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What are you thankful for today?


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Today, I'm thankful that I don't have any incapacitating digestive pain.



I'm thankful that my parents continue to provide me with a home, even though I'm in my mid-20s. Granted, independence isn't really feasible for me, but that's not my point! It just really isn't fair to them, I wish things had gone differently.


  • That my parents provide me with a home; despite my age of 28

I'm thankful for the same thing.  Independence isn't feasible for me, either, and it's probably my own damn fault.  I'm thankful that my parents don't mind and are supportive.  But I know I'm still a burden on them.  It's really nice to know I'm not the only one in this situation.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm thankful for those times I can get to talk to others and friends. Having nice conversations is something I enjoy a lot. I am thankful for the job I have and am even more thankful that I like my co-workers as well. That I have very loving parents and family.


One thing I am the most thankful for is the advice from others. Hearing other people's thoughts and advice is extremely helpful and I appreciate those times when I have had someone give me great advice.

  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly there's nothing to be thankful for at the moment. I have yet to see whether my new attitude and change in life will produce any truly peaceful results and help my future, so I'm not entirely thankful for that change yet ^_^ Because really if I continue to suffer daily even with my current look on life and this loneliness never ceases, this just hurts me more :(
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I'm thankful for the wonderful Ponies here...the staff that does an excellent job... ...intellect that's shared...and the kindness we give to one another...  :)

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Amazing wife

Crazy ass awesome kids

Good job


And all you fine people. :D


I'm adding pistachios. I am very grateful for pistachios 

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That I woke up to another beautiful sunny day, and that food is on my table.  :squee:

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  • 6 months later...

That I wasn't an idiot with my code and made things really maintainable. I discovered a nasty bug in my code today that normally would have taken a lot of work. It didn't.

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  • 11 months later...

I'm very thankful that I got my mojo back, feel like I can be more content with every day now :3 Seeing my girlfriend getting to spend lots more time now with her friends and having fun definitely brings a smile to my face too funkatronic_by_minty_manzana-d3cmkgb.gif

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I'm thankful that this thread has been brought back from the grave and I can see people being thankful!


I'm also thankful that it snowed today, because fresh snow is beautiful and reminds me that Christmas is around the corner!

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A day off from work, the many Fritos I consumed, the many apple cider drinks that I will consume, and the few hours of comfortable sleep I'll (ideally) get tonight. ;)

Edited by Meson Bolt
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  • 1 month later...

Pretty thankful I found a channel full of old streams of someone who I've been stupidly addicted to these last few months, this should keep me sufficiently entertained for a good several weeks or so tumblr_static_xk86wlkmxtcog8cc8048gswk.g

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Here are some things I am truly thankful for:


-Being myself


-Weather being very cold (It gets hot in my area)


-Being able to socialize with people 


-To have you guys here knowing I am not alone


-Not getting myself down for certain things 



Edited by Necrodeus/Deathmare
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