty," he laconically said.

Edited by Glitch

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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Vinyl Scoffs. “Please, that may be all you have to do, but I’m the DJ, I have to Figure out my playlist and get me equipment moved and set up. It’s not as easy as it looks.” She explains. “You run along and get ready, and remember, It’s a Pinkie Pie party, there’s no need to be formal.”


*I rub the back of my head* Oh, rignt... I forgot Pinkie doesn't throw formal parties that often... But anyways, I don't have to get ready this soon, I can always help you move things to the party site if you would like. I may noy look that strong... *flexes muscles jokingly and gives Vinyl a little wink* But I can carry whatever you need help with.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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“Oh don’t worry about that, I only need you to help make them, I’ll be doing most of the actual work.” She gives you a mixing bowl. “All you have to do is follow my instructions.” (OOC: I am so sorry, but you made that reference so easy! It won’t happen again.) (OOC: It better not Pagey! that was awful!) (OOC: Gah! Pinkie! Don’t break character like that!) (OOC: I’ll do what I want! I’m Pinkie Pie!)

(OOC : Wow, I'm such a noob I don't know what reference you're talking about :|)


He grabs the mixing bowl and says, "Okay, just hope I don't mess up..." He reads the instructions and follows it slowly but surely.


After a short while, he gives the bowl to Pinkie Pie and says, "Now what should I do to help you?"


He waits for an answer while Pinkie puts the Cupcakes in the oven

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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Mal was silent for a few seconds. "Well, that's great news Dawnpath! Sure I'll be your best colt. Twilight, want any help with the preparations?" Mal said smiling.

'I bet Twilight would make this wedding amazing. Her planning is always impeccable and flawless. I hope I could be of some help.'

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Meta Knight got up and left. He was still getting used to newer customs, but at least that they still had best mares, still.


A bakery...? I could use some food.


Meta walked in. His hoof snagged on his cape, causing his to almost trip over. He would have to fix that rip later. He looked around and spotted two ponies in the kitchen, and two ponies sitting on a bench in the cafe. Why does everypony have a love here? Confusing...

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"It's okay Trixie, we can do anything you want. After all you are my idol, you're so sure of yourself and who you want to be and you don't let anypony change that. You're everything I want to be. Anypony who can be that inspiring while keeping your allure and beauty deserves to have anything I can give," I gush looking into her eyes. "Come on, I know a resturant that we can go to and get all the privacy we need," I tell her before taking her to a high end place that looks almost like a scene frome Canterlot.



Trixie is amused at your plain attempt at asking her on a date. Trixie is also interested at your offer. The Festival of Lights fireworks competition is just the thing Trixie can display her talent! Afterward the award ceremony that she will get the blue ribbon in, Trixie assumes you'll want to have dinner afterwards. There's no need to respond, Trixie already knows you want to. Think of it as a sign of benevolence!


"And I am amused that you thought you could belittle my feelings by calling my request (humble or proud as it may be) 'plain'." says Blue boldly,punctuating the statement with a cheerful nod. "The day after next, then. I sincerely look forward to your presentation, Trixie. Indubitably it will be incomperable. Further, dinner sounds wonderful and I was hoping you would say that. Would you care to take these flowers? Or do they fall short or do they fall short of benevolence I should bestow?"


(Trixie accepts the flowers.)

Blue bowed courteously with an ineffable brightness and a slight mischevious grin, and backed up, turned and walked away.

At a distance, assumeing he was out of Trixie's sight, he joyfully hopped and clicked his hooves together.


(Trixie rejects the flowers.)

Blue clutched the flowers, bowing low and backing away from the unicorn's presence, until at a distance he turned and walked, returning his hat to his head with rolling flip, taking a deep whiff of the bouque with a smile.


Oh, look what I found on page 14 that still has yet to be responded to.

I intend no mark of belittlement to our gracious new PostMaster, but this will be an interesting game of gentlemanliness between myself and Half Note.


We shall see who loveth our fair Beatrix the most.

Edited by Blue
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“Yeah, See you guys inside!”

The two of you enter the theater, as luck would have it, there doesn’t seem to be four empty seats all together anywhere, after a while of searching, you finally find a row near the back that has four empty seats spread out along it’s length.

“Hey!” Rainbow says. “You guys need to move down! I’ve got four Ponies who need seats!”

The other ponies groan, but one doesn’t say no to Rainbow dash. the two of you take your seats and wait for Shy and Fluttershy.


Jordo sits down next to Rainbow Dash, who is eagerly waiting for the movie to begin. It was pretty adorable how excited she was over this movie, she had been talking about it for a few months now. Jordo was never too big on the Daring Do books,but they were starting to grow on him since him and Dash started dating. He had only read the first two books out of about seven, so he was still way behind on the series. In the end he was more excited just to spend time with Dash rather than seeing the movie.


He put his arm around Dash as they waited for the trailers to begin. Jordo felt like the luckiest colt out there.



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Link for my ponysona: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/steel-accord-r1970


Steel just got off the clock. He wanted to go to the library at Canterlot University for ideas he could use for his book. As he skimmed the highest shelves he spied a mare below. She was looking at a dusty old tome on a table through a magnifying glass. It was Professor Daring Doo. Steel had seen her before when his boss had appointments at the university. She seemed surprisingly spry and active for a teacher. She was also charming and confident. Not boastful or prideful, but certain in her own capabilities. Steel wasn't sure what the Professor did in her own time, but whatever it was, she was the best at it and it kept her in shape. Steel realized he was quite taken with her, but could never find the moment to strike up a conversation. Swallowing hard, he lowered himself to the floor before her; across the table.


"Excuse me Professor Daring. I know you have a busy schedule due to classes and all, but if I could have a moment of your time please? My name is Steel Accord." He bows slightly in greeting. "I've seen you around campus before and I was just curious as to what you're reading." Steel thought it best to get to know her personal interest first.

Edited by Steel Accord
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