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Deconstructing Rainbow Dash - A critical opinion discussion


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Season 3 executes this thread.

Watch Sleepless in Ponyville and Wonderbolt Academy.

The two best MLP episodes ever in my opinion.

Scootalove is canon and RD is on her way to fulfilling her dreams.

And she's less of an "arrogant bitch".


I concur. Sleepless in Ponyville was excellent. So far, it's the best episode of Season 3. Wonderbolt Academy was amazing. Anything that has Dashie happy is nothing less than a great episode. And *hugs crying Dashie* How could TC post such a hurtful question?

  • Brohoof 1

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I honestly don't dislike any pony. I mean I think that each of the pony's have their own little things that I love! I don't personally dislike anypony though. I haven't had any of the mane 6 do something that made me dislike them really. Atleast it never lasted long term.


I did use to dislike rarity, but after some of her episodes I learned to like her :).

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I can't stand RD. I often times wonder why so much Merc is out there concerning her. There are so many great traits in the other Mane 6. Shes frankly number 5 or 4 on my list, depending on if shes showing her flank and being a jerk in the latest episode.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Well, you see, I like her because even if she was shallow in season 2, I like that a lot, she's interesting, she shows more emotion that being happy and caring and stuff, but not to the point where she is heartless, in S3 she's being more warm yet retaining her awesome character, it makes her special, that's not to say the other ponies aren't special, but I see where the people who dislike RD come from, it's just preference, I see it as a clever input on the producer's part, which I like a lot and it's cool to see how she pans out. :3

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(I think I might have replied to a topic like this before but never mind)


I totally understand. I can definitely see why you would dislike her. She can really tend to get conceited at times, and way to showoff-y.


Despite having said that, Rainbow is, and always will be, my one favorite. It's like, Rainbow Dash. 20% cooler. For absolutely no reason, she just stands out above the rest for me and that all it takes.

Things just got 20% cooler.

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I feel the same way. Not to be mean or anything, but she's probably my least favorite of the mane 6.


When people are like " Dashie is best pony", it kinda pisses be off. I will admit, she can be funny, and she does have some memorable quotes, but she's just such a narcissist.*


*Edit: At times

Edited by Betez



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For me, Rainbow Dash is my least favourite of the mane 6. She seems too competitive for my taste. Also I feel she isn't as developed as the other characters. She could definitely use a few more character development episodes to flesh her out. Season 3 is definitively making her more likable.

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This seems like a hate thread to me. I like all the ponies from the mane six. each one of them has a unique personality that makes them special. I just don't understand why a thread like this exist. It just feels like an excuse to post. I might as well make a thread on why I dislike dark chocolate. A thread like that would be just as silly.  :huh:


Rainbow Dash represents loyalty. She's always fighting for her friends. So what if she seems a little proud of herself. I have moments like that. Should people dislike me for it?


Pinkie Pie is super hyper. Fluttershy is way to...well shy and cowardly. Does mean we should dislike them too?


If no one bothered to notice yet each pony who is part of the mane six has a few faults to their personality that makes them imperfect not just Rainbow Dash.

Edited by Mighty E.
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I can personally not understand how anyone could not like a person for being a show-off. If you've got the stuff, strut it. That's how people/characters like Rainbow Dash think. It's not as if she goes around insulting other people, she just has a tendency to kinda nudge others out of the way to be at the top. Though as proven in the Wonderbolts Academy episode she won't go so far as to defame someone to get to the top.


She also has the capacity to see things differently when seen in the right light. Look at Tank. All she wanted was a pet that could keep up with her and make her look cool but Tank is so much more than that. She knows what it means to be a reliable companion.

I should be more clear: I don't know how anyone can not like someone based on merely one facet of their personality. I'm not saying everyone has to like everybody or anything. TC mentioned one facet and said they couldn't possibly like them for that reason alone as if there wasn't any dimension to her character.

  • Brohoof 3
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I think Rainbow Dash is pretty funny. But yeah, she is cocky. But I think she's nicer than she was in season 1. 


I don't think that she's mean, I just think that she's the type that always needs to be the winner. That's what her character is like. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Rainbow Dash is a tomboy (in fact, she's incredibly boyish) and as such, she has numerous traits that make her a stark contrast from others.


Contrast Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity, all of whom are very empathetic, warm and maintain a typically friendly persona. Rainbow Dash, in contrast, does not. She constantly belittles her friends (Applejack and Twilight Sparkle especially, and in recent episodes Rarity's got the brunt of it), in a similar way to how boys do. Boys are anything but soft to one another, instead determined to prove their dominance. Interestingly, despite their typically vitriolic behaviour, boys can maintain a much more stable friendship than girls, who frequently fall out with one another and change friends. Rainbow Dash does not generally offer words of sympathy, but rather acts as a friend through her contagious enthusiasm ("Go get 'em, big guy," said to Spike in Dragon Quest comes to mind). She didn't apologize to Tank after realizing she was wrong, but made it very clear that she realized how mistaken she was. After Hurricane Fluttershy, she has nothing but praise, and more praise for Fluttershy.


Then there's The Mysterious Mare Do Well. In actual fact, Rainbow Dash is memorable for her arrogance in this, but it arguably wasn't natural. She'd become famed for her heroic deeds, which she'd done a genuinely great job on. In fact, at first, she says that what she had done was nothing, but the citizens of Ponyville think otherwise. She was convinced by the citizens that she was even more awesome than she believed herself to be, and the fame got to her head.


So why does she have such a big ego? There are several potential reasons: firstly, Rainbow Dash is clearly inspired by a rising famed performer (sport stars and rock stars come to mind). Both those fields are brimming with arrogant souls (Axl Rose, anyone?) I believe it's a psychological tool that's required to allow one to win (if you doubt yourself, you will become settled too easily in mediocrity). The second reason, perhaps the more logical one, is that she was bullied. Despite being bullied, she has a generally "fuck you" esque attitude. The best way not to let bullies get to you is to believe that you're superior to them, something that Rainbow Dash most definitely seems to believe (and appears to be correct). Now going back to the former reason, this was highlighted in Wonderbolt Academy. At the start, when with the rest of the Mane 6, she did nothing but talk about how great she was. (She does it to degrees in other episodes, but she showed none of her ego in episodes such as The Last Roundup, Hurricane Fluttershy and Party of One). Because she felt confident, she was able to not be intimidated by Spitfire. By the end of the episode, when she had proved herself she demonstrated none of the ego we saw in the first half, because she had no reason to do so. And that's another thing that's great about Rainbow Dash. She never pretends to be good at anything she isn't. She likes to be seen for her awesomeness, and will showcase it in whatever way possible. Think about it, in Dragonshy, she was quickly stopped by Applejack. Her intention was to dive straight into the dragon's hideout, and get rid of the dragon for once and for all. That takes guts, the kind she claims to have, and most definitely does. She was willing to sacrifice her life!


Dragonshy comes to mind as an episode that does not put her in a favourable light. She's constantly talking down to Fluttershy, clearly angry because Fluttershy is spoiling her plan (if it can even be called a plan). And in fact, Rainbow Dash is not completely wrong in her doubting of Fluttershy. Fluttershy is holding them back during an emergency. Rainbow Dash is blunt, to the point and a doer. She will get done exactly what needs to be done, and will stop at nothing to do so. In The Last Roundup, she was the most vehement on bringing Applejack back to Ponyville. Some say that leaving Pinkie Pie and Rarity behind was cruel, but that's being idealistic in my opinion. If they'd stopped, Applejack would've got away. In fact, Rainbow Dash was doing it for Applejack's own good. In Party of One, she dragged Pinkie Pie all the way to Sweet Apple Acres. In Suited for Success, Rainbow Dash came up with the scheme to bring Rarity out of exile (it was a little cruel, but I think everypony could agree it was for the better).


Finally, Fall Weather Friends. I've mentioned above about her ego. Everything she did in that episode after a certain point was bang out of order, but she seemed genuinely unhappy at the end: more because of her unsportspony-like behaviour than losing from what I saw. And after belittling Twilight Sparkle at the start of the race, one is given the impression that, much like in May the Best Pet Win (although, granted, it's not made as explicit) she was proud of Twilight. The scene at the end is a great scene that, in my opinion, completely undoes everything that happened during the episode.


Make what you will of this. I'll leave the conclusion to you, as I believe that's fairer.

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That's another great thing about FiM. Even if you really dislike one pony, you will find another you really, really like. I'm not positive it's possible to dislike them all as a characters.


Tho I really like her, probably my favorite, but I guess I will not elaborate, as it was already said many times in this topic.

Edited by Jessper


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  • 2 years later...

Please keep in mind that I said "dislike" not hate. I just really don't see the appeal of her as a character and why people like her other than them having a tomboy fetish...She's selfish and conceited and doesn't seem to care at all about anypony but herself...

And I can name some reasons why Rainbow Dash is most certainly NOT best pony and is the least admirable out of the mane 6 and isn't loyal:

S01E01: Friendship is Magic

She messes up Twilight's mane and doesn't even apologize and instead laughs in her face...

S01E02: Friendship Is Magic
She almost leaves her friends for a group of complete strangers who she doesn't even know...

S02E30: Luna Eclisped

She pranked the other characters constantly and didn't even care that she interfered when Twilight was trying to help reach out to Princess Luna...

S04E75: Rainbow Falls

She almost leaves her friends once again just to be with the winning team...

S04E86: Testing Testing 1,2,3

Twilight tries to help her prepare for a test and she arrogantly shuns her help and rebels against her...

To name a few things. I could go on but I don't want bother.

And she's supposed to be loyal? These acts right here show the complete antithesis of her Element of Harmony if anything...

Sure Rarity sometimes shows Greed which is the complete antithesis of her Element of Harmony but she still lives up to her Element of Harmony way more than Rainbow Dash does and gets way too much hate just like how Rainbow Dash gets way too much love if you ask me. But I digress. I'm getting back on topic now.

Edited by Asbel Lhant
  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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Rainbow is my least favorite mane 6 member, especially since she's incredibly rude. 


She has shown loyalty such as:

  • Choosing the mane 5 over the shadowbolts in The Elements of Harmony
  • Being loyal to her Ponyville friends in Griffon The Brush-Off
  • Eventually choosing the right team in Rainbow Falls

just to name a few (and I honestly had trouble finding examples :s).


But yeah, she has a nice design and I guess some people like her confidence, but I really don't like her. The moment I hated her the most was when Twilight was excited for the Starswirl museum in Three's A Crowd, and Rainbow gags and calls it lame, that was not necessary. 


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After Twilight, Rainbow Dash. We should create a thread for each mane 6. :P


Although I understand why some people don't like Rainbow Dash, she's very different from the other mane 6. (however, all of them have violated their element at least one time in the show)


But sorry, she's my favorite mane 6.

Edited by Blobulle
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Oh look another "Why do people like Rainbow Dash" thread

S01E01: Friendship is Magic

She messes up Twilight's mane and doesn't even apologize and instead laughs in her face...
She laughed because Twilight looked silly and for the most part she was trying to help her get dry. Spike was also laughing but obviously its a bad thing only when RD does it

S01E02: Friendship Is Magic
She almost leaves her friends for a group of complete strangers who she doesn't even know...
But she didn't 

S04E30Luna Eclisped

She pranked the other characters constantly and didn't even care that she interfered when Twilight was trying to help reach out to Princess Luna...
So pranking people(in a holiday where pranking is encouraged) is bad? Also did RD even knew about Luna? Pinkie Pie was the one actively making things worse for Luna

S04E75Rainbow Falls

She almost leaves her friends once again just to be with the winning team...
And of course she ultimately decided to go with her friends because that's where here heart belongs. 

S04E86Testing Testing 1,2,3

Twilight tries to help her prepare for a test and she arrogantly shuns her help and rebels against her...

To quote what I said before

That literally only happened for one minute(did one freaking minute really set people off?)...and it was out of frustration...and she apologized for it afterwards...


And besides the point of the episode was more about finding a study method that would help her on the test, and Twilight's method didn't work at all and they were all trying to find a suitable study habit that was suited for the episode, and she only began to shun everyone when they couldn't find one and she grew even more doubtful of her ability to learn



To name a few things. I could go on but I don't want bother.

And she's supposed to be loyal? These acts right here show the complete antithesis of her Element of Harmony if anything...

If anything your just horribly twisting all of her actions to make her look like an irredeemable asshole

  • Brohoof 3
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These threads, imo, serve entirely no purpose. The people who create these type of threads usually have a bias against the character and will cherry pick examples instead of doing an in depth analysis. It does nothing but promote fighting instead of having a good discussion. I admit I am not the biggest fan of Rainbow but I am also not going to take a huge crap on her character simply because I don't like her. She has her ups and downs just like the rest of the Mane 6. Now, with that mini rant out of the way, I am going to list three awesome things Rainbow has done.


  1. Saved Rarity and the Wonderbolts.
  2.  Followed Spike, with Twilight and Rarity, so make sure he was ok in Dragon Quest.
  3. Took Scootaloo under her wing.
  • Brohoof 6
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Sometimes in fiction characters will make mistakes, so they can learn something from them. This is called character development. But so often in this particular fandom, I see people ignoring the development part completely so that they can focus instead on adding together all of a character's mistakes and misdeeds into some cumulative thesis on why the character is a terrible person. As if they only watched the first half of the episodes!


^Relevant quote from my favorite reviewer man guy. Rainbow Dash has had extremely satisfying character development (the most of any MLP character, in my biased opinion) but in order to appreciate it, you need to have the capacity to tolerate a bit of abrasiveness. Many are unwilling to do this, and that is their choice, but I do wish people would concentrate on the lessons that she's learned instead of collecting moments where she needed to learn a lesson.


@ the thread title, clearly not. RD rivals Rarity for the most commonly disliked main character in my experience.

  • Brohoof 8
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Look, if you don't like RD, I respect that. Of course, everybody has their own individual opinions. However, I still disagree with everything you said.


Perhaps the main problem with your points is that your judging her based on her being insensitive. Yeah, she may almost sided with the Shadowbolts in Friendship is Magic Part 2, and even the Wonderbolts in Rainbow Falls, but she didn't. To say that she was being disloyal is rather silly. Do keep in mind that Rainbow has been following her dream to become a Wonderbolt since she was a filly, so it would be natural for her to be all giddy about an offer like this.


It's also unfair to judge her based on her mischievous side. Both her and Spike laughed at Twilight simply because of how she accidentally ruined her mane. It wasn't like she didn't mean to ruin it on purpose. And to say that she was being insensitive for pranking in Luna Eclipsed? An episode that's all about the Equestrian equivalent of Halloween and pranking? If anything, Pinkie deserves the blame. I don't see your point.


I'll also mention this. I've seen plenty of people who dislike Rainbow Dash, mainly for her arrogance. And yes, while her arrogance may be annoying at first, it's actually justifiable. Remember, Rainbow is possibly the fastest flyer in all of Equestria, mostly because she simply loves to fly. Not just that, but her love for the Wonderbolts and how she wants to join them shows that she really practiced and knows her stuff. It's a rather human trait to have. If you practice on something for so long, you usually take pride on how much you've put into your work. If anything, the writers should stop exaggerating her ego. Arrogance is a great flaw for any character, but it isn't easy to execute a flaw like that one.


So yeah, that's my two cents. I would talk about this more, but these points are enough.

  • Brohoof 2
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Oh look another "Why do people like Rainbow Dash" thread


S01E01: Friendship is Magic

She messes up Twilight's mane and doesn't even apologize and instead laughs in her face...

She laughed because Twilight looked silly and for the most part she was trying to help her get dry. Spike was also laughing but obviously its a bad thing only when RD does it

S01E02: Friendship Is Magic


She almost leaves her friends for a group of complete strangers who she doesn't even know...
But she didn't 

S04E30Luna Eclisped


She pranked the other characters constantly and didn't even care that she interfered when Twilight was trying to help reach out to Princess Luna...

So pranking people(in a holiday where pranking is encouraged) is bad? Also did RD even knew about Luna? Pinkie Pie was the one actively making things worse for Luna


S04E75Rainbow Falls


She almost leaves her friends once again just to be with the winning team...

And of course she ultimately decided to go with her friends because that's where here heart belongs. 


S04E86Testing Testing 1,2,3


Twilight tries to help her prepare for a test and she arrogantly shuns her help and rebels against her...


To quote what I said before


That literally only happened for one minute(did one freaking minute really set people off?)...and it was out of frustration...and she apologized for it afterwards...


And besides the point of the episode was more about finding a study method that would help her on the test, and Twilight's method didn't work at all and they were all trying to find a suitable study habit that was suited for the episode, and she only began to shun everyone when they couldn't find one and she grew even more doubtful of her ability to learn



To name a few things. I could go on but I don't want bother.


And she's supposed to be loyal? These acts right here show the complete antithesis of her Element of Harmony if anything...

If anything your just horribly twisting all of her actions to make her look like an irredeemable asshole

You are quite rude...I am merely just stating my opinion of her. But that doesn't mean that I don't respect it if other people like her.


Rainbow Dash has the most flaws out of the mane 6 that's for sure. But the only flaws I can think of for Twilight are that she's too obsessive compulsive at times and how she acted in Lesson Zero. But that's only 2 flaws/mistakes. Same goes for Fluttershy. How she acted in The Best Night Ever and in Putting Your Hoof Down. That was only in 2 episodes. It wasn't her fault when Discord changed her.



These threads, imo, serve entirely no purpose. The people who create these type of threads usually have a bias against the character and will cherry pick examples instead of doing an in depth analysis. It does nothing but promote fighting instead of having a good discussion. I admit I am not the biggest fan of Rainbow but I am also not going to take a huge crap on her character simply because I don't like her. She has her ups and downs just like the rest of the Mane 6. Now, with that mini rant out of the way, I am going to list three awesome things Rainbow has done.


  1. Saved Rarity and the Wonderbolts.
  2.  Followed Spike, with Twilight and Rarity, so make sure he was ok in Dragon Quest.
  3. Took Scootaloo under her wing.


That's just three things that make her loyal though. I could do a huge list about what makes Rarity generous even though people say she isn't.

Look, if you don't like RD, I respect that. Of course, everybody has their own individual opinions. However, I still disagree with everything you said.


Perhaps the main problem with your points is that your judging her based on her being insensitive. Yeah, she may almost sided with the Shadowbolts in Friendship is Magic Part 2, and even the Wonderbolts in Rainbow Falls, but she didn't. To say that she was being disloyal is rather silly. Do keep in mind that Rainbow has been following her dream to become a Wonderbolt since she was a filly, so it would be natural for her to be all giddy about an offer like this.


It's also unfair to judge her based on her mischievous side. Both her and Spike laughed at Twilight simply because of how she accidentally ruined her mane. It wasn't like she didn't mean to ruin it on purpose. And to say that she was being insensitive for pranking in Luna Eclipsed? An episode that's all about the Equestrian equivalent of Halloween and pranking? If anything, Pinkie deserves the blame. I don't see your point.


I'll also mention this. I've seen plenty of people who dislike Rainbow Dash, mainly for her arrogance. And yes, while her arrogance may be annoying at first, it's actually justifiable. Remember, Rainbow is possibly the fastest flyer in all of Equestria, mostly because she simply loves to fly. Not just that, but her love for the Wonderbolts and how she wants to join them shows that she really practiced and knows her stuff. It's a rather human trait to have. If you practice on something for so long, you usually take pride on how much you've put into your work. If anything, the writers should stop exaggerating her ego. Arrogance is a great flaw for any character, but it isn't easy to execute a flaw like that one.


So yeah, that's my two cents. I would talk about this more, but these points are enough.

Pinkie Pie was naive and ignorant and had no purposeful malicious intent though. RD clearly did.

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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I like her because she is very relatable to me and is also a very compelling character by herself.


^Relevant quote from my favorite reviewer man guy. Rainbow Dash has had extremely satisfying character development (the most of any MLP character, in my biased opinion) but in order to have that, it requires you to tolerate a bit of abrasiveness. Many are unwilling to do this, and that is their choice, but I do wish people would concentrate on the lessons that she's learned instead of collecting moments where she needed to learn a lesson.


@ the thread title, clearly not. RD rivals Rarity for the most commonly disliked main character in my experience.

Completely agree. Drowning In Horseshoes hit the nail on he head with that quote.

  • Brohoof 1

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Pinkie Pie was naive and ignorant and had no purposeful malicious intent though. RD clearly did.


Was Rainbow trying to really harm anybody? Not really. As she said in the same episode...


Rainbow Dash: Lighten up, old-timer. This is the best night of the year for pranks! It's all in good fun.


She was meaning no harm. As I mentioned again, do remember that she was celebrating Nightmare Night. A celebration similar to Halloween. A celebration in which pranking is encouraged. To attack her clearly because you assumed she was "harming" others isn't right. Plus, with the events of Griffin the Brush Off, I think that Rainbow knows when to pull a prank.

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