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Twilight Sparkle Alicorn/Princess Speculation [SPOILERS]



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  1. 1. Would you approve of Twilight becoming an alicorn?

    • Yes!
    • Maybe...
    • NO.

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I can NOT wait until this nnnowoowwww!!! Gahhh Me so excited :D

Haven't been this excited since Crystal Ponies, Cause You Know

*Looks at username sheepishly*



Edited by Crystal Dancer
  • Brohoof 2

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Well No Offence, But I'd be happy for mah friend, Why wouldn't you? Just cause they've suddently gotten a bigger rank than chu?

Thats abit sad, Bro 


To be serious for a bit, it's less a change in rank and more a change in relationship dynamics.  We've yet to see an alicorn that isn't a Princess.  Twi's gonna be getting some new responsibilities, possibly in a non-Ponyville area.  That can do things to a friendship.   

  • Brohoof 2


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Alright now i've calmed down a fraction and read some peoples ideas, IM EVEN MORE WORRIED. 


All I can think about is - "What if she becomes a full blown princess?" and "What if she becomes more powerful than Celestia?" "WHAT IF THE SHOW ENDS?!" I've not been a Brony long enough for the show to end D: 


Back to the point. 

I don't think it's too good of an idea, but I think it can work out and be well pulled off. The writers have given us quality pieces so far, and frankly there's not been an episode I don't like yet. I think to people who have my mind-set I would have to say this. 

Discord. The manifestation of chaos, and a fan-favourite villain, has been successfully reformed by Fluttershy, everyone still loves him, and the episode was an incredible success. Why would this be any different? 


I'm not even going to think about other possibilities for the episode, but I will say that the only concern I have, is if they follow the general path of MLP, and make everypony a princess...that's back to the girly G3 that most bronies would rather burn their eyes with their own stomach acid than watch. That would be bad. But if they go into an anime style continuation of the show, that would be pretty bad too, as it would require us to watch all the episodes in order to understand everything. 


I hope they keep the show how it is now, but if Twilight does become a permanent alicorn, then I can only see the show taking on millions of new possibilities, and improving for the better. Or...you know, ending. :'( 

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Also, super spoilers, Nyx confirmed for season four.  Hold on to your hooves.

Quick! Somepony open a request for Tara Strong to grunt and yell for four minutes straight in her Twilight Sparkle voice!


For those who are suggesting this may be temporary: the language used by Meghan McCarthy makes it sound as if this is a long-term change. One should also bear in mind the emphasis on Ra's al Ghul's Twilight's destiny and the test at the beginning of the season.

  • Brohoof 5


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Quick! Somepony open a request for Tara Strong to grunt and yell for four minutes straight in her Twilight Sparkle voice!


For those who are suggesting this may be temporary: the language used by Meghan McCarthy makes it sound as if this is a long-term change. One should also bear in mind the emphasis on Ra's al Ghul's Twilight's destiny and the test at the beginning of the season.


Yyyeahh I don't like the whole "destiny" thing. To me that just states "Shows over, give us more money and go home." 

I don't know...just...kinda annoys me. I hope i'm wrong and i'm silently cooing in the corner right now trying to convince myself this will be a good change but...merh. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Ya know, when I see other people comment on Twilight becoming an Alicorn Princess, most of them seem to say, "Twilight's getting unfathomable magic power and authority that will make her outclass all her friends and spend less time with them, thereby disrupting the very foundation of the show. They should have waited for the end of the series."
When I think of Twilight becoming an Alicorn Princess, I say, "Twilight's getting wings."
She's a powerful unicorn as it is. Her friends are proud to have her as a friend because of that (albeit not exclusively). Getting wings or a rank won't change any of that, and I'm proud to love a show with writers who acknowledge that. And even if Twilight and her friends do feel uncomfortable about it, if any one of them fails to understand a single point I've brought up, then I pray that this or any other episode's lesson will enlighten them and, in turn, all of the fans who may continue to reject the idea of change. Though it's not like that's necessary at this point.

To repeat the hand played by a certain commenter on Equestria Daily:

"...When those elements are ignited by the spark that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element, the element of magic!" - Twilight Sparkle

"...You have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your cover is, its the contents of a pony that count." - Twilight Sparkle

"...Well, maybe we were trying too hard. And instead of forcing ourselves to do something that's not meant for us... We each should be embracing our true talents." - Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom

"...I used to think the most important traits to look for in a pet, or any best friend, were all physical competitive abilities. But now I can see how short-sighted and shallow that was." - Rainbow Dash

"...I learned that standing up for yourself isn't the same as changing who you are." - Fluttershy

"...Now I realize that who I am is not the same as what I am." - Spike

"...Girls are complex human beings, and they can be brave, strong, kind and independent–but they can also be uncertain, awkward, silly, arrogant or stubborn. They shouldn’t have to succumb to pressure to be perfect." - Lauren Faust

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It's a different thing. Imagine a friend of yours suddenly becomes the president of USA or the king of UK, you wouldn't see that person in the same way and I'm afraid that might happen when Twilight turn into an Alicorn


Considering how good friends they are, I highly doubt that would be a huge difference.


Also, they have never said she is going to rule

for !!SCIENCE!!



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If this is some non-permanent magic sh*squee*t, then I'm all for it. It'll be a fun episode for sure.




But if we're talking permanent then oh god... My tears will never stop.

Edited by Nordica


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For those who are suggesting this may be temporary: the language used by Meghan McCarthy makes it sound as if this is a long-term change.


So there is no turning back. Twilight's training will be nothing. Her will is everything. But if she makes herself more than just a mare, if she devotes herself to an ideal, she will become something else entirely. Is she ready to begin?

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Nice plot! (in the literal sense, not our slang) Will be interesting to see what happens~

Also, aww crap, Twi is actually cute.


Still, it's not that I don't have faith in the writers. It's that I do not think having Twi become an alicorn is a good idea. I hope it's temporary.


no rest for the wizardly.

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So there is no turning back. Twilight's training will be nothing. Her will is everything. But if she makes herself more than just a mare, if she devotes herself to an ideal, she will become something else entirely. Is she ready to begin?


Why is Season 3 so easy to target with The Dark Knight Trilogy references? I swear that we could do this in our sleep, Devin.


I suspect there will be no turning back. Once you turn the central character into some sort of super being, you really can't pretend it never happened without breaking the story.

  • Brohoof 5


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Very interesting. I think Alicorn Twilight looks great. I know some aren't fond of the idea, but I think we should give it a chance. And even though she is becoming a princess, I am sure she will still be the same Twilight we all know and love.

Edited by JesstroidPrime


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Damn you  Hasbro, why did you have to go and screw it up.


Just no, no!




This could possibly be the worst thing to happen to the show if it goes they way of being permanent.

  • Brohoof 1

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I will list one potential complaint, though it has little to do with Twilight becoming an Alicorn in particular: if they completely neglect all the artifacts and magic they teased at throughout the season (e.g., Alicorn Amulet, the Mirror Pool, Luna's mysterious book), I will be fairly disappointed.

  • Brohoof 1


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Why is Season 3 so easy to target with The Dark Knight Trilogy references? I swear that we could do this in our sleep, Devin.


She's not the Princess Ponyville needs right now.  She's the Princess they deserve.




Twi goes to the coronation and suddenly





  • Brohoof 1


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Of course, the new spell from the synopsis could be the whole reason she becomes an Alicorn, making the change permanent. The thing that bothers me most about this change is that fics like FoE and other set in the future have all been invalidated. Some of those I really liked. Oh well, if there was anypony I would want to become over powered in the Mane 6, I'd want it to be best Mane 6 pony.


Hah! My original post was two characters off from the limit. That was new.

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I didn't know they made all of the ponies princesses in the last gens... Wow. G4 quality writing spoiled me. I hope they don't do that, at least. @_@


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if she gave it up either, but I kiiind of hope she doesn't, if only to spare the show from a bad/rushed season finale (Legend of Korra, anyone?). The show alluded to Twilight being groomed for royal responsibilities since the very beginning, so if they throw all of that away it will have to be done carefully. "NAW, PRINCESS, KEEP YO CROWN, I JUST WANNA CHILL WITH MY FRIENDS LOL" wouldn't be Twilight's personality...


What kind of thing do you think could make Twilight reasonably give up her princessy responsibilities? 

She might give it up to spend more time with her friends. The life of a princess is busy, and I'd guess that she wouldn't have much time. I kinda hope she doesn't stay this way, but I'll keep watching, because I have complete faith in the creators of the show. Besides this is the season finale that's premiering on my Birthday... I'm hoping for the best.

Edited by Colt-Fortune


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Yyyeahh I don't like the whole "destiny" thing. To me that just states "Shows over, give us more money and go home." 

I don't know...just...kinda annoys me. I hope i'm wrong and i'm silently cooing in the corner right now trying to convince myself this will be a good change but...merh. 

Except season 4 is confirmed so the show isn't going to just end there, also that would no sense from a business point of view.

  • Brohoof 1

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I suspect there will be no turning back. Once you turn the central character into some sort of super being, you really can't pretend it never happened without breaking the story.


There are a few things that the writers can work out if our suspicions are confirmed .Being an alicorn in Ponyville and having to adjust to everyday life like a normal subject is easier said than done. To name a few (not limited to, of course): How will her friends react? How will Twilight manage herself? Will she start getting scornful looks from others because of her new appearance (maybe not, but it's something to note)? The writing has been superb and this is a very big risk they're undertaking - just like a big challenge to see just how far the show's come.


Heck, this is just like when the Giants drafted Jason Pierre-Paul. He was a pure, athletic kind of guy out of college but with lots of refinement, he might have single-handedly revived that defense of theirs and propelled them to a Super Bowl. Likewise, if the writers can ebb out the kinks and dust-bunnies that come from attempting something as big as character transformation, I'd say Twiley becoming an alicorn on a full-time basis has tremendous value in the long run.

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay so first this and then, I go on Tara's Twitter and she announces the Power Puff Girls are becoming back???? This is too much at once. 


But yeah, seeing as she messes up really bad in the finale (changing all the cutie marks and destinies) that would mean she's not ready to be a princess, right? Right?



Thanks a lot to ShyForever for the great signature!

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I will list one potential complaint, though it has little to do with Twilight becoming an Alicorn in particular: if they completely neglect all the artifacts and magic they teased at throughout the season (e.g., Alicorn Amulet, the Mirror Pool, Luna's mysterious book), I will be fairly disappointed.



Personally, I didn't consider Luna's mysterious book to be anything else but a foreshadowing tool from the premiere. It was obvious that it would have implications to the overall storyline, but for now, hard information about it will be revealed sometime during season four if not immediately. Considering the magnitude of Twilight's transformation is colossal, it wouldn't be a stretch to think the book will appear again at the end of the finale. She's just getting warmed up, after all!

  • Brohoof 1
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My theory is that it is temporary, either:

- A dream

- She switches with Celestia

- She forsakes her powers for her friends


If this is permanent (which I fear it might be, given her regal garb), it makes me worry that it means she is leaving Ponyville. And that the show will become centered on her while the rest of the Mane 6 get left behind.


I also worry this is Hasbro's way of trying to kill the show. Which raises the question, why would they try such a thing? Was an end-cap planned from the beginning? Was the explosion in popularity something they didn't see, but now have no choice but to still end the series after three seasons?


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Ok, let's think about this. 


Episode 13 says that Twilight screws up some spell and changes everyone's cutie marks and destinies. So maybe, Twilight switches with one of the princesses and fixes everything in the end.


But, if it's not, than I'll give the writers the benefit of the doubt and try to be more open about it. They haven't disappointed us so far.



If this is some non-permanent magic sh*squee*t, then I'm all for it. It'll be a fun episode for sure.




But if we're talking permanent then oh god... My tears will never stop.


Sadly, the language by Meghan McCarthy indicates that it is 100% permanent.  If Twilight was simply getting an honorary title as Princess, I would be 100% for it.


Here's what i'm foreseeing with the episode:



Twilight is 100% scared out of her mind of becoming a Princess.  She tries her hand at the Omniomorphic spell which causes disasters to happen.  This is where that 4chan post comes in, validating that Discord is infact Star Swirl, The Bearded.  He helps Twilight undo the mess and she gains wings. 


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