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Which Episode First Made You Love the Show/Become a Brony?


How many episodes did it take you to like the show?  

239 users have voted

  1. 1. The amount of episodes you watched before becoming a brony.

    • 1
    • 2 - 3
    • 4 - 6
    • 7 - 10
    • It took me a whole season for me to like it.
    • 0
    • After finishing episode 1 and 2

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When i say "that episode" you're probably wondering what i mean, simple what was the episode that made you realize you were a brony and now actually loved the show?


This is different from your favorite episode, this is basically your "first" favorite episode in terms of when you watched it you immediately thought it was the best one you'd seen up to that point, and now actually considered yourself a brony. Consider it your "Welcome to the herd" episode. Was it one of the character driven episodes like Dragonshy or Rainboom, that defined your favorite character, or maybe you were a full out brony after watching episode 1/2.



-For me, when i first started watching i watched carefully. It was good, in fact great. But i was waiting to see if any episode would WOW me, and decide my favorite pony of the 6.


Defiantly Suited For Success was "that episode" for me, oh dear god i couldn't get enough Rarity and My little Pony after that. it was the first time i fell in love with a character. and i guess she stayed my favorite as well (unless my username is lying). and although my favorite episode is now May The Best Pet Win. Suited will remain the episode that OFFICIALLY turned me brony, and as we all know once you go brony you don't go back.

  • Brohoof 17
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It was rather late in the show, actually--The Last Roundup was when I officially declared myself the best fan of Applejack. Before so, I couldn't decide between her and Twilight Sparkle.


But I haven't really called myself a brony at all, much. I guess it's by the end of the last episode when I finally decided to be "part of the herd".

  • Brohoof 4
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But I haven't really called myself a brony at all, much. I guess it's by the end of the last episode when I finally decided to be "part of the herd".


Wow, didn't expect that late of a "bloomer" but i can understand Aj hasn't had many episode (like frakking none), but i love Over A Barrel and The Last Roundup. I thought that it was a fantasitic episode, oh And Super Speedy... is frakking awesome too.

  • Brohoof 2
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Ooh, the episode to have that effect on me would be Applebuck Season, episode 4, season 1. (Caught me early)


Up until that point the show had shown me that it was at least written with the viewer being intelligent in mind. But there was nothing there to quite suck me in yet, sure I giggled at a few Pinkie segments and at Fluttershy when she corrected herself on only cleaning Twilight's house to get the extra ticket, but there wasn't really anything to anchor me down to any of the characters yet.


I knew that Applejack already had strong family ties, as well as a strong work ethic due to her being a farm pony, also in that she introduced her entire family in the first episode, which are things I can relate to, yet she also demonstrated how even though she was always willing to help her friends and neighbors out, (another trait I identify with) she also can't stand to ask others for help. Right there I'm like, "Whoa... Applejack... You can't pick all those apples." (I'd seen the parodies before seeing the actual show.) and as the episode went on I couldn't help but feel I would probably do the same thing if I were in her predicament. That's when I noticed I was being empathetic with a cartoon horse intended for girls. "Yeah... I like this show." Is all I said, I finished the episode and have watched them all since, now I await season three, cause it comes out two days before my birthday! :D

  • Brohoof 1
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"Whoa... Applejack... You can't pick all those apples."


"Hey guys, check it out applejacks eating a s--tload of apples."


I didn't watch the parodies before the show so imagine my face exploring the infinite amount of fan-created awesomeness, what other show has that? No other show i tells ya.

  • Brohoof 7
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The grand gala episode. Song was captivating the unexpected twist of plans all perfect. When Fluttershy cried "YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!" I immediately obeyed. =)



This, minus the seizure hazard.


I started with the two-part pilot, but that didn't interest me. A few months later, I happened upon the Grand Gala episode (Best Night Ever). That episode seized me, bound me, and assimilated me into the fandom. There was this charm and addictive quality that I just couldn't fight. I tried to resist, honestly. And I had tried to resist for months before.


But I learned that resistance was futile. I was a brony, and I continue to be a brony to this very day.

Edited by Aquila
  • Brohoof 3
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It wasn't an episode for me, it was actually a song. This one:



It had been in my Suggestions on YouTube for a couple weeks. Every time I saw it, I just thought: "No! I'm not going to listen to you! Go the hell away!" I hated Bronies and anything to do with the Brony fandom back then. After two straight weeks of trying to get it to go away, I finally clicked on it. As soon as the song started, I found myself thinking: "Damn it, this song is awesome." That sounds kind of cheesy when I recount it, but that's exactly what happened. Yee.

  • Brohoof 8

how even is otter and how can it be if

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I liked the show a lot after the first episode, but Dragonshy made it my favorite show (not that I watch much TV, it surpassed Phineas and Ferb since that show has declined). I liked how it flushed out the character's by showing how they each tackled a problem, Since I watch largely for the characters and how fun it is to watch them play off of each other character development is always a plus. I especially died laughing at Dash's nod to the dragon (she was always best pony, she just extended her lead there). But yeah, several episodes have pulled me further into the show, but Dragonshy was the first significant one.

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It wasn't an episode for me, it was actually a song. This one:





Thats almost cheating, nobody can resist the beats of Alex S. clicking on his music is like an Auto-Brony button. :P

If all the anti-bronies heard our fan bases music they'd probably drop to their knees and praise celestia as well.

  • Brohoof 3
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It came gradually for me. I watched the pilot episodes, but they didn't really do a lot for me other than make me think "okay, this show has potential". It was episodes 3-7 (ticket master - dragonshy) that made me a brony. I don't think I can nail down a specific episode that i started a non-brony and ended a brony, but I can definitely say that I was non-brony before ticket master and brony after Dragonshy.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I realized my potential to be a brony when I was watching some MLP youtube poops featuring Discord, and then I watched some clips of Discord, and then (skipping unnecessarily dark, sad, and complex part of story)


I watched The Return of Harmony. After that I'm proud to call myself a Brony.



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Last Halloween when Luna Eclipsed was out, was just looking around in the Flood forums on B.net when someone posted they'd be watching that episode, clicked on it thinking it can't be that bad so I watched it, loved it and was hooked ever since.

Partly one of the reasons why Luna is one of my favourite characters too.

  • Brohoof 2
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I wouldn't really say that it was because of a specific episode that i become a Brony. I watched the first 5 episodes on Youtube and when I saw that they were all consistently amazing i decided to torrent the first season in 1080p. Half way through season one I decided that i'd watch the second season as well and downloaded the 1080 version of that.


Never looked back since :)

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, it was kinda gradual for me, but Pinkie's no fear song had a great impact on me. Up until that moment i was like "Well, its kinda ok, but nothing special", but when i heard her sing i totaly psyched out: "zomg, its got awesome cute songs too???", and preety much fell in love.


Even though Pinkie made me a brony, Fluttershy is still my favourite <3


sry Pinkie :(

  • Brohoof 1



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Well, "Griffon the Brush-Off" was when I knew that I really liked this show and would continue watching it. I even began throwing the word "brony" around. But what really made me one was "At the Gala." The episode it was in was amazing too, one of my top favorites, but damn, that song! It's just magnificent.


  • Brohoof 2

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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It's hard for me to say. When I first started watching the show I liked it, but I don't think I got to involved in the brony community for a while. I think the episode that got me the most involved was Baby Cakes. The 2 characters Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, I just liked. So I wanted to see what people would come up for with them. In the end I wrote my own fan fic about them. So thats my episode.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I actually watched all the episodes and although i called myself a brony a few episodes in, I knew it was official when I went back to the first episode se01e01 and saw the scripture in the episode. LOL Been seeing it ever since...

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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Not really sure for me. I started when most of season 1 was done but sometime before mid season I was hooked and really started to like the show. I concidered myself a Brony when I started to think of a few fan fic's. Don't remember when in the show that was though.

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For me it is hard to pinpoint "that episode" I did cheat a little by watching the Discord two parter first and I didn't even consider myself a fan of the show yet but I loved Discord form the moment I saw him. A few more episodes later I said "yeeeuuup I am definitely a fan but I wouldn't call myself a brony" and several episodes, a few fan fictions and a bunch of fan art later I just came to the conclusion that I am thinking about ponys so much that I might as well just call myself a brony.

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For me, I don't think it was the show itself. I mean, I was really impressed by the first episode and pretty much liked it from the get-go. I think it was more my first experience with the community and Equestria Daily that made me consider the title of brony, I suppose? I mean, just the music and the art and the stories that were coming out of the fandom really impressed me. It was cool. It made me think, "Wow, jeez, this is what was sparking all the hate? Seriously?"


(...That being said, there are some fans I've met who...lack social graces, let's say.)


But, yeah, I'd say it was more that than the show itself.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have watched the show from the very first episode just out of curiosity. I kept asking myself all the time 'why I was submitting myself to that', until I hit the Winter Wrap-Up episode. There, I started thinking "...This might actually be a good show." Then I gradually began to light a small 'brony flame' inside my heart. :3


The same thing happened when I reached Green Isn't Your Color, and finally The Best Night Ever. As soon as I finished Season 1, I was already fully "converted".

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