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The Ever So Popular "Thank You" Thread

Colon Leftbracket

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So these seem to be popping up ever since 2011 ended. (well namely Finest)


I've felt the need to post a big Thank You thread for a while.

For the longest time I figured it would be a waste of space and not really a topic that needs it's own thread. Then I see a few come by and figure okay so Thank You threads are okay, but then I felt the need to not jump on the bandwagon to make my own, adding to what could've been a huge flood of threads...


2011 passes... meh it was more of a trickle actually.


Anyway I don't share too much personal information with people (in fact it's almost law for me to avoid people in the first place) in real life since it's a scary and dark place where everyone may and will use ANY information against you.


But here things are different...


IRL I cannot tell a sole (minus a few who found out by other means, only one of them supports me :() that I am a Brony. I can see why people would poke fun at me. I'm like some gentle giant that looks scary, but then ends up chasing the villagers to give them a big hug instead of the most traumatizing rape that ever existed! (don't look too much into that metaphor, I surely didn't) Something that is supposed to be mean and scary apparently HAS to be mean and scary according to social order. I thank you for being an outlet for my self expression. A nice place for a gentle giant to stop pretending to be a monster! (Gentle Giant as in nice guy who is 6'2'' 295 lbs and doesn't tear people in half)


Also speaking of openness I've let slip a secret recently to a few forum folk that I was scared for my life after I posted it. I'm speaking of the LGBT Thread that I posted that I have bisexual tendencies. This is something that has only popped up very recently where I had a dream that I had a near sexual experience with a man... I picked my brains for weeks on that dream. I've came to the conclusion that under the right circumstances I'd, well to put it bluntly, "Do a dude."


Now this has absolutely nothing to do with MLP making me bi since I had this dream before I was a Brony but they are related. Both are secrets that I can confidently share with you guys on the forums that I couldn't share with anybody else! If (more like when) either secret get's out I'd never hear the end of it from my peers! More so with the bisexual secret since my Conservative Catholic Father who damns his own step daughter to hell for being a lesbian would... well I really don't wanna know his reaction! I'm 110% certain that I'd have the rest of my immediate family to protect me, but still that's an experience I wish to NEVER have! Plus there is virtually no gay/bi guys in my hometown that I know of so it's not like it's a secret worth getting out anyway unless I'd leave this town.


I've also shared my bit on love too. I said I don't believe in relationships, I don't believe in monogamy. I have my reasons which I'll share now. (get ready for a truly tragic tale)


I had a female friend who was my best friend. I fell deeply in love with her. Then as soon as I could muster the courage to tell her she wouldn't shut up about some other guy. Other guy comes in and I prayed to Gods I never believed in for one more chance, but no they're still in a 4 year relationship. Her bf even ironically proposed to her on my 16th BDay! (And thus the first time in my life I considered suicide as a valid option). I had a couple (couple as in two) relationships since then that failed completely! Therefore I gave up on the thought of the traditional structure of love. I first tried to make a polygamous relationship where I share my female friend with her bf which lead to a very terrible series of arguments. (probably the 2nd thought of suicide) After 4 long years of watching the couple who will never quit (and ironically had a terrible sense of PDA just to rub the salt in) I decided that even If I had her, she was forever changed into a shell of her former self. She's like a corpse now following her bf around, and I'm no necrophiliac. (once again I don't think on these metaphors very much)


TLDR: So there you have it. I am a product of society. A paranoid, bisexual, atheist, non-monogamous, Brony who must hide on the Internet for dear life! But I still have you guys who are my family who I love deeply! As for comfort and pity there's no need for it now. The dark chapters of my life above are gone though the newer secrets of a new chapter remain, but are safe in your careful hands! So I leave you with thank you to describe what you guys mean to me, or (paranoia kicks in) perhaps fodder for people to find and exploit... well then I guess this will double as psychological profiling for when the murders begin! (had to end on another one of my classic metaphors)



Thank You!

  • Brohoof 6
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Its always good to see someone else happy because of all this. Im gonna go ahead and jump in on another thank you thread ;)


Couple of notes i can relate on so i shall. The 'catholic father' situation sounds just like my life, but my father isent religous and he knows im bisexual. Sometimes he doesent even try to hide his disgust for me, and it still hurts from time to time, but i can open up about it here unlike anywhere else, and it helps me to ignore him. The internet's not such a bad place is it?


Anyway, to avoid hijacking this, ill stop there :lol: Good to have you with us Colton! Sorry to hear about your problems, but im also glad to hear this had made them easier.

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I read the entire thing, but love how the TL;DR is an entire paragraph ;)


​ Seriously, were all family here, and little do non-bronies know, but magic and friendship makes all the difference in the world. I hope you continue to find your home within us and maybe get to a level comfortable enough to share some of your secrets to the world. I know what a pain it is keeping things like that in. The key to doing it is confidence though. When someone criticizes you or makes fun of you, don't react. Smile at them, nod your head, and keep walking. It sounds alot easier than it is, but it's worth it in the end.

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I read the entire thing, but love how the TL;DR is an entire paragraph ;)


Yeah I'm a writer so my long story short is still a paragraph! It's more of a conclusion that summarizes the whole thing.


Its always good to see someone else happy because of all this. Im gonna go ahead and jump in on another thank you thread ;)


Couple of notes i can relate on so i shall. The 'catholic father' situation sounds just like my life, but my father isent religous and he knows im bisexual. Sometimes he doesent even try to hide his disgust for me, and it still hurts from time to time, but i can open up about it here unlike anywhere else, and it helps me to ignore him. The internet's not such a bad place is it?


My father sounds a bit more extreme to say the least. I was raised hearing, "If you ever come to me saying you're a faggot I'll kill you!" Not quite unconditional love!



​ Seriously, were all family here, and little do non-bronies know, but magic and friendship makes all the difference in the world. I hope you continue to find your home within us and maybe get to a level comfortable enough to share some of your secrets to the world. I know what a pain it is keeping things like that in. The key to doing it is confidence though. When someone criticizes you or makes fun of you, don't react. Smile at them, nod your head, and keep walking. It sounds alot easier than it is, but it's worth it in the end.


Trust me I have about 30 different plans for different levels of harassment for any of my secrets getting out. I know how to handle each situation.


If people find that I am a Brony I'll let them have their laugh, defend the show and it's fans, and own it! Most of my friends will get a chuckle at it for a while, but in the end they'll support me. Just let the trolls be trolls as I leave the lion's den with a smile on my face.


If people find that I'm a bisexual it would be the same plan as the Brony plan. I'll have a slew of friends to defend me from trolls and perhaps some other people I never expected to stand for me. It's the home situation that'd be tougher. My best plan for that is to just stay somewhere else for a few days as my family calms my dad down before I'd confront him.


Anyway thanks for the positive feed back. I joined this forum in October of last year. Those two months afterward have felt like a new lifetime, a good one! Here's to a new year and a new life to all my Bronies!


Trust me if I find myself surrounded by the trolls my first thought will be you guys are with me!

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