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gaming What kind of loser you are?

Motion Spark

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I'm pretty good at SSB Melee, since when I was a kid, my sister and I would play it for 16 hours straight every weekend.

Anyway like a year ago my sister's boyfriend find our old gamecub and SSB and we all play. And even though I haven't played it years I still, well to put it nicely, rape everyone. Now this now ex boyfriend of my sister had a pretty big gaming ego, after 10 rematches he stormed off and my sister says when she caught up with him he was crying.

I've seen it brah, I've seen it.


dammit! I would never get to the point of crying but you just have touched one of my sweet spots...SSB is my favorite game of all times, though I don't play melee anymore, I took the game very seriously when I used to play with my friends. Thankfully SSBB online gameplay sucks ass, I don't have to rage over other people being better than me...

but I do admit that I was very butthurt on the inside when sometimes my friends beat me in 1vs1, 3 lives, final destination. it's just that I didn't show haha


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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dammit! I would never get to the point of crying but you just have touched one of my sweet spots...SSB is my favorite game of all times, though I don't play melee anymore, I took the game very seriously when I used to play with my friends. Thankfully SSBB online gameplay sucks ass, I don't have to rage over other people being better than me...

but I do admit that I was very butthurt on the inside when sometimes my friends beat me in 1vs1, 3 lives, final destination. it's just that I didn't show haha


Fountain of dreams, and I hate long games so I always play with double the damage on. The more deaths the more fun it is for me. Before my husband and I started dating he played me and our final scores were +27 and -27, I posted the results on facbeook for further humiliation. As you can imagine he didn't take it very well o.o


  • Brohoof 1

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Probably the best example is when I play Mario Kart Wii with my brother-in-law and sisters. It all depends on how I lose, of course. Most of the time, when I lose because a CPU bombs me, I'll fake-rage and be all, "GRRRAAAAHHH, that was so CHEEAAAAPPPP!!!". When O lose because of my own incompetence, it's more of a, "Oh, man... DHHEERRRPPP!!!".


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I've never sent a rage message to anypony in my life but I have received my fair share

well I did... one night I was playing UMvC3 and I beat some kid's ass and he then sent me a message calling me a whore and that I had a cheap victory, I was so pissed! that I sent him back a message saying that "I still have your win bitch! welcome to my ignore list" haha, I just had to do it! XD
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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I really depends on the game, most games i usually do not care as I am only playing them to have fun, single player games that have really annoying parts I will sometimes rage at, again, it depends on the game.

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I posted the results on facbeook for further humiliation. As you can imagine he didn't take it very well o.o

omg that was so cruel, why did you do that? :(


I could make a joke that after that he broke up with you, but you are married to him now :P

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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omg that was so cruel, why did you do that? :(


I could make a joke that after that he broke up with you, but you are married to him now :P


Let's just put it this way, we never played again xD


and we weren't dating at the time, he was still in the crush-trying to impress me stage :P


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It really depends on the game, most games i only get dissapointed and a little mad if i was working on it for ahwie and it's moderalty diffucult otherwise i just shake it off and laugh, it's just a game ill get over it XD gives me the chance to just do better next time.


Although for games like Zelda 2, where you get so far in a dungeon only to lose all your lives....

GRAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *explosion* and have to start from beginning of the map...


But yeah, losing a game isnt bad unless i lost for something really stupid (game design fault wise), even then

i wont break into tears and hurt anyone.


i even like to rage for fun sometimes for comic relief :)

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I'm usually bad at video games, especially first person shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield. So I don't get angry or rage, because it's just for fun. Though, sometimes I get surprised when something immediately kills me. The only thing I can really say is, "How did that happen? And where did it even come from?"


But my big brother rages so much, especially if we're playing a cooperative game. Not only does he blame me for losing, but he accuses me of cheating when we play a competitive mode.


Overall, it also gives me a good laugh when I play with friends, or friendly players. Sometimes I'd try to be humorous and be all like, "Oops! Looks like I got killed everypony!"


A lot of the time, people don't really rage at games that require teamwork. So I may be playing a bit of Fat Princess and Killzone 3.

Edited by Cherry Blossom
  • Brohoof 2

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Let's just put it this way, we never played again xD

you sound like you were very good :D

if you were to get a wiiU or a 3DS I would like to play against you in the new smash assuming that they will have an acceptable online gameplay for the game :D


Well, I just got Assassins Creed 3.... Already broke my xbox controller, and left a big chip in the wall. It's so infuriating, and hard!!!


omg! for how long you played that game, 15 minutes and you are already raged over it? anyways, your comment made me laugh hahaha
  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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The only multiplayer game I play much at all is Call of Duty, and I play with a handicap to make the game more fun (I only use the throwing knife/ tomahawk). So when I lose I feel like I put up a really good fight considering my disadvantage, and when I win I feel like I'm incredibly awesome. It's a win-win.


I hardly ever lose single player games because I make sure I'm ridiculously prepared before I do anything. For example, I skip missions like Still in the Dark, I Could Make You Care, and even Come Fly with Me in Fallout: New Vegas until I have Boone or Veronica, at least 65 gun skill, and an Anti-Material Rifle. When I do lose though, its usually because I wasn't paying attention, and I just use that as an excuse while keeping my composure.

Edited by MelancholicMemory
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Usually when I'm playing a videogame, I try and try again to beat that level, but when I don't...


Posted Image


The only problem is when I do quit, I can't think of anything else BUT that level I'm trying to beat. I'd keep on thinking of what I could do to win it, and then I'd get so excited that I'd turn on my TV again and just try to beat it again. Then the cycle continues.


Basically I just growl a bit, then walk around my room in circles thinking what I can do to beat it. It's pretty funny, actually. :P

Edited by Pixiesong
  • Brohoof 5
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I absolutely hate losing period. It doesn't matter if it's in an argument, race, video game, sport, chess, or just about anything. I know that games were made to be fun and all, but wow am I ridiculously competitive. Case in point, I once lost a Smash Bros tournament at a convention when I was 16 and spent every night for an hour or two a piece training with Jigglypuff in order to beat the crap out of this guy next time I played him. After I beat him I rubbed it in his face and then I slowly questioned where my life was going if I wasted god knows how many hours over this.

Edited by Lord Bababa
  • Brohoof 1

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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I'm obsessed about keeping my hardware in good shape, so I don't throw controllers. If it's an online game, I just get annoyed, sometimes venting my annoyance in chat if it's an absolute bullcrap kill (blind lucksman spamming headshot in TF2, etc.)


In offline games, it depends on circumstances. If I lose at a boss or area I've been trying for hours, I gradually get more and more annoyed, to the point where I take a break and come at it fresh a few hours later, because my frustration is making me fail more.


If it's an absolute bullcrap thing killing me, such as an unpredictable pattern for an unavoidable attack, etc., I admit I've been brought to yelling.

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I'm only competitive in love.


Anything else, I'm a relaxed guy.


When I lose any kind of game I don't get upset, I don't scream. I congratulate the person who won. (Unless is the computer, then I just go whatever)



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Depends. I usually care more about K/D in CoD, but I also have a slight urge to win at the same time. In Team Deathmatch, doing both is easy, since K/D IS TDM's objective. Unfortunately, in something like Domination or Kill Confirmed, which both have other objectives that are crucial to winning, it's kind of a hassle. I especially don't take it well when I've done poorly, we lost, and the game has went against me (Ex. Enemy players play like asshats, teammates aren't good at all, or I get fucked over by spawns and shit).


Overall, though I try to have an atleast optimistic attitude, usually a loss makes an accomplishment I did in game a little less valuable. For instance, I got a M.O.A.B. in MW3 a few days ago with the G36C. While getting M.O.A.B.s are impressive and all, especially when the player ain't camping or using a douchy setup, I feel like it means less when I lose.


Of course, in a game like Black Ops, which doesn't have a massive streak like that, I don't exactly have to worry about that. All I have to worry is about are douchebag players or bad luck which will prevent me from getting the SR-71 Blackbird (Not all that hard, it's just that luck sometimes goes against me or I do stupid-ass decisions that get me killed).

Edited by spas-ticShotty



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I usually just get loud when I lose or die in the gayest ways possible in first person shooters. The only time I get really mad is when I play fallout 3 for a couple of hours then suddenly my save got corrupted....then bad things happen.

Edited by Retro_Derpy


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It depends I guess, I'm usually a rather calm gamer, I only ever play online with friends just because that's the only time I get enjoyment out of it. Though I won't hesitate to call someone out on a bullcrap kill. But it just makes me think about a new strategy to take them out, so they can't do it again.


If I am playing offline on my own though, I have been known to get a little frustrated and let out a creative and eloquent string of insults at a boss or puzzle. Though I get more annoyed at my own errors than at the game.


I think my worst case was back when I was 14/15 so my mood swings were bad then anyway. and I was playing Dynasty Warriors 5 extreme legends, because...well, I liked it. I was fighting Lu Bu (if you don't know, basically he's the toughest enemy in the game) When you are supposed to run, you can beat him, but he is ridiculous. (if you beat him, you get a cool weapon for being such a no-lifer)


So I got him right down to the last sliver of his health (bearing in mind, the more health you take off, the more powerful he gets). So he has all these upgrades, and I have full everything (you die if you get hit once, even if you block). I was gearing up to finish him on a super-long combo, he was stunned, it was magical.


Then. Something awful happened.


One. ONE. little tiny insignificant rat of a private, sliced me from behind, taking the smallest amount of health off me as possible. Such a small little attack. But it stopped my combo.


Lu bu recovered in the split second delay, dodged and blocked all my attacks.


Then he unleashed hell.


bearing in mind I died after the first hit. He proceeded to hit me over 300 times. Just to rub it in. I had to watch my character's limp body get thrown around for about two minutes. All because of that one private.


I was so frustrated I bit my controller.


Posted Image< this guy. this little [REDACTED] is the cause for my sorrow....I hate you, little man. I hate you so much.

Edited by !Luna




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When I have worked very hard to get where I am, then I lose, I don't really freak out... I just run around my house screaming, while maybe flipping over a few tables, and throwing my Xbox out the window... Not much really -_-

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In multiplayer games, I'm always a good sport. If I lose, it's all in good fun. Even if the other team/players are dicks and trash talking me, I just laugh it off and taunt them back (even when I'm losing, which really pisses some people off).


However, when playing SP, I get REALLY into it. I get legitimately pissed if I lose in a stupid way. I've broken a PS2 controller to Soul Calibur induced rage. I punch walls, kick shit, throw things, and swear violently when stupid things that I have little control over end up killing me, especially if it's something I usually have no problem with.

Although, I do keep my head enough that the things I punch, kick, and throw are soft, so nothing breaks. Well, except that PS2 controller, but you'd be pissed too if you were going through a dungeon on story mode and the generic fodder enemies randomly pulled huge combos out of nowhere and destroyed you repeatedly >_<

  • Brohoof 3

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I'm a horribly sore loser.


I tend to yell, shout, scream, and throw the remotes at the screen.... and this is only what happens when I lose playing Mario Kart. ;______;

Edited by Pinkazoid
  • Brohoof 1




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When I lose I remain calm on the outside, but within I get the growing need to win build up. I just keep trying, over and over, until I eventually kick the game where it counts and give a victory cheer. If its an online game, I generally just whoop butt and enjoy the feel without gloating, or I don't whoop butt and I just accept that today is not my day.

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I get really, really, really, really angry at the game and my opponent, especially if it someone I know. I control my anger and never show any negative emotions. I'm pretty passive-aggressive.


Me reaching this point very rarely happens,however.


If I'm doing well, I act the same. Always pretty cool and collected, except for the occasional yelling of "Bitch!" when I kill someone.

Edited by Twiliscael



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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