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Tom The Diamond

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I love Pokemon HeartGold. I might recharge my DS and replay some of it again soonish.


I have several favourites, and other just cool Pokemon.


Some of which are Growlithe, Misdreavus, Tyranitar, Dragonite, Flygon, Lanturn and Altaria.


Also Mew is funniest Pokemon. srsly.

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Favourite ghost type:

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Hell yeah! /)

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Double Hell yeah! /) Sweet Celestia I love this forum!


All the pokemon you just listed had original ideas. Compare those ideas with this, for example:


Posted Image

I'm pretty sure a garbage pile with cotton ears is not original.

Since the image isn't working, I'm gonna assume you're talking about Trubbish. What exactly makes him more or less original then the Pokemon I listed? The fact that he's based off of garbage? I'd say being able to make a bag of garbage into a friendly living organism is pretty creative.

Edited by Tom the Diamond


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^That is exactly my point. The ideas used to be original, but they are just running out and replacing them with "wtf" pokemon.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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^That is exactly my point. The ideas used to be original, but they are just running out and replacing them with "wtf" pokemon.


Yeah.. I mean 'Kling'-> 'Klang'-> 'Kling Klang' lol.


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^That is exactly my point. The ideas used to be original, but they are just running out and replacing them with "wtf" pokemon.

You still haven't really explained what makes them less original then the originals. Gen 5 introduced plenty of well designed and thought out pokemon. Heck, The tao trio are some of the most creative and well thought out Pokemon ever.


Besides, Gen. 1 had tons of 'wtf' Pokemon. Remember Koffing, Weezing, Mr. Mime, Jynx, Snorlax, Ditto, Exeggcute, Diglett, Dugtrio, and Tangela? 'wtf' Pokemon have always been around, and you can find these odd Pokemon in every generation. Of course, theres nothing wrong with Pokemon that look more quirky then bad ass. I'll take a Dunsparce over a Charizard anyday.

  • Brohoof 1


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Those "wtf" pokemon were more explainable...I don't know, it's just something doesn't seem right about the newer generations. It was like before I really enjoyed each individually thought out pokemon, and now it's like they're pumping them out halfheartedly.

Diglett = mole

Koffing = virus (get it? cough, virus? That's actually CLEVER)

Ditto, the name is awesome, you can't deny :D

Some of them are weird, but it felt like each one was created wholeheartedly and well though-out. Nowadays it just feels like they're selling us short.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I think 5th gen's got plenty of creative Pokemon, such as a giant centipede(Scolipede), a metallic thorn plant(Ferrothorn), and an armored beatle actually wearing armor(Escavalier). Ok, a giant centipede might not be so creative, but imo it's damn cool that they actually have one now. :P


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I just want to say I agree with the "What the Buck" rule being broken more severely during generation 5. I am willing to take a lot from Gamefreak, but some ideas got too atrocious to be considered still good.


Sometimes I feel they shouldn't add any more pokemon and stick with the ones they have. Make interesting stiories around them.

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I'm pretty sure a garbage pile with cotton ears is not original.


More original than a pile of sludge (Grimer and Muk.)


Also, is it just me or do a lot of people seem to be judging the generations based on the Pokemon designs instead of the actual regions?

  • Brohoof 1
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Those "wtf" pokemon were more explainable...I don't know, it's just something doesn't seem right about the newer generations. It was like before I really enjoyed each individually thought out pokemon, and now it's like they're pumping them out halfheartedly.

Diglett = mole

Koffing = virus (get it? cough, virus? That's actually CLEVER)

Ditto, the name is awesome, you can't deny :D

Some of them are weird, but it felt like each one was created wholeheartedly and well though-out. Nowadays it just feels like they're selling us short.

If they were pumping these Pokemon out half-heartily, we'd be getting new ones each year, with additional pokemon available as DLC. And if you preorder at gamestop, you could get a special evolutionary line.


Instead, look at each generation.


Generation One; 151

Generation Two; 251

Generation Three; 386

Generation Four; 493

Generation Five; 649


Take into consideration that Generation One started on February 27, 1996. Generation Two started November 21, 1999. Generation Three started on November 21, 2002. Generation Four started on September 28, 2006. And lastly, Generation Five started on September 18, 2010. So it took them a little over 14 years to add 498 Pokemon. That's WAAAAAY beyond making a Pokemon a Day. Heck, that's more then a Pokemon a week. So if that rate is considered 'Pumping them out' then I sure wouldn't want Nintendo working on the CoD franchise.


Though where do you get Virus from Koffing? I mean, of all the things it looks like, virus would be the last thing that would come to mind. Anyway, lets look at some of the Generation Five Pokemon.


Scrafty= A lizard Pokemon who uses it's shed skin and wears it akin to gangsters. Is very aggressive to intruders who enter their territory. It's name is a combination of the words 'Scrawny' and 'Crafty'.


Deino= A small aggressive dragon that live's most of it's life blind, and has to feel around with it's mouth, biting everything as well as bumping into things. Because of this, there are wounds and sores all over it's body. It's name is a combination of the words 'Dino', and 'Ein', german for 'one', eluding to his future evolution.


Litwick= A small candle Pokemon who pretends to help you in dark areas by using it's light to guide you, but is actually sucking the life from you, which it then uses to burn it's flame. It's name is a mixture of 'Lit' and 'wicked'.


Beheeyem= An alien Pokemon with a drenchcoat that mysteriously hovers around, communicating with it's multi-colored fingers. They can not only wipe, but rewrite their target's memory. Their name is actually an abbreviation of BEM, or 'Bugged Eyed Monsters'. Another term for alien.


Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyruem= A legendary trio of Dragons that were originally a singular Pokemon, but in a war, were split. The dragon became Reshiram for Ideals, and Zekrom for Truths. The corpse of the original dragon became Kyruem. The two dragons have a generator for their tail, each generates heat. Zekrom uses Electricity, as opposed to Reshiram who uses Fire. Because the two dragons have been split, Kyruem has no generator, and has the ice subtype, as well as a lower base stat total then the two. His tail, instead of being a generator like the other two, is a plug. Their names are direct translations of their Japanese version's.


Genesect= An ancient bug fossil that was resurrected. It was the most deadly predator in it's era, presumably more aggresive then other Pokemon of that era, like Kabutops and Aerodactyl. It was modified with weapons and armor, in an attempt to make the most powerful Pokemon in the world. However, when the project was canceled, one mad scientist refused to give up and continued on the project in secret. It's name comes from Genocide, and Insect.


I find those much more creative then Ditto, which is a blob, sort of amoeba like, that can replicate the appearance of it's enemy. It's name coming straight out of the english dictionary. The Pokemon have been getting more creative, as each generation Gamefreak either looks for more animals, myths, objects, plants, and who knows what else to create new Pokemon, as well as visit old concepts gain and re imagine them in a new light. A good example is Mewtwo and Genesect. Mewtwo is simply a clone of Mew created by Team Rocket who went rouge. Genesect is the result of the resurrection of a mysterious long extinct Pokemon that was already a natural killer, given tons of new equipment to work with. Both are interesting, but Genesect's is a tad more interesting IMO. Plus, he even as a neat typing for a legendary. As opposed to Psychic, he's Bug/Steel, making him the first legendary bug ever. You can see this later with Drowzee and Munna, Ninjask/Shedinja and Accelgor, and more. Of course, you should also remember that while each Pokemon may look odd, or even unrealistic, their still a pretty good representation of the diversity and oddness in our world. Yeah, you have some bad ass animals, like T-Rexs, and Lions, and you have adorable animals like Cats and Dogs, and you have ugly animals like Naked Mole Rats, and those odd monkey things with the squidward noses, and you have animals that look so weird that you would question if they were real even if you saw a picture of them.


And that's like the Pokemon world, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I find trubbish to be an adorable Pokemon. Does that make him adorable to everyone? No. Most would find him ugly. But Ugly=/=Unoriginal. Heck, it was probably the creator's interest to create an unappealing Pokemon. It is, after all, mutated trash, not a swimsuit model. However, his design is still pretty different from just being a bag of trash, and his evolved form looks even less like one.

  • Brohoof 2


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It's probably nostalgia more than anything. But to me, it seemed that rather than adding new ideas, all gen 4(pretty sure it was gen 4, but idk) did was:

1) Take existing pokemon

2) Make evolved forms

3) Fill the spaces with other random pokemon

4) trololol there's 150, we're done boys!


How does that not scream "running out of ideas for new pokemon" to you?


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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It's probably nostalgia more than anything. But to me, it seemed that rather than adding new ideas, all gen 4(pretty sure it was gen 4, but idk) did was:

1) Take existing pokemon

2) Make evolved forms

3) Fill the spaces with other random pokemon

4) trololol there's 150, we're done boys!


How does that not scream "running out of ideas for new pokemon" to you?


Gen 2 did the same exact thing, and added a shortened Kanto region to make up for the Johto region being too small. It's nostalgia.

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It's probably nostalgia more than anything. But to me, it seemed that rather than adding new ideas, all gen 4(pretty sure it was gen 4, but idk) did was:

1) Take existing pokemon

2) Make evolved forms

3) Fill the spaces with other random pokemon

4) trololol there's 150, we're done boys!


How does that not scream "running out of ideas for new pokemon" to you?


More like looking at throwaway Pokemon, like Yanma, Onix and Tangela, thinking of how they could of been redesigned, and giving them an evolved form as well as better stats, larger movepool, and not making them completely suck in competitive battles. Plus, if your not a fan of that, you should love Gen. 5 for obvious reasons.


Plus, if it was just Gen. 4, then, like Pinkamena mentioned above, you're missing a good portion. Gen. 4 also introduced new battle mechanics, such as the great physical/special split, slightly altered breeding, new abilities and moves, and more.Do you know Stealth Rock? It was introduced in Gen. 4, and changed the competitive play a lot. You'll be hard pressed to find a competitive team without stealth rock, or a way to counter it.

Edited by Tom the Diamond


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That's not what Pokemon is about to me though. I could care less about competitive playing. To me, Pokemon is exactly what I thought it was when I first decided to go get a GameBoy. I loved exploring the regions because it was just fun exploring and meeting different new pokemon. And that's the thing I hate, Gen 4 is turning Pokemon all competitive. Evolutions are fine, in fact I like them. But they really shouldn't prioritize stronger over better. Gens 1 and 2, heck even 3, gave you unique pokemon that you loved for their simple, not too far out, and fun original designs. I'll always remember yanma as the troll Pokemon that kept using detect and double-team. I'll remember Onyx as the pokemon I 2-hit KO'd to get my first badge in LeafGreen. Instead of creating more unique pokemon like that, all Gamefreak is doing is taking what you already have and squeezing an extra helping of mustard on it.


Sorry if my posts start coming rather late, I have midterms on Wednesday and I need to start studying :(


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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That's not what Pokemon is about to me though. I could care less about competitive playing. To me, Pokemon is exactly what I thought it was when I first decided to go get a GameBoy. I loved exploring the regions because it was just fun exploring and meeting different new pokemon. And that's the thing I hate, Gen 4 is turning Pokemon all competitive. Evolutions are fine, in fact I like them. But they really shouldn't prioritize stronger over better. Gens 1 and 2, heck even 3, gave you unique pokemon that you loved for their simple, not too far out, and fun original designs. I'll always remember yanma as the troll Pokemon that kept using detect and double-team. I'll remember Onyx as the pokemon I 2-hit KO'd to get my first badge in LeafGreen. Instead of creating more unique pokemon like that, all Gamefreak is doing is taking what you already have and squeezing an extra helping of mustard on it.


Sorry if my posts start coming rather late, I have midterms on Wednesday and I need to start studying :(

But battling is the core gameplay of Pokemon. One of the things that makes it it's own game. Its like if I complained about a Kirby game adding tons of new abilities because I enjoy the minigames more then the actual game. Battling and trading with friends is what gives Pokemon a lasting appeal that other games lack. For example, playing the same game constantly would get boring, no matter how great it is. However, Pokemon has it's multiplayer aspects to give it it's lasting appeal, greatly increasing the game's lifespan in your DS. However, if they didn't focus on improving those, then eventually, it would begin to get stale. So obviously creating more options, improvements, and such to the thing that give the game it's appeal is priority.


Also, you say stronger and better as if a Pokemon can ONLY be one. Take a look at these two.


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Porygon2 is a sleeker version of Porygon, meant to symbolize upgrades and remodels in technology. It's got a higher base stat total then Porygon, and, in my opinion, is better. Heck, it's evolution, Porygon-Z is better then it, in my opinion. Again, better is used to describe it's looks. And beauty is, as I said before, in the eye of the beholder.


Also, exploration hasn't been abandoned. Heck, in Black and White, you have a huge region filled with Pokemon never seen before. No zubats, no magikarps, just pure discovery. And it has some of the most inspired locations to date. An underwater city of ruins, an electrical cave, a mountain mine that floods with snow in the winter, and the best Victory Road to date. The only thing it doesn't have is a casino which, while fun, wasn't that big to the game.


Also, again, each generation has unique Pokemon. Case and point-


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I can safely say that I, without a doubt, have never seen anything like this creature in my entire life, in real life or in fiction. This... thing is the very image of unique. And it's animation is funny and memorable. Of course, you basing your claims largely on nostalgia. Nostalgia is a fine emotion, nothings wrong if plugging in an SNES and remembering the good old days.


But when you look down on things and shun new ideas because of it, that's when nostalgia becomes a problem.


Nostalgia is something you'll never get back. You'll never get to relive those car rides with your game boy, or playing the N64 at a friends house after a day in the snow. Yo can try to replicate them, but you'll never get them back. So instead of longing for the past, embrace the future and try to make it just as good, if not better, then the past.


Also, Pokemon has always been a competitive game. The thing is Gen 4. introduced online battles, making it much more easier to trade, and battle. And because of this, interest in competitive battles grew more then before, due to more ponies out there wanting to improve. Hence why your seeing more and more competitive players out there, due to it being more accessible.

  • Brohoof 2


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I'm pretty sure that's a flatfish. They start out life with eyes on opposite sides, but as they get older, one eye "moves" upwards. Idk how that works either :


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Finally got around to making a list of my favorite Pokemon...this was so difficult.


Favorite bug type: Scizor

Favorite dark type: Umbreon (Houndoom, Hydreigon, and Sneasel all come close, though)

Favorite dragon type: Dragonite

Favorite electric type: Jolteon (Raichu and Raikou come pretty close, though)

Favorite fighting type: Tie between Hitmontop and Lucario

Favorite fire type: Flareon

Favorite flying type: Lugia

Favorite ghost type: Chandelure

Favorite grass type: Bayleef

Favorite ground type: Tie between Flygon and Garchomp

Favorite ice type: Articuno

Favorite normal type: Eevee

Favorite poison type: Crobat

Favorite psychic type: Espeon

Favorite rock type: Tyranitar

Favorite steel type: Jirachi

Favorite water type: Tie between Lapras and Suicune

  • Brohoof 2
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Finally got around to making a list of my favorite Pokemon...this was so difficult.


Favorite bug type: Scizor

Favorite dark type: Umbreon (Houndoom, Hydreigon, and Sneasel all come close, though)

Favorite dragon type: Dragonite

Favorite electric type: Jolteon (Raichu and Raikou come pretty close, though)

Favorite fighting type: Tie between Hitmontop and Lucario

Favorite fire type: Flareon

Favorite flying type: Lugia

Favorite ghost type: Chandelure

Favorite grass type: Bayleef

Favorite ground type: Tie between Flygon and Garchomp

Favorite ice type: Articuno

Favorite normal type: Eevee

Favorite poison type: Crobat

Favorite psychic type: Espeon

Favorite rock type: Tyranitar

Favorite steel type: Jirachi

Favorite water type: Tie between Lapras and Suicune


i must say that list is very impressive i applaud you.

Credit goes to the Awesome Vex3d


Twilight Sparkle FTW

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Why have I not posted in this thread yet? I am a huge Pokéfan! Not a competitive battler, just more casual-like. I know something of competitive battling though. And have invented some fakemon. Pokémon was one of the only fandoms I participated in actively. It's great. I love all generations, although Generation II is my favourite due to nostalgia. (Although without nostalgia, I think Gen V is the best. I love the improved storyline, awesome Pokémon designs, and the music in the games. Also, Reshiram; the world's best dragon.)


Pokémon appeals to me mainly because of the monster designs. I've always loved monster designs since I was a child. They got me into drawing in the first place! Love to draw Pokémon. I pick teams based on aesthetics rather than competitive ability. The games appeal to a variety of different people for different reasons. (I'm curious as to why they appeal to some of you. You can go ahead and say if you'd like.)


If I was a Pokémon... that's hard to decide, but I think I'd be a Gardevoir. I'd like to be a Fire-type, but none of them really fit me. Well, maybe Vulpix or Growlithe. Big maybe there. Here's my Pokésona, pretty much.


Also, I hope you don't mine, Pinkamena, that I steal your little favourite's list and do it for myself.


Favorite bug type: Scizor (Agreed there. Although Butterfree and Beautifly come close. So does Scolipede.)

Favorite dark type: Mightyena. (I love doggies.)


Favorite electric type: Manectric (Love those doggies, love 'em.)

Favorite fighting type: Lucario. (More doggies.)

Favorite fire type: Arcanine/Growlithe. (Even more and my favourites of all time.)

Favorite flying type: Articuno or Staraptor. (Had a great Staraptor in the past. It defeated everything.)

Favorite ghost type: Misdreavus (So feminine and awesome.)

Favorite grass type: Serperior (So beautiful with that appearance.)

Favorite ground type: Drilbur. (Cutest thing ever.)

Favorite ice type: Dewgong (I dunno, I just like it even if it isn't noticed much.)

Favorite normal type: Lillipup. (Cuteness overloads, pretty much.)

Favorite poison type: Scolipede. (If it can't be my favourite bug.)

Favorite psychic type: Victini. (My two favourite types, Fire and Psychic, put together.)

Favorite rock type: Archeops. (Loved it since I first saw it.)

Favorite steel type: Skarmory (It's just very sleek and I have fond memories of it in Pokémon Stadium.)

Favorite water type: Floatzel or uh... Vaporeon. (Have fond memories of both of these. They were great Pokémon!)

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Dumbest pokemon related argument: original 151 is the best! pokemon got uncreative and stupid after that.

Lickatung a pokemon based of a tongue...

the names are so stupid now combee, honey comb and bee

char and mander... char (as in after fire) and salamander...



I could rant all day but every gen has good and bad pokemon, don't let nostalgia cloud your judgement



I play pokemon at the meta game level, have for a few years now.

I know my shit, you watched a show. end of discussion .


Hell yeah! /)


chandeleur, is an amazing pokemon aside from the amazing fire/ghost typing, giving it STAB on powerful fire attacks, along with incredible special attacking and speed stats, a switch into earthquake AND the dream world ability shadow tag,

it dominates. ~

Edited by Shankveld
  • Brohoof 1

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