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Lyra blushes at your attention.. “well, I’m not busy now, In fact, I was just on my way to the park to play for a while. you want to tag along?”

"It would be my honor" Regal said smiling. He walked along side her keeping a distance that he thought gave her enough space.

"So I've heard you have a fascination with humans" He said trying to be social

"Not that I think anything of it, Just wondering if it was true" He hoped that he didn't offended her.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Steel and Daring both split the supplies evenly between them. He would normally offer to carry all of it, but he felt he knew Daring enough by this point to know she would take that more as patronizing than chivalrous.


At the same time, he thought he would take this time when they weren't under threat of death to actually talk about whatever was going on in between them.


"Beautiful night isn't it?" He said looking up. No need to start the conversation on a serious note. "The Princess certainly loves to grace us all with a show of the stars." After going on a brief back and forth with her, Steel took a deep breath.


"I know that talking like this might be a bit out of place for you, Daring. I need you to make an exception for me though." He looked at her with openness and love. "So much has happened in so little time. I've done things I never dreamed I would, becoming a pirate chief among them, but also . . . . spending time with a mare as amazing and beautiful as you."

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Derpy was looking at her hooves, with tears streaming down her face. “I broke something again. I was doing so good, and then I broke something.”


Glitch's expresssion turned from one of relief to one of sadness. "Oh, no, no, no, you're okay, Derpy. Really, you are," he said, kneeling down to her level. Glitch tilted her head up and gave her a small smile. "You're just fine the way you are." Glitch pulled Derpy into a tight hug.

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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Mythos Gray was a gray unicorn stallion, a recent addition to Ponyville originally from Canterlot on his way to speak with a mare that had caught his eye not but a few days prior when walking by the town's school house. Asking around he had learned the mare's name was Cheerilee and was respected by ponies of the town, and was a favorite of many of the foals that went to the school. Confidantly he had decided to get to learn more about Cheerilee and perhaps even ask he on a date.


With flowers his hoof, ones that would complement the teacher's coat and mane, he had walked towards the school after which all the students would have left. Yet it would seem another stallion was already there, causing him to gain a look of curiosity on his face as he moved forward close enough to listen in without coming to the attention of the two. A smile grew on his face as he hear what the stallion had said, Mythos realizing he may have a rival for Cheerilee's attention.


With that Mythos would wait for the mare's reply to the stallion's words.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Hey look! Page is Posting Something! Is it the replies? YES IT IS!!!


Blushing violently, Fluttershy stares intently at her hooves. “Um, Well, If you are really sure... okay. I’ll go to the Crystal Empire with you.”


“Sugarcube, Ya cain’t lie to the element of honesty. I can see that there’s something you ain’t tellin’ me.” She sighs. “Well, I guess I cain’t force ya, but whenever you decide ta talk I’ll listen.”


She looked at her partner Lyra and shrugged, “Well, it can’t hurt, can it? When and where?”


AJ Blushes. “Well, Shoot. I dunno... This Seems like one o’ them fancy affairs... I ain’t sure I can dance like that...”


Spitfire, Seeing that the stunt team has everything well in hoof. turns to walk away. her phone rings and she pulls it out of her daring do vest. she looks at it and laughs. “Hah! Oh good one. That’s actually hilarious.” A Gofer appears with a coffee, which she takes. However, before she can bring it to her lips she hears a loud boom. She turns around to see you standing over the fallen forms of her now unconscious stunt team. “Miss Spitfire! You’re needed back on set!” Spitfire drops her coffee and crushes it under her hoof. Then she charges toward you.


“Our First step is to get everypony together and see exactly what our situation here is.” The Captain says. He seems to be about to say more, but before he can Page Turner Appears.


“Excuse me, Captain? Can I have a word?”


The Captain looks over at the Blue Unicorn. “Ah, Yes, I actually have some things to say to you as well. Where are the others?”


Page Points a hoof towards the center of the island. “just over that hill you’ll see the campsite.”


Captain Blue nods to you and Daring. “Miss Do, Mr. Accord, Take what you can carry and head for the campsite, Mr. Turner and I have something to discuss.” Having said this, the two stallions walk off.


Daring turns to you. “Well, you heard the Captain. Let’s get these Supplies to the camp.”


“Ah yes, Sorry about that. That weird noise would be my ship, Which, as I said, Just left without me, I sort of fell out of it. I was just trying to chase it down when this rather rude wall decided to put itself in my way.” The Brown stallion holds out a hoof. “I’m The Doctor, by the way. And you are?”


Surprise looks down at you with a face that matches her name. After a moment,a look of realization enters her eyes. “Oh! I get it! You don’t want me to see this because it’s a surprise!” She drops the half crumpled paper back on the floor. “I’ll just go wash my mane a few more times and we can pretend this never happened.” She shoots you an exaggerated wink and backs into the bathroom. locking the door behind her.


“You can help the other members secure what little cargo we have left, and then negotiate watch times,” she says offhandedly, “And, umm, thanks. For saving... ya. Thanks mate.”


Pinkie’s eyes Widen in realization. “Ohmygosh! I’m sorry! I just got so excited that I forgot to make sure you were having fun too! She reaches into her mane and pulls a pair of blue fuzzy hoofcuffs (why does she have those?) Which she attaches to your left front hoof and her right. “There! Now I Can’t run off leave you behind!” She notices the way you are looking at the cuff around your hoof. “I thought they looked more fun than regular hoofcuffs, and the pink ones clash with my coat.”




She giggles and hiccups, “You... ALL got me a drink? Best... guards... EVER!” She fist pumps and falls backwards out of her seat.


Zecora Looks at the objects that you placed before her. “Such fascinating things to see, are these curios you have brought before me.” she picks up the coin first. “This does not come from equestria, and It may even be older than Celestia.” She moves on to the dagger. “Ancient Griffish, I believe, a common tool for bandits and thieves.” she moves to examine the flower, and she gasps she turns to you. “This bloom is exceedingly rare! The place you found this, I must know where!”


Spitfire Looks over at Soarin, who appears to have become distracted by something shiny. “I’d love to, but We really need to practise early tomorrow... But I’m free next thursday. So maybe we can do it then.”


“Okay,” he says, walking away. (In order to get much better than that the next time, you’re going to have to interact with him more. No worries)


Derpy was looking at her hooves, with tears streaming down her face. “I broke something again. I was doing so good, and then I broke something.”


“I can’t now.” The Spotted Guard says curtly. “I’m on duty tonight.” His eyes shift towards you and he notices you aren’t giving up and leaving. He smiles. “I don’t get off until 3 AM, but you’re welcome to stay up if you want to.”


Luna thinks for a moment. “I do not know... There are simply so many things to choose from...” She looks around, trying to make a decision. finally, she points to the ring toss. “There! I Desire to do that first!” As you walk toward the booth, you notice that the surrounding crowd has grown quieter, then, after a moment, you start to hear voices. “Is that Princess Luna?” “It’s Princess Luna!” “What’s the Princess doing here?” “I wonder if I could get her autograph!” “She’s with that guy? No way!” Luna seems oblivious to the attention she is receiving. You arrive at the ring toss stand and Luna taps on the counter.


“yeah yeah, I’ll be right-” The bored looking carney turns, noticing for the first time who is at her booth. Her mouth drops open. “P-p-p-princess! I am honored that you would grace my humble game with your presence...”


Luna waves a hoof dismissively. “Please, Please, there is no need for such formalities.”


“Like tartarus there isn’t” you hear Bruce mutter.


“How much to play?” Luna finishes, ignoring her vassal.


“For you and your companion, Princess? No charge.” the carney looks at you. “Lucky punk.”


“I’ll say.” Bruce adds.


“That is unacceptable I insist that you treat me the same as any other pony.” Luna commands.


“I... I couldn’t...”


“The Princess has given you an order! Peasant! Even If I do not agree, you WILL do as she says!”


“That is enough Bruce.” Luna Scolds.


One of the girls directs you to lay down in one of the baths. The other one throws some bathing salts and herbs into the water. Afterwards they both sit there, occasionally adding things into the water.


Lyra blushes at your attention.. “well, I’m not busy now, In fact, I was just on my way to the park to play for a while. you want to tag along?”


Spike rushes after you, but stops suddenly when he reached\s the top of the hill. The color drains from his scales. “Oh no.”


She nods, “A walk would be nice.” She gestures for you to lead the way and follows, “So, what do you do for a living, Alex?”


*OMG I wish waiting for this THANKS ALOT :D*


Pink just stared at the strange pony. Ship? What's a ship? Uh excuse me Doctor? What kind of a Doctor are you exactly? And what's a ship? I've never heard of such a thing. Does it fly? Well it must since you practically landed on me from nowhere. Pink chuckled and blushed. He is kind of cute, but why does he seem like he's not from around here? Then she remembered that she forgot to introduce herself. Oh sorry, my name's Pink Mist. Nice to meet you. If you need any help finding your ship, I'd be glad to assist you. Just what does it look like exactly?


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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(DANG IT!!! ... I wanted to say the line. XD)


Paradox sees her begin to charge at him, so he instinctively rushes foreward as well, leaping into the air as if he were going to strike her, only to be flung back through a screen with a well-aimed kick. "Oof!" He said as he landed on the hard ground below. He looked up to see Spitfire approaching him yet again.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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“Sugarcube, Ya cain’t lie to the element of honesty. I can see that there’s something you ain’t tellin’ me.” She sighs. “Well, I guess I cain’t force ya, but whenever you decide ta talk I’ll listen.”


He trudged on through the orchard in silence. Great, now she thinks I'm a liar. I will not stand for that; I've worked so hard to keep this relationship based on truth, love, and family. No sum of money is worth giving that up. "I'm worried about the wedding Applejack. I'm worried that we won't have to money to throw a proper one for you, one that you deserve. I'm sorry that I didn't just tell you, but I'm afraid you'll suggest taking money meant for the next planting season, and that's something I won't do either. That's why I'm up all night."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Hey look! Page is Posting Something! Is it the replies? YES IT IS!!!


Blushing violently, Fluttershy stares intently at her hooves. “Um, Well, If you are really sure... okay. I’ll go to the Crystal Empire with you.”


“Sugarcube, Ya cain’t lie to the element of honesty. I can see that there’s something you ain’t tellin’ me.” She sighs. “Well, I guess I cain’t force ya, but whenever you decide ta talk I’ll listen.”


She looked at her partner Lyra and shrugged, “Well, it can’t hurt, can it? When and where?”


AJ Blushes. “Well, Shoot. I dunno... This Seems like one o’ them fancy affairs... I ain’t sure I can dance like that...”


Spitfire, Seeing that the stunt team has everything well in hoof. turns to walk away. her phone rings and she pulls it out of her daring do vest. she looks at it and laughs. “Hah! Oh good one. That’s actually hilarious.” A Gofer appears with a coffee, which she takes. However, before she can bring it to her lips she hears a loud boom. She turns around to see you standing over the fallen forms of her now unconscious stunt team. “Miss Spitfire! You’re needed back on set!” Spitfire drops her coffee and crushes it under her hoof. Then she charges toward you.


“Our First step is to get everypony together and see exactly what our situation here is.” The Captain says. He seems to be about to say more, but before he can Page Turner Appears.


“Excuse me, Captain? Can I have a word?”


The Captain looks over at the Blue Unicorn. “Ah, Yes, I actually have some things to say to you as well. Where are the others?”


Page Points a hoof towards the center of the island. “just over that hill you’ll see the campsite.”


Captain Blue nods to you and Daring. “Miss Do, Mr. Accord, Take what you can carry and head for the campsite, Mr. Turner and I have something to discuss.” Having said this, the two stallions walk off.


Daring turns to you. “Well, you heard the Captain. Let’s get these Supplies to the camp.”


“Ah yes, Sorry about that. That weird noise would be my ship, Which, as I said, Just left without me, I sort of fell out of it. I was just trying to chase it down when this rather rude wall decided to put itself in my way.” The Brown stallion holds out a hoof. “I’m The Doctor, by the way. And you are?”


Surprise looks down at you with a face that matches her name. After a moment,a look of realization enters her eyes. “Oh! I get it! You don’t want me to see this because it’s a surprise!” She drops the half crumpled paper back on the floor. “I’ll just go wash my mane a few more times and we can pretend this never happened.” She shoots you an exaggerated wink and backs into the bathroom. locking the door behind her.


“You can help the other members secure what little cargo we have left, and then negotiate watch times,” she says offhandedly, “And, umm, thanks. For saving... ya. Thanks mate.”


Pinkie’s eyes Widen in realization. “Ohmygosh! I’m sorry! I just got so excited that I forgot to make sure you were having fun too! She reaches into her mane and pulls a pair of blue fuzzy hoofcuffs (why does she have those?) Which she attaches to your left front hoof and her right. “There! Now I Can’t run off leave you behind!” She notices the way you are looking at the cuff around your hoof. “I thought they looked more fun than regular hoofcuffs, and the pink ones clash with my coat.”




She giggles and hiccups, “You... ALL got me a drink? Best... guards... EVER!” She fist pumps and falls backwards out of her seat.


Zecora Looks at the objects that you placed before her. “Such fascinating things to see, are these curios you have brought before me.” she picks up the coin first. “This does not come from equestria, and It may even be older than Celestia.” She moves on to the dagger. “Ancient Griffish, I believe, a common tool for bandits and thieves.” she moves to examine the flower, and she gasps she turns to you. “This bloom is exceedingly rare! The place you found this, I must know where!”


Spitfire Looks over at Soarin, who appears to have become distracted by something shiny. “I’d love to, but We really need to practise early tomorrow... But I’m free next thursday. So maybe we can do it then.”


“Okay,” he says, walking away. (In order to get much better than that the next time, you’re going to have to interact with him more. No worries)


Derpy was looking at her hooves, with tears streaming down her face. “I broke something again. I was doing so good, and then I broke something.”


“I can’t now.” The Spotted Guard says curtly. “I’m on duty tonight.” His eyes shift towards you and he notices you aren’t giving up and leaving. He smiles. “I don’t get off until 3 AM, but you’re welcome to stay up if you want to.”


Luna thinks for a moment. “I do not know... There are simply so many things to choose from...” She looks around, trying to make a decision. finally, she points to the ring toss. “There! I Desire to do that first!” As you walk toward the booth, you notice that the surrounding crowd has grown quieter, then, after a moment, you start to hear voices. “Is that Princess Luna?” “It’s Princess Luna!” “What’s the Princess doing here?” “I wonder if I could get her autograph!” “She’s with that guy? No way!” Luna seems oblivious to the attention she is receiving. You arrive at the ring toss stand and Luna taps on the counter.


“yeah yeah, I’ll be right-” The bored looking carney turns, noticing for the first time who is at her booth. Her mouth drops open. “P-p-p-princess! I am honored that you would grace my humble game with your presence...”


Luna waves a hoof dismissively. “Please, Please, there is no need for such formalities.”


“Like tartarus there isn’t” you hear Bruce mutter.


“How much to play?” Luna finishes, ignoring her vassal.


“For you and your companion, Princess? No charge.” the carney looks at you. “Lucky punk.”


“I’ll say.” Bruce adds.


“That is unacceptable I insist that you treat me the same as any other pony.” Luna commands.


“I... I couldn’t...”


“The Princess has given you an order! Peasant! Even If I do not agree, you WILL do as she says!”


“That is enough Bruce.” Luna Scolds.


One of the girls directs you to lay down in one of the baths. The other one throws some bathing salts and herbs into the water. Afterwards they both sit there, occasionally adding things into the water.


Lyra blushes at your attention.. “well, I’m not busy now, In fact, I was just on my way to the park to play for a while. you want to tag along?”


Spike rushes after you, but stops suddenly when he reached\s the top of the hill. The color drains from his scales. “Oh no.”


She nods, “A walk would be nice.” She gestures for you to lead the way and follows, “So, what do you do for a living, Alex?”

"How about we go to the Che Le Due Resturant  in Canterlot then to a Opera too listen to Octiva play her music." Fireblaze saying as he was looking at her and smiles too. "Also we have sometime we can look at the stars in the sky too." Then he was looking at Bon Bon and smiles too.

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“You can help the other members secure what little cargo we have left, and then negotiate watch times,” she says offhandedly, “And, umm, thanks. For saving... ya. Thanks mate.”

"Eye-eye Miss Blue!" Page says, Snapping a salute. He then goes to where the remnants of the crew have gathered. "Ahoy there mateys! The Cap'n has allowed me to join the crew and I'm ready to help in any way I can."


"Okay." Says the big earth pony. "First of all stop talking in that stupid accent."


Page deflated. "but.. I'm a pirate now, isn't that how pirates talk?"


"Do we talk like that?" Sea Salt points out.


"well, I guess not."


“Good now that’s settled welcome to the crew!” Sea Salt says. “Let me introduce you to everypony.” Sea salt points to the pig grey pony with the eye patch. “I’m Sea Salt, The grumpy one there is Jolly Rodger.”




“and then there’s the kid over here who won’t tell us his real name.”


A little red pegasus who looks as though he hasn’t hit his growth spurt yet waves. “Just call me scout.” he says in a bronclyn accent.


“And that’s pretty much all that’s left of us.” Sea Salt says. “Aside From the Captain and miss Blue, O’course.” He laughs heartily. “What a ragtag bunch we are! A cripple, a drunken bum, a grump, and a runaway kid. Now why was you wantin’ to join us so bad again?”


Page glances over to where Briny is now talking to her father. “Oh, I have my reasons.”


Salt follows his glance. “Ya mean...” He bursts into yet another fit of laughter. “Ha, Good luck with that. She’s a real hardflank, Briny Blue. We’ve all taken a shot at her, but she turned us down, every pony.”

Page smiles. “Well, We’ll see.”

Edited by He Who Turns Pages
  • Brohoof 1

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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Surprise looks down at you with a face that matches her name. After a moment,a look of realization enters her eyes. “Oh! I get it! You don’t want me to see this because it’s a surprise!” She drops the half crumpled paper back on the floor. “I’ll just go wash my mane a few more times and we can pretend this never happened.” She shoots you an exaggerated wink and backs into the bathroom. locking the door behind her.

I sigh in relief before picking up the crumpled paper and setting it on the table. Now that Surprise knew I was writing this and thought it was for her I was going to have to finish it. I quickly finished it and gulped. This song was definately written for a wedding, not a mare you met yesterday. Still, I had better head over to Sweet Apple Acres and see if they needed a musician for the reception.

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“I can’t now.” The Spotted Guard says curtly. “I’m on duty tonight.” His eyes shift towards you and he notices you aren’t giving up and leaving. He smiles. “I don’t get off until 3 AM, but you’re welcome to stay up if you want to.”)


Zuri had bright smile on her face, she was so happy! "Alrighty! I mean... Sure." It wasn't what exactly what she wanted, but it was good enough for her. "I'll see you after you get off, if that's alright"

Go to my profile for my ocs

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One of the girls directs you to lay down in one of the baths. The other one throws some bathing salts and herbs into the water. Afterwards they both sit there, occasionally adding things into the water.


Night walked straightly to the bath with a soft smile, as he was instructed. He soon lowers himself into the warm and slightly steaming water, a wave of relaxation swept through his body, the second his body was submerged under water up to his chin. "T..this is really nice...~" Night said and soon could smeel the exotic bathing salts, as well as the refreshening scent of various herbs, which was being added into the warm water by the twins. His cheeks turned to a slight red, as he relaxed completely and looked at them shyly, with a warm smile on his lips.

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Luna thinks for a moment. “I do not know... There are simply so many things to choose from...” She looks around, trying to make a decision. finally, she points to the ring toss. “There! I Desire to do that first!” As you walk toward the booth, you notice that the surrounding crowd has grown quieter, then, after a moment, you start to hear voices. “Is that Princess Luna?” “It’s Princess Luna!” “What’s the Princess doing here?” “I wonder if I could get her autograph!” “She’s with that guy? No way!” Luna seems oblivious to the attention she is receiving. You arrive at the ring toss stand and Luna taps on the counter.

“yeah yeah, I’ll be right-” The bored looking carney turns, noticing for the first time who is at her booth. Her mouth drops open. “P-p-p-princess! I am honored that you would grace my humble game with your presence...”


Luna waves a hoof dismissively. “Please, Please, there is no need for such formalities.”


“Like tartarus there isn’t” you hear Bruce mutter.


“How much to play?” Luna finishes, ignoring her vassal.


“For you and your companion, Princess? No charge.” the carney looks at you. “Lucky punk.”


“I’ll say.” Bruce adds.


“That is unacceptable I insist that you treat me the same as any other pony.” Luna commands.


“I... I couldn’t...”


“The Princess has given you an order! Peasant! Even If I do not agree, you WILL do as she says!”


“That is enough Bruce.” Luna Scolds.

"It's okay." Max gently chimed in. "I was gonna pay anyways." he said with a timid smile.


Deep inside, he couldn't help but feel distraught by the intimidating atmosphere of the carnival that was steadily looming over him. Everything from Bruce and the carny, to the discouraging looks and commotion from the overbearing crowd did nothing but unease him. He loathed being at the center of all this unwanted attention.


Then, for just a moment, he turned his head to take a glance at the lovely princess of the night standing right beside him, reminding himself why he was there in the first place. Surely enough, he started to regain some confidence, reassuring himself that he couldn't let all this stop him from winning her over. Gathering his thoughts, he calmly reached for his bits and then turned to the carny. "How much was it again?" he kindly asked.

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“Okay,” he says, walking away. (In order to get much better than that the next time, you’re going to have to interact with him more. No worries)


The next day Luna came to Sweat Apple Acres with an apple pie. "Hay Big Mac are you here?" Luna said looking around to see where he was. "I wonder if he has more chores to do today, or if he will like the apple pie I made?" Luna said to herself. "Maybe if I find and ask AJ she might know." Luna said.

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All of the Birthday messages today have been amazing! Thank you all for making me feel special!


Reply tiem! now with 99% more color! Oh, and before I forget. There's an announcement in the OOC thread concerning the anniversary of the thread, Nothing is set in stone yet. But we're planning something really special!


"Uhhhh.... O-okay... I guess... That'll help me a bit..." Winter looks at her then looks away blushing a bit then looks at the list shaking his head from thoughts. "So... uhhh.... Let's go to the lake now unless of course you wanna stay here and pet the animals more. I'm willing to stay around for a bit, I mean I have the whole day just for hanging out with you." Winter smiles looking at her and waits for an answer.

Pinkie nods. ”Okay, Off to the lake we go!” She starts walking and begins to drag you, after a few moments you manage to get into step. you notice that ponies are giving the pair of you odd looks as you pass. just before you leave the zoo, Pinkie stops. “Oh! Oh! Oooh! Hold on A second, I have to use the Little Filly’s room!” She Reaches into her mane and pulls out a tiny blue key, which she uses to unlock the cuff around her leg. “Be right back!” She zooms away into a nearby bathroom.

Animae laughed happily. This was giving him one hell of a rush. He shouted back at the DJ, insulting every good band under the sun. He wondered whether Gilda was doing her part or if she was just sat back, watching him get in trouble. Well whatever, this was fun. The thought of Gilda watching him only exhilarated him.

Suddenly, Gilda is Beside you. “Hey, How’s it goin? This guy bothering you? Lemme take care of him.” Gilda spins around to face the Raging DJ. “Woah Dude, What’s your Problem?”
The DJ Glares at Gilda. “THAT JERK INSULTED MY SET!” He screams, pointing an accusatory hoof at you.
“Yeah? So what? Losing your cool like that ain’t cool dude.”
“Uh, I... Gah. What business is it of yours?” The DJ Demands to know.
Gilda puts a wing across you. and pulls you in close. “We’re together. If you have a problem with him you have a problem with both of us. Do you think you can take on two griffons by yourself? No? Then GET LOST!”
The DJ Squeaks in fear as Gilda roars the last two words, then he slowly slinks away into the crowd.

Thank you so much for giving me the honor of being in your beauty.
*buys two train tickets to the Crystal Empire*
So, Fluttershy, while we are on this train, why don't we talk for a little bit?
Have you ever been to the Crystal Empire before? This is my first time. I hear it is really beautiful. Of course, nothing could possibly be as beautiful as you.

Fluttershy hasn't stopped blushing since you started talking to her, but now it’s starting to spread beyond her cheeks. “P-Please, stop calling me that, It’s embarrassing...” She makes an effort to compose herself. “And yes, I have been to the Crystal empire before... I even helped save it. although I didn’t really do much. Twilight did all the work... Oh, and Spike.” She smiles. “Everypony there is so nice, And it is beautiful. Everything is sparkly, even the ponies.”

"Oh, um, excuse me for interrupting you miss, but I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now. I've seen you walking around Ponyville quite often, and most times inside the little schoolhouse, teaching little fillies and colts, and I find that absolutely charming and kind-hearted of you. So, may I ask, if you, Miss Cheerilee, would like to accompany to the restaurant, [insert fancy name here], later tonight? If you’re not too busy that is..." Rainfleet asked the pretty magenta pony sheepishly.

“That sounds nice. Okay, I’ll go to the Silver Horseshoe with you, but first you must tell me your name. I try to make a point of knowing a pony before I let them take me out,” she smiles at you encouragingly.
(+1 for being first
+1 for not trying to fake something
+1 for manners
-1 for being unable to come up with a restaurant name.)


"It's alright, Applejack," Red Talon said to Applejack, taking hold of her hoof. The two stood on their hind legs, and Red lead her in a simple, couple's dance. "Just take my hoof, and just sway. And when I step back, you step forward. Nothing too complex about it."
The two danced with each other while the band played.
Red hadn't danced with another pony since his senior prom a few years ago. But being with a friend you brought along is a lot different than dancing with a pony he truly loved.

Applejack scowls as she tries to concentrate on not stepping on your hooves. “Tarnation, This is harder than it looks.” She mumbles as she nearly trips over her own hoof.

Windy tried (and failed) to suppress the urge to quirk an eyebrow at Cloudchaser's roommate woes. "Yeah, its no problem that you were late, Flitter and I were just getting acquainted. And, maybe this is a bit... forward, but if you need a new roommate, I might be able to. I mean, my job doesn't exactly have me rolling in the bits, and living on my own, even in a tiny cottage, will always be more expensive then being able to split the cost with a roommate. You can think on it for a while, time isn't of the essence for me. Anyways, let's go have fun!" Windy exclaimed, heading towards the entrance to Sugarcube Corner.

Cloudchaser looks at you thoughtfully. “I don’t know, I barely know you...”
“What if you both moved in with me?” Flitter suggests.
“That way If he tries anything funny to one of us, the other one will be there!” Flitter turns to make eye contact with you. “Besides, You wouldn’t try anything funny with either of us would you?” Her tone is playful, but from the look in her eyes you get the idea that she wishes you would.
Cloudchaser doesn’t seem to notice her Sister’s implication. “That sounds perfect actually, what do you think Windy?”

"It would be my honor" Regal said smiling. He walked along side her keeping a distance that he thought gave her enough space.
"So I've heard you have a fascination with humans" He said trying to be social
"Not that I think anything of it, Just wondering if it was true" He hoped that he didn't offended her.

“Oh, well umm yeah...” Lyra lowers her head a little. “That doesn’t bother you does it? I mean, I know human stories are supposed to be for little kids, but...”

Steel and Daring both split the supplies evenly between them. He would normally offer to carry all of it, but he felt he knew Daring enough by this point to know she would take that more as patronizing than chivalrous.
At the same time, he thought he would take this time when they weren't under threat of death to actually talk about whatever was going on in between them.
"Beautiful night isn't it?" He said looking up. No need to start the conversation on a serious note. "The Princess certainly loves to grace us all with a show of the stars." After going on a brief back and forth with her, Steel took a deep breath.
"I know that talking like this might be a bit out of place for you, Daring. I need you to make an exception for me though." He looked at her with openness and love. "So much has happened in so little time. I've done things I never dreamed I would, becoming a pirate chief among them, but also . . . . spending time with a mare as amazing and beautiful as you."

Daring Raises an eyebrow at you. “Getting sentimental Isn’t very piratey.” She says. “And I’m not a sentimental pony, But If you really want to talk serious, I’ll give it a try. You aren’t the first Stallion I’ve had on an adventure with me, and I've had a ‘roll in the hay’ as it were with more of them than I haven’t. Hay, I've even been with a few mares in my time, so in most regards there’s not that much about you that’s special.” She looks down at her hooves. “But in other ways, you are special. It feels Different somehow, I dunno. I had Always assumed that I'd never be able to form a meaningful relationship, but then you came along, and suddenly I have somepony who means more to me than just a vessel to serve my basic needs...” She shakes her head. “I can’t even believe I’m telling you all of this!” She looks up and makes eye contact. “Tell me something Steel, I’ve never felt this before, so I need to know if it is what i think it is. What does it feel like... to be in love?”


Glitch's expresssion turned from one of relief to one of sadness. "Oh, no, no, no, you're okay, Derpy. Really, you are," he said, kneeling down to her level. Glitch tilted her head up and gave her a small smile. "You're just fine the way you are." Glitch pulled Derpy into a tight hug.

“But it’s not okay! I break things everywhere I go! That fountain, your back, this railing…”she holds her head in her hooves, nearly bawling. A few partygoers were giving you two strange looks.

Mythos Gray was a gray unicorn stallion, a recent addition to Ponyville originally from Canterlot on his way to speak with a mare that had caught his eye not but a few days prior when walking by the town's school house. Asking around he had learned the mare's name was Cheerilee and was respected by ponies of the town, and was a favorite of many of the foals that went to the school. Confidently he had decided to get to learn more about Cheerilee and perhaps even ask he on a date.
With flowers his hoof, ones that would complement the teacher's coat and mane, he had walked towards the school after which all the students would have left. Yet it would seem another stallion was already there, causing him to gain a look of curiosity on his face as he moved forward close enough to listen in without coming to the attention of the two. A smile grew on his face as he hear what the stallion had said, Mythos realizing he may have a rival for Cheerilee's attention.
With that Mythos would wait for the mare's reply to the stallion's words.

(See Applejacker’s post. Usually, you guys won’t be meeting each other unless specified [as in your post.])
No points awarded...


*OMG I wish waiting for this THANKS ALOT :D*
Pink just stared at the strange pony. Ship? What's a ship? Uh excuse me Doctor? What kind of a Doctor are you exactly? And what's a ship? I've never heard of such a thing. Does it fly? Well it must since you practically landed on me from nowhere. Pink chuckled and blushed. He is kind of cute, but why does he seem like he's not from around here? Then she remembered that she forgot to introduce herself. Oh sorry, my name's Pink Mist. Nice to meet you. If you need any help finding your ship, I'd be glad to assist you. Just what does it look like exactly?

“Ah, yes, sorry.  A ‘ship’ is a sort of transportation device like a train or a balloon, except completely different.” The Doctor answers unhelpfully. “My particular ship resembles a large blue box.” He begins walking back down the alley the way you came only to find another wall. “Oh dear. That’s not very nice. They seem to have trapped us.”

(DANG IT!!! ... I wanted to say the line. XD)
Paradox sees her begin to charge at him, so he instinctively rushes foreward as well, leaping into the air as if he were going to strike her, only to be flung back through a screen with a well-aimed kick. "Oof!" He said as he landed on the hard ground below. He looked up to see Spitfire approaching him yet again.

“Prepare to feel the wrath of the League of Evil Exes!” Spitfire Declares.
“The what?” you ask in confusion.
Spitfire stops and raises an Eyebrow. “You mean you don’t know about the League? The seven evil exes? Coming to kick your flank? Controlling the future of Vinyl’s love life?”
“Uh... No...”
“Oh, well hey man, Don’t even worry about it!” She holds out her hoof to help you up. “C’mon, let’s go get a beer.”
You take her offered hoof. “Really? that sounds-” Spitfire suddenly lets go of your hoof and smacks you with one of her wings. she laughs. “Ha! you actually fell for it! I am SUCH a good actress!”
You pull yourself to your hooves, and then you notice Rainbow Dash, The only pony to ever produce a Sonic Rainboom... and that gives you an Idea.


He trudged on through the orchard in silence. Great, now she thinks I'm a liar. I will not stand for that; I've worked so hard to keep this relationship based on truth, love, and family. No sum of money is worth giving that up. "I'm worried about the wedding Applejack. I'm worried that we won't have to money to throw a proper one for you, one that you deserve. I'm sorry that I didn't just tell you, but I'm afraid you'll suggest taking money meant for the next planting season, and that's something I won't do either. That's why I'm up all night."

Applejack stops and looks you in the eyes. “Sugarcube, I Don’t need anything fancy. I don’t WANT anything fancy”. She puts a hoof to your Face. “The only thing I need is You. An’ I don’t rightly care if everypony in Equestria shows up or If it’s just close friends an’ family.” She winks. “Besides, Twi’s Handling all the preparations, I’m sure she’ll get us a good deal. So don’t worry so much. We’ll manage.” She leans in and kisses you.


"How about we go to the Che Le Due Resturant  in Canterlot then to a Opera too listen to Octavia play her music." Fireblaze saying as he was looking at her and smiles too. "Also we have sometime we can look at the stars in the sky too." Then he was looking at Bon Bon and smiles too.

Bon Bon nods, “Alright. We can do that. I mean, if you want Lyra to come along. Or it could just be you and me. It doesn’t much matter to me.


"Eye-eye Miss Blue!" Page says, Snapping a salute. He then goes to where the remnants of the crew have gathered."Ahoy there mateys! The Cap'n has allowed me to join the crew and I'm ready to help in any way I can."
"Okay." Says the big earth pony. "First of all stop talking in that stupid accent."
Page deflated. "but.. I'm a pirate now, isn't that how pirates talk?"
"Do we talk like that?" Sea Salt points out.
"well, I guess not."
“Good now that’s settled welcome to the crew!” Sea Salt says. “Let me introduce you to everypony.” Sea salt points to the pig grey pony with the eye patch. “I’m Sea Salt, The grumpy one there is Jolly Rodger.”
“and then there’s the kid over here who won’t tell us his real name.”
A little red pegasus who looks as though he hasn’t hit his growth spurt yet waves. “Just call me scout.” he says in a bronclyn accent.
“And that’s pretty much all that’s left of us.” Sea Salt says. “Aside From the Captain and miss Blue, O’course.” He laughs heartily. “What a ragtag bunch we are! A cripple, a drunken bum, a grump, and a runaway kid. Now why was you wantin’ to join us so bad again?”
Page glances over to where Briny is now talking to her father. “Oh, I have my reasons.”
Salt follows his glance. “Ya mean...” He bursts into yet another fit of laughter. “Ha, Good luck with that. She’s a real hardflank, Briny Blue. We’ve all taken a shot at her, but she turned us down, every pony.”
Page smiles. “Well, We’ll see.”

Briny completed the conversation with her father, and approached the crew, “Alright, listen up. As is customary for both a new member of the crew AND a victory, let’s open up a barrel of spirits.” She grins wickedly and sits on one of the makeshift benches.

I sigh in relief before picking up the crumpled paper and setting it on the table. Now that Surprise knew I was writing this and thought it was for her I was going to have to finish it. I quickly finished it and gulped. This song was definately written for a wedding, not a mare you met yesterday. Still, I had better head over to Sweet Apple Acres and see if they needed a musician for the reception.

As you put your finished song away, you hear the water in the bathroom stop running, and Surprise calls out from the other side of the door. “Is it safe for me to come back out yet?”


Zuri had bright smile on her face, she was so happy! "Alrighty! I mean... Sure." It wasn't what exactly what she wanted, but it was good enough for her. "I'll see you after you get off, if that's alright"

Pipsqueak nods. “I’ll look forward to it. meet me at the castle gate.” He then turns away, Returning to his nightly task of keeping his favorite princess safe. meanwhile, you exit the castle and find a comfortable looking bench within sight of the main gate.
Several hours pass, and you fall asleep at one point. finally. The white and brown pony appears, now out of his uniform and notices you with some surprise. “Oh wow. You actually waited.” He notes. “I honestly Didn’t expect that.”


Night walked straightly to the bath with a soft smile, as he was instructed. He soon lowers himself into the warm and slightly steaming water, a wave of relaxation swept through his body, the second his body was submerged under water up to his chin. "T..this is really nice...~" Night said and soon could smell the exotic bathing salts, as well as the refreshening scent of various herbs, which was being added into the warm water by the twins. His cheeks turned to a slight red, as he relaxed completely and looked at them shyly, with a warm smile on his lips.

They continued about their business, as normal.Customers often did such things, so they didn’t see anything special in you. (No offense)


"It's okay." Max gently chimed in. "I was gonna pay anyways." he said with a timid smile.
Deep inside, he couldn't help but feel distraught by the intimidating atmosphere of the carnival that was steadily looming over him. Everything from Bruce and the carny, to the discouraging looks and commotion from the overbearing crowd did nothing but unease him. He loathed being at the center of all this unwanted attention.
Then, for just a moment, he turned his head to take a glance at the lovely princess of the night standing right beside him, reminding himself why he was there in the first place. Surely enough, he started to regain some confidence, reassuring himself that he couldn't let all this stop him from winning her over. Gathering his thoughts, he calmly reached for his bits and then turned to the carny. "How much was it again?" he kindly asked.

The confused Carney looks at you. “It’s Five bits for six rings.” The carney says. “The rules are simple, Each red caped bottle is worth 1 point, yellows are 2, greens are 5, and the gray one in the middle there is 10. if you use magic to throw your rings then you must release them before they cross the red line, or it doesn’t count.” She points her hoof at the red line painted along the edge of the booth.
Game Time!
If you have any RPG dice, get them out now. if not, use THIS.
First Roll a d6 to see how many of your rings successfully land on a bottle.
Next Roll a d20 the number of times you got on the d6, each number corresponds to a specific bottle on this Diagram:

Calculate your score as such:
Rings: (d6)
Red: (# of times you got red)
Yellow: (# of times you got yellow)
Green: (# of times you got green)
Gray: (# of times you got gray)


The next day Luna came to Sweat Apple Acres with an apple pie. "Hay Big Mac are you here?" Luna said looking around to see where he was. "I wonder if he has more chores to do today, or if he will like the apple pie I made?" Luna said to herself. "Maybe if I find and ask AJ she might know." Luna said.

A set of cartwheels and Big Mac’s heavy hoofprints lead away from the barn. Their depth indicated that it was fresh.

Edited by He Who Turns Pages
  • Brohoof 2

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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All of the Birthday messages today have been amazing! Thank you all for making me feel special! Reply tiem! now with 99% more color! Oh, and before I forget. There's an announcement in the OOC thread concerning the anniversary of the thread, Nothing is set in stone yet. But we're planning something really special!


Pinkie nods. ”Okay, Off to the lake we go!” She starts walking and begins to drag you, after a few moments you manage to get into step. you notice that ponies are giving the pair of you odd looks as you pass. just before you leave the zoo, Pinkie stops. “Oh! Oh! Oooh! Hold on A second, I have to use the Little Filly’s room!” She Reaches into her mane and pulls out a tiny blue key, which she uses to unlock the cuff around her leg. “Be right back!” She zooms away into a nearby bathroom.


Suddenly, Gilda is Beside you. “Hey, How’s it goin? This guy bothering you? Lemme take care of him.” Gilda spins around to face the Raging DJ. “Woah Dude, What’s your Problem?”

The DJ Glares at Gilda. “THAT JERK INSULTED MY SET!” He screams, pointing an accusatory hoof at you.

“Yeah? So what? Losing your cool like that ain’t cool dude.”

“Uh, I... Gah. What business is it of yours?” The DJ Demands to know.

Gilda puts a wing across you. and pulls you in close. “We’re together. If you have a problem with him you have a problem with both of us. Do you think you can take on two griffons by yourself? No? Then GET LOST!”

The DJ Squeaks in fear as Gilda roars the last two words, then he slowly slinks away into the crowd.


Fluttershy hasn't stopped blushing since you started talking to her, but now it’s starting to spread beyond her cheeks. “P-Please, stop calling me that, It’s embarrassing...” She makes an effort to compose herself. “And yes, I have been to the Crystal empire before... I even helped save it. although I didn’t really do much. Twilight did all the work... Oh, and Spike.” She smiles. “Everypony there is so nice, And it is beautiful. Everything is sparkly, even the ponies.”




“That sounds nice. Okay, I’ll go to the Silver Horseshoe with you, but first you must tell me your name. I try to make a point of knowing a pony before I let them take me out,” she smiles at you encouragingly.


(+1 for being first

+1 for not trying to fake something

+1 for manners

-1 for being unable to come up with a restaurant name.)




Applejack scowls as she tries to concentrate on not stepping on your hooves. “Tarnation, This is harder than it looks.” She mumbles as she nearly trips over her own hoof.



Cloudchaser looks at you thoughtfully. “I don’t know, I barely know you...”

“What if you both moved in with me?” Flitter suggests.


“That way If he tries anything funny to one of us, the other one will be there!” Flitter turns to make eye contact with you. “Besides, You wouldn’t try anything funny with either of us would you?” Her tone is playful, but from the look in her eyes you get the idea that she wishes you would.

Cloudchaser doesn’t seem to notice her Sister’s implication. “That sounds perfect actually, what do you think Windy?”



“Oh, well umm yeah...” Lyra lowers her head a little. “That doesn’t bother you does it? I mean, I know human stories are supposed to be for little kids, but...”


Daring Raises an eyebrow at you. “Getting sentimental Isn’t very piratey.” She says. “And I’m not a sentimental pony, But If you really want to talk serious, I’ll give it a try. You aren’t the first Stallion I’ve had on an adventure with me, and I've had a ‘roll in the hay’ as it were with more of them than I haven’t. Hay, I've even been with a few mares in my time, so in most regards there’s not that much about you that’s special.” She looks down at her hooves. “But in other ways, you are special. It feels Different somehow, I dunno. I had Always assumed that I'd never be able to form a meaningful relationship, but then you came along, and suddenly I have somepony who means more to me than just a vessel to serve my basic needs...” She shakes her head. “I can’t even believe I’m telling you all of this!” She looks up and makes eye contact. “Tell me something Steel, I’ve never felt this before, so I need to know if it is what i think it is. What does it feel like... to be in love?”



“But it’s not okay! I break things everywhere I go! That fountain, your back, this railing…”she holds her head in her hooves, nearly bawling. A few partygoers were giving you two strange looks.



(See Applejacker’s post. Usually, you guys won’t be meeting each other unless specified [as in your post.])

No points awarded...



“Ah, yes, sorry.  A ‘ship’ is a sort of transportation device like a train or a balloon, except completely different.” The Doctor answers unhelpfully. “My particular ship resembles a large blue box.” He begins walking back down the alley the way you came only to find another wall. “Oh dear. That’s not very nice. They seem to have trapped us.”


“Prepare to feel the wrath of the League of Evil Exes!” Spitfire Declares.

“The what?” you ask in confusion.

Spitfire stops and raises an Eyebrow. “You mean you don’t know about the League? The seven evil exes? Coming to kick your flank? Controlling the future of Vinyl’s love life?”

“Uh... No...”

“Oh, well hey man, Don’t even worry about it!” She holds out her hoof to help you up. “C’mon, let’s go get a beer.”

You take her offered hoof. “Really? that sounds-” Spitfire suddenly lets go of your hoof and smacks you with one of her wings. she laughs. “Ha! you actually fell for it! I am SUCH a good actress!”

You pull yourself to your hooves, and then you notice Rainbow Dash, The only pony to ever produce a Sonic Rainboom... and that gives you an Idea.



Applejack stops and looks you in the eyes. “Sugarcube, I Don’t need anything fancy. I don’t WANT anything fancy”. She puts a hoof to your Face. “The only thing I need is You. An’ I don’t rightly care if everypony in Equestria shows up or If it’s just close friends an’ family.” She winks. “Besides, Twi’s Handling all the preparations, I’m sure she’ll get us a good deal. So don’t worry so much. We’ll manage.” She leans in and kisses you.




Bon Bon nods, “Alright. We can do that. I mean, if you want Lyra to come along. Or it could just be you and me. It doesn’t much matter to me.




Briny completed the conversation with her father, and approached the crew, “Alright, listen up. As is customary for both a new member of the crew AND a victory, let’s open up a barrel of spirits.” She grins wickedly and sits on one of the makeshift benches.


As you put your finished song away, you hear the water in the bathroom stop running, and Surprise calls out from the other side of the door. “Is it safe for me to come back out yet?”



Pipsqueak nods. “I’ll look forward to it. meet me at the castle gate.” He then turns away, Returning to his nightly task of keeping his favorite princess safe. meanwhile, you exit the castle and find a comfortable looking bench within sight of the main gate.

Several hours pass, and you fall asleep at one point. finally. The white and brown pony appears, now out of his uniform and notices you with some surprise. “Oh wow. You actually waited.” He notes. “I honestly Didn’t expect that.”




They continued about their business, as normal.Customers often did such things, so they didn’t see anything special in you. (No offense)



The confused Carney looks at you. “It’s Five bits for six rings.” The carney says. “The rules are simple, Each red caped bottle is worth 1 point, yellows are 2, greens are 5, and the gray one in the middle there is 10. if you use magic to throw your rings then you must release them before they cross the red line, or it doesn’t count.” She points her hoof at the red line painted along the edge of the booth.


Game Time!

If you have any RPG dice, get them out now. if not, use THIS.


First Roll a d6 to see how many of your rings successfully land on a bottle.

Next Roll a d20 the number of times you got on the d6, each number corresponds to a specific bottle on this Diagram:


Calculate your score as such:

Rings: (d6)

Red: (# of times you got red)

Yellow: (# of times you got yellow)

Green: (# of times you got green)

Gray: (# of times you got gray)




A set of cartwheels and Big Mac’s heavy hoofprints lead away from the barn. Their depth indicated that it was fresh.


Pink continued to look confused at the Doctor. Uh ok then, doesn't matter. So you say it looks like a blue box? She noticed the Doctor walking back the way she came. She followed him and saw that there was a wall blocking the path. That's strange I don't remember this wall being here. Wait hang on. She noticed a large garbage bin next to the right wall of the alley. Alright let's see if we can jump to the other roof using this thing. It's not too high. From up there we could probably find your, um, ship.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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All of the Birthday messages today have been amazing! Thank you all for making me feel special!


Reply tiem! now with 99% more color! Oh, and before I forget. There's an announcement in the OOC thread concerning the anniversary of the thread, Nothing is set in stone yet. But we're planning something really special!


Pinkie nods. ”Okay, Off to the lake we go!” She starts walking and begins to drag you, after a few moments you manage to get into step. you notice that ponies are giving the pair of you odd looks as you pass. just before you leave the zoo, Pinkie stops. “Oh! Oh! Oooh! Hold on A second, I have to use the Little Filly’s room!” She Reaches into her mane and pulls out a tiny blue key, which she uses to unlock the cuff around her leg. “Be right back!” She zooms away into a nearby bathroom.


Suddenly, Gilda is Beside you. “Hey, How’s it goin? This guy bothering you? Lemme take care of him.” Gilda spins around to face the Raging DJ. “Woah Dude, What’s your Problem?”

The DJ Glares at Gilda. “THAT JERK INSULTED MY SET!” He screams, pointing an accusatory hoof at you.

“Yeah? So what? Losing your cool like that ain’t cool dude.”

“Uh, I... Gah. What business is it of yours?” The DJ Demands to know.

Gilda puts a wing across you. and pulls you in close. “We’re together. If you have a problem with him you have a problem with both of us. Do you think you can take on two griffons by yourself? No? Then GET LOST!”

The DJ Squeaks in fear as Gilda roars the last two words, then he slowly slinks away into the crowd.


Fluttershy hasn't stopped blushing since you started talking to her, but now it’s starting to spread beyond her cheeks. “P-Please, stop calling me that, It’s embarrassing...” She makes an effort to compose herself. “And yes, I have been to the Crystal empire before... I even helped save it. although I didn’t really do much. Twilight did all the work... Oh, and Spike.” She smiles. “Everypony there is so nice, And it is beautiful. Everything is sparkly, even the ponies.”




“That sounds nice. Okay, I’ll go to the Silver Horseshoe with you, but first you must tell me your name. I try to make a point of knowing a pony before I let them take me out,” she smiles at you encouragingly.


(+1 for being first

+1 for not trying to fake something

+1 for manners

-1 for being unable to come up with a restaurant name.)




Applejack scowls as she tries to concentrate on not stepping on your hooves. “Tarnation, This is harder than it looks.” She mumbles as she nearly trips over her own hoof.



Cloudchaser looks at you thoughtfully. “I don’t know, I barely know you...”

“What if you both moved in with me?” Flitter suggests.


“That way If he tries anything funny to one of us, the other one will be there!” Flitter turns to make eye contact with you. “Besides, You wouldn’t try anything funny with either of us would you?” Her tone is playful, but from the look in her eyes you get the idea that she wishes you would.

Cloudchaser doesn’t seem to notice her Sister’s implication. “That sounds perfect actually, what do you think Windy?”



“Oh, well umm yeah...” Lyra lowers her head a little. “That doesn’t bother you does it? I mean, I know human stories are supposed to be for little kids, but...”


Daring Raises an eyebrow at you. “Getting sentimental Isn’t very piratey.” She says. “And I’m not a sentimental pony, But If you really want to talk serious, I’ll give it a try. You aren’t the first Stallion I’ve had on an adventure with me, and I've had a ‘roll in the hay’ as it were with more of them than I haven’t. Hay, I've even been with a few mares in my time, so in most regards there’s not that much about you that’s special.” She looks down at her hooves. “But in other ways, you are special. It feels Different somehow, I dunno. I had Always assumed that I'd never be able to form a meaningful relationship, but then you came along, and suddenly I have somepony who means more to me than just a vessel to serve my basic needs...” She shakes her head. “I can’t even believe I’m telling you all of this!” She looks up and makes eye contact. “Tell me something Steel, I’ve never felt this before, so I need to know if it is what i think it is. What does it feel like... to be in love?”



“But it’s not okay! I break things everywhere I go! That fountain, your back, this railing…”she holds her head in her hooves, nearly bawling. A few partygoers were giving you two strange looks.



(See Applejacker’s post. Usually, you guys won’t be meeting each other unless specified [as in your post.])

No points awarded...



“Ah, yes, sorry.  A ‘ship’ is a sort of transportation device like a train or a balloon, except completely different.” The Doctor answers unhelpfully. “My particular ship resembles a large blue box.” He begins walking back down the alley the way you came only to find another wall. “Oh dear. That’s not very nice. They seem to have trapped us.”


“Prepare to feel the wrath of the League of Evil Exes!” Spitfire Declares.

“The what?” you ask in confusion.

Spitfire stops and raises an Eyebrow. “You mean you don’t know about the League? The seven evil exes? Coming to kick your flank? Controlling the future of Vinyl’s love life?”

“Uh... No...”

“Oh, well hey man, Don’t even worry about it!” She holds out her hoof to help you up. “C’mon, let’s go get a beer.”

You take her offered hoof. “Really? that sounds-” Spitfire suddenly lets go of your hoof and smacks you with one of her wings. she laughs. “Ha! you actually fell for it! I am SUCH a good actress!”

You pull yourself to your hooves, and then you notice Rainbow Dash, The only pony to ever produce a Sonic Rainboom... and that gives you an Idea.



Applejack stops and looks you in the eyes. “Sugarcube, I Don’t need anything fancy. I don’t WANT anything fancy”. She puts a hoof to your Face. “The only thing I need is You. An’ I don’t rightly care if everypony in Equestria shows up or If it’s just close friends an’ family.” She winks. “Besides, Twi’s Handling all the preparations, I’m sure she’ll get us a good deal. So don’t worry so much. We’ll manage.” She leans in and kisses you.




Bon Bon nods, “Alright. We can do that. I mean, if you want Lyra to come along. Or it could just be you and me. It doesn’t much matter to me.




Briny completed the conversation with her father, and approached the crew, “Alright, listen up. As is customary for both a new member of the crew AND a victory, let’s open up a barrel of spirits.” She grins wickedly and sits on one of the makeshift benches.


As you put your finished song away, you hear the water in the bathroom stop running, and Surprise calls out from the other side of the door. “Is it safe for me to come back out yet?”



Pipsqueak nods. “I’ll look forward to it. meet me at the castle gate.” He then turns away, Returning to his nightly task of keeping his favorite princess safe. meanwhile, you exit the castle and find a comfortable looking bench within sight of the main gate.

Several hours pass, and you fall asleep at one point. finally. The white and brown pony appears, now out of his uniform and notices you with some surprise. “Oh wow. You actually waited.” He notes. “I honestly Didn’t expect that.”




They continued about their business, as normal.Customers often did such things, so they didn’t see anything special in you. (No offense)



The confused Carney looks at you. “It’s Five bits for six rings.” The carney says. “The rules are simple, Each red caped bottle is worth 1 point, yellows are 2, greens are 5, and the gray one in the middle there is 10. if you use magic to throw your rings then you must release them before they cross the red line, or it doesn’t count.” She points her hoof at the red line painted along the edge of the booth.


Game Time!

If you have any RPG dice, get them out now. if not, use THIS.


First Roll a d6 to see how many of your rings successfully land on a bottle.

Next Roll a d20 the number of times you got on the d6, each number corresponds to a specific bottle on this Diagram:


Calculate your score as such:

Rings: (d6)

Red: (# of times you got red)

Yellow: (# of times you got yellow)

Green: (# of times you got green)

Gray: (# of times you got gray)




A set of cartwheels and Big Mac’s heavy hoofprints lead away from the barn. Their depth indicated that it was fresh.

"Gust it you and me since your friend went on a date. So let go and I will pay for the food Bon." Fireblaze saying as he holding his wing towards her and smiles too. While he was ready to go and going to have a good time with Bon Bon. While he was looking at her and smiles.

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Cloudchaser looks at you thoughtfully. “I don’t know, I barely know you...” “What if you both moved in with me?” Flitter suggests. “What?” “That way If he tries anything funny to one of us, the other one will be there!” Flitter turns to make eye contact with you. “Besides, You wouldn’t try anything funny with either of us would you?” Her tone is playful, but from the look in her eyes you get the idea that she wishes you would. Cloudchaser doesn’t seem to notice her Sister’s implication. “That sounds perfect actually, what do you think Windy?”


Windy grinned nervously and tore his eyes away from Flitter. "Uh, yeah, yeah, that sounds great to me!" he said, swallowing somewhat subtly. After a moment, he added as a hasty afterthought, "And oh, no, I'd never  do anything 'funny' with you two mares!" Windy said, refusing to even look in Flitter's direction as he said it, instead addressing his statement to Cloudchaser. "But by Luna, do I wish I could do funny stuff with these two...." he added in his brain.  

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Zuri awoke, startled for a moment. She sat up slowly and stretched. "Yeah, I mean I had nothing better to do anyways. Hehe." She looked up at the night sky, it was beautiful, as always. A fact popped into Zuri's head. "Did you know that Luna takes her stars away one by one? It's a beautiful sight, like she's ending her show for you, but making it interesting." She continued to stare at the sky a little bit longer. It would end soon. She shook her head and looked to Pip. "So, what would you like to do?" You couldn't tell but Zuri was blushing.

Go to my profile for my ocs

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Fluttershy hasn't stopped blushing since you started talking to her, but now it’s starting to spread beyond her cheeks. “P-Please, stop calling me that, It’s embarrassing...” She makes an effort to compose herself. “And yes, I have been to the Crystal empire before... I even helped save it. although I didn’t really do much. Twilight did all the work... Oh, and Spike.” She smiles. “Everypony there is so nice, And it is beautiful. Everything is sparkly, even the ponies.”


"O-okay, Fluttershy. If you want me to stop calling you beautiful, I'll stop. It's still true though."


The train comes to a stop and DJ opens the door for Fluttershy. "ladies first."

After Fluttershy exits the train, DJ takes a big breath of air.



"So Fluttershy, where would you like to go?"

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A set of cartwheels and Big Mac’s heavy hoofprints lead away from the barn. Their depth indicated that it was fresh.

"Maybe I should put the apple pie in the kitchen before I deside to fallow the tracks" Luna said to herself. "Well I might as well bring the apple pie with me because I don't know if the other are here" Luna said to herself as she started to follow the set of cartwheels and Big Mac's hoofprints.

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I wipe my lower lip and say, "Hey, Spitfire. You are a pretty good actor. But are you a pretty good flier? And if you are, can you do a thingy in the sky up there?" He points up. "Can you do a Sonic Rainboom thingy? Remember... There are boys watching..." Pointing out the obious ponies she's trying to impress. "Not to mention Rainbow Dash, your biggest fan."


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Briny completed the conversation with her father, and approached the crew, “Alright, listen up. As is customary for both a new member of the crew AND a victory, let’s open up a barrel of spirits.” She grins wickedly and sits on one of the makeshift benches.

Most of the group gives a hearty cheer at this.

“I’m not sure I’d Call this a ‘Victory’” Jolly points out. “We lost our ship and most of the crew, and we’re stranded on an Island.”


“Don’t ruin the Moment.” Salt says.


A barrel is opened and soon everypony has a tankard of rum in their hoof. Page looks down at his. “I dunno... I really shouldn't...”


Salt laughs at Page’s reluctance. “Yer a pirate now sonny! Startin’ today yer gonna be doin’ a lot o’ things ya really shouldn’t.”

“Fair enough.” Page concedes. “Well, bottoms up!” He takes a big gulp of his Rum.

Edited by He Who Turns Pages
  • Brohoof 1

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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Spike rushes after you, but stops suddenly when he reached\s the top of the hill. The color drains from his scales. “Oh no.”


Aura glances at Spike. Seeing how pale he was; she could tell something was very wrong with him.


"What's wrong?" Aura questions him in concern. She looks down onto the rocky filled landscape. She noticed there were several dug up holes that she hadn't noticed until now.


"That's wierd. I didn't see those holes there the first time I came here."

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Applejack stops and looks you in the eyes. “Sugarcube, I Don’t need anything fancy. I don’t WANT anything fancy”. She puts a hoof to your Face. “The only thing I need is You. An’ I don’t rightly care if everypony in Equestria shows up or If it’s just close friends an’ family.” She winks. “Besides, Twi’s Handling all the preparations, I’m sure she’ll get us a good deal. So don’t worry so much. We’ll manage.” She leans in and kisses you.


He kisses her back, growing weak-kneed. How did I get this lucky again? I think... I don't... Kiss? When she broke the kiss of, he turned his attention to trying to flatten his wings and cover his blush at the same time. "O-okay, I'll try to worry half as much, but I'm still worried. I want to give you the wedding you deserve, not the one we can afford." Of course, hoe-downs are free and fun after parties too...


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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