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How open are you about ponies?


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Well, I have three t-shirts that are pony themed(one of them even says "Brony") and I use them regulary, and I do quite a bit of fan drawing for the show. I don't hide that I am a brony, but I am not constantly going around telling people that I am one. I would see myself as an open brony that isn't obsessed by showing everyone I am one B)

Edited by Tdroid

I like to do requests. Please, if there is something you want to see me, an amateur, draw for you, just send me a PM with the details and I'll say yay or nay. Most likely yay.

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I am very open. I don't run around screaming 'I LOVE PONIES', but I do wear pony shirts more than my regular ones. Manely because I have more. Also, my keychain is Rarity. If you were to enter my room, you would be overwhelmed with pony, and I am rarely seen (or heard) not listening to brony music or making it myself.

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I can't help but show my family that I'm a brony, since my computer is right near the kitchen and the laundry room. I've been looking for some MLP-themed clothing that would appeal to me (i.e. suits and ties, 'cause I'm dapper like that). I'll slip in some catchphrases from the show in my everyday speech. I'm thinking about creating a brony club at my college, but so far I've really yet to come out.

Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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  • 2 weeks later...


Woo. But no really im only as open as my t-shirts or whoever walks in on me watching the show or sees my wallpaper. No need to be too open.....But then again... :huh:

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Recently my friends have discovered I watch it. Nopony's given me any real guff, since they're actually my friends, but they do find it funny. I'm not the type to be offended by some friendly ribpoking, and frankly I also find it funny in a sense, so it's no big deal. It's just another eccentricity of mine as far as they're concerned.

  • Brohoof 1


"If we have the courage to decide ourselves for peace, we will have peace." - Albert Einstein

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Everyone knows I watch it.

But I think they think I say I watch it to be ironic. Like a joke.


But I don't really correct them. But I wouldn't care if someone from school walked in on me watching it either.


I have a friend who disapproves(and it's not because it's a girl's show. They just hate the way some bronies try to convert the rest of internet and shove our show into their faces), but he's one of my closest friends so he obviously wouldn't hold it against me.

  • Brohoof 1

Coming in 2013... My Little Dashie: The live-action movie!

Please Follow our Tumblr: http://mylittledashie-movie.tumblr.com/

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  • 2 months later...

I'm very open. Everyone that knows me knows about my obsession with Ponies. I don't really worry about what people will say and I don't care if they disapprove.


"Just because we like this show does not mean that we are gay,strange, or different in any way. We just have learned to express ourselves and not to judge a book by its cover. We as fans don't care what others have to say because we know that they have never sat down and watched the show and will never understand its awesomeness.It makes all laugh,smile, and it brings people together who will not judge eachother.Its not just a bunch of fans.Its a whole Community."-me

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In real life, only my family know that I am a brony. On the internet, on the other hand, I am very open about being a brony, to the point where I told people who I knew hated MLP (and would give me all kinds of trouble for being a brony) that I was a brony once I became one.


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I hardly am shy about it. I wear T-shirts, I sing the songs for shows, and I listen to the pony music, and watch the episodes at sporting events... I actually want people to know I'm a brony.


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I am really open about it. I have everything on my computer ponified (google, facebook, youtube, my desktop, mlpforums is my homepage, etc.) and I take my laptop to school everyday, so people are constantly questioning me about it and I tell them what it's about. plus, I wear 2 mlp shirts and always have on a bracelet that says "Brony". I get judged a lot, especially by my boyfriend for liking it, but I don't really care. I love it and it makes me happy, so that's all that matters.

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Whenever I come across particularly beautiful music I share it with my mom. Since the brony community is in no short supply of such music I shared some with her. When she asked about it I told her it's from mlp. She didn't care. I've told no one else though I'm not close to many people so she was the only one I felt bothered to share my fandom with.

Edited by RationalistPony
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I'm 2% open with mine :D If anyone outside the internet found out, I would be ruined Q_Q Not that it's a bad thing to be a Brony o3o I just don't want to deal with MLP haters. I think some of my friend are haters >_>

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Considering I take a Rarity bag (with matching phone charm & phone sock!) to uni, I guess you could say I'm pretty open :D I also have a shelf in my room dedicated to pony blind bags and the customs I make from them. My parents and I once had a discussion about the show too, after they read an article on a news site.


My best friend is also a big fan, and lucky for me I have a long history of being crazy over cartoons with my other friends, so they more or less dismiss it as another one of my fandoms. I have no problem being open about it at all!


Basically, if I'm asked about it I won't deny my interest in the show, and I'll buy merchandise for it much like I do for my other fandoms. However I won't bring it up if isn't needed nor hijack a conversation into the direction of ponies.

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Completely open! I wear tshirts, talk about them openly, display all my merch in the living room of my apartment, the whole deal. So far I haven't had any issues with people getting uppity about it, but even if I did, I wouldn't care. X3 I'll love my ponies wherever and however I like.

Edited by Sybarex
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Unless someone asks, I try not to make it come off as a big deal. I won't harass people into watching the show if they haven't.


I subtly draw fanart of anything, ponies included or use stickers on my phone or something. If I had shirts I'd wear them too, because...it's clothes. I wear a lot of pop culture themed clothes.


I like dollies.

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I'm an obvious Pegasister. My purse is a mini backpack with rainbow dash using glitter turntables and originally read "DJ Hoofers" on the top but I thought that was kind of silly so I wrote over it "PARTY" in paintpen. Now it is the ponypartypack (say that like Pinkie Pie would). I have hand painted Dash shoes that rule, a little Dash on my keys, Dash as my desktop and I'm in the process of getting a Dashie cutie mark tattoo :) Things I rep hard: Equestria and Hyrule and I don't give a FLUFF what anyone has to say about what I like

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Im almost a fully open brony. I have told all my friends Im a brony and a few classmates. Also if i could get a hold of some, Id wear MLP merchandise to school. I talk about MLP:FIM almost all the time around my friends and my school computer is decked out with a RD background and firefox theme. I dont tell my family though, I told my sis but she doesn't really care or even talk about my bronyness.

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I don't let anyone know I am a brony IRL, I happen to know a few closet bronys, but we don't talk about it unless we are online chatting. I currently know none that are pegasisters IRL. Though as you can tell I don't hide my bronyness online :lol:

Edited by Retro_Derpy


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I'm the most open Brony you'll ever meet. I cosplay, wear t shirts, have ponies on my notebooks, attend cons and meetups, have pony blogs, and I tell almost everyone I know that I watch MLP.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm as open as the darkest most cluttered corner of my closet. In other terms means, no one must know Posted Image or i will have to get my hooves out of some serious mud.

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Few people....and soon more people are gonna know....I'm doomed to come out in the open.


It's this project I'm working, and it involves ponies, so therefore....I will soon completely come out in the open. :blink:

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